Class Schedule-Sidi Noor Ud Deen


Throughout our tradition, knowledge has always been one of the key central focal points for a believer to attain closeness towards God. One of the goals of an individual’s life to attain this closeness is through loving him. But how can someone love Allah Subhantallah if they do not know him and what he has revealed to us about him? This is why sitting in circles of knowledge will equip you with a correct frame set within life to ensure you can navigate on the path towards God in a purified way.

It is Allah who created the seven heavens and of the earth the like thereof. The commandment comes down among them slowly that you may know that Allah is able to do all things and that Allah surrounds all things in knowledge.

(Surah Al-Talaq 65:12)

This handout provides a list of various courses the organisation offers from one of our senior teachers. New students are encouraged to complete the obligatory sciences prior to others.

Existing students are encouraged to review the courses and select a new course once their previous course has finished.

May Allah Most high bless you all in your studies.


IHT Admin Team

Teacher background

Ustadh Noorud-deen graduated from Middlesex University with a joint BA Hons Degree in Accounting and Finance with Business Economics. He later completed a PGCE at Warwick University and taught for a number of years at Luton 6th Form College whilst continuing his Islamic education on a part time basis.

In 2007 he was blessed with the opportunity to travel abroad and study with some of the leading scholars of Syria, amongst them: Shaykh Samir Al-Nass, Shaykh Mazin Bakeer, Shaykh Rashad Shams and Shaykh Mujeer Al Khateeb. He followed a broad curriculum, studying in the prestigious Sharia institutions of Damascus, paying special attention to Fiqh (jurisprudence) and Seerah (prophetic biography).

Noorud-deen has been involved in Dawa and teaching the Islamic sciences for well over 15 years. He has also been active within the Luton community were he is part of the Sacred Study programme and has also been giving regular talks on the local InsprieFM community radio.

Class Location

Classes are normally held around the Newark Road area Luton. However, the teacher is flexible and is open to hold classes at a registered students house.

Live Streaming Option

If you have trouble attending the class physically due to your current location or any other reason, then a live stream option is available to students. The students will need a Gmail account and the teacher will send a link prior to the class starting. Once the link is activated the live stream will be available.

Note- There is also a platform on where students can ask the questions to the teacher via the live streaming option

How to Register for a Class

Please contact on the below and one of the admin members will be happy to assist.


Number: 07535835204

Courses to Offer

Obligatory Courses

These subjects are part of the obligatory sciences Muslims are required to study. The number in brackets represents the course length in terms of the number of weeks.

|Aqeedah for Beginners |8 |Purification of the heart |12 |

|Fiqh of Worship: Taharah |10 |Fiqh of Marriage |12 |

|Fiqh of Worship: Salah |18 |Fiqh of Divorce |12 |

|Fiqh of Worship: Zakah |5 |Fiqh of Trade |16 |

|Fiqh of Worship: Fasting |6 |Fiqh of inheritance |7 |

|Fiqh of Worship: Hajj and Umrah |6 |alHalal wal Haram |8 |

|Fiqh of Janazah (Funerals) |6 |The Major Sins (Kabair) |14 |

|Rights and responsibilities in Islam |10 |Rights & responsibilities of Husband and wife |6 |

|Tajweed (on-going) | |Sins of the Limbs |10 |

Essential Courses

These subjects are not considered personally obligatory but are essential for a person to have a good understanding of the Deen.

|Shamail of the Prophet [pic] |20 |Intermediate Aqeedah |18 |

| Seerah of the Prophet [pic]: | |The 99 names of Allah most High |14 |

| - Meccan period |20 |The 40 Hadith of Imam Nawawi |14 |

| - Medinan period |25 |Hadith Theory |14 |

|Durood Sharif Course |2 |Tafseer Surah Fatihah |4 |

|Lives of Man |16 |The Four Quls 4 |4 |

|Minhaaj al Abideen |16 |The book of Assistance (Islamic Spirituality) |20 |

General Courses

|Chronicles of the Prophets عليهم السلام: | |Islamic History: | |

| - The early Prophets عليهم السلام |8 | - The Khilafah of Abu Bakr [pic] |6 |

| - The legacy of Prophet Ibrahim [pic] |8 | - The Khilafah of Umar [pic] |6 |

| - Prophets of Bani Israel عليهم السلام |8 | - The Khilafah of Uthman [pic] |6 |

