Film Studies Syllabus 2010-11 - Theodore Roosevelt High …

Film Studies Syllabus 2010-11

Roosevelt High School – English Department

Film Studies

Instructor – Mr. Mark A. Ursa

E-mail –

Advisory Periods – 1st, 5th, & 6th – English office at the end of the 2nd Floor –

Southeast stairwell

Textbooks – There is no required textbook for this course. Instead there will be occasional handouts provided by the instructor.

Required Materials – You must have a spiral notebook, a pen and/or pencil, and a

two-pocket notebook in which to keep your assignments/handouts. The spiral notebooks will be graded on a weekly basis. Materials must be brought to class every day and you will not be allowed to retrieve them from your locker.

Course Purpose – This class is designed to help students understand the history of film throughout the world; how it has evolved over its history; common themes/characters explored in the cinema; cinematic techniques (editing, photography, writing, etc.) and how they have evolved over time, and how film has reflected our society through time.

Some themes to be explored are . . .

• The Silent Era

• The Evolution of Comedy in Film

• Film as a Reflection of Society – War, Morals, Popular Tastes

• Women in Film – Heroines, Victims, Tough Broads, and Babes

• Crime and the Cinema

• American Classics

• Alfred Hitchcock – The Master of Horror and Suspense

• A Unique Art – The American Musical

• Documentary in Cinematic Form

Learning Outcomes – Everyone loves film in some form but many do not understand how it is created. Students will be able to better comprehend the history of the cinema and how it has evolved as an art form through time. They will also have a greater understanding of what tools are necessary to create a great film.

Grading Scale – Bell Ringers 10% A = 92-100

Quizzes 15% B = 84-91

Notebooks 40% C = 76-83

Tests/Projects 35% D = 68-75

F = 67-0

Late Assignment Acceptance Policy – Late assignments will be handled individually but are highly discouraged and will probably result in a loss of points.

Class Rules –

• Under no circumstances are cell phones, iPods, or any other electronic devices to be used in the classroom. They will be confiscated and your parents will be required to pick them up. If you refuse to hand over the device, you will be sent to Room 135. Continued use of these devices will result in severe cuts in your grade. In other words, I don’t even want to see them!

• Any assignments missed during absences can only be made up with an excused absence. I must see the note and will also contact your parent/guardian to verify the absence. If you do not have an excused absence, you will not be allowed to make up any assignments and will lose those points.

• Every tardy will result in a loss of 5 points. There will be no exceptions. I will also have frequent bell ringers at the beginning of class and you will also lose those points. If you are late because of an appointment in the Health Center, the Counseling Office, in the Disciplinary Office, or because a teacher kept you after class, you must show up with a signed excuse. No exceptions!

• If you plagiarize, copy, or cheat on an assignment, quiz, or test, you will fail that assignment and be referred to the Disciplinary Office.

• You are to report to class in uniform as required by the School Handbook. There will be no exceptions. If you do not, you will be sent to Room 135 and they will deal with the matter. In the winter, all coats are to be kept in your locker.

Have your parent/guardian sign this after they have read the syllabus and you will be given extra credit for returning it to the instructor. All information asked for must be provided before credit is given.


I have read the syllabus for Reading in Language Arts and understand the requirements as laid out by the instructor for my child to successfully pass the course. I also understand that I may contact the instructor at any time to assess my child’s progress and any problems that may arise during the course of the year.

Parent/Guardian Signature __________________________________________________

Home Phone - _______________________ Cell Phone - _________________________

E-Mail Address - ________________________________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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