Presentation of ENOTHE Project Groups


Projectleader: Joaquim Faias, head OT Programme, Escola Superior de Saúde do Porto, Portugal

This group was formed under the theme “Harmonisation and quality assurance in occupational therapy” with the aim to develop a common understanding and harmonisation of occupational therapy terminology to enhance communication of occupational therapists in Europe. In order to achieve this aim consensus definitions have been created in English of essential terms used in occupational therapy based on occupational therapy literature in different languages. A website has been developed where these consensus definitions are displayed, together with their translations into the working languages of the group (French, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, German, Greek). Also displayed are the definitions, fully referenced, from which the consensus definitions were constructed. A protocol has been developed for the inclusion of further languages.

International Peer Review

Projectleader: Rona Howard, Professor, University of Salford, United Kingdom

Quality enhancement of occupational therapy education in Europe through peer review.

In accordance with the principles outlined in the Sorbonne Declaration (1998) the European Network of Occupational Therapy in Higher Education (ENOTHE) funded a project to develop European curriculum guidelines for occupational therapy education. In 2000 curriculum guidelines were published by ENOTHE and became the baseline indicators for the development of an academic peer review process.

The development phase of the peer review process was informed by systems used by the Quality Assurance Agency (UK), the thematic network for dental education (DENTED), the Association of Professional Education in the Netherlands and the European Universities Association Quality Assurance Project. The process developed involved 3 phases – self evaluation, peer evaluation, enhancement and development.

During 2003/4 the process was piloted in 5 education institutions in the following host countries – Denmark, Austria, France, Finland and the Czech Republic.

Outcomes of the reviews indicate that the experience was both positive and developmental for the education institution, academic team’s members and reviewers. The process promoted co-operation in quality assurance, enhancement of the curriculum, and increased mutual understanding of European education systems and cultures.

European Dimension

Projectleader: Marc Velghe, Lecturer, Artevelde Hogeschool, Gent Belgium

Internet Course Occupational Therapy in Europe. An intercultural experience.

This Internet Course about Occupational Therapy in Europe is a 3 EC module for students all over Europe who want to learn about Occupational Therapy in other European countries.

The course gives students the opportunity to meet and work together in cyberspace and to learn about culture, Occupational Therapy education and practice in different countries. The course runs over a 20 weeks period containing 3 assignments: culture, scope and diversity of Occupational Therapy intervention, similarities and differences in health care, social services and educational systems.

During two pilot studies, more than 40 students from all over Europe worked together under supervision of internet and local tutors.

The evaluation of these pilots by both students and teaching staff showed evidence of new knowledge and skills for all participants, leading towards new competences.

The course was an eye-opener and interesting experience for the students and a new part of the different curricula of the participating schools. On the other hand this course creates many spin-offs and provides new ideas in further cooperation and tuning of the different curricula.

East and Central European Region

Maria Faktorova, Head of OT Programme, Univerzita Karlova v. Praze/ Charles University, , 1st Faculty of Medicine / Occupational Therapy,Prague, Czech republic

The Development of Occupational Therapy Education in Eastern and Central Europe

ENOTHE is working continuously on harmonisation of education and occupational therapy practice in East and Central Europe. Enlargement of Europe is also an important issue for ENOTHE which is clearly reflected in this working group (project in Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary). The main focus of this project group was either to start OT education in different countries in the Eastern and Central European Region and develop Bachelor OT programmes, or to develop post-graduate courses in OT for fieldworkers.

The presentation will give a short overview about the situation concerning occupational therapy education and practice in East and Central European countries. The information were collected from representatives of each country during the workshops and seminars (2001-2003) and from questionnaires (2001-2004).

Furthermore, 2 specific ENOTHE project will be mentioned - Development of Occupational Therapy in Armenia and Georgia, and Facilitation and Participation of Young Persons with Disabilities in an Enlarged Europe.

Occupational Science

Projectleader: Sissel Alsaker, Assistant Professor, Sör Tröndelag University College, Norway

Continuing Education and research

During the working period an enthusiastic group has been established with a strong interest in Occupational Science (OS). This has resulted in an overview of European OS-literature and a web site containing a self study package:


The group has also presented workshops in Estoril and Prague, with participants from all over Europe, which has given interesting comments both of the subject in general and the self study package in particular. The final version of the web pages will be presented at the European OT-congress in Athens.

Possible master’s level education in OS in Europe has also been a target for the work, as well as doctoral programs in OS. To promote further development in continuing education and research in OS is a great challenge for the future.

A proposal for a new working period is sent to the board of ENOTHE, as there are still many interesting aspects to pursue in promoting OS in Europe, and to develop the networking method.

European Cooperation in OT Research - ECOTROS

Projectleader: Fenna van Nes, lecturer Hogeschool van Amsterdam, the Netherlands

European Cooperation in Occupational Therapy Research & Occupational Science: steps from fragmentation to co-operation

Encouraging people in meaningful occupation might facilitate healthy communities and societies. In order to promote this a new project for networking of occupational therapists interested in research and interdisciplinary cooperation all over Europe has been initiated, ECOTROS.