| - Prophet Musa [pic] (8) |8 | - The Khilafah of Ali [pic] |6 |

| - The latter Prophets عليهم السلام |8 |The wives of the Prophet [pic] |7 |

|Miracles of the Quran |5 |The Ten Promised Paradise |8 |

|Al Adab al Mufrad |14 |Ten pious women |6 |

|Tafsir al Quran: | |Al Ghazali’s Dear beloved Son (Spirituality) |14 |

| - Surah Ya Sin |8 |The 77 branches of faith |16 |

| - Surah alMulk |5 |Islamic Months |6 |

| - Ayatul Kursi |2 |Signs of the day of Judgement |6 |

|Other Surah available upon request. | | | |

Arabic Courses

|Beginners |40 weeks |Intermediate |40 Weeks |Advanced |On Going |

Advanced Courses

|Fiqh of Worship (Nurul Idaah): | |Usool al Fiqh |18 |

|-Tahara |20 |Mustalah alHadith (Ibn Salah). | |

|- Salah |60 |Shamaail Tirmidhi (complete text) | |

|- Janazah |10 |alFiqh alAkbar | |

|- Fasting |16 |- Hajj and Umrah |10 |

|- Zakat |8 |Other Subjects and Texts considered upon request. | |

Course Info

Obligatory Courses

|Course Name |Course Duration |Course Info |

|Beginners Aqeeda Course |8 Weeks |- The attributes of Allah most high. |

| | |- Belief in the Prophets (peace be upon them). |

| | |- The revealed books of Allah most high. |

| | |- Belief in the Angels. |

| | |- Life after death and Judgement Day. |

| | |- And much more |

|Taharah (Fiqh of worship) |10 weeks |- The Sunnah method of performing Wudu. |

| | |- Nullifiers of Wudu. |

| | |- The correct method of performing Ghusl. |

| | |- Nullifiers of Ghusl. |

| | |- Prohibitions upon a person in a state of impurity. |

| | |- Purification of impurities. |

| | |- Tayamum. |

|Salah (Fiqh of worship) |18 weeks |-Prerequisites of Salah |

| | |-Integrals of Salah |

| | |-Rulings relating to mistakes and forgetfulness in Salah |

| | |-Nullifers of Salah |

| | |-Sajda Sahw (forgetfulness prostration) |

| | |-Types of Salah (Fard, Sunnah, Nafl) |

| | |-Occasional Salah (Eid Salah, Janazah Salah, Eclipse Salah, Istikharah)|

|Zakat (Fiqh of worship) |5 weeks |- Obligation, who is obliged to pay Zakat? |

| | |- Zakatable assets, the possessions upon which Zakat is due and others |

| | |that Zakat is not required for. |

| | |- Timing, contrary to the popular notion, it is not permitted to |

| | |determine when to calculate Zakat rather this is determined by ones |

| | |circumstance and sacred law rulings. |

| | |- Recipients of Zakat - it is not permitted to give Zakat to just anyone|

| | |who appears poor rather the sacred law has dictated criteria in defining|

| | |the poor. |

|Fasting (Fiqh of worship) |6 weeks |- Understanding the moonsighting controversy. |

| | |- Common misconceptions. |

| | |- Integrals of Fasting. |

| | |- Nullifers of the Fast. |

| | |- Actions disliked whilst fasting. |

| | |- Fasting during illness and travel. |

|Hajj and Umrah |6 weeks |- Preparation for Umrah. |

| | |- Understanding Ihram. |

| | |- Performing Tawaf. |

| | |- Performing Saee. |

| | |- Exiting Ihram |

|Rights and Responsibilities in |10 weeks |- Rights of a Muslim |

|Islam | |- Rights of the Guest |

| | |- Rights of the Neighbour |

| | |- Rights of parents |

| | |- Children |

| | |- Rights of Siblings |

| | |- Right of relatives |

| | |- Rights of the teacher |

| | |- Rights of students |

| | |-Rights of animals |

|Tajweed (on-going) |On-going |-This course will cover related theory as well as allowing for |

