Henry County Public Schools / Overview





Topic 1: Experimental Design and Data Analysis

Here’s some stuff you have to know:

Terms Definitions?

|Independent variable | |

| | |

|Dependent variable | |

| | |

|Hypothesis | |

| | |

|Experimental Group | |

| | |

|Control Group | |

| | |

|Constant | |

| | |

What’s the difference between a hypothesis and a scientific theory?

Be able to interpret data in chart or graph form!

Experimental Design Question Set #1:


1. Which data point on the graph is probably invalid?

A 1

B 2

C 3

D 4

2. In an experiment, the height of several plants was recorded daily in millimeters. Which tool would be the most accurate and appropriate for this measurement?

A Digital scale

B Graduated cylinder

C Yardstick

D Metric ruler

3. A student’s experiment showed that earthworms move away from light. This statement should be classified as —

A an inference

B a hypothesis

C a prediction

D a conclusion


4. According to this map, which animal would most likely avoid cold waters?

A Manatee

B Walrus

C Right whale

D Bottlenose dolphin

5. Data about the climate in an ecosystem were collected for 30 years. Which hypothesis about a population of eagles could be made based on the climate data collected?

A Eagle chick survival is directly related to annual rainfall amounts.

B An outbreak of disease in 1987 killed 82% of the eagle population.

C Eagles remain with the same mate throughout their lifetime.

D Mortality of eagles from pesticides after 1992 was less than 5%.

6. Which of these would be the best resource to research the symptoms and treatment of hypoglycemia?

A New England Journal of Medicine

B Natural History Magazine

C Daily television news

D Journal of Zoology


7. Based on the data in the table, what is the difference between the mean number of sparrows and the mean number of jays observed at Willow Point between May 12 and May 16?

A 190

B 48

C 38

D 36

8. A scientist designed an experiment to test the effect of temperature on bacterial growth. He grew three different cultures of the bacterium E. coli under three heat lamps at different temperatures. What was the independent variable in this experiment?

A Length of the experiment

B Number of bacteria

C Reproduction rate

D Temperature

9. Which of these would be measured to determine the density of the polar bear population in Canada?

A The number of bears per square kilometer

B The total number of bears seen per day

C The mass of the bears at the Arctic Circle

D The total number of bears minus the juvenile bears


10. According to the graph, the highest metabolic rate is found in —

A amphibians

B reptiles

C birds

D mammals

11. A biology class wanted to develop a research project to predict the effects of a new highway on wildflower species found in the Piedmont region of Virginia. The class could best conduct such a study by sampling flowers found in the highway construction area —

A one year before highway construction begins

B both before and after highway construction is completed

C immediately after highway construction is finished

D during the time highway construction is taking place

12. Which sentence best states the importance of using control groups?

A Control groups allow comparison between subjects receiving a treatment and those receiving no treatment.

B Control groups eliminate the need for large sample sizes, reducing the number of measurements needed.

C Control groups eliminate the need for statistical tests and simplify calculations.

D Control groups provide a method by which statistical variability can be reduced.

13. People long ago believed that maggots came from meat. In the late 1600s, Francesco Redi made the hypothesis that maggots came from flies rather than from meat. Which of these experimental designs could be used to test Redi’s hypothesis?

A [pic] B [pic]

C [pic] D[pic]


14. The graph shows the results of using an enzyme to break down a substance. What temperature will activate this enzyme most rapidly?

A 20C

B 30C

C 40C

D 50C


15. Sarah designed an experiment to find out which mouthwash was most effective against some bacteria. She cut out four different circles from a paper towel and soaked each circle in a different mouthwash. She put the circles on a nutrient agar-coated Petri dish that was covered with bacteria commonly found in the mouth. She then incubated the plate for 24 hours. The picture shows the results of this test. Which of the following should Sarah do to improve her experiment?

A Use a smaller Petri dish

B Use different kinds of bacteria

C Use the same size paper circles for all mouthwashes

D Use the same type of mouthwash on each paper circle

16. A biology class in Virginia conducted a survey of the plant species found on their school grounds. They found several plants that they didn’t recognize. What resources would be most helpful to the class in identifying the plants and determining if they were introduced as exotic species?

A Biology textbooks and the encyclopedia

B Virginia native plant checklists and plant identification keys

C Fossil records and historical society publications

D Virginia newspapers and science journals


17. Many bacteria produce methane (CH4) as a byproduct when they grow. A measured amount of methane producing bacteria was placed in each of four test tubes, and one of four sugars (fructose, sucrose, lactose, glucose) was added to each tube. What conclusion can you draw from this graph?

A These bacteria cannot use lactose very efficiently.

B Growth is fastest with sucrose.

C All the sugars were used up after 40 minutes.

