Brooke Point High School - Stafford County Public Schools

Brooke Point High School

Junior/Senior Handbook



“Be Proud”

Presented by:

The Counseling Department

Table of Contents

Introductions 2

Junior Year Tips & Tidbits 3

Senior Year Tips & Tidbits 4

The World of Work 5

Requesting a Job Interview 6

The Job Interview 7

Military Service Branches 9

Technical/Trade Schools & Business Schools 11

Community College Information 13

Guaranteed Admissions Agreement 15

Four-Year College Information 16

SAT vs. ACT 19

SAT & ACT Testing Dates and Deadlines 20

How to Use Naviance for the College Application Process 21

Additional Tools Available in Naviance 24

College-Bound Athletes 25

Internet Resources 26

Mark your calendars!

• College Fair at Spotsylvania Towne Centre Mall October 17, 2018 from 6:30 – 8:30 pm. Students must register online at

• ASVAB test date: October 17, 2017, with a study session on October 4, 2017. Sign up in counseling.


The clock is ticking….Before you know it,

you will be graduating!

Throughout the remainder of this year and next, you will be making decisions that will affect the type of job/career that will be available to you.

Your job/career will, to a great extent, determine your lifestyle and thus significantly affect the degree of happiness or satisfaction you feel about your life.

It is very important that you take time to do research, make thoughtful decisions, and plan carefully for your future.

Some suggestions:

- Speak with people in your life who have done things that interest you

- Access the school’s website (click on the Counseling tab)

- Use the Naviance “Family Connection” program online to explore careers and research schools that will help you with the training you need to reach your career goals.

- Create your resume using Naviance to include your activities, work experience, awards, community service, etc.

- Take advantage of any opportunity you may have to go places, do things, and meet people that may give you information about careers and the education you need to enter those careers.

And of course, if you need help planning that next step, your counselor is here to help!

The Brooke Point High School Counseling Department

|A-Cl |Ms. Simoniz |

|Co-Haq |Ms. Zurasky |

|Har-Me |Mrs. Falk |

|Mi-Sa |Ms. Tuxbury |

|Sc-Z |Dr. Bridges |

|Itinerant Counselor |Ms. Gardella |

Junior Year (Tips and Tidbits)


o Plan to attend financial aid and college nights in your community.

o Investigate careers of interest.

o Take the PSAT/NMSQT test. This test will help you prepare to take the SAT in the Spring. It also establishes your eligibility for the National Merit Scholarship Program.

o Approach professionals and tradespeople with questions. Talk to family friends, friends of friends, friends of teachers, etc. to learn about different careers.

o Search for volunteer or internship opportunities – this is a great way to find out whether a career is for you!

o Research colleges. Search for your programs of interest online. Both CollegeBoard and Naviance are great tools to use, in addition to college websites!

o Make a list of important factors. What factors are the most important to you when considering your future college? Class size? Campus size? Campus location? Majors available?

o Make a list of prospective colleges. You can use Naviance’s “Colleges I’m Thinking About” feature!

o Attend college and/or career fairs.

o Create a professional email address, i.e. jsmith@

o Continue to be involved at school and in your community. If you are not involved, get involved! You’ll build your resume and make connections.


o Review your transcript and course selections for senior year to ensure you will meet graduation requirements.

o Narrow your list of prospective colleges or careers.

o Complete the FAFSA4Caster to estimate your eligibility for aid:

o Take the SAT or ACT (see page 19 for dates and deadlines).

o If you’re planning on going to a 2-year or 4-year college, visit colleges.

o If you’re planning on going into the military, talk to local military recruiters (page 9) and plan to take the ASVAB.

o If you’re going into the workforce, start searching for jobs.

o Research scholarship and grant opportunities.

o Look for summer jobs to help with costs.

o Start thinking about who you want to ask for letters of recommendation and references. You should ask teachers in April/May of your junior year to write you a letter of recommendation. This will make it easier in the fall!


o Begin researching scholarship opportunities.

o Consider visiting colleges/universities during summer break.

o Summer is a great time to get a job or an internship to help build your resume!

Senior Year (Tips and Tidbits)

1. Transcript requests require a fee of $2.00 per paper transcript for the 2018-2019 school year. Transcripts will not be sent until the fee is paid. This fee covers mailing, paper, copying, envelopes, etc. Electronic transcripts are free. Please refer to the Naviance instructions (page 21) to identify whether the college/university accepts electronic transcripts.

2. Check the college/university’s minimum and maximum number of letters of recommendation required. If a college says no more than one letter of recommendation, do not sent more than one. Please give your teachers at least a two-week notice when asking for recommendation letters. All recommendation letters can be submitted electronically through Naviance.

3. Scholarship information is provided through announcements, electronic newsletters, and on the Counseling Department webpage online at . You can also check on Twitter @BPHScounseling. It is important to be proactive regarding scholarships as many are available that only receive a handful of applications.

4. Names on diplomas will be listed as first name, middle name, and last name as school records indicate. If you want any variance on this, you must fill out a form in counseling requesting a change. A parent or guardian must approve the change by signing the diploma name request form.

5. Colleges often visit BPHS to speak with seniors interested in attending their school. Announcements will be made as to the dates and times, as they become known, and seniors may sign up with Mrs. Gosé in Counseling. Please note that missing class to attend a college visit is at the discretion of the teacher.

6. SOL test results can affect graduation status. A student on a Standard diploma must have passed 2 English SOLs, 1 Math SOL, 1 Science SOL, 1 Social Studies SOL, and 1 additional. A student on the Advanced Studies diploma needs to pass 2 English, 2 Math, 2 Science, 2 Social Studies and 1 additional. Any student transferring from an out-of-state or private school during 10th, 11th, or 12th grade may have an adjustment to the number of SOLs required. Please see your counselor regarding this adjustment.