| | |individual recitation and correction. |

|Purification of the Heart |12 weeks |- The importance of a sound heart |

| | |- The dangers of a diseased heart |

| | |- Love of the world |

| | |- Jealousy |

| | |- Hatred |

| | |- Arrogance |

| | |- Anger |

| | |- Many other diseases of the heart |

| | |- The cures to each disease |

|Fiqh of Marriage |12 weeks |- Is marriage obligatory? |

| | |- Requirements of a valid marriage contract. |

| | |- Dowry payment. |

| | |- Those permissible to marry and the Mahram issue. |

| | |- Financial upkeep (Nafaqa). |

|Fiqh of Divorce |12 weeks |- Permitted and prohibited forms of divorce. |

| | |- The correct procedure when divorcing. |

| | |- Misconceptions regarding divorce. |

| | |- Reconciliation after divorce. |

| | |- What is Khula'h. |

| | |- Child custody in Islam. |

| | |- Understand the obligation of Iddah (post marital waiting period). |

|Fiqh of Trade |16 weeks |- Basics of buying and selling. |

| | |- Prohibited transactions. |

| | |- Definition and explanation of Usuary (Interest). |

| | |- Employment. |

| | |- Lost and found property. |

| | |- Business Partnerships. |

|Fiqh of Inheritance |7 weeks |- Overview of inheritance law according to the Holy Quran and Prophetic |

| | |Hadith. |

| | |- The importance of writing a will. |

| | |- The share alloted to each relative. |

| | |- Barriers to inheritance. |

| | |- Restrictions in Wasiyah. |

|Al Halal Wal Haram |8 weeks |- Halal and Haram animals. |

| | |- Islamic method of slaughter. |

| | |- Oaths and vows. |

| | |- Rulings relating to clothing and jewellery. |

| | |- Gender interaction. |

| | |- Work and employment. |

|The Major Sins (Kabair) |14 weeks |- Difference between major and minor sins. |

| | |- Explanation of each of the 70 major sins listed by Imam adh-Dhahabi. |

| | |- Related Ayat of the holy Quran and Hadith of the blessed Prophet peace|

| | |be upon him. |

|Sins of the Limbs |10 weeks |-Definition of backbiting (Gheebah). |

| | |-Advice on how to avoid backbiting. |

| | |- The enormity of lying. |

| | |- The importance of controlling ones tongue. |

| | |- Prohibitions related to the eyes. |

| | |- The corruption entailed in listening to music. |

|Rights and Responsibilites of |6 weeks |- The issue of domestic violence. |

|Husband and Wife | |- What has Islam made obligatory upon the husband? |

| | |- What has Islam made obligatory upon the wife? |

| | |- What are the rights of the husband and wife? |

| | |- Does the wife have to live with the in-laws? |

| | |- Does the husband have to give money to the wife if she is wealthy? |

| | |-Is she responsible for the housework? |

| | |- Can he marry again without her permission? |

| | |- Does she have to obey him? |

Essential Courses

|Course Name |Course Duration |Course Info |

|Shamail of the Prophet |20 weeks |- Physical description of the Prophet peace be upon him. |

| | |- The worship of the Prophet peace be upon him. |

| | |- Describing the belongings of the Prophet peace be upon him. |

| | |- The character of the Prophet peace be upon him. |

| | |- The mannerisms and behaviour of the Prophet peace be upon him. |

|Seerah of the Prophet- |20 weeks |- Prophets Ibrahim and Ismaeel peace be upon them. |

| | |- Pre-Islamic Arabia |

|Meccan Period | |- The ancestors of the Prophet peace be upon him |

| | |- The holy birth and upbringing |

| | |- The beginning of revelation |

| | |- The first Muslims |

| | |- Persecution of the Muslims |

| | |- Struggles of the holy Prophet peace be upon him |

| | |- The migration |

|Seerah of the Prophet- |25 weeks |- The Hijrah of the Prophet peace be upon him. |

| | |- The Muslim community of Madinah. |

|Medinan period | |- The household of the Prophet peace be upon him. |

| | |-  Dealing with aggression from the surrounding community. |

| | |- The hypocrites in Madinah. |

| | |- The treaty of Hudaybiyah. |

| | |- Propogating Islam to kings and emperors. |

| | |- The conquest of Mecca. |

| | |- The farewell Hajj. |

|Durood Sharif Course |2 weeks |- Ayaat and Hadith about the importance of Salah ala an-Nabi |

