Grade 6 - Cheshire Public Schools

[Pages:12]Grade 6


Spelling Rule/Pattern/Exception

Word List


Short vowel words

1. depth

2. craft

1. Each word in the

3. plunge

pattern list has only one 4. wreck


5. length

2. Each syllable has a

6. prompt

short vowel sound.

7. solve

3. Some syllables have a 8. brass

silent e at the end of 9. bulk

the word.

10. pledge

4. The consonants in

these words may by

single sounds,

digraphs, blends, or



Hard and soft g

1. dialogue

2. disguise

1. Each word on the

3. knowledge

pattern list has either a 4. grudge

soft or hard g.

5. prestige

2. The soft sound is the /j/ 6. gauge

sound. It can be

7. judgment

spelled j, g, or dge.

8. pigeon

3. It is spelled with a g at 9. tongue

the beginning of a

10. language

syllable when followed

by e, l, or y.

4. At the end of a syllable

it is spelled ge or dge.

High Frequency


Frequently Misspelled


11. convention 12. curtail 13. defiance 14. detached 15. eclipse

16. mathematical 17. measurement 18. circumference 19. diameter 20. parallel

11. enhance 12. glimmer 13. frail 14. seclusion 15. turbulence

16. economic 17. historic 18. cultural 19. geographic 20. environment


Vowel digraphs:

1. council

2. moisture

1. The words on this

3. browsing

pattern list all have

4. reviewed

vowel digraphs.

5. exhausted

2. Vowel digraphs are

6. audience

two-letter combinations 7. abroad

which have their own 8. author

unique sound.

9. beautiful

10. decoy

11. depict 12. dismiss 13. restraint 14. retain 15. temperate

16. experiment 17. hypothesis 18. observation 19. atmosphere 20. chemical

Grade 6


Spelling Rule/Pattern/Exception

Word List


Vowel digraph: ou and 1. drought


2. though

3. tournament

1. The words on this

4. encounter

pattern list all have

5. poultry

vowel digraphs.

6. throughout

2. Vowel digraphs are

7. route

two-letter combinations 8. bought

which have their own 9. adjourn

unique sound.

10. ought

High Frequency

Words 11. volatile 12. withhold 13. dispatch 14. versatile 15. equation

Frequently Misspelled

Words 16. earthquake 17. glacier 18. pollution 19. ocean 20. weather


Words ending with ?nce 1. license

11. understand 16. chronology

and ?nse

2. absence

12. syllable

17. bibliography

3. influence

13. direction 18. grammatical

1. The ?ance, -ence, and 4. independence 14. stationary 19. biographical

?ince endings are noun 5. assistance

15. stabilize 20. metaphor


6. obedience

2. ?ance, -ence, and ?

7. condense

ince usually occur in

8. diligence

unaccented syllables 9. excellence

and they are

10. experience

pronounced ns.

3. The ?ance and ?ence

suffixes change verbs

to nouns.


Mixed review list

1. length

2. prompt

The words on this list are a 3. moisture

combination of words from 4. audience

the last five lists

5. knowledge

6. judgment

7. throughout

8. adjourn

9. license

10. absence

11. eclipse 12. turbulence 13. temperate 14. versatile 15. syllable

16. environment 17. parallel 18. hypothesis 19. glacier 20. grammatical

Grade 6


Spelling Rule/Pattern/Exception

Word List

7 Suffixes: -ant, -ent, - 1. intelligence

ance and ?ence.

2. elegance

3. significant

1. The words on this

4. absorbent

pattern list all have 5. indulgence


6. different

2. A suffix is a group of 7. relevant

letter added to the 8. entrance

end of a root word 9. appearance

that changes its

10. allowance


3. The suffixes ?ant

and ?ent mean full of

and are used to

create nouns and


4. The suffixes ?ance

and ?ence mean

quality or state of

and are used to form


High Frequency

Words 11. different 12. studies 13. thought 14. tomorrow 15. certain

Frequently Misspelled Words

16. technology 17. megabyte 18. virus 19. telecommunications 20. programming

8 Suffixes: -al and ?ous 1. partial

2. accidental

1. The words on this

3. rehearsal

pattern list all have 4. beneficial


5. mysterious

2. A suffix is a group of 6. outrageous

letter added to the 7. courageous

end of a root word 8. adventurous

that changes its

9. luminous


10. poisonous

3. The suffix ?al means

pertaining to.