7. Retakes for the 11th grade English Writing test will be given on October.  If you have completed English 11 but have not received a verified credit in the writing portion due to an unsuccessful previous attempt, or because you are new to Virginia, please make sure Mrs. Thompson in the Counseling office is aware of this so you may be given this October testing opportunity.  If you are new to BPHS but were in another Virginia school, make sure Mrs. Thompson has your scores from that school.  The second attempt for the Writing SOL is November 12th-December 7th, and any retakes for non-Writing SOLs will be in December.  Released test items from previous SOLs may be found at .  They provide wonderful tools for preparing for an SOL test, remediation, and information for students new to Virginia that must take an SOL test in a course completed at a previous school.  Additional information can be found on the BPHS website under the SOL Testing tab.

8. Students who do not meet graduation requirements, for whatever reason, by the last day of school, will not be participating in the June graduation ceremony. Students who complete graduation requirements over the summer will be invited to participate in a county-wide graduation ceremony in August.

9. Senior dues are $75, which include cap & gown, prom, and senior picnic; $40 if participating in graduation only.

10. Be sure to bring a copy of your college/military acceptance letter to Counseling when you have made your final decision. We will post your name on our College Decision Board in Counseling in your honor and include this information in the graduation program. We will also tweet out the good news! Please bring us notification of any scholarship you receive as well so that we may honor you at Senior Awards Night!

11. Use a professional email address, i.e. jsmith@, on your college applications, and be sure to check it often. Colleges will contact you if they are missing any important documents, such as SAT scores.

12. Clean up any social media accounts- Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, etc. Colleges, the military, and potential employers can and do check your profiles, even if they are set to private… Trust us!

The World of Work

If you are planning to go directly into the workforce, the first thing to consider is if you will be satisfied with a “job” or if you want to work towards a “career.” Many jobs offer benefits, such as health insurance and tuition reimbursement programs, which are worth exploring through the company’s human resources department.

Career Job

About: A career is the pursuit of a A job is an activity through

lifelong ambition or the which an individual can earn

general course of progression money. It is a regular activity

towards lifelong goals. in exchange for payment.

Requires: Usually requires special Education or Special training

training may or may not be required.

Time: Long term Short term

Another option is an apprenticeship or internship. Either one of these opportunities allows you to learn “on the job.” “Internship” generally applies to office-type professions and the choices are just as broad.


How do I find an apprenticeship or internship?

As information comes in, it is posted in the “Counseling News and Information” section. Trade unions and organizations may also be helpful resources. You can also directly approach a business you would like to work with. Treat it just like a job interview!

You may or may not be paid for your apprentice or intern position, and often there is a fixed time period on these opportunities. Generally at the end of your apprenticeship/internship you are able to apply for full time positons.

Contact the Virginia Employment Commission for more information:

Applying for a Job

Most jobs will have a required application. Make sure to fill them out legibly using professional language, capitalization, grammar, and correct spelling. Some jobs will also require a resume and cover letter.

When writing your cover letter, be sure to:

• Type the letter

• Use 8 ½” X 11” white or cream paper

• Address the letter to a specific individual, whenever possible

• State the type(s) of position(s) that interest you

• Be clear, brief, and businesslike

• Have someone proofread your letter for spelling mistakes, proper grammar, and clarity

• Be sure to mention you would like to be contacted about an interview at the end of the letter

The Resume

Below is a sample outline of a resume. Include only the headings that apply to your situation and give emphasis to those items which clearly support your career objectives. Remember, your resume is your first impression…this is how you present yourself to your potential employer! Naviance is a great tool to help you write your resume – simply enter your information and it will produce a formatted, ready-to-go resume!

Name (in BOLD type)

Address (include zip code)

Telephone number

Career Objective: (This is a good idea if you are posting your resume on a search engine, such as )

A brief description of the type of position you wish to be considered for. This can be stated (1) by job title, (2) by level or type of responsibility, (3) in terms of skills you wish to use or develop, or (4) a combination of all three.

Example: (1) Sales Representative, (2) with responsibility for identifying and building a client base, and (3) utilizing my skills in organization and communications. Avoid being overly restrictive.


Include your expected or actual date of graduation

Work Experience:

List position title, description of responsibilities, tasks performed and dates covered. This section may include full and part-time work experience, summer jobs, volunteer experiences, and extracurricular activities that involved tasks performed.


List memberships and offices held, description of responsibilities and tasks performed.

Honors and Awards:

List any honors and awards you have received.

Additional Skills:

Computer (hardware and software), foreign language proficiency, for example

Extracurricular activities:

List all activities in or out of school along with the dates you were actively involved


“References available upon request” is sufficient. It is not appropriate to list your references on your resume. Type them neatly on a separate sheet that you can provide to the interviewer when requested.

The Job Interview


• Make certain you know exactly where the interview will be held and what you are expected to bring with you. Find out for whom you should ask and the name of the person who will interview you. Remember those names! Inquire about parking or public transportation.

• Be familiar with the company or agency. You may be asked why you want to work for them.

• Dress properly. Conservative business clothing should be worn for any job interview. Limit your application of colognes and perfumes. Invading aromas can arouse allergies. Hairstyles and make-up should also be conservative.


• Be prompt. Arrive 5-10 minutes early.

• Leave your cell phone in your car!

• Be pleasant in greeting your interviewer and other personnel with a firm handshake.

• While you should be relaxed, it is also important that you sit straight and don’t chew gum or smoke.