| | |- Explanation of Durood Ibrahimiyah. |

| | |- Rewards of Duood Sharif. |

|Lives of Man |16 weeks |- The soul's existence before this life (the day of the covenant). |

| | |- The life of this world (Dunya). |

| | |- What is the Barzakh (life of the grave)? |

| | |- The various stages on the day of judgement. |

| | |- The soul's eternal existence |

|Minhaaj alAbideen |16 weeks |- The role of Knowledge in spirituality. |

| | |- Diet and spirituality. |

| | |- Barriers to spiritual growth. |

| | |- Avoiding pitfalls and traps. |

| | |- Praiseworthy spiritual states. |

| | |- Dealing with the Nafs. |

| | |- Gratitude and tranquillity. |

|Intermediate Aqeedah |18 weeks |- The attributes of Allah most high. |

| | |- Belief in the Prophets (peace be upon them). |

| | |- The revealed books of Allah most high. |

| | |- Belief in the Angels. |

| | |- Life after death and Judgement Day |

|The 99 names of Allah most High |14 weeks |- Introduction to the Holy Names. |

| | |- Explanation of each Name. |

| | |- The relationship the Names have to each other. |

| | |- Verses of Quran and Hadith of the Prophet peace be upon him related to |

| | |each Name. |

| | |- Legal and theological implications |

|The 40 Hadith of Imam Nawawi |14 weeks |- Importance of sincerity. |

| | |- Striving for spiritual excellence. |

| | |- The prohibition upon religious innovation. |

| | |- Being vigilant regarding ones speech. |

| | |- Encouraging good and forbidding evil. |

| | |- The importance of perfecting ones character. |

| | |- Relying on Allah most high and understanding divine decree. |

| | |- Significance of brotherhood in Islam. |

| | |- Remaining steadfast in religion. |

|Hadith Theory |14 weeks |- Historical background to the science of Hadith. |

| | |- An introduction to classical methods of Hadith analysis. |

| | |- A study of factors that render a Hadith strong or weak. |

| | |- An in-depth analysis of Hadith chains. |

| | |- Understanding contemporary controversies relating to Hadith authenticity.|

| | |- An introduction to some of the most highly regarded Hadith collections. |

| | |- Analysis of Hadith chains and texts. |

|Tafseer Surah Fatihah |4 weeks |- A study of Hadith related to Surah Fatihah. |

| | |- Explanation of meanings and related rulings. |

| | |- Understanding the noble lessons derived from Surah Fatihah. |

|The Four Quls |4 weeks |- A study of Hadith related to each Surah. |

| | |- Explanation of meanings and related rulings. |

| | |- Implementation of the noble lessons derived from these chapters of the |

| | |Quran. |

| | |- The circumstances of revelation  (Asbab an Nuzul). |

|The book of Assistance (Islamic |20 weeks |- Increasing certainty (Yaqeen). |

|Spirituality) | |- Rectifying the intention and sincerity in worship. |

| | |- Establishing Taqwa and Wara' (piety and scrupulousness). |

| | |- Inner purification. |

| | |- The role of Hope and Fear. |

| | |- Enjoining the good and forbidding evil. |

| | |- Excellence in Salah, Dhikr and ritual worship. |

| | |- The importance of time management and structured worship. |

General Courses

Chronicles of the Prophets

|Course Name |Course Duration |Course Info |

|The Early Prophets |8 Weeks |- The origin of Mankind. |

| | |- Life on Earth before Mankind. |

| | |- The enmity of Shaytan. |

| | |- Descent from Paradise to Earth. |

| | |- The first murder. |

| | |- The origin of Shirk. |

| | |- The great flood. |

| | |- The ancent tribe of Aad. |

|The Legacy of Prophet Ibrahim |8 Weeks |- The Dawa of Sayidinah Ibrahim عليه السلام. |

