Seventh Grade Mathematics

Algebra 1

2018-2019 Syllabus

Olympic View Middle School

Stephanie Kessler Room: E 101 Email:

Course Goal

Algebra 1 is designed to get students to think symbolically. Core Connections Algebra is the first of a sequence of College Preparatory Mathematics (CPM) courses. It aims to deepen and extend student understanding by focusing on developing fluency with linear, quadratic and exponential equations and functions, as well as working with inequalities, systems and distributions of data. The units of study meet the Common Core State Standards for Algebra.

Common Core State Standards (CCSS)

A-SSE Seeing Structure in Expressions

A-APR Arithmetic with Polynomials and Rational Expressions

A-CED Creating Equations

A-REI Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities

F-IF Interpreting Functions

F-BF Building Functions

F-LE Linear, Quadratic and Exponential Models

S-ID Interpreting Categorical and Quantitative Data

N-RN The Real Number System

N-Q Quantities

Units of Study

Chapter 1: Functions

Chapter 2: Linear Relationships

Chapter 3: Simplifying and Solving

Chapter 4: Systems of Equation

Chapter 5: Sequences

Chapter 6: Modeling Two-Variable Data

Chapter 7: Exponential Functions

Chapter 8: Quadratic Functions

Chapter 9: Solving Quadratics and Inequalities

Chapter 11: Functions and Data


Core Connections Algebra (CPM Educational Program, 2013)

Online text website: ebooks.


What to bring to class every day: Your text booklet, composition book (graph paper preferred), pencils, correcting pen, scientific or graphing calculator.


Students will have daily classwork that they will collaborate on in teams. Homework assigned must be attempted and turned in on the following day at the beginning of class. All work must be shown neatly in their composition books. Completion of daily assignments provides critical practice for achievement in mathematics.

Grading Scale

| | B+ 87% -89% | C+ 77% -79% | D+ 67% -69% |

| A 93% -100% | B 83% -86% | C 73% -76% | D 60% -66% |

| 90% -92% | 80%-82% | C- 70% -72% | F below 60% |


Summative Assessments: Chapter tests and Quizzes 70%

Daily Homework (Review and Practice) 15%

Classwork and Teamwork 15%

Open note assessments will be given during the first and second trimesters but NOT during the third trimester. Attendance and promptness to class is essential for academic success. It is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements with the teacher to schedule an appointment to make up any missed assessments. Extra credit is not available.

Planning for next year? Remember, required grades in your current Algebra 1 course for Geometry are:

C or better average to enroll in Core Geometry

B or better average to enroll in Honors Geometry

D or below in either trimester or average you will need to repeat Algebra 1

Behavioral Expectations

• Be prepared. Please bring the above mentioned materials every day, along with completed assignment and a good attitude.

• Be on time. Be in your assigned seat and ready to work when the bell rings. Promptness is essential! I adhere to all school policies regarding tardies.

• Be respectful. Follow instructions the first time they are given. Remain at your table and pay attention during instruction. Contribute to class discussions in a responsible manner. Be considerate to other students participating in the lesson.

• Be responsible. Finish your assignment each day or when it is due. If you did not complete it, your assignment becomes homework. Work quietly during independent work/study time.

Extra Help

It is important to keep up and understand each lesson. If you fall behind for any reason, it may be hard to “catch up”, so please, ask for help immediately!!! Extra help is available after school by appointment or during lunch on Wednesdays. Students may also work in the library until the activity bus which is available after school. Use the on-line services provided by your textbook for help.

You will be successful in my class if you follow the suggestions below:

• Come to class every day and on time.

• Be prepared for class each day.

• Be an active learner. Pay attention during the lesson and take notes.

• Do your assignment.

• Ask questions.

• Have fun.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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