• Introduce yourself and shake the interviewer’s hand. Wait for the interviewer to invite you to be seated.

• State your purpose and give the interviewer your resume.

• Maintain comfortable eye contact with the interviewer throughout the interview.

• Supply brief, accurate answers but not limited to “yes” and “no” answers. Give specific examples from your life when possible.

• Be prepared to answer some broad, general questions such as “Why do you want to work for the organization?” and “Where do you plan to be in your career in five years?”

• Ask questions! You don’t want to start the interview with salary discussions, but it is important that you know what the job pays, what benefits are included, and what the work hours will be.

• Be attentive, alert, and interested. Be a good listener.

• If you have more than one person interviewing you at once, make sure you briefly address both people with your gaze and return your attention to the person who asked you the question.

• Display confidence

• Before you leave, make certain you understand if there are any further actions you should take and when you will be notified of your status.

• Thank the interviewer and shake their hand again.

Follow up:

• Send a written thank-you note to the interviewer or email a thank-you within one business day.

For more interviewing tips, go to:

The 45 Most Common Interview Questions

1. How did you learn about this job?

2. What can I do for you?

3. Why are you interested in joining our organization?

4. Is there anything you would like to explain or change on your job application form?

5. What makes you believe that you are qualified for the job?

6. What do you think you can do for us?

7. Have you ever worked as a (name of job) before?

8. What made you become a (name of job)?

9. What do you think would be the best job for you?

10. What would you like to be doing five years from now? Ten years from now?

11. Tell me about yourself.

12. Tell me about your education.

13. What was your grade point average?

14. What subjects did you like best?

15. What subjects did you like least?

16. What activities did you take part in when you were in school?

17. How many days of school did you miss?

18. Have you had any special training for this job?

19. Tell me about your jobs you have had.

20. Which job duties did you like the best?

21. Which job duties did you like the least?

22. Why should I hire you?

23. How do you fit the requirements for this job?

24. What are your three greatest strengths for this job?

25. What are your three greatest limitations for this job?

26. Do you have any physical conditions that may limit your ability to do this work?

27. Which of your job supervisors did you like the best? Why?

28. Which of your job supervisors did you like the least? Why?

29. How do you get along with people?

30. What kind of people do you like to work with the most?

31. What kind of people do you like to work with least?

32. What machines or equipment can you operate?

33. How many days of work did you miss at (name of employer)?

34. Why have you changed jobs so many times?

35. Have you ever been fired or asked to resign?

36. Why have you been out of work so long?

37. Why did you leave your previous job?

38. Is there anything else about your work record you would like to tell me about?

39. Is there anything else in your personal life that you think I should know about?

40. Have you ever been convicted of a felony crime?

41. What salary do you have in mind?

42. What is the lowest salary you would accept?

43. Are you still interested in working for us?

44. How do you plan to get to and from work if you are hired?

45. When would you be able to start work if you are hired?

Military Service Branches

The U.S. Military consists of five active-duty Services and their respective Guard and Reserve units. All branches are equal parts of the United States Uniformed Services, headed by the President as Commander-in-Chief. The Army, Marine Corps, Navy and Air Force fall under the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense (DoD). The Coast Guard reports to the Department of Homeland Security during peacetime and to the DoD (by way of the Navy) during wartime.

Reserve and National Guard units perform as active-duty service members on a part-time basis. These troops train close to home, deploying when needed to aid in international conflict or domestic disaster relief.

Army - As the oldest branch of the U.S. Military, the Army protects the security of the United States and its resources.

Army Reserve - The Army Reserve trains part-time near home until needed, deploying alongside the Army.

Army National Guard - Army National Guard members deploy with the Army on a part-time basis, with a special focus on homeland security and relief programs.

Marine Corps - The smallest branch of the U.S. Military, the Marine Corps is often first on the ground in combat situations.

Marine Corps Reserve - Marine Corps reservists train domestically until needed, then deploy with the rest of the Corps.

Navy - The Navy defends the right to travel and trade freely on the world’s oceans and protects national interests overseas.

Navy Reserve - The Navy Reserve trains service members close to home until they are needed in action.

Air Force - The U.S. Air Force protects American interests at home and abroad with a focus on air power.

Air Force Reserve - The Air Force Reserve gives service members the opportunity to train and serve on a part-time basis, as needed.

Air Guard - The Air Guard trains part-time to assist in domestic disasters and international conflicts.

Coast Guard - The Coast Guard protects America’s waterways and deploys with the Navy during wartime.

Coast Guard Reserve - The Coast Guard Reserve offers a part-time service opportunity for service members to train near home.

