Year 9

Capital Letters

1. Sw. jag = I (not i)

2. Weekdays, months, e.g. Monday, January

3. Countries, languages, nationalities, e.g. Sweden, Swedish, Swede

4. Holidays, e.g. Easter

5. Religions and religious groups, e.g Christianity, Christians

6. All important words in a title (not the small words), e.g. The Lord of the Rings

7. The title of a person, e.g. Sir

Capital Letter Exercise – mark the mistakes and write the correct sentences

a. The irish group sang loudest at the show. __________________________________________________________

b. Is london situated on the thames? __________________________________________________________

c. Who wrote harry potter and the goblet of fire? __________________________________________________________

d. My brother and i will go to the cinema on friday. __________________________________________________________

e. Although my family is from france, i don’t speak french. __________________________________________________________

f. Not everyone who lives in iran is muslim. __________________________________________________________

g. We are going to scotland at christmas. __________________________________________________________

h. Good afternoon, miss. nilsson. __________________________________________________________

i. We always go on holiday in july. __________________________________________________________

False Friends

– words that have similar spelling in English and Swedish, but different meanings.

1. Eng. some = några (not som)

Sw. som = who (for people), which (for things)

2. Eng. eventually = till slut, äntligen (not eventuellt)

Sw. eventuellt = possibly

3. Eng. will = ska (not vill)

Sw. vill = want

4. Eng. condition = tillstånd, villkor (not kondition as it is used in Swedish everyday use)

Sw. kondition = in good shape, fit

5. Eng. chief = högst /rankade/( not chef) e.g. He is the chief cashier in this store (Han är förste kassör i den här affären)

Sw. chef = boss


1. Eng. to = Sw. att

Eng. too = Sw. också

Eng. two = Sw. två

2. Eng. he’s (he is) = Sw. han är

Eng. his = Sw. hans (Eng. her = hennes, inte: hers)

3. Eng. their = Sw. deras

Eng. there = Sw. där

4. Eng. it’s (it is) = Sw. det är

Eng. its = Sw. dennes/dets e.g. instead of saying ‘The dog’s tail’, you can say ‘Its tail’.

5. Eng. were = Sw. var (imperfekt av att vara, to be) e.g. We were there (Vi var där)

Eng. where = Sw. var (frågeordet var?) e.g. Where is the shop? (Var ligger affären?)

6. Sw. mycket = Eng. very (Inte: wery, werry, verry or berry!)

7. Sw. med = Eng. with (Not: whith or whit!)

8. Sw. mycket = Eng. much (Not: mutch!)

False Friends and Spelling Exercise – mark the mistakes and write the correct sentences

I know people some like ice cream wery much. __________________________________________________________

Sweden did not only lose to England, but to France to. __________________________________________________________

He’s mum is such a hottie!


Paul has not got time two go too the cinema, because he’s chief is making him work late.


His late again, eventually because he missed the bus.


There party was a success!


We were going to meet you, but you where not their, were were you?


You will not have mutch time to do the test.


The house some is red is mine.


Miscellaneous (övrigt)

1. everyone (= alla) is used as a singular word: Everyone is here! Everyone in England plays football.

2. e.g. is short for for example (not ex. or t.ex.)

3. i.e. is short for that is ( = det vill säga, dvs.)

4. Brukade = used to, Brukar = usually/normally (not use to)

5. apostrophes (apostrofer) are used instead of letters. Do not use them when it is not short for anything:

a. The car’s (car is) green. (= Bilen är grön)

b. The cars. (= Bilarna)

c. You’re (you are) here! (= Du är här!)

d. Your mum. (= Din mamma)

e. Wrong: Many girl’s love Backstreet Boys.

Correct: girls

f. We’ll (we will) do it! (= Vi ska/kommer att göra det!)

The only time apostrophes are used instead of a letter, is when we talk

about The Genitive, i.e. ownership (= ägande), see below.

Miscellaneous (övrigt) Exercise – mark the mistakes and write the correct sentences

a. I use to study at home.


b. Were ten boys and twelve girls in our class.


c. I love fruit, ex. apples and pears.


d. Everyone like school.


e. The boy’s listen to modern music, e.i. music from the last ten years.



Grammar 1

to be (att vara)

Sw. är = Sw. var =

I (jag) am was (OBS!)

you (du) are were

he (han)

she (hon) is was

it (den, det)

we (vi) are were

you (ni) are were

they (de) are were

to have (att ha)

Sw. har = Sw. hade =

I (jag) have

you (du) have

he (han)

she (hon) has had

it (den, det)

we (vi) have

you (ni) have

they (de) have


I (jag) do

you (du) do

he (han)

she (hon) does did

it (den, det)

we (vi) do

you (ni) do

they (de) do

do/does/did + Infinitive (Grundform, det vanliga verbet)

1. In questions:

Vad vill du ha?