| | |- Building the Holy Ka'ba. |

| | |- The great sacrifice. |

| | |- Building Masjid alAqsa. |

| | |- The struggles of Sayidinah Lut عليه السلام. |

| | |- The tribe of Israel. |

| | |- Trials of Prophet Yousuf عليه السلام. |

| | |- Famine and deliverance. |

| | |- The people of Madyan. |

|Prophets of Bani Israel |8 Weeks |- The people of Shuayb عليه السلام. |

| | |- Psalms of Dawud عليه السلام. |

| | |- The people of Saba. |

| | |- The many miracles of Sulaiman عليه السلام |

|Prophet Musa |8 Weeks |- Enslavement of Bani Israeel. |

| | |- The struggles of Musa عليه السلام. |

| | |- The tyranny of Firoun. |

| | |- The forebearance of Haroon عليه السلام. |

| | |- Bani Israeel lost in the desert. |

|The latter Prophets |8 Weeks |- The kingdom of Sulaiman. |

| | |- Subjugation of the jin. |

| | |- Struggles of Zakariya  (peace be upon him) |

| | |- The purity of Yahya (peace be upon him). |

| | |- The life of Sayidah Maryam. |

| | |- Quranic narrative of Sayidinah Esa as compared to the christian |

| | |tradition. |


|Course Name |Course Duration |Course Info |

|Mirciles of the Quran |5 Weeks |- Definition of a miracle. |

| | |- The linguistic miracle. |

| | |- Quranic Prophecies. |

| | |- Historic accuracy. |

| | |- The mathematical miracle. |

| | |- Scientific miracles in the Holy Quran |

|Tafseer Surah Yaseen |8 Weeks |This lesson will provide a brief exegesis of one of the most oft-repeated |

| | |Suras of the Holy Quran. Allah most high encourages us to reflect upon the |

| | |Quran when we recite it, Insh Allah this course will facilitate the |

| | |fulfilment of this Quranic imperative. |

| | |Some of the subjects the lesson will cover include: |

| | |- A study of Hadith related to the Surah. |

| | |- Explanation of meanings and related rulings. |

| | |- Implementation of the noble lessons derived from this noble chapter of |

| | |the Quran. |

| | |- The circumstances of revelation  (Asbab an Nuzul). |

|Tafseer Surah Al Mulk |5 Weeks |-This lesson will provide brief exegesis of one of the most oft-repeated |

| | |Suras of the Holy Quran. Allah most high encourages us to reflect upon the |

| | |Quran when we recite it, Insh Allah this course will facilitate the |

| | |fulfilment of this Quranic imperative. |

| | |- A study of Hadith related to the Surah. |

| | |- Explanation of meanings and related rulings. |

| | |- Implementation of the noble lessons derived from this noble chapter of |

| | |the Quran. |

| | |- The circumstances of revelation  (Asbab an Nuzul). |

|Tafseer Ayatul Kursi |2 Weeks |This lesson will provide a brief exegesis of this holy verse of the Quran. |

| | |Allah most high encourages us to reflect upon the Quran when we recite it, |

| | |Insh Allah this lesson will facilitate the fulfilment of this Quranic |

| | |imperative. |

| | |Some of the subjects the lesson will cover include: |

| | |- A study of Hadith related to the blessed Ayat. |

| | |- Explanation of meanings and rulings related to the holy verse. |

Islamic History

|Course Name |Course Duration |Course Info |

|The Khalifah of Abu Bakr |6 Weeks |This course will cover major events that took place during the leadership |

| | |of Sayidinah Abu Bakr. This chronological presentation will provide an |

| | |insight into one of the most important and impactful periods in our |

| | |history. |

| | |*Amongst the subjects to be covered:* |

| | |- Appointment to the Khilafa. |

| | |- Leadership and fortitude. |

| | |- The Riddah wars. |

| | |- Collating the Holy Quran. |

| | |- Taking on empires. |

| | |- Death and succession |

|The Khalifah of Uthman |6 Weeks |- Appointment to the Khilafa. |

| | |- Conquest in the East. |

| | |- Producing copiesof the Holy Quran. |

| | |- Expansion in the West. |

| | |- The Fitnah and its causes. |

|The Khalifah of Umar |6 Weeks |This course will cover major events that took place during the leadership |

| | |of Sayidinah Umar. This chronological presentation will provide an insight |

| | |into one of the most important and impactful periods in our history. |

| | |*Amongst the subjects to be covered:* |

| | |- Appointment to the Khilafa. |

| | |- The conquest of Persia. |

| | |- Social welfare and justice policies. |

| | |- The conquest of Sham and Egypt. |

| | |- Political policies of Sayidinah Umar. |

|The Khalifah of Ali |6 Weeks |This course will cover major events that took place during the leadership |

| | |of Sayidinah Ali. This chronological presentation will provide an insight |

| | |into one of the most important and impactful periods in our history. |

| | |*Amongst the subjects to be covered:* |

| | |- Appointment to the Khilafah. |

| | |- Tracking the killers of Uthmaan. |

| | |- The battle of the camel. |

| | |- Moving the capital to Kufa. |

| | |- The battle of Sifeen. |

| | |- The Khilafah of Husayn bin Ali (may Allah most high be pleased with him).|