Military Requirements for Minimum ASVAB Score

|Military Branch |AFQT Score |

|Air Force |36 |

|Army |31 |

|Coast Guard |40 |

|Marine Corps |32 |

|Navy |35 |

Local Military Recruiters

Updated 9/12/2018

|SFC Kathy Hopkins |Army National Guard Recruiter |

| |1700 Jefferson Davis Hwy |

| |Fredericksburg, VA 22401 |

| |(540) 899-4022 (Office) |

| |(540) 899-4032 (Fax) |

| |(434) 962-7253 (Cell) |

| | |

|SSgt Matthew Davis |U.S. Air Force Recruiting Office |

| |14029 Crossing Place |

| |Woodbridge, VA 22192 |

| |(703) 497-5368 (Fax) |

| |(703) 200-8148 (Cell) |

| | |

|Sgt. Evin McNamara |U.S. Army Recruiting Station |

| |1515 Stafford Market Place Ste. 107 |

| |Stafford, VA 22556 |

| |(540) 720-7496 (Fax) |

| |(540) 306-5137 (Cell) |

| | |

|YNCS Rodney Pearson |U.S. Coast Guard Recruiter |

| |USCG Potomac Mills |

| |2721 Potomac Mills Circle |

| |Woodbridge, VA 22192 |

| |(703) 490-5021 |

| |(703) 490-5089 (Fax) |

| | |

|Sgt. Randy Price |U.S. Marine Corps Recruiter |

| |1515 Stafford Market Place Suite 107 |

| |Stafford, VA 22556 |

| |(540) 659-5452 |

| |(540) 659-0310 (Fax) |

| |(540) 303-3818 (Cell) |

| | |

|AT1 Michael Willson |U.S. Navy Recruiter |

| |1515 Stafford Market Place, Ste. 107 |

| |Stafford, VA 22556 |

| |(540) 657-6778 |

| |(540) 657-1062 (Fax) |

| |(571) 309-7461 |

| | |

Technical/Trade Schools & Business Schools

Technical, trade and business programs allow students to focus on a specific subject. For students who are decided on their future career, often technical schools can help them achieve those goals faster and cheaper than a traditional college or university. Although, most community colleges function as a combination of general studies and technical school, and might have programs appealing to students looking at technical schools.

So what makes these postsecondary programs so appealing to students and employers?

1. Hands on training

By focusing on hands-on training, vocational schools produce a breed of graduates who are industry-relevant. The emphasis on gaining experience ensures that trade school graduates can literally walk into their chosen industry and be successful!

2. Up-to-date Curriculum

Technical schools constantly revise their curricula to meet the demands of the work world. Most professors, being from the workplace themselves, are able to provide practical knowledge to their students.

3. Cost and Time Savings

Courses in trade schools are of much shorter duration than universities, so you spend less time and money and time studying. Also, the shorter duration allows you to start earning much sooner, perhaps 2-3 years ahead of your university counterparts. Please be aware that technical, trade and business schools also offer scholarships and financial aid as well.

4. Personalized Learning Atmosphere

Trade schools are comprised of small batches of students who are extremely focused on their career paths. This focused group is a great way to build meaningful networks that will last throughout your career. Smaller groups of students in your classes also means that you will get individualized attention and can spend more time being “coached.”

5. Flexible classes

Trade schools are student friendly. Students can either attend full-time or opt to study online, enroll in evening classes or study part-time. Flexible enrollment options make it feasible for students to work as they study.

6. Apprenticeship programs

Many trade schools offer apprenticeship programs. Others offer internship programs, which give students hand-on-experience in a real-world setting. Many apprenticeship programs will provide employment after successful completion of their program.

*Adapted from

Technical Schools Trade Schools Business Schools

technology carpentry business management

computers automotive finance

software electricity

The Apprentice School - : Offers a variety of trade programs related to shipbuilding, including electrician, HVAC, welding, and machinist amount others. All accepted students pay no fees and are paid for their work during their apprenticeship.

ATI (Advanced Technology Institute) Based in Virginia Beach, ATI offers degree and diploma programs in automotive, diesel/ heavy vehicle technology, HVAC (Heating, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Program)

Culpeper Cosmetology Training Center Students in the Cosmetology Program are taught the basic foundation of cosmetology with courses in anatomy, sculpting and cutting, shampooing, grooming tools, sanitation and hygiene, as well as advanced courses such as hair texture, color, skin care, and nail care.

Eastern Virginia Career College (EVCC) Located in Fredericksburg, EVCC provides certificate programs in Practical Nurse Education, Medical Assistant, Health Information Technician, Medical Massage Therapy, Esthetics/Master Esthetics, Nurse Aide, Medication Aide, Nail and Wax Technicians.

Full Sail : Full Sail offers Associate’s Degrees for creative minds include Computer Animation, Digital Arts & Design, Entertainment Business, Film, Game Development, Recording Arts, and Show Production & Touring.

Graham Webb Academy : Offers programs for students of cosmetology and aesthetics, and additional classes in cosmetics.

Spotsylvania Career and Technical Center : Affiliated with Spotsylvania County schools, this center offers adult courses in Plumbing, Electricity, HVAC, and Cosmetology. The Center also supports students in finding apprenticeship placements.

Strayer University Many local campuses offer programs in computer information systems, marketing, economics, contract management, accounting, and more!

Virginia Beach Technical and Career Education Center : Affiliated with Virginia Beach public schools the center offers a large variety of programs from culinary arts to cosmetology to welding and everything in between.

Virginia Technical Institute : Located near Roanoke, VTI offers courses in Carpentry, Electrical, HVAC, Plumbing, and Welding as well as assisting students in finding apprenticeships.

Wyotech Wyotech provides programs in automotive technology and collision, motorcycle and marine technology, Residential HVAC, plumbing and electricity.

For a conclusive list, check out , which provides a directory of trade/technical & business schools by state and by area of interest. Make sure to check your local Community College programs first, it could save you a lot of money!

Thinking about going to a Community College after High School?

What exactly is a Community College?

• Examples are Germanna Community College and NOVA (Northern Virginia Community College)

• Public college that’s close to home

• Offers 2-year associate’s degrees, certificate programs and career training

• An economical (cheap!) way to begin a 4-year Bachelor’s degree with built-in transfer programs

• Has classes at all different times of the day and several locations

How much does it cost?

Tuition and fees for community colleges are based on the number of credits that you take. One class is typically 3-4 credits. If you figure in the cost of tuition, you can expect to pay about $5,000 per year for either NOVA or Germanna if you attend full-time.

What programs are offered at Community College? Get out your magnifying glasses, there’s a lot!

Germanna Community College:

Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA):

How do I sign up?

