-How the law affects the workplace - Triton College

Workplace Legalities

-How the law affects the workplace

-Employment-at-will- a concept of employment whereby either employer or the employee can end the employment at any time, for any reason

-Hiring and firing

-Wrongful discharge- a concept established by precedent that says an employer risks litigation if he or she does not have just cause for firing an employee

-Just cause- an employer’s legal reason for firing an employee

-Public policy- the common law concept of wrongful discharge

-Discrimination- prejudiced or prejudicial outlook, action, or treatment

-Labor and employment laws

-Employment discrimination laws

-Wagner act of 1935

-Title VII of the civil rights act of 1964

-Affirmative action- programs that use goals and quotas to provide preferential treatment for minority persons determined to have been underutilized in the past

-Age discrimination in employment act (ADEA) of 1967

-Rehabilitation act of 1973

-1976 pregnancy discrimination act

-Titles I and V of the Americans with disability act of 1990

-The civil rights act of 1991

-Wage and hour laws

-1935 social security act

-1938 fair labor standards act

-Equal pay act of 1963

-Employee retirement income security act of 1974

-Workplace safety laws

-Occupational safety and health act of 1970

-Other terms of employment

-Family leave act of 1991

-Employee safety and welfare

-Occupational safety and health administration (OSHA)- established by the occupational and health act 1970, the act enforces compulsory standards for health and safety in the workplace

-Right-to-know laws- state laws that allow employees access to information about toxic or hazardous substances, employer duties, employee rights, and other workplace health and safety issues

-Medical hazard regulations

-Hazard communication standard- an OSHA standard intended to increase health care practitioners’ awareness of risk, improve work practices and appropriate use of personal protective equipment, and reduce injuries and illnesses in the work place

-Chemical hygiene plan- the standard for occupational exposures to hazardous chemicals in laboratories, which clarifies the handling of hazardous chemicals in medical laboratories

-Occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogen standard- the authority by which OSHA can levy fines, based on guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

-Medical waste tracking act- the federal law that authorizes OSHA to inspect hazardous medical wastes and to cite offices for unsafe or unhealthy practices regarding these wastes

-Training and accident report documentation

-Clinical laboratory improvement act- federal statutes passed in 1988 that established minimum quality standards for all laboratory testing

-Workers’ compensation- a form of insurance established by federal and state statutes that provides reimbursement for workers who are injured on the job

-Hiring and the new employee



-Employment paperwork

-Refer to court case

-Fired employee sues and wins, p. 235

-A history-making sexual harassment case, p. 236

-Criminal background check leads to loss of license for home health care provider, p. 238

-Latex victim awarded continued medical treatment, p. 243


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