An acronym is a shortcut for a string of words that go together. It is usually formed by taking the first letters of the words and capitalizing them. Here are some of the acronyms you are likely to hear in special education and early intervention:

|A+ |After-School Plus Program |

|AA |Alternate Assessment |

|ABA |Applied Behavior Analysis |

|ACFN |Academic and Financial Plan |

|ACT |Autism Consulting Teacher |

|Act 51 |Reinventing Education Act for the Children of Hawaii (2004) |

|ADA |Americans with Disabilities Act |

|ADH |Adult Day Health |

|ADHD/ADD |Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder/Attention Deficit |

| |Disorder |

|ADR |Alternative Dispute Resolution |

|AIDS |Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome |

|AG |Attorney General |

|ALC |Alternative Learning Center |

|AP |Advanced Placement |

|APERT |Adapted Physical Education Resource Teacher |

|APR |Annual Performance Report |

|ASAD |Aloha State Association for the Deaf |

|ASD |Autism Spectrum Disorders |

|ASL |American Sign Language |

|ASPIRE |Accelerating Successful Performance in Regular Education |

|AT |Assistive Technology |

|ATRC |Assistive Technology Resource Centers of Hawaii |

|AV |Audio Visual |

|AYP |Adequate Yearly Progress |

|BASC |Behavior Assessment System for Children |

|BIP |Behavior Intervention Plan |

|BISS |Behavior Intensive Support Services |

|BOE |Board of Education |

|BSP |Behavioral Support Plan |

|CA |Communication Aide |

|CAFAS |Child & Adolescent Functional Assessment Scale |

|CAMHD |Child & Adolescent Mental Health Division (DOH) |

|CAP |Corrective Action Plan |

|CAPA |Content Area Performance Assessment |

|CAPD |Central Auditory Processing Disorder |

|CAS |Complex Area Superintendent |

|CASSP |Child & Adolescent Service System Program |

|CAST |Complex Area Support Team |

|CBE |Competency-Based Education |

|CBHSDP |Competency-Based High School Diploma Program (Adult Education) |

| |Community-Based Instruction |

|CBI |Cognitive Behavior Therapy |

|CBT |Care Coordinator |

|CC |Community Children’s Council |

|CCC |Community Children's Council Office |

|CCCO |Common Core State Standards |

|CCSS |College and Career Readiness Office |

|CCRO |Conduct Disorder |

|CD |Consumer Directed Personal Assistance (DDD) |

|CDPA |Center on Disability Studies |

|CDS |Code of Federal Regulations |

|CFR |Center for Independent Living |

|CIL |Continuous Integrated Monitoring & Improvement Process |

|CIMIP |Case Manager |

|CM |Case Management & Information Services Branch (DOH) |

|CMISB |Complaints Management Program (DOE) |

|CMP |Certified Nurses Aide |

|CNA |Community of Practice |

|CoP |Compact of Free Association |

|COFA |Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant |

|COTA |Committee on Weights |

|COW |Cerebral Palsy |

|CP |Crisis Prevention Intervention |

|CPI |Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation |

|CPR |Continuum of Proactive Student Supports |

|CPSS |Community School for Adults |

|CSA |Children With Special Health Needs Branch (DOH) |

|CSHNB |Coordinated Service Plan |

|CSP |Coordinated Services Review or Comprehensive School Reform |

|CSR |Comprehensive Student Support System |

|CSSS |Career and Technical Education |

|CTE |Child Welfare Services |

|CWS |Department of Accounting & General Services |

|DAGS |Developmentally Appropriate Practices |

|DAP |Drug Abuse Resistance Education |

|DARE |Deaf/Blindness |

|DB |Disability & Communication Access Board |

|DCAB |Developmental Disabilities or Developmental Delay |

|DD |Developmental Disabilities Council |

|DDC |Developmental Disabilities Division (DOH) |

|DDD |District Educational Specialist |

|DES |Department of Human Services |

|DHS |Direct Instruction |

|DI |Distance Learning Instruction |

|DLT |Durable Medical Equipment |

|DME |Department of Education |

|DOE |Department of Health |

|DOH |Department of Parks and Recreation (City & County) |

|DPR |District Resource Teacher |

|DRT |District Quality Assurance Team |

|DQUAT |Data for School Improvement |

|DSI |Diagnostic Statistical Manual (Fifth Edition) |

|DSM/V |Discrete Trial Training |

|DTT |Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DHS) |

|DVR |Electronic School |

|E-SCHOOL |Educational Assistant |

|EA |Emergency Action Plan |

|EAP |Emotional Behavioral Assessment |

|EBA |Evidence Based Practices |

|EPB |Evidence Based Services |

|EBS |Early Childhood Education |

|ECE |Electronic Comprehensive Student Support System |

|eCSSS |Emotional Disability |

|ED |Early Intervention or Educational Interpreter |

|EI |Early Intervention Section |

|EIS |English Language Arts |

|ELA |English Language Learner |

|ELL |Educational Officer |