What do you want?

Tycker han om glass?

Does he like ice cream?

Visste du om det här?

Did you know about this?

2. In sentences with not:

Jag vill inte ha någonting.

I do not (don’t) want anything.

Han tycker inte om glass.

He does not (doesn’t) like ice cream.

Grammar 1 Exercise - mark the mistakes and write the correct sentences

a. People doesn’t drive carefully in Spain.


b. Does he has a girlfriend?


c. Unfortunately, we was not at the party.


d. Were you there? No, I weren’t.


e. As a kid, did you played handball every day?


The Conditional

If- clause Main clause

|1:st Conditional |

|The Simple Present |Will + Infinitive (grundform) |

|e.g. If I ever become rich, I will buy gold teeth |

|2:nd Conditional |

|The Simple Past |Would + Infinitive |

|e.g. If I went crazy, you would leave me |

|3:rd Conditional |

|The Past Perfect (had + 3:rd form) |Would + have + 3:rd form |

|e.g. If I had not done that, I would probably have been a millionaire |

The Conditional Exercise - mark the mistakes and write the correct sentences

a. If you brush your teeth carefully, they would shine.


b. If you do not brush your teeth carefully, you would have bad breath.



c. I had not been interested in French, if we had not gone to France every summer.



d. If you will go to bed late, you will be tired in the morning.


e. You would tell me if my daughter did not eat, wouldn’t you?



f. If I had three wishes, I would have wished for money, peace and love.



g. If I had three wishes, I should wish for money, peace and love.



Grammar 2 – English Differs from Swedish!

The Simple Present vs. The Present Continuous

The present continuous (am/is/are + -ing) is only used for actions that is happening right now:

e.g. The girl is listening to music. (right now)

…whereas the present simple is used for actions that take place regularly (regelbundet):

e.g. The girl listens to music. (regularly)

Do not forget the +s on he/she/it!

The Simple Past vs. The Present Perfect

The present perfect (have/has + 3:rd form) is only used when something has happened AND still happens:

e.g. I have played handball for ten years. (…and I still play it)

If it does not happen any longer, the simple past (2:nd form) must be used in English:

e.g. I played handball for ten years. (…but I do not play anymore)

In Swedish, it is possible to use both the simple past (Jag spelade handboll i tio år) and the present perfect (Jag har spelat handboll i tio år).

In the same way, we must say:

e.g. Who wrote the book? (and not: Who has written the book?)

A Bit of Everything

- Translation Text 1

Den första matchen i VM

Det var lördag eftermiddag. Killgruppen väntade på deras vänner Sam och Mark på tågstationen i Manchester. De skulle ha varit på fotbollsstadion en halvtimma tidigare, men tåget hade blivit försenat och därför var Sam och Mark sena.

”Var är de?! På vilken plattform anländer deras tåg?”, frågade en av killarna, som hette Gary.

”Plattform sex”, svarade hans kompis.

”Jag försökte hitta någon att fråga om mer information, men alla jag frågade var antingen upptagna eller visste inte så mycket”, sa Gary.

Killarna började bli väldigt oroliga nu. Om Sam och Mark inte kom snart skulle de missa matchstarten. Gary var den mest irriterade, han hade bett sin chef att ge honom ledigt från jobbet för att åka och titta på matchen. Femton minuter senare kom äntligen Sam och Marks tåg.

“Förlåt att vi är sena, killar”, sa Sam. “Kommer vi missa matchstarten?”.

“Nej, vi kommer precis komma dit i tid om vi springer!”, sa Gary.

Tio minuter senare var killarna på stadion med tusentals andra människor, och väntade på att matchen skulle starta. Matchen var mellan England och Spanien, men eftersom matchen spelades i England kunde man inte höra några spanska röster på stadion, bara engelska skrik när målen började välla in: Måååål!

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- Translation Text 2

Vem skrev Djungelboken? Hmm, det var Rudyard Kipling, engelsmannen. Om det inte hade varit han, vem skulle det då ha varit?

Jag har bott i Brighton i två år, men nu bor jag i Sverige igen. Hur som helst, när jag bodde i England hörde jag mycket om deras kända författare. Jag läser en del, så jag går ofta till biblioteket, och det gjorde jag även i Brighton. Hans böcker var alltid utlånade, så jag fick aldrig läsa dem. Därför läser jag dem i Sverige nu istället. Dock ska jag också läsa dem på engelska, om jag någonsin får chansen.

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