D At 60 minutes, all of the bacteria were dead.

18. A biology class of 24 students decides to measure the height of each student and then calculate the average height for the class. Which of these is a possible source of error in this activity?

A The accuracy of making and recording measurements

B The total number of students in the class

C The number of males and females in the class

D The difference in the ages of the students in the class

19. A student hypothesizes that thick leg muscles are an inherited trait in dogs. The student collects data on several dogs, and the data show that dogs that live outdoors have thicker leg muscles than dogs that live indoors. What should the student conclude?

A Dogs that inherit thick leg muscles may not survive indoors.

B Dogs with thick leg muscles may require more exercise than dogs with thin leg muscles.

C Inheritance alone may not account for thick leg muscles in dogs.

D Inheritance of thick leg muscles may be associated with coat thickness in dogs.


20. These data were collected during an experiment in which two species of planaria were trained to make left turns in a T-maze. Which conclusion is best supported by these data?

A Polycelis learns faster than Dugesia.

B Dugesia learned more information than Polycelis.

C Polycelis made more mistakes than Dugesia.

D Dugesia reacted faster than Polycelis.

Experimental Design Question Set #2:

1. Which of these sources would be most appropriate to use for a research project investigating the effects of antibiotics on the disease-causing organism, E. coli?

A The Daily News – a local newspaper

B The Evening Report – a national television news program

C The Journal of Bacteriology – a national professional journal

D The World Today – a weekly magazine of important events


2. The hypothesis best supported by this graph is that these beetles are most active when the area is —

A free from predators

B coolest with some sunlight

C wettest from dew

D richest in oxygen supplies


3. Which of these statements is best supported by these data?

A Wheat plants exposed to high-intensity ultraviolet light produce fewer seeds.

B Chloroplasts of wheat are able to filter out low-intensity ultraviolet light.

C High-intensity ultraviolet light may be used to control weed growth.

D No exposure to ultraviolet light increases pollination in wheat plants.

4. Harvester ants often strip a bush of all of its leaves. Some people believe this helps the plant grow thicker, healthier stems. In an experiment, a student stripped off all the leaves from a set of plants. In a second set of identical plants, the student allowed ants to strip off the plants’ leaves. In order to improve this experimental design, it is most important to add a set of plants —

A exposed to a different ant species

B of a different species

C with its leaves left intact

D that are dormant

5. Which question cannot be answered scientifically because the quantity cannot actually be measured?

A How fast can a tiger swallowtail butterfly fly?

B How heavy is a mature female elephant?

C How happy is a chimpanzee when it finds its favorite food?

D How much food does a water buffalo consume in one day?


6. The above information was collected in the field while studying the effect of pH on the growth of the duckweed plant. The data shows that duckweed has optimum growth at a pH of —

A 4

B 6

C 8

D 12

7. A company that produces Brand X flea shampoo claims to have the most effective shampoo for killing fleas. Which of these sets of data supports the Brand X claim?

A [pic]

B [pic]

C [pic]

D [pic]


8. Four disinfectants were tested in two trials, each for their effectiveness in controlling bacterial growth. The table shows the bacterial growth in each trial after four days. Which of the following conclusions is best supported by the results of this study?

A Disinfectants kill most bacteria on contact.

B Strong concentrations of disinfectants can be harmful.

C Some disinfectants are more effective than others.

D Disinfectants cannot be used to control bacterial infections.


9. A study on a poultry farm was conducted to determine the percentage of vitamin supplement necessary to add to the feed of turkeys in order to maximize their growth. According to this data, what percentage of vitamin supplement should be added to the turkeys’ diet?

A 6%

B 8%

C 10%

D 14%


10. An experiment is designed to clear an oak-hickory forest and replant the area with pines. Which of the following species would be most threatened by this experiment?

A Field sparrow

B Cardinal

C Summer tanager

D Hooded warbler


11. In the above table, which item of data is most likely to be invalid?

A Plot 1 on July 1

B Plot 2 on June 15

C Plot 3 on May 15

D Plot 4 on May 30


12. In the lab setup pictured above, a student is trying to determine the effect of pollutants on the growth of three groups of seeds. The results will not be valid because the experiment has no —

A conclusion

B hypothesis

C control

D variable

13. Orchids were studied to determine if the amount of humidity affected the flowering of these plants. Which of these was the independent variable in this study?

A The percentage of humidity

B The amount watered

C The length of time required for flowering

D The number of flowers on each plant

14. Which of the following scientific achievements best represents a collaborative effort among scientists?

A Anton van Leeuwenhoek invented the microscope in the 1600s, which was later used by others to study cells.

B Robert Koch studied infectious diseases, and Louis Pasteur demonstrated that life only comes from life.

C Gregor Mendel’s study of pea plants enabled Thomas Morgan to become the first to locate a gene on a chromosome in Drosophila.