In the presentation the members of the project group will be introduced and the steps that have been taken until now and in the future will be presented.

The project facilitates sharing information and knowledge and aims at improving the communication in Europe between occupational therapists, who are present or future researchers.

Methods to achieve this knowledge sharing are discussed as a step to come closer to a European Occupational Research Co-operation with an increase of (interdisciplinary) research projects enhancing continuously the evidence for best practice in occupational therapy and occupational health promotion.

Problem Based Learning

Projectleader: Paul Himschoot, co-ordinator Quality Care, Provinciale Hoeschool Limburg, Hasselt, Belgium

“The best way to become acquainted with a subject is to write a book about it.” Benjamin Disraeli (1804 - 1881)

PBL stories and signpost - Occupational Therapy Education towards a Problem Based Learning Oriented Curriculum

This book is the final product of 5 years of hard work and close cooperation of high motivated teachers of different school through Europe.

At first we wanted to call the book “guidelines for implementation of PBL in an OT-curriculum”. But can we really offer one structured guideline that leads towards the ultimate and perfect PBL-programme?

Is there only the one and unique pathway towards a PBL-based curriculum?

Can we foresee, or even estimate the unique starting point of every OT programme in Europe to offer one guideline that fits each individual institution’s expectations like a glove?

This is the reason why our group renamed the book in to “Signposts towards a PBL Oriented Curriculum”. A Signpost is a post bearing one or more signs that shows the way. One or more signs mean that there isn’t one unique path towards a PBL-curriculum. There is only one philosophy of student-centred education that leads us all. However, different backgrounds, other teaching traditions, every day reality, the management of the university, political guidelines and restrictions will all influence the journey towards the changed curriculum. But as you can see we finally gave the book the name: “Stories and Signpost”. As we all know the best information one can get is the inside information, information trough a story, and isn’t storytelling one of the media OT’s frequently use in their therapy.

Teaching Practical Skills

Projectleader: Gaynor Sadlo, Head of OT programme, University of Brighton, Brighton,, United Kingdom.

European Approaches to Teaching and Learning ‘Practical’ Occupational Therapy Skills

Embracing one of ENOTHE’s remits, sharing of good practice and innovative teaching methods, this project brought together educators from eight countries. The rise in theoretical hours within programmes in Europe following the Bologna Agreement could threaten the historical value placed on practical skills (especially of the creative sort). We looked at what skills are currently being taught, how they are taught, the purpose of skills, and their future. Through surveys, visits, workshops and seminars we found that probably uniquely in the world, a great variety of ‘skills’ are still being taught, representing almost every human activity. These reflect the various cultures, and the status of occupational therapy. Teachers and students still value the learning of practical skills very highly. The main recommendation: Europe’s historical legacy where many course are not yet at bachelors level, and retain a high number of hours for skills, happens to harmonise with occupational therapy’s ‘return to occupation’ movement. Rather than ‘throw the baby out with the bathwater’ as schools in other continents have done, the experience of participating in occupations, especially creative ones, should not be ‘dropped’ when programmes around Europe become more ‘theoretical’. This recommendation is seen as a major ENOTHE contribution to the future of occupational therapy education around the globe.

Student Workshop

Projectleader: Eleni Makraki and Theo Bogeas, Students of Technological Educational Institution (T.E.I.) of Athens, Dept. OT, Athens, Greece

ENOTHE Student Project - European traditional / popular games and activities

in occupational therapy for children and young people 6-18 years

Students from all over Europe will present popular games and activities of their country, which can be used in occupational therapy for children and young people from 6 till18 years. The students prepared a presentation by making a description of the game/activity and by analysing the game/activity based on a theoretical model. Some of them will present a case-study to demonstrate the implementation of the game/activity with a specific client group (e.g. children with developmental disabilities, young offenders, refugees). All collated games and activities will finally be presented on a CD Rom.

After that there will be a follow-up discussion among all students concerning the preparation of the games and the games themselves.

If required, there will be a forum with any subject concerning ENOTHE students. During the annual meeting any proposal can be submitted to the Greek Student Committee.

Clinical Visit (only for members from the East and Central European region)

Visit to "Theotokos" Foundation, Ilion, Athens, on Monday 20th. This is a centre for Rehabilitative Education for the persons with learning disabilities. It is established in 1963 and it is a private, non-profit organisation offering comprehensive services to children and youths with learning and other developmental disabilities. Departments are a) Special Education and Skills Training, b)Vocational Rehabilitation Training, c)Employability Skills and Work.

Meeting place will be Omonia Metro Station by the ticket office at 08.15. Student volunteers will meet the group at the Metro Station - they will wear ENOTHE

T- shirts.


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