Other General Courses

|Course Name |Course Duration |Course Info |

|The Wives of the Prophet |7 Weeks |This  short course will provide a brief biographical overview of the |

| | |blessed wives of the holy Prophet peace be upon him. |

| | |Some of the subjects to be covered include: |

| | |- Introduction and virtues of the blessed wives. |

| | |- Brief biography of each wife of the holy Prophet peace be upon him. |

| | |- A study of related Quranic verses and Prophetic Hadith. |

|The Ten Promised Paradise |8 Weeks |The Prophet peace be upon him said: |

| | |Abu Bakr is in Paradise, Umar is in Paradise, Ali is in Paradise, Uthman|

| | |is in Paradise, Talha is in Paradise, Zubayr is in Paradise, Abdar |

| | |Rahman bin Auf is in Paradise, Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas is in Paradise, Saeed|

| | |bin Zayd bin Amr bin Nufayl and Abu Ubaydah bin Jarrah is in Paradise. |

| | |(Ahmad, Sahih). |

| | |The course will include: |

| | |- Introduction to the Sahabah. |

| | |- Virtues of the Sahabah. |

| | |- Biographical details regarding each Sahabi. |

| | |- Hadith related to each Sahabi. |

|Ten Pious Women |6 Weeks |This short course will examine the biographies of 10 of the most pious |

| | |women in history. Beginning with Sayidah Asiyah and working through |

| | |different periods of history, we will analyse the virtues and traits of |

| | |these great women as mentioned in Quran and Hadith. |

| | |- Sayidah Asiyah. |

| | |- Sayidah Maryam. |

| | |- Sayidah Khadijah |

| | |- Sayidah Ayesha |

| | |- Sayidah Safiyah bint Huyay. |

| | |- Sayidah Safiyah bint Abdil Muttalib. |

| | |- Sayidah  Zaynab bint Rasool Allah. |

| | |- Sayidah  Zaynab bint Ali. |

| | |- Sayidah Rabiyah Adawiyah. |

| | |- Sayidah Nafeesah bint alHassan. |

| | |(May Allah most high be pleased with them all) |

|Al Ghazali-Dear Beloved Son |14 Weeks |- Sincerity to Allah Most High |

| | |- Taqwq |

| | |- Inner purification. |

| | |- The role of Hope and Fear. |

| | |- Excellence in Salah, Dhikr and ritual worship. |

| | |- The importance of time management and structured worship. |

|The 77 Branches of Faith |16 Weeks |- The pillars of faith. |

| | |- Prophetic character. |

| | |- Spiritual excellence. |

| | |- Serving the community. |

|Islamic Months |6 Weeks |This short course will look at verses of the Holy Quran and Hadith of |

| | |the Holy Prophet peace be upon him related to the Islamic lunar |

| | |calendar. Looking at each month separately students will understand |

| | |rulings and recommendations related to each month. |

| | |Amongst the subjects to be covered: |

| | |- How long is an Islamic month? |

| | |- Quran or Hadith related to each month. |

| | |- Legal rulings related to each month. |

| | |- Common misconceptions regarding certain months |

|Signs of the Day of Judgement |6 Weeks |Students will study the major signs of the Day of Judgement based on |

| | |narrations from Quran and Hadith. |

| | |Subjects to be covered include: |

| | |- Introduction to the signs of the day of Judgement. |

| | |- some minor signs. |

| | |- Imam Mahdi. |

| | |- The fitna of Dajjal. |

| | |- The return of Prophet Isa (Jesus) peace be upon him. |

| | |-The tribes of Ya'juj Ma'juj (Gog and Magog). |

| | |- The Sun rising from the West. |

| | |- Thebeast. |

| | |- The end of the World. |

Arabic Courses

|Course Name |Course Duration |Course Info |

|Begginers |40 Weeks |Most of us encounter Arabic in the written form and long for the ability to|