|EO |Early & Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment |

|EPSDT |Educational Specialist |

|ES |Elementary & Secondary Education Act |

|ESEA |Extended School Year |

|ESY |Educational Television |

|ETV |Evaluation |

|EVAL |Free Appropriate Public Education |

|FAPE |Functional Behavioral Assessment |

|FBA |Felix vs. Cayetano Consent Decree |

|FELIX |Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 |

|FERPA |Family Guidance Center (CAMHD) |

|FGC |Family Health Services Division |

|FHSD |Focus On Learning (School Accreditation) |

|FOL |Fully Self Contained (Placement) |

|FSC |Family-School Partnership |

|FSP |Fiscal Year |

|FY |Geographic Exception |

|GE |General Educational Development (Test) |

|GED |Grade Level Chairperson |

|GLC |General Learner Outcomes |

|GLO |Grade Point Average |

|GPA |Gifted and Talented |

|GT |Hawaii Association of Charter Schools |

|HACS |Hawaii Association for the Education of Young Children |

|HAEYC |Hawaii Association of Independent Schools |

|HAIS |Hawaii Administrative Rules |

|HAR |Home and Community-Based Services |

|HCBS |Health Care Financing Administration |

|HCFA |Homeless Concerns Office |

|HCO |Hawaii Civil Rights Commission |

|HCRC |Hawaii Disability Rights Center |

|HDRC |Hui for Excellence in Education |

|HE’E |Hawaii Early Intervention Coordinating Council |

|HEICC |Hawaii Families As Allies |

|HFAA |Hard of Hearing |

|HH |Home/Hospital Instruction |

|HHI |Hawaii International Dyslexia Association |

|HIDA |Hawaii Department of Education |

|HIDOE |Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (DHS) |

|HIPAA |Hawaii Interpreting Services |

|HIS |Human Immunodeficiency Virus |

|HIV |Hawaii Keiki Information Service System |

|H-KISS |Hawaii Language Immersion Program |

|HLIP |Highly Qualified Teacher |

|HQT |Hawaii Revised Statutes |

|HRS |Hawaii State Assessment |

|HSA |Hawaii State Alternate Assessment |

|HSAA |Hawaii School for the Deaf and the Blind |

|HSDB |Hawaii State School Readiness Assessment |

|HSSRA |Hawaii State Teachers Association |

|HSTA |Hawaii Youth Correctional Facility |

|HYCF |Interim Alternative Educational Setting |

|IAES |Intensive Behavioral Treatment |

|IBT |Intellectual Disability |

|ID |Individuals with Disabilities Education Act |

|IDEA |Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 |

|IDEIA |Individualized Education Program |

|IEP |Individualized Family Support Plan |

|IFSP |Intensive Learning Center |

|ILC |Individual Plan for Employment (Voc Rehab) |

|IPE |Individually Prescribed Program |

|IPP |Intelligence Quotient |

|IQ |Integrated Self Contained (Placement) |

|ISC |Individualized Service/Support Plan |

|ISP |In-School Suspension |

|ISS |Individualized Transition Plan |

|ITP |Junior Reserve Office Training Corps |

|JROTC |Joint Venture Education Forum (Military Schools Partnership Program) |

|JVEF |Learning Disability/Specific Learning Disability |

| |Learning Disabilities Association of Hawaii |

|LD/SLD |Local Education Agency |

|LDAH |Limited English Proficiency |

|LEA |Licensed Practical Nurse |

|LEP |Least Restrictive Environment |

|LPN |McGill Action Planning System |

|LRE |Muscular Dystrophy/Multiple Disability |

|MAPS |Medically Fragile |

|MD |Mental Health |

|MF |Mental Health America |

|MH |Memorandum of Agreement |

|MHA |Modification Plan (Section 504) |

|MOA |Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus |

|MP |Multiple Sclerosis |

|MRSA |Multi-sensory Structured Learning |

|MS |Multi-Systemic Therapy |

|MSL |Master Treatment Plan/Master Plan (for mental health) |

|MST |McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act |

|MTP/MP |National Assessment of Educational Progress |

|MV |No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 |

|NAEP |Non-English Proficient |

|NCLB |National Information Center for Children & Youth with Disabilities |

|NEP |Not Otherwise Specified |

|NICHCY |Obsessive Compulsive Disorder |

|NOS |Office of Curriculum, Instruction & Student Support |

|OCD |Office of Civil Rights |

|OCISS |Oppositional Defiant Disorder |

|OCR |Other Health Disability |

|ODD |Orthopedic Disability |

|OHD |Occupational Skills |

|OD |Office of Special Education Programs (U.S. DOE) |

|OS |Office of Special Education & Rehabilitation Services (U.S. DOE) |

|OSEP |Occupational Therapy |

|OSERS |Office of Youth Services |

|OT |Personal Assistant |

|OYS |Personal Assistance Habilitation |

|PA |Parents & Children Together |

|PAB |Plan to Achieve Self Sufficiency |

|PACT |Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports |

|PASS |Positive Behavioral Supports |

|PBIS |Parent Community Networking Center |

|PBS |Public Charter Schools |