D Francis Crick and James Watson worked together to design the double-helix model of DNA.

15. Richard was observing black swallowtail butterflies in the field. Which one of these is an observation he made about a black swallowtail butterfly?

A The black swallowtail is closely related to the spicebush swallowtail.

B The black swallowtail belongs to the class Insecta.

C The black swallowtail likes to fly more than anything else.

D The black swallowtail laid its eggs on a parsley plant.


16. Which variable appears to control leaf production in these plants?

A The amount of water

B The temperature

C The number of daylight hours

D The relative humidity



Which factor would need to be known before a valid conclusion could be based upon these data?

A The original average height of grass

B The length of the study period

C The density of the phosphate solutions

D The mineral content of the potting soil

18. An experiment was conducted to test the effectiveness of four different fertilizers on plant growth. Two grams of each fertilizer were to be diluted in 9 milliliters (mL) of water before adding to a plant. Which of the following measuring devices would introduce the least error into the measurement of the 9 mL of water?

A 10 mL graduated cylinder

B 20 mL graduated cylinder

C 50 mL graduated cylinder

D 100 mL graduated cylinder


19. Jan consistently read the volume of liquids as shown. How would this practice impact her work?

A Her measurements would lack precision.

B Her measurements would be too high.

C Her measurements would be too low for less dense liquids.

D Her measurements would be very accurate.


20. The most valid and reliable test of this hypothesis would include an experimental group of pine seeds that was recovered from a fire area and pine seeds that were —

A germinated after a fire

B tolerant of fire

C found before a fire

D placed in a fire

Topic 2: Ecology

Terms Definitions

|Heterotroph/consumer | |

|Autotroph/producer | |

|Succession | |

|Herbivore | |

|Abiotic | |

|Biotic | |

|Mutualism | |

|Parasitism | |

|Commensalism | |

|Predation | |

|Niche | |

|Habitat | |

|Transpiration | |

|Carrying capacity | |

|Biodiversity | |

Ecology Question Set

1. Each drawing represents different stages in community succession within the state of Virginia. Which of the following drawings represents the climax community in this succession pattern?

A [pic] B[pic]

C [pic] D[pic]

2. Some plant roots grow with mycorrhizal fungi. The fungi absorb water and minerals and pass them on to the plant and receive carbohydrates from the plant. This is an example of —

A predation

B mutualism

C competition

D parasitism

3. Wild cats such as cheetahs, lions, and tigers experience decreased genetic diversity as their populations decline and become fragmented due to habitat destruction. Decreased genetic diversity leads to populations with —

A disproportionate gender ratios

B decreased disease resistance

C increased immigration rates

D increased birthrates


4. In the diagram, which organism provides nutrients for the largest number of other organisms?

A Herring

B Snapper

C Bluefish

D Seal

5. A symbiotic relationship in which one organism benefits while one organism is harmed is known as —

A antagonism

B commensalism

C mutualism

D parasitism

6. The organisms in a typical backyard are likely to include bacteria, grass, shrubs, trees, insects, spiders, birds, and small mammals. Together, all these organisms make up —

A a kingdom

B a community

C a population

D an experimental group


7. According to this simplified water cycle, the process of transpiration is the process that —

A causes photosynthesis in plants

B releases water vapor from plants

C speeds the evaporation of water

D increases the rate of the water cycle


8. Food webs are models used to show energy flow in ecosystems. In the above food web, what is the main source of energy for the copepods?

A Parrotfish

B Corals

C Algae

D Shrimp


9. Which order of diagrams would show primary succession in an area that had never before been occupied by living organisms?

A A, C, B, D

B C, A, B, D

C D, B, C, A

D B, A, C, D

10. Algae and multicellular plants are autotrophs because they —

A decompose dead organisms

B absorb nutrients from soil

C break down starches to glucose

D capture sunlight to produce sugars

11. Organisms reproduce following several patterns. Some organisms produce few offspring and provide parental care. Other organisms produce many offspring but provide little or no parental care. Which of the following organisms has the greatest risk of losing a population due to the death of only a few individuals?

A Bacteria

B Flies

C Elephants

D Rats


12. This graph suggests that from 1840 to 1920, the carrying capacity for sheep in Tasmania was approximately —

A 0.75 million

B 1.00 million

C 1.75 million

D 2.25 million

13. Based on the method by which they get food, organisms are classified as autotrophs or heterotrophs. Which organism listed below is correctly paired with its metabolism?

A Mushroom-autotroph

B Human-heterotroph

C Grass-heterotroph

D Fish-autotroph

14. Some sphinx moth caterpillars are called tomato hornworms. These large caterpillars do a tremendous amount of damage to tomato plants. Which method of moth control would be most dangerous to the honeybee, which is needed for plant pollination?