4. The suffix -ous

means full of.

11. education 12. especially 13. scientist 14. yesterday 15. Wednesday

16. archaeologist 17. discovery 18. architecture 19. constitution 20. democratic

Grade 6


Spelling Rule/Pattern/Exception

Word List

9 Prefixes: in-, im-, il-

1. incomplete

and ir-

2. imperfect

3. impolite

1. The words on this

4. impossible

pattern list all have 5. impatient


6. illiterate

2. A prefix is placed

7. illegible

before a root word to 8. illogical

change its meaning. 9. irregular

3. The spelling of the 10. irresponsible

root word is not

changed when

adding a prefix.

4. The prefixes in-, im-,

il- and ir- mean not.

High Frequency

Words 11. hamburger 12. congressman 13. university 14. concerned 15. envelope

Frequently Misspelled Words

16. inquiry 17. variable 18. classifying 19. evidence 20. characteristics

10 Two-syllable words: 1. rival

one consonant

2. agent

between two vowels. 3. tyrant

4. rodent

1. The words on this

5. focus

pattern list all have 6. vacate

two syllables.

7. tirade

2. The first syllable is 8. ozone

an open syllable (the 9. sequel

vowel is not followed 10. spoken

by a consonant).

3. Open syllable vowels

are usually long.

11. important 12. raspberry 13. manual 14. eighty 15. honestly

16. Canada 17. province 18. mountain 19. resource 20. transportation





11 Two and three

syllable words with

vowel-consonant -e

in one syllable

1. The words on this pattern list each have two or three syllables.

2. Each of the first syllables are closed (they end with a consonant).

3. Closed syllables usually have short vowels.

Grade 6

Word List

High Frequency Words

1. costume 2. console 3. dispute 4. accuse 5. misfortune 6. undermine 7. confiscate 8. interfere 9. athlete 10. boredom

11. pictures 12. analyze 13. synthesizer 14. artificial 15. patient

Frequently Misspelled Words

16. skeletal 17. muscular 18. respiratory 19. circulatory 20. systems

12 Mixed review list

1. interfere

2. athlete

The words on this list 3. rehearsal

are a combination of 4. mysterious

words from the last 5. tyrant

five lists.

6. sequel

7. impatient

8. illegible

9. relevant

10. intelligent

11. patient 12. Wednesday 13. eighty 14. university 15. certain

16. province 17. archaeologist 18. respiratory 19. variable 20. telecommunications

13 Two-syllable words: 1. spindle

-ble, -dle, -ple, etc 2. tremble

as second syllable 3. fizzle

4. smuggle

1. The words on this 5. crackle

pattern list all have 6. ramble

two syllables.

7. humble

2. The second

8. thimble

syllable ends in ? 9. steeple

ble, -dle, or ?ple. 10. shuttle

3. The first syllable is

closed. Therefore,

the vowel is short.

4. The vowel in the

second syllable

has a schwa


11. abandon 12. circumstance 13. definite 14. design 15. establish

16. muscles 17. tendons 18. ligaments 19. stretch 20. strength





14 R-controlled vowels

1. The pattern words on this list all have two syllables.

2. One of the syllables is rcontrolled.

Grade 6

Word List

High Frequency Words

1. harvest 2. partner 3. northern 4. servant 5. merge 6. confirm 7. thirsty 8. skirmish 9. disturb 10. further

11. guarantee 12. implement 13. perceive 14. scheme 15. license

Frequently Misspelled Words

16. geometry 17. algebra 18. exponent 19. symmetry 20. probability

15 The three sounds of 1. grease

ea (, , )

2. conceal

3. treatment

1. Each of the words 4. eastern

on the pattern list 5. pleasant

contain the vowel 6. sweater

combination ?ea. 7. spread

2. Depending on the 8. meant

words and their 9. breathe

language of

10. steak

origin, the ea

letters might

sound like a short

e, a long e, or a

long a.