| | |understand the script we recite. This 40 week course will focus on enabling|

| | |students to understand classical Arabic as encountered in the Quran, Hadith|

| | |and other sources. |

| | |*Course Goals:* |

| | |-Vocabulary acquisition. |

| | |- Understanding the basics of Arabic grammar (Nahw). |

| | |- Grasping the fundamentals of Morphology (Sarf). |

| | |- Competence in the use of a traditional Arabic dictionary. |

| | |- Giving students the ability to understand and translate Arabic text. |

| | |By the end of the course the diligent student will have the ability to |

| | |independently work through Arabic text and decipher its meaning. |

|Intermediate |40 Weeks |This course is designed for students who have studied the basics of Arabic |

| | |grammar (nahw) and morphology (sarf) and are looking to further their |

| | |studies. |

| | |The course will have 3 major components: |

| | | |

| | |-A study of alAjrumeyah, a traditional comprehensive text in Arabic |

| | |grammar. |

| | |- Comprehension of Arabic text, focussing primarily on Quranic verses and |

| | |Hadith of the Prophet peace be upon him. |

| | |-Speaking component. Students will be encouraged to practice vocabulary and|

| | |grammar by engaging in structured conversation. |

| | |-Arabic as well as English will be used as the medium of teaching. |

|Advanced |On Going | |

Advanced Courses

Fiqh of Worship ( Nurul Idah)

|Course Name |Course Duration |Course Info |

|Taharah |20 Weeks |A detailed study of the rulings and evidences related to the laws of |

| | |purification. Students will study the renowned manual of worship 'Nurul |

| | |Idah' together with commentaries. The study will include an analysis of |

| | |related Ayat of the Holy Quran and Hadith of the Prophet (peace be upon |

| | |him), using principles of Usool and Hadith authenticity. |

|Salah |60 Weeks |A detailed study of the rulings and evidences related to the laws of Salah.|

| | | |

| | |The study will include an analysis of related Ayat of the Holy Quran and |

| | |Hadith of the Prophet (peace be upon him), using principles of Usool and |

| | |Hadith authenticity. |

|Janaza |10 Weeks |A thorough study of rulings related to funeral rites together with an |

| | |analyse of related Ayat of the Holy Quran and Hadith of the Prophet (peace |

| | |be upon him). |

|Fasting |16 Weeks |A detailed study of the rulings and evidences related to the laws of |

| | |fasting. |

| | |The study will include an analysis of related Ayat of the Holy Quran and |

| | |Hadith of the Prophet (peace be upon him), using principles of Usool and |

| | |Hadith authenticity. |

|Zakat |8 Weeks |A detailed study of the rulings and evidences related to the laws of Zakah.|

| | |Students will study the renowned manual of worship 'Nurul Idah' together |

| | |with commentaries. The study will include an analysis of related Ayat of |

| | |the Holy Quran and Hadith of the Prophet (peace be upon him), using |

| | |principles of Usool and Hadith authenticity. |

|Hajj and Umrah |10 Weeks |A thorough study of rulings related to Hajj rites together with an analyse |

| | |of related Ayat of the Holy Quran and Hadith of the Prophet (peace be upon |

| | |him). |

Other Advanced Courses

|Course Name |Course Duration |Course Info |

|Usool al Fiqh |18 Weeks |- Understanding Ijtihaad in the era of the Sahabah. |

| | |- Why do we have Madhabs? |

| | |- The importance of a consistent approach to Quran and Hadith. |

| | |- Examples of deriving legal rulings from the Holy Quran. |

| | |- How Hadith interacts with Quran. |

| | |- The importance of Ijmaa (Scholarly consensus). |

| | |- What is Qiyaas? |

|Mustalah Al Hadith |Ibn Salah( On Going) |A detailed study of one of the most highly regarded books of Hadith studies|

| | |in the Islamic library. |

|Shamaail Tirmidih |Complete Text |One of the most famous works on the Shamail of the Holy Prophet (peace be |

| | |upon him). Students will study a transaltion of the complete unabridged |

| | |text of Imam Tirmidhi. |

|Al Fiqh and Al Akbar |Complete Text |Along with sections from the commentary of Mula Ali al-Qari students will |

| | |study this renowned Aqeedah work attributed to Imam Abu Hanifah. |


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