Family in Canadian Society Conference Presentation

Intro to Anthropology, Psychology & Sociology

Characteristics of Culture Collage Rubric


➢ As a team put together a collage that depicts or shows the assigned characteristics of either Assigned Culture

➢ The aspects or characteristics of culture that need to be included are from the lesson… these include either: Aspects of Behaviour [politics, economics, family, communication, recreation and war]; Knowledge and beliefs [religion, myths, philosophy, recreation, values, attitudes etc.]; Material Culture [dress, art, weapons, industry, tools, etc.]

➢ Individually each team member needs to submit a written reflection about the characteristics of the assigned culture. This is basically a description and explanation of the collage that your team put together.

➢ If you are looking for an enrichment activity, apply same to understanding Canada and or the United States

|Criteria |Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |Level 4 |

| |1- 1 1+ |2- 2 2+ |3- 3 3+ |4- 4 4+ |

| | 5.2 5.5 5.8 | 6.2 6.5 6.8 | 7.2 7.5 7.8 | 8.5 9 9.5 |

|Knowledge and Understanding | | | | |

|Presentation of visual images|knowledge and understanding of |some knowledge and |student reflects effective |student illustrates |

|reflect knowledge and |the aspects of assigned |understanding of the aspects|knowledge and understanding of |comprehensive or thorough |

|understanding of the aspects |culture is limited |of assigned culture is |the aspects of assigned |knowledge and understanding |

|of assigned culture | |shown |culture |of the aspects of assigned |

| | | | |culture |

| | | | | |

|Application |limited ability to identify |some ability to identify |student able to identify |student clearly identifies |

|student able to apply the |lessons of the characteristics |lessons of the |lessons of the characteristics |lessons of the |

|lessons of the |to one culture |characteristics to one |to one culture |characteristics to one |

|characteristics to one | |culture | |culture |

|culture | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Thinking and Inquiry |Student able to reflect |Student able to reflect |Student able to reflect |Student able to reflect |

|Student able to reflect on |information on characteristics |information on |information on characteristics |information on |

|what they learned about the |in a limited way |characteristics somewhat |successfully |characteristics in a highly |

|characteristics of culture | |successfully | |successful manner |

|Student is able to analyze |Student unable to analyze | |Student able to analyze aspects|Student able to analyze |

|key aspects of Assigned |aspects of assigned culture |Student able to analyze |of assigned culture |aspects of assigned culture |

|culture | |aspects of assigned culture| |with insight and precision |

| | |to a degree | | |

| | | | | |

|Communication |Communicates common |Communicates common |Communicates common |Communicates common |

|Communicates what was learned|characteristics with limited |characteristics with some |characteristics with |characteristics with a high |

|about the common |clarity and precision with |clarity and precision with |successful` clarity and |degree of clarity and |

|characteristics of assigned |limited aspects of assigned |some aspects of assigned |precision with considerable |precision, highly organized |

|culture to portray the |culture |culture |level of including the aspects |to include all the aspects of|

|aspects of Behavior, | | |of assigned culture |assigned culture |

|Knowledge and beliefs and | |some effort and some clarity| | |

|Material culture |limited effort and limited |of information as to what |considerable effort and |considerable effort and |

| |clarity of information as to |was learned about assigned |communicated in a clear manner |communication of what was |

|What was learned is about |what was learned about assigned|culture |as to what was learned about |learned in a thorough and |

|assigned culture is clearly |culture | |assigned culture |effective manner |

|communicated through this | | | | |

|project | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |


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