CHAPTER 3: The French Revolution and Napoleon

CHAPTER 3: The French Revolution and Napoleon

CHAPTER 4: Revolutions in Europe and Latin America

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| |EVENTS | |

|SECTION |Louis XVI |Who made up the first estate? second? third? |

|1 |deficit spending |During the Enlightenment, what was the relationship between the philosophes and the Church? |

| |cahiers |What was the bourgeoisie and who did they consist of? |

| |Bastille |Name four factors that contributed to financial trouble in France in the 1700s. |

| |Jacques Necker |Why was France in debt? |

| | |Who was Jacques Necker and what did he urge the king to do? |

| | |What was the Estates-General? |

| | |What were the hopes of the wealthy classes in calling the Estates-General? Who from the third estate were elected to the |

| | |Estates-General? |

| | |What was the Tennis Court Oath? |

| | |What was the significance of the storming of the Bastille? |

|SECTION |faction |What were the names and dates of the four phases of the revolutionary period in France? |

|2 |Marquis de Lafayette |What was the “Great Fear” and what did it lead to? |

| |Marie Antoinette |What was the National Guard? |

| |émigré |What was the Paris Commune? |

| |sans-culotte |What actions did the National Assembly take on August 4, 1789? |

| |Olympe de Gouges |What rights did the Declaration of the Rights of Man proclaim? |

| |Versailles |Who was Marie Antoinette and why did the French common people resent her? |

| | |How did women get involved in the revolution? |

| | |What effect did the Civil Constitution of 1790 have on France? |

| | |What goals of the Enlightenment did the Constitution of 1791 reflect? |

| | |Why did European rulers and nobles denounce the French Revolution? |

| | |Who were the sans-culotte and what did they want? |

| | |Who were the Jacobins and how did they further the republican cause? |

|SECTION |suffrage |Under the National Convention, who was suffrage extended to? |

|3 |Robespierre |Who controlled the National Convention and what did they do? |

| |guillotine |Who was France at war with in 1793? |

| |nationalism |What was the Committee of Public Safety? |

| |Marseilles |What did Robespierre promote? |

| |levee en masse |What was the Reign of Terror? Under whom did it begin? How long did it last? |

| | |During the Reign of Terror how many people were arrested? Executed? What was the instrument of execution? |

| | |What did the Constitution of 1795 do? |

| | |Who was Napoleon Bonaparte? |

| | |In 1799, who was considered a “citizen”? |

| | |What was Nationalism? Why did it spring from the Revolution? |

| | |What three social reforms did the Revolutionaries push for? |

|SECTION |plebiscite |What became the slogans of the new regime under Napoleon? |

|4 |annex |What were some economic reforms enacted by Napoleon? |

| |blockade |What was the Concordat of 1801? |

| |guerrilla warfare |How did each social class benefit under Napoleon? |

| |Grand Army |Which Enlightenment values did the Napoleonic Code reflect? |

| |scorched-earth policy |How did women’s lives change under Napoleon? |

| |abdicate |How did Napoleon control much of Europe? |

| |legitimacy |What was the Continental System? How did its failure hurt Napoleon in the long run? |

| | |Although nationalism helped Napoleon in France, how did it work against him in the rest of Europe? |

| | |Why did Napoleon invade Russia? How did this turn into a disaster? |

| | |After Napoleon was exiled to Elba, what allowed him to come back to power in France? |

| | |What happened at the Battle of Waterloo? |

| | |Describe the lasting legacy of Napoleon’s rule in France? |

| | |What was the purpose of the Congress of Vienna? |

| | |What was the chief goal of the Vienna decision-makers? Would they be considered liberals or conservatives? |

| | |What was the Concert of Europe? |

|CH. 4 |ideologies |What was the goal of the conservatives in the Concert of Europe? Why? |

|SECTIONS|universal manhood suffrage |What did the liberals want? How did the liberalism of the early 1800s reflect Enlightenment ideals? |

|1 &2 |radicals |What kind of government did liberals favor? What did they view should be the role of government? |

| | |What kind of economic system did liberals favor? |

| |(Refer to pages 144-146 and |What were the positive and negative effects of nationalism in the 1800s? |

| |148) | |

|CH. 4 |peninsulares |Which classes were unhappy in Latin American society? Why? |

|SECTION |creoles |What role did creoles play in the revolutions that occurred in Latin America? |

|3 |mestizos |What sparked widespread rebellion in Latin America? |

| |mulattoes |What caused the Haitian revolt? Who was the leader? What was the outcome? |

| | |Why did creoles refuse to support Father Hidalgo and Father Jose Morelos in Mexico? |

| | |How did events in Spain affect the fight for Mexican independence? |

| | |Why did Simon Bolivar become known as “The Liberator”? |

| | |What was Jose de San Martin’s role in the South American revolutions? |

| | |How were the goals of the South American revolutions different from their results? |


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