Step 1 Complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) anytime after October 1


• This is the form that determines if you qualify for financial aid

• You will need your parents/guardians’ help to complete all the information

• Complete the form ASAP! You can do it all online, and your information will be saved for next year.

Step 2 Apply Online! Click on Admissions from the homepage: April/May Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA) Germanna Community College

• Be sure to also complete the application for in-state tuition rates.

• After you apply, the college will give you a Student Identification Number. Keep this handy!

When should I apply?

Plan to apply in the spring of your senior year, sometime in April or May. Leave time to be sure that you

have completed all the necessary paperwork and placement testing!

Step 3 Make an Appointment with an Admissions Counselor April/May

• Just like your School Guidance Counselor in high school, College Admissions Counselors will help you figure out the best course of study for your future goals.

• Especially important if you plan to transfer to a 4-year College to be sure that your classes will transfer.

Step 4 Take the necessary Placement Tests May

• You may have to take placement tests in Reading, Writing, and Math

• If you have taken the SAT and scored high enough, you may not need to take the placement tests.

• These tests determine if you need a developmental course before you begin college classes.

Step 5 Request a Transcript from your High School to be sent to the Community College May/June

Step 6 Register for Classes for the following Fall semester Early June

• Check the colleges’ websites for the Registration dates!

• The earlier you register, the more likely you will be able to take the classes you want at the times and places that you want. If you snooze, you lose!

• Registration can be done online, in person, and sometimes over the telephone. Be sure to have your log-in information if you plan to register online.

Step 7 Settle your Bill June/July

• Finalize any financial aid paperwork

• Work out a payment plan with the College

How do I get there from here?

Germanna Community College currently has 4 campuses: Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA)

currently has5 campuses and a Medical Center:

Fredericksburg Area Campus

(near the new Massaponax South Point shopping area) Woodbridge


Locust Grove Campus Annandale

(Rt. 3 West past Lake of the Woods Neighborhood) Manassas

Medical Center (Springfield)

Culpepper Center for Advanced Technology

(Rt. 3 West in Culpepper)

Stafford County Center

2761 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 107

(540) 891-3000 (703) 323-3000

Guaranteed Admission Agreements

Many 2-year colleges have partnerships with 4-year schools that allow students to transfer easily. The Virginia Community College System (VCCS) has guaranteed admission agreements with both public and many private 4-year colleges in Virginia. Students must meet certain requirements set forth by the 4-year institution, such as maintaining a minimum GPA and be enrolled in a transfer degree program. If the requirements are met, the student is guaranteed admission to the 4-year college. Germanna Community College and Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA) offer transfer degree programs that can guarantee admission to specific colleges and universities. This is only a partial list of colleges/universities participating in this program. For a full list visit:

Virginia’s Public Colleges and Universities:

• Christopher Newport University

• College of William and Mary

• George Mason University

• Longwood University

• Norfolk State University

• Old Dominion University

• Radford University

o Radford – Nursing

• University of Mary Washington

• University of Virginia

o UVA – Engineering

o UVA – Nursing

• University of Virginia College at Wise

• Virginia Commonwealth University

o VCU - Nursing

o VCU – Engineering

• Virginia State University

• Virginia Tech

o Virginia Tech – College of Agriculture and Life Science

o Virginia Tech – College of Engineering

Virginia’s Private Colleges and Universities:

• Bluefield College

o Bluefield College – Nursing

• Emory and Henry College

• Ferrum College

• Hollins University

• Jefferson Collee of Health Sciences

• Liberty University

• Lynchburg College

o Lynchburg College – Nursing

• Mary Baldwin College

o Mary Baldwin College - Nursing

• Randolph College

• Randolph-Macon College

• Regent University

• Shenandoah University

• Sweet Briar College

• Virginia Union University

• Virginia Wesleyan College

For additional schools and admission requirements, visit . It is strongly recommended that you meet with a counselor at the 2-year college to determine what courses will transfer to 4-year schools. Do not assume that every class is transferable!

Planning to Attend a Four-Year College or University

What can you do to start planning for college?

• Research different schools through use of the internet, and speaking with graduates who are attending different colleges. You can also attend the college visitations to BPHS. Many schools send their representatives to us to make it easier for our students to receive information. See Mrs. Gose’, in Counseling, for the current visitation schedule.

• Try to decide what factors are important to you:

o Does the college have the program you want to major in?

o What is the distance from home?

o Should you stay in-state or go out-of-state?

o What is the cost?

o What is the average class size?

o What admissions tests are required? (SAT Reasoning Test, SAT Subject Tests, ACT)

o Does the college offer the activities that you enjoy?

• Set up several campus visitations

o Call ahead to schedule a tour, visit classes and residence halls.

o Have a meal in the dining hall.

o Talk with students, ask why they chose the college.

o Talk to professors, if possible.

o Decide if you feel comfortable there.

o Wander around the campus by yourself.

o Walk or drive around the community surrounding the campus.

o Participate in a group information session at the admissions office.

o Browse in the college bookstore.

What do colleges look for?

Most admissions officers will consider the following factors in the admissions process.

Individual colleges, however, will differ in how this information is weighted and evaluated.

• Difficulty of Curriculum

• Grade Point Average (GPA)

• Class Rank

• SAT and/or ACT Scores

• Extracurricular Activities/Volunteer Work

• Honors and Awards

• Recommendations

• Personal Essays

• Interviews and/or Auditions

Researching Colleges 101

With over 9,000 colleges and universities in this country, there are a lot of choices for you to find a school that you can call home! Don’t just research one school. You’ll be surprised at how many schools fit your needs, and even more surprised at how many of them have different admission requirements and financial aid packages.