11. community 12. disappointed 13. typewriter 14. champion 15. schedule

16. literature 17. dramatic 18. mythology 19. personification 20. narrative

16 Letter combinations: 1. confession


2. permission

3. suspension

1. The words on the 4. transmission

pattern list all

5. possession

contain the letter 6. extension

combination ?sion. 7. confusion

2. The letter

8. explosion

combination ?sion 9. division

says /shn/ and 10. transfusion


3. It almost always

occurs at the end

of a word.

11. striped 12. therapist 13. measure 14. handicapped 15. communicator

16. audience 17. punctuation 18. comparison 19. prefix 20. suffix

Grade 6





Word List

High Frequency Words

17 Letter combinations: 1. suction

11. apparently


2. friction

12. automatically

3. objection

13. impression

1. The words on the 4. construction 14. instructions

pattern list all

5. affection

15. casserole

contain the letter 6. consumption

combination ?tion. 7. distraction

2. The letter

8. infection

combination ?tion 9. instruction

says /shn/.

10. auction

3. It almost always

occurs at the end

of a word.

Frequently Misspelled Words

16. interpretation 17. generalization 18. description 19. reference 20. research

18 Mixed review list

1. objection

The words on this list 2. sweater

are a combination of 3. division

words from the last 4. breathe

five lists.

5. instruction

6. transmission

7. tremble

8. shuttle

9. skirmish

10. merge

11. typewriter 12. circumstance 13. guarantee 14. apparently 15. handicapped

16. punctuation 17. tendons 18. symmetry 19. personification 20. generalization

19 Prefixes: pre-, pro-, 1. precaution


2. preheated

3. preschool

1. The words on the 4. production

pattern list all

5. promotion

contain prefixes. 6. pronounce

2. A prefix is a group 7. procession

of letters added to 8. departure

the beginning of a 9. debrief

root word to

10. denominator

change its


3. The prefix pre-

means before.

4. The prefix pro-

means before,

forward or shows


5. The prefix de-

means from or

away or indicates

reversal or


16. embarrassed 17. especially 18. instructions 19. assistance 20. appetite

21. coordinate 22. minimum 23. maximum 24. estimation 25. graphic

Grade 6





Word List

High Frequency Words

20 Prefixes: dis-, mis-, 1. disadvantage 11. obviously

non- and un-

2. disagree

12. professional

1. The words on the 3. disapprove

13. restaurant

pattern list all

4. mismatch

14. conceived

contain prefixes. 5. misbehave

15. conversation

2. A prefix is a group 6. misadventure

of letters added to 7. nonproductive

the beginning of a 8. unafraid

root word to

9. unconscious

change its

10. undecided


3. The prefix dis-

means lack of or

opposite of

4. The prefix mis-

means not done


5. The prefix non

means not or

opposite of.

6. The prefix un-

means contrary to

or reversal of


21 Suffixes: -able and ? 1. understandable 11. eventually


2. honorable

12. correctly

1. The words on the 3. favorable

13. situation

pattern list all

4. avoidable

14. temperature

contain suffixes. 5. acceptable

15. instruments

2. A suffix is a group 6. remarkable

of letters added to 7. likable or

a root word that


changes its

8. valuable


9. admirable

3. Add the suffix ? 10. accessible

able to a root word

if the root word has

a long vowel and

ends in a silent e;

drop the e before

adding ?able.

if ?able follows a

hard c.

4. If the root word

ends in ?ns, -ss,

or ?x, use ?ible.

5. The suffixes ?able

and ?ible are used

to form adjectives.

Frequently Misspelled Words 16. erosion 17. anatomy 18. geological 19. organisms 20. movement

16. federal 17. legislative 18. immigration 19. international 20. government


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