University of Texas at Austin

Gov 357 JFall 2020Briefing AssignmentA. Brief one of the following cases based on your seat number.Case 1 Last name A-ChCase 2 Last name C0- GarCase 3 Gil -KhCase 4 Li-PetCase 5 Pol – SerbCase 6 Sidi- WasB. Cases for the assignment1, Rucko v Common Cause2. Kelly v United States3.Department of Commerce v. New York4, Virgina House of Delegates v. Bethune-Hill5,Chiafolo v. Washington, Colorado Department of State v. Baca (cases about electors. Contrast and compate in a brief for both cases which are per curiams)6. Lamon v. BisenekC. CitationsThe citation, e.g., 352 U.S. 567 means the case was printed by the Supreme Court(really government printing office) at Volume 533 of what is called U.S. Reports beginning at page 431.To find the full text of your case just search the web based on following example:Findlaw U.S. v. Automobile Wrokers 352 U.S. Or go to Oyez websiteWARNING: The brief is to be in your own words. There may be summaries of the case o the web or even briefs though none will have the form I am using. The explanation of each item on the form can beFound under D. Follow the briefing form exactlyE. Maximum Length 900 words. Put word count on the top right of the first page along with row and seat number to facilitate return of your paper. Put your name on the last page. Turn in two copies. F. In the section on relation to other cases, include a reference to how case is used by one side or the other in Citizens United and whether you think it is cited correctly. Be sure to explain your position. G. Points for each section:A. Facts 20 (As briefly as possible without repeating much of what is below. )B. Procedural History 5 (most cases simply appear from a lower court or a state supreme case)C. Issues 12 (state in form of question or questions to be answered)D. Holding 8 (Answerer to issue questions, yes no and short 1 sentence explanation)E. Judgment 4 (no sentences, just affirmed, reversed, remanded vacated and remanded etc)F. Legal Reasoning, arguments (Majority and significant dissents) 30G. Relation To Other cases, Precedent 7H. Source of Law 4 I. Values 5J. Impact 5 ................

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