The Internet is one of the best ways to research both colleges and the college admission process. Almost every college has its own Web site. There are also many Web sites that provide information on colleges and search engines for finding schools. Here’s a list to get you started:

Naviance Student (Colleges(Find Your Fit( SuperMatch


Opportunities Workbook: The Opportunities booklet helps high school students choose the right college, understand admission requirements, identify types of financial aid and more.

Check the Common Application website at to see if your college or university participates in this admissions program. It saves you time by simplifying the admissions process!

*As Juniors, you can create your Common App Account and complete the basic Common App. Sections. Information in the Common App Sections will carry over into your Senior year (excluding essays).

College guidebooks are helpful, but often subjective. At your local library, look at:

• The Fiske Guide to Colleges, by Edward B. Fiske

• The College Handbook, by the College Board

• The Insider’s Guide to Colleges, by the Yale Bailey News

• Barron’s Profiles of American Colleges

College visits are a great way to meet college admission representatives! See Mrs. Gose’ in the BPHS Counseling Center to check out the calendar of visits and to sign up.

College fairs help you gather information about schools and add your name to the school’s mailing list. Visit the National Association for College Admission Counseling Website () for a schedule of NACAC-sponsored fairs.

Hot Tip: Every October there is a large College Fair at the Spotsylvania Mall. Colleges from all over Virginia send representatives to talk with Fredericksburg area students about their programs. Plan to attend your senior year. It’s a great way to “put a face to a name!”

How do I know when I should apply?

By visiting colleges, you will be able to narrow down the number of schools to which you will apply. Application fees can be costly, so you don’t want to apply to too many schools.

If you find one college that you know you would like to attend, then you can apply early to that school. There are two ways that colleges will handle their early admissions decisions:

Early decision: Applications are due in early November or December of your senior year. The colleges are often looking for highly qualified applicants during this time period. You sign on your application that this is the only college to which you are applying early decision and you agree to attend there if the school offers you admittance. This decision is binding by both parties (college and applicant)!

By applying early decision, you will receive one of three possible responses: (1) accept, (2) defer (your application will be rolled over to regular decision and be considered again at that time) or (3) deny (your application will not be reviewed again).

Early action: Applications are due early as well. If the college offers you admittance, however, it is bound to take you, BUT you are not bound to attend there. You can apply to several early action schools and then decide which one you would like to attend. Applying early action is often the best way to be considered for scholarships awarded by the college/university.

Regular decision: Students apply by a date that is determined by the college. Your application and all supplementary materials (i.e. transcript, teacher recommendation letters, essay, etc.) must be submitted by that date. The school’s decision will be sent to you several months later.


Rolling admissions: Students may apply at any time (as long as it is prior to the school’s deadline). Decisions will then be made by the college on a first-come, first-serve basis and sent to applicants within several weeks. Often in these cases scholarship funds are also first come first serve, so early is better.


Additional notes:

You may only apply to one school “early decision.” However, you can apply to more than one school as “early action.”

A school that has “open admissions” will accept virtually any student who applies.

A student that is placed on a “waiting list” by a college may be offered acceptance after May 1st when the school knows how many students are actually planning to enroll.


Should you take the SAT or the ACT? This is a common dilemma for many high school students. The easy answer to this question is to talk to your college or university of choice and see if they have a preference. Take into consideration:

□ Most schools do not have a preference or one that they would require over the other.

□ Many Ivy League schools want students to take the SAT.

□ Some colleges require a student to take SAT Subject tests for placement into college courses or for college admission.

□ Students can take both exams. See the chart below for how they differ in format. Some students find that they do better on one than the other.

□ Ask the colleges that you are applying to if they will combine scores from different test dates to come up with a highest possible composite score. Some schools will take your highest math, critical reading, and writing scores from several test attempts. You are always expected to take all sections when you test.

□ Keep in mind that people tend to have a “ceiling” as far as how high they can score on the SAT or ACT. You are not likely to see a dramatic increase in your score after taking the test 2-3 times.

□ A new trend in college admissions is to have your SAT or ACT score exempt from the decision process. However, you usually have to apply for this waiver and have a minimum GPA to qualify.

□ Students with disabilities can apply for testing accommodations. This process tends to be lengthy, and requires approval from the SAT or ACT. Receiving accommodations for tests in high school does NOT automatically make you eligible for accommodations during the SAT/ACT.

| |SAT |ACT |

|Test structure |Two-section exam + optional essay: |Four-section exam + optional essay: English, |

| |Reading/Grammar, and Math. |Math, Reading, and Science Reasoning. |

| |An Experimental section is masked to look |An Experimental section is added to tests on |

| |like a regular section. |certain dates only, and is clearly |

| | |experimental. |

|Test content |Math: Algebra, Data Analysis, Geometry, |Math: Algebra, Geometry, Algebra II, |

| |Trigonometry, Algebra II; formulas provided |Trigonometry; no formulas provided. |

| |Science: none. |Science: Analysis, interpretation, |

| |Reading: Reading, comprehension, words in |evaluation, problem solving |

| |context, evidence-based, grammar and word |Reading: Reading & comprehension |

| |choice |English: Stresses grammar |

|Essay |Optional |Optional |

|Penalty for wrong answers? |No |No |

|How is the test scored? | | |

| |Math and Evidence-Based Reading & Writing are|English, Math, Reading, and Science scores |

| |each scored on a scale of 200-800. Composite |will each range between 1-36. Composite ACT |

| |SAT score is the sum of the two section |score is the average of your scores on the |

| |scores and ranged from 400-1600; 1600 is the |four sections; 36 is the highest possible |