|PCNC |Professional Development |

|PCS |Pervasive Developmental Disorder |

|PD |Portable Document File |

|PDD |Pre-School Developmental Screening Program |

|PDF |Physical Education |

|PDSP |Picture Exchange Communication System |

|PE |Peer Education Program |

|PECS |Public Health Administrative Officer |

|PEP |Public Health Nursing |

|PHAO |Parent Involvement |

|PHN |Partnerships in Community Living Program (DDD) |

|PI |Partners in Development Foundation |

|PICL |Public Law |

|PIDF |Present Levels of Academic Achievement & Functional Performance |

|P.L. |Present Levels of Educational Performance |

|PLAAFP |Pre-School Outcomes Measurement System |

|PLEP |Para-Professional Tutor |

|POMS |Pacific Resources for Education & Learning |

|PPT |Primary School Adjustment Program |

|PREL |Procedural Safeguards Notice |

|PSAP |Private School Participation Project |

|PSN |Program & Services for Secondary Alienated/At-Risk Students |

|PSPP |Physical Therapy |

|PSSAS |Parent-Teacher-Student Organization/Association |

|PT |Parent Training & Information Center |

|PTA/PTO/PTSA |Personal Transition Plan |

|PTI |Post Traumatic Stress Disorder |

|PTP |Part-time Temporary Teacher |

|PTSD |Prior Written Notice |

|PTT |Quality Assurance |

|PWN |QUEST Expanded Access |

|QA |Quality Care, Universal Access, Efficient Utilization, |

|QExA |Stabilize Cost, Transformation (DHS Medical Insurance) |

|QUEST |Reinventing Education Act for the Children of Hawaii (2004) |

| |Resource Caregiver Provider |

|REACH |Results-Driven Accountability |

|RCP |Request for Proposal |

|RDA |Registered Nurse |

|RFP |Resource Teacher |

|RN |Response to Intervention |

|RT |Race to the Top |

|RTI |School Accountability Office |

|RTTT |School Administrative Services Assistant |

|SAO |Stanford Achievement Test/Scholastic Assessment Test |

|SASA |Smarter Balanced Assessment System |

|SAT |School-Based Behavioral Health |

|SBAS |Standards-Based Education |

|SBBH |Standards-Based Report Card |

|SBE |School-Based Services |

|SBRC |School-Based Services Review |

|SBS |School Community Council |

|SBSR |State Children’s Health Insurance Program |

|SCC |Speech or Language Disability |

|SCHIP |Stanford Diagnostic Reading Test |

|SD |Supported Employment |

|SDRT |State Education Agency |

|SE |Special Education Advisory Council |

|SEA |Support for Emotional & Behavioral Development (CAMHD) |

|SEAC |Supporting Exceptional Citizens of Hawaii |

|SEBD |Senior Exit Plans Survey |

|SECOH |Special Education Section |

|SEPS |Supplemental Education Services |

|SES |Stanford Early School Achievement Test |

|SES |Special Education Vocational Rehabilitation (Program) |

|SESAT |Sensory Integration |

|SEVR |Standards Implementation Design |

|SI |State Improvement Grant |

|SID |Strategic Implementation Plan |

|SIG |Student Information System |

|SIP |Specific Learning Disability |

|SIS |Students of Limited English Proficiency |

|SLD |School-Wide Learner Outcomes |

|SLEP |Speech Language Pathologist |

|SLO |Standards of Practice |

|SLP |Special Education |

|SOP |Special Parent Information Network |

|SpEd |State Performance Plan |

|SPIN |School Quality Survey |

|SPP |School Renewal Specialist |

|SQS |Social Security Administration |

|SRS |Student Services Coordinator |

|SSA |Supplemental Security Income |

|SSC |Social Security Disability Insurance |

|SSI |State Systemic Improvement Plan |

|SSDI |Safe School Information System |

|SSIP |Student Support Team |

|SSIS |School Social Worker |

|SST |Service Testing/Skills Trainer |

|SSW |Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics |

|ST |Sequenced Transition to Education in Public Schools |

|STEM |Speech to Speech (Relay Services) |

|STEPS |School-to-Work Opportunities |

|STS |Superintendent |

|STWO |School Year |

|SUPT |Technical Assistance |

|SY |Temporary Assistance for Needy Families |

|TA |Traumatic Brain Injury |

|TANF |Temporary Disability Insurance |

|TBI |Teletypewriter |

|TDI |Tourette Syndrome |

|TTY |University of Hawaii at Manoa |

|TS |Uniform Information Practices Act |

|UHM |United States Department of Education |

|UIPA |Voice Carry Over |

|USDOE |Visual Disability |

|VCO |Vice Principal |

|VD |Waiver Day |

|VP |Women, Infants & Children (Nutritional Program) |

|WD |Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children |

|WIC |Western Regional Resource Center |

|WISC |Weighted Student Formula |

|WRRC |World Wide Web |

|WSF |Youth Risk Behavior Survey (CDC) |

|WWW |Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1975 |

|YRBS |District Coordinators for Preschool Special Education |

|504 | |

|619 Coordinators | |


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