FREE Mandarin learning web sites:

FREE Mandarin learning web sites: 8-2-09

Our Textbook

Sky Mandarin 藍天華語

Mandarin I: E-Pen Chinese B1 華語通1 // Living Mandarin 1生活華語 1

Mandarin II: Living Mandarin 2 生活華語 2 Simplified/Traditional Edition 正簡版

Oral textbook : You may/bookmark or download all of 1-12

Children Mandarin textbook 兒童華語2

Other reference: Mandarin fun learning 快樂學華語1-12冊

EZ Pin-Yin free download

Chinese information


Over Sea Chinese Education 僑務委員會僑教双週刋: ;

Glob Chinese language net 全球華文網

中華節慶10 節Chinese Festivals:

師大 National Taiwan Teacher University Chinese language and culture edu. Center:

News, library , Chinese dictionary, phonic and Characters.

Teacher Univ. Chinese language Graduate School 師大華研所


K-12 Dictionary (sound) 小學中文科常用字研究字源字表搜索 (國/粵音)


Chinese idem 成語典 :

Chinese character and culture 中文網

現代漢語平衡語料庫 4.0 版 ; 英文詞彙知識庫

 英國國家語料庫 ; 中研院平衡語料庫 ; 全球華語文數位教與學資源中心


中研院 漢籍電子文獻

國立故宮博物院 Culture display

Chinese Traditional culture in Taiwan中華傳統文化在臺灣

Reading Material: 文建會/繪本花園Children’ culture center:


ROC Government News net :




Try out period free :

1. My Chinese tutor : http:// ;

2. 五子登科網


中國大陸新華網 China official News

臺灣中時電子報 China times

漢光文字網( 漢字的藝術) The art of Chinese characters

Chinese Festival introduction (video)

WWW. choose : travel guide/ festivals/

There are several Chinese Educational web sites you can self-learning online:

Ping-Yin on line learning program

Mandarin Four Tones and Ping-Yin practice

Chinese information:

(click Taiwan)

Learning Chinese language /culture:

2 Website sites for Chinese Teaching 8-1-06:

1) http://


Hi Everyone,

Here are some of the Chinese websites for simplified Chinese. You may need to use these in the future.

Please copy and paste the URL onto another tab/window.



Create your own annotation:

The 200 most common Chinese surnames:

Click on any character to see how it is drawn. Click on the pinyin to hear how the name sounds. Create your own character sheet: .

网 上 中 文 输 入 法

A Great Site for Learning Chinese:

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|Simlify –traditional and a lot of on line self learning program簡體繁體線上轉換, 試試看, 換好再剪貼 |

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|常用國字標準字體筆順學習 |

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|教育部華語線上辭典 (總) |

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|簡編本 |

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|申請授權書 Pass ward application form |

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|文建會兒童文化館-繪本花園 |

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|TOP線上練習 |

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|五百字說華語 |

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|語言學苑 |

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|國語推行委員會 |

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(1)  Chinese popup Translator 1.02 

運用在 Firefox 瀏覽器上, 需要時,按右鍵開啟"Chinese Pera-kun"功能, then put your mouse over Chinese words to view the reading and defintion.可幫助學生的自我線上閱讀練習。


(2) ZDT

Please click the below link for your reference.

連同學的華語文數位教學部落格 | ZDT-字典、閃卡、筆順查詢、作業簿多合一軟體


(3) Vocaroo 線上錄音 

Vocaroo is a free service that allows users to create audio recordings without the need to install any software. All you need to provide is a microphone.適合讓學生在 blog / Moodle 上繳交線上錄音作業。


(4) 讀中文 The Chinese reader

1) Paste in chinese text: 2) Choose the output style: 3)Click [Process],即顯現拼音

這也是很好的學生自學工具,除了 拼音功能之外,還可以查詢註解及相關字。


(5) MDBG Chinese - English Dictionary 

請參考 MDBG中英字典 | 台灣華語教學入口網站  

我極力推薦此多功能工具:查詢字詞(可發音) 筆順動畫 分詞 詮釋 翻譯

根據林金錫老師的試驗心得:「annotate,打字下去就會出現註解。此功能雖好,但仍有美中不足的地方。這功能給學生用還可以,但老師想要直接copy and paste作講義,排版會整個亂掉。」


(6) Twitter 




(7)  聽e 下   操作及使用方法,请参考

陳姮良老師說: 『透過「貼上」或「鍵入」中文,學習者可以輕而易舉自製有拼音、有mp3檔案的教材進行練習。配合Twitter將其他學習者的文句鍵入,斷句後,再利用線上字典查詢。』所以為師者需要提供各式各樣的小工具,讓學生對自己的中文學習負責。


(8) Scribd


(9)有趣的網路化身  Voki 

Voki is a free service that allows you to create personalized speaking avatars and use them on your blog, profile, and in email messages 適合學生年齡層:PK~10歲.

請參考:一個常見的小玩意: 網路化身Voki - 教學聖火傳遞

Chinese Digger: Voki

(10) Google Docs



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