| |highest possible score. |composite score. |

|Score choice? | | |

| |Yes. You can choose which set(s) of SAT |Yes. You can choose which set(s) of ACT |

| |scores to submit to colleges. |scores to submit to colleges. |

2018-2019 SAT Test Dates

|Test Dates |Registration Deadline |Late Registration Deadline |

| | |(Late Fee Required) |

|August 25 |July 27 |August 15 |

|October 6 |September 7 |September 26 |

|November 3 |October 5 |October 24 |

|December 1 |November 2 |November 20 |

|March 9 |February 8 |February 27 |

|May 4 |April 5 |April 24 |

|June 1 |May 3 |May 22 |

2017-2018 ACT Test Dates

|Test Dates |Registration Deadline |Late Registration Deadline |

| | |(Late Fee Required) |

|September 8 |August 12 |August 26 |

|October 27 |September 28 |October 14 |

|December 8 |November 2 |November 19 |

|February 9 |January 11 |January 18 |

|April 13 |March 8 |March 25 |

|June 8 |May 3 |May 20 |

|July 13 |June 14 |June 24 |

How to Use Naviance for the College Application Process

How to Log-In To Naviance

Go to the Brooke Point website, then under “Counseling,” click “Naviance Student.”

Or, you can go to

Your username is your student ID number (beginning with 9000 or 10000) and your password is your 6-digit birthdate (MMDDYY).


How to Request a Transcript

1. Add your schools to Naviance, under “Colleges I’m Applying To.”

*For Non-Common App Schools, log into your Naviance account and go to the Colleges tab on the top right of the screen. Then select “Colleges I’m Applying To” from that menu. Click the big pink plus sign to add a school.


*For Common App () Schools, you will need to match your Common App account in Naviance. To do this you would click the Match Accounts button seen above.

On Common App, be sure to enter your high school information and add your Colleges (under “Common App” and then the “Education” tab). Next, you then need to sign the FERPA Release Authorization under “My Colleges.”


Once you’ve signed the FERPA Release, go back to your Naviance account, under the “Colleges I’m Applying To” tab and enter the email address you used for your Common App (see below).


You will need to know whether your school will accept transcripts electronically, or if your transcript needs to be mailed. Here is how to tell if you need a paper copy or an electronic copy of your transcript sent to your college/university:


2. Fill out a Transcript Request Form for each college. You may pick one up in the counseling office, or go to the BPHS website and under Counseling, click “Transcript Requests” then “Transcripts for Current Students.”

3. Finally, submit your Transcript Request Form to Ms. Gose in Counseling, two weeks before the deadline, with your payment, if needed. Your counselor will send your transcript either through Naviance or the mail.

How to Request a Teacher Letter of Recommendation

1. Under the colleges tab in the top right, select applying to colleges, and then letters of recommendation.

2. Click “Add Request” and search for the teacher. It is polite to ask the teacher in person before requesting the letter through Naviance. *Be sure to ask your teacher at least TWO weeks prior to the deadline and ask in person before requesting them in Naviance.


Additional Tools Available in Naviance

College Supermatch

• Go to College tab at top of Naviance homepage and select find your fit and then select Supermatch

• Great tool for students who want to pursue a degree and they aren’t sure about what schools they want to apply to. Also useful to students who want to compare schools they are interested in.

o Using the tabs on the menu across the top, students can select what areas are of importance to them when thinking of a college/university.

o Supermatch takes all of their selections and shows which schools fit that criteria.

▪ If the school doesn’t match the student’s selections 100%, it will show what areas it does/doesn’t match according to the student’s criteria.

o Students can save/pin the colleges they are interested in & add them to colleges they are thinking about.

o Other tools in Colleges tab

▪ College lookup: Look up colleges by state or country

▪ College Search: Another way to look up colleges by certain criteria

▪ College Resources: Offers a plethora of websites for various information (Financial Aid, SAT/ACT, Military)

▪ College Maps: Shows schools based on geographical location


• Explore Career and Clusters: Student can search various career fields, look up credentials for those careers, related majors and related careers.

• Career Interest Profiler: Students answer 180 questions based on work activities for various careers. The focus of the student should be if they would or wouldn’t like the work activities they are being asked.

• Roadtrip Nation Interview Archive: Allows students to view interviews with numerous people (famous & non-famous) about their career paths, struggles, triumphs, etc. in their profession. Can watch videos based on themes, interests, and leaders.

About Me and My Planner

• This section is a culmination of the Colleges and Careers tabs, but it also offers new features, such as Goals & To-Do lists.

• Goals (in My Planner tab): Students can compile and list short or long term goals they have set for themselves.

• To-Do (in My Planner tab): Able to list tasks that need to be completed and set due dates for those tasks.

• Resume: It’s not too early to begin working on a resume, especially since these students may begin asking for letter of recommendations at the end of the school year. This free resume builder can help guide students in what information should be listed in their professional resume.

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Information for

Potential College-Bound Student-Athletes

Interested in pursuing college athletics? Plan now to ensure you will be eligible!

Grade 11

• Student continues to take college preparatory courses in English, math, science, social studies and world language.

• Student registers with the NCAA Eligibility Center and completes both the academic information and the amateurism questionnaire. Register at: .

• Student registers for the SAT and/or ACT in the spring, making sure to use code 9999 at the time of registration. Using code 9999 will ensure the score is reported directly to the Eligibility Center.

• At the end of the student’s junior year, if the student has completed a transcript request form and registered with the Eligibility Center, the school counselor sends the student’s transcript to the Eligibility Center.

Grade 12

• Student continues to take college preparatory courses in English, math, science, social studies and world language.

