Carter G Woodson School Of Challenge

Carver High SchoolFoundations of Math II (Geometry) - Common Core Course SyllabusTeacher:A. DouseClass Schedule:First Period:PlanningSecond Period:Foundations of Math IIThird Period: Foundations of Math IIFourth Period: Foundations of Math II Materials:It is required that you own the following items for this class:Three Ring Binder with loose leaf notebook paper8 tab dividers for notebookSeveral # 2 pencils1 spiral notebook (optional) TI – 83 or TI - 84 calculatorCourse Description:Foundations of Common Core Math II (former Foundations of Geometry course) is a bridge course between Math I and Math II, designed to prepare students for success in Math II by introducing key concepts. Students enrolled in Foundations of Math II will be exposed to a wide range of algebraic and geometric topics that will be taught in more detail and depth during the Math II course which follows. Students will be introduced to quadratic expressions, equations, and functions; comparing their characteristics and behavior to those of linear and exponential relationships from Mathematics I that are organized into thirteen (13) critical units. The 13 units that will be covered throughout this course include (1) Solving Linear Equations and Inequalities in One Variable, (2) Square Roots, Radicals, and Rational Functions, (3) Solving Quadratics by Multiple Methods, (4) Systems of Linear Functions, (5) Exponential Functions and Introduction to Common Logarithmic Function, (6) Graphs of Nonlinear Functions, (7) Area and Perimeter of Two-Dimensional Figures, (8) Surface Areas and Volumes of Solids, (9) Transformations, (10) Pythagorean Theorem, Midsegment, and Triangle Congruence, (11) Special Right Triangles and Right Triangle Trigonometry, (12) Graphing Circles, Unit Circle Introduction, and (13) Sampling, Probability, Frequency Tables. Upon successful completion of the course, students enrolled in Foundations of Math II will be prepared to enroll in and successfully complete the Math II course. Course Rationale:After completing Foundations of Math II, students will be able to link algebra and geometry to many other disciplines such as art, biology, geography, history, music, medicine and business. Students will see how algebraic and geometric concepts and procedures can be applied to problems arising in diverse areas. Using a graphing calculator shows students how to explore equations visually, practice data analysis techniques and solve problems.AbilitiesAbilityInstructional ActivityAssessmentOral CommunicationClass ResponseClass DiscussionWritten CommunicationHomework and Writing PromptsExamsCritical Thinking Chapter Exercises/ProblemsClass Discussions/ quizzes / TestsProblem-SolvingChapter Exercises/ProblemsClass Discussions/ quizzes / TestsCourse Standards for Mathematical Practice (SMP)1.???Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.2.???Reason abstractly and quantitatively.3.???Construct viable arguments and critique reasoning of others.4.???Model with mathematics.5.???Use appropriate tools strategically.6.???Attend to precision.7.???Look for and make use of structure.8.???Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.?Progress Reports:Students will receive progress reports on the following dates: September 11October 2October 23November 1November 19December 4December 12January 8*Progress reports should be signed by parent and returned the following day.*Attendance PolicyAttendance is very important and required. You are expected to be in class on time every day. If you miss a day, you will have three (3) days to make-up the class work, quiz and/or test. Remember: It is your responsibility to make up missed work of any kind. Regular class attendance is crucial to the successful completion of this course. Missing the class will lower the course grade significantly.TutoringTutoring schedule will be provided by teacher.Course Requirements / AssignmentsRegular classwork and homework assignments will be assigned. Assignments will not be accepted after their due date. Assignment instructions must be followed. Class participation will be weighed as part of the course grade.GradesThe course grade will be weighed as follows:Test……………………………………………………….…………………40 %Quizzes ……………………………………………………………...................25%Task (classwork, homework, writing assignments, notebook checks)……..20% Class Participation (notes) ……………………………………………….......15%Grading ScaleA ……. 93 - 100D ….. 70 - 76B……. 85 - 92F ….. 0 - 69 C…….. 77 - 84 Tests will be given at the end of each unit. (Test dates will be announced in advance).Quizzes will be given two (2) or three (3) times per week (announced or unannounced).Task assignments, to include homework, must be completed regularly in order to be successful on quizzes and tests. Failure to turn in homework assignments will lower course grades significantly.Task assignments will be assigned daily by teacher. Class participation will be recorded at random. (Therefore it is very important for each student to stay on task daily.)Class RulesBe on time, sharpen pencils before class begins, and be seated in your assigned seat.Be prepared for class everyday with, notebook, pencil, and the assignment for the day.Be respectful to everyone at all times. Raise your hand and get permission to speak or get out of your seat for anything.No caps hats or rags are to be worn in the classroom at any time. (This includes males and females.)No food and/or drink are to be consumed in the classroom at any time. All such items will be surrendered to the teacher as you enter the classroom and picked up when you leave.Bathroom breaks - are to be taken before class begins and at dismissal when the class ends. No one is allowed out of the classroom during instructional time. Therefore, use the bathroom before you come to class! NO CELL PHONES or Electronic devicesBehavior ConsequencesAlthough it is expected that all students uphold the educational standards of the school and of the classroom, the following protocol will be utilized in the event of misbehavior:Verbal Warning-1st incidentConference with student-2nd incidentCall parent/guardian-3rd incidentOffice Referral-4th incident*The order of consequence is dependent on nature and severity of offense.*Students and ParentsPlease carefully review the contents of this syllabus. Sign and return the attached agreement page. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact me via email at or via phone at 727-2987. Thank you. Ms. Douse, Foundations of Math II TeacherCarver High SchoolCarver High SchoolFoundations of Math II (Geometry) - Common Core Syllabus AgreementTeacher:A. DouseStatementI have reviewed the syllabus for Foundations of Math II and understand and agree to its terms. Student Name (Print) __________________________________________Student Signature_____________________________________________Date ________________________Parent Name (Print) ___________________________________________Parent Signature ______________________________________________Parent Contact Information: Phone (H) ________________ (C) ___________________ (W) ___________________Email ___________________________________Date __________________ ................

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