• Student registers for additional ACT/SAT tests if necessary, making sure to use code 9999 at the time of registration. If you have not already registered with the eligibility center, register at: .

• On or after April 1 of the senior year, the student goes back into their Eligibility Center account to update their academic and amateurism information and request final amateurism certification.

• After graduation, if we have sent it before or if a request is made by the student, the school counselor sends the student’s final transcript to the Eligibility Center.



For more information and details, visit and/or see Mrs. Falk in Counseling.

Internet Resources

Career Searches

College Searches

- College Matchmaker: search colleges by name, major, locations, size, degree of admission difficulty, etc. This site covers every aspect of the college process.

- Help with college essays

- National Association for College Admission Counseling

Financial Aid Information

fafsa. - Fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)


College Resources for Minorities

- Pueblo Hispanic Education Foundation

- Hispanic College Fund

- Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Fund

- United Negro College Fund

- Resource for all minorities

Test Prep

- SAT, AP, ACT, and other test prep (links with collegeboard information for free)

- SAT, SAT subject tests, AP, PSAT, CLEP

- Register for the ACT test

- Free test preparation

- Customized test prep for SAT and ACT


Be sure to check out the counseling pages on Brooke Point’s website,

on a regular basis. Follow us on Twitter @BPHScounseling.

You will find counseling news

and scholarship information, updated weekly.

Follow us on Twitter @BPHSCounseling

Career Studies Certificates (Non-Degree):


-Administration of Justice

-Allied Health Preparation

-American Sign Language

-Automotive Technician/Diagnostician


-Business Core


-Early Childhood Development


-Engineering Technology


-Healthcare Technician

-Industrial Maintenance Technology

-Legal Assistant

-Microcomputer Applications


-Nurse Aide

-Paraprofessional Counseling

-Personal Training

-Pharmacy Technician

-Restorative Dental Function

-Supervision (Business)

-Surgical Scrub Nurse

Associate of Arts & Sciences Degrees:

(Easily transfer to a 4-year college)

-Administration of Justice

-Business Administration


-Education (K-8)

-General Studies

-General Studies Health and PE

-General Studies Pre-BSN

-General Studies Psychology

-Liberal Arts


Associate in Applied Science Degrees:

-Business Management

-Dental Hygiene

-Early Childhood Development

-Fire Science Technology

-General Studies - Justice

-Information System Technology

-Licensed Practical Nurse


-Physical Therapist Assistant

-Police Science

-Technical Studies

-Veterinary Technology

Associate of Sciences Degrees:

(Easily transfer to a 4-year college)

-Engineering – Electrical

-Engineering - Mechanical

Certificates (Non-Degree):

-Administration of Justice

-Dental Assisting

-Early Childhood Development

-Fine Arts

-General Education

-Graphic Communications

-Health Information Management

-Practical Nursing (PN)

Associate in Applied Science Degrees:


-Administration of Justice

-Air Condition/Refrigeration

-American Sign Language Interpretation

-Architecture Technology

-Automotive Technology


-Business Management

-Construction Management Technology

-Contract Management


-Dental Hygiene

-Early Childhood Development

-Emergency Medical Services

-Engineering Technology

-Fire Science Technology

-Graphic Design

-Health Information Management

-Horticulture Technology

-Hospitality Management

-Information Systems Technology

-Interior Design


-Medical Lab Technology



-Occupational Therapy Assistant

-Paralegal Studies

-Photography and Media

-Physical Therapy Assistant

-Radiation Oncology


-Respiratory Therapy


-Veterinary Technology

Career Studies Certificates (Non-Degree):


-American Sign Language

-Application Programming

-Automotive Maintenance

-Biotechnology Lab Technician

-Business Information Technology

-Clinical Data Coding

-Collision Repair

-Computer Aided Drafting and Design

-Construction Supervision


-Database Specialist

-Data Center Operations

-Diesel Mechanics

-Drivers Education

-Early Childhood Development

-EMT Basic/Intermediate


-General Forensic Investigation

-Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

-Health Information Technology

-Health Science

-Historic Preservation

-HVAC-R Technology

-IT Technical Support

-Leadership Development


-Marketing Management

-Massage Therapy

-Medical Lab Assistant

-National Security

-Network Administration



-Personal Training

-Promotion and Public Relations

-Retail Management


-Security Management

-Social Media

-Site Development

-Web Design Specialist


Associate of Arts & Sciences Degrees:

(Easily transfer to a 4-year college)

-Business Administration

-Computer Science

-Criminology and Criminal Justice


-General Studies

-Information Technology

-Liberal Arts



-Social Sciences

Certificates (Non-Degree):

-Administration of Justice

-Air Conditioning/Refrigeration

-Architectural Drafting

-Book Keeping

-Contract Management

-Culinary Arts

-Dental Assisting

-Early Childhood Development

-General Education

-Meeting, Event and Exhibition Management

-Multimedia Design

-Professional Writing

-Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Counselor

Associate of Fine Arts Degrees:


-Visual Art

This is only an overview of the degree and certificate programs offered at Germanna and NOVA. Check out their websites for more information!




Use the same email address from your Common App account.

You need to select how it should be sent

Electronic through Commonapp = Freee

Paper Copy = $2.00

Electronic Copy = FREE

You qualify for a fee waiver for the Eligibility Center! See your counselor BEFORE registering at: !

Did you use a fee waiver for the SAT or Act?

Proceed to and register! You will need to pay online.

In order to be eligible to compete in NCAA sports during your first year in college……

Division I: You must earn at least a 2.3 GPA (on a 4.0 scale) in your core courses.

Division II: You must earn at least a 2.2 GPA (on a 4.0 scale) in your core courses.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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