A Using moth scents to attract moths to traps

B Releasing caterpillar parasites

C Spraying plants with insecticides

D Planting moth-repelling plants


15. The diagram shows a simplified nitrogen cycle. Which process is responsible for returning nitrogen to the air?

A Excretion

B Decomposition

C Photosynthesis

D Nitrification


16. Most populations introduced to a new ecosystem grow until factors such as lack of food and overcrowding limit their growth, as illustrated above. What does the portion of the graph labeled B represent?

A Exponential growth

B Slowing growth

C Birthrate decrease

D Death rate increased


17. Which of these is a decomposer in a Virginia forest?

A A pine tree

B A mushroom

C A dandelion

D A caterpillar


18. Around hot-water vents deep in the ocean live specialized communities. Bacteria turn hydrogen sulfide into sugars by a chemical process. The bacteria then provide food to other life forms, as shown in the diagram. Compared to food chains on land, the bacteria fill the same role as —

A hawks

B rabbits

C green plants

D mushrooms

19. What is the main cause of fish kills in rivers polluted by fertilizers?

A Decreased mineral sources

B Decreased oxygen levels

C Increased water temperatures

D Increased water levels


20. This graph shows the sizes of lynx and hare populations between the years of 1845 and 1940. If a predator of the lynx enters the food chain, you might expect the number of —

A lynx and hares to become equal

B lynx to increase

C hares to increase

D hares and lynx to decrease

Topic 3: The Cell

Terms Definitions

|eukaryote | |

|prokaryote | |

|Cell membrane/plasma membrane | |

|Cell wall | |

|ribosomes | |

|Chloroplast | |

|Mitochondria | |

|Golgi | |

|Endoplasmic reticulum | |

|Vacuole | |

|Nucleus | |

|Cilia/flagella | |

|Cell theory | |

|Photosynthesis | |

|Respiration | |

|ATP | |

The Cell, Photosynthesis, and Respiration Question Set:

1. Which pair of structures best shows that plant cells have functions different from animal cells?

A Cytoplasm and mitochondria

B Chloroplasts and cell walls

C Nuclei and centrioles

D Ribosomes and cell membranes

2. When an animal eats, food stays in the stomach for a period of time. When a unicellular organism, such as Paramecium, takes in food, the food is contained in which organelle?

A Chloroplast

B Mitochondrion

C Nucleus

D Vacuole


3. The picture models a cellular metabolic process. The main purpose of this process is to produce —

A phosphate groups

B usable energy



4. Some peeled pieces of apple were placed in distilled water and some in very salty water. The cells in the apple pieces will —

A lose water in both solutions

B gain water in both solutions

C lose water in the distilled water and gain water in the salty water

D gain water in the distilled water and lose water in the salty water

5. In the human body, the circulatory system transports and delivers substances. Within the cell, which organelle performs a similar function?

A Nucleus

B Golgi apparatus

C Mitochondrion

D Endoplasmic reticulum

6. A microorganism which releases water into its environment to regulate its salinity during osmosis is undergoing a process that is similar to a human being who releases moisture on a hot day. This process that helps keep both the microorganism and the human body fluids in balance is known as —

A homeostasis

B cell division

C heredity

D mutation

7. The process of photosynthesis ultimately converts light energy into —

A mechanical energy

B electrical energy

C chemical energy

D nuclear energy

8. Compared to a skin cell, a muscle cell is likely to have more —

A Golgi bodies

B mitochondria

C cell membranes

D chloroplasts


9. Which statement is supported by the diagram?

A The mitochondrion uses the sun’s energy directly.

B The end products of photosynthesis do not provide energy for cellular respiration.

C The main source of energy for photosynthesis is carbohydrates.

D Carbohydrates are converted into ATP by the mitochondrion.

10. A cell with numerous ribosomes is probably specialized for —

A enzyme storage

B energy production

C cell division

D protein synthesis


11. In the cell membrane model shown above, the molecules which move large molecules into and out of the cell are known as —

A cholesterol

B proteins

C lipids

D carbohydrates


12. How is the prokaryotic bacterium in the diagram different from a eukaryotic cell?

A It has ribosomes to make proteins.

B It stores its genetic information in DNA.

C It has no membrane-bound nucleus.

D It has a cell membrane.

13. Cells are the functional units that make up tissues. Tissues then become the functional units that make up —

A enzymes

B organs

C other cells



14. A student was studying the responses of cells to solutions of varying salt concentrations. Which solution below would cause no change in cell size?

A [pic] B[pic] C[pic] D[pic]

15. Bacteria are tremendously successful unicellular organisms, yet all large organisms are multicellular. Unicellular organisms cannot grow very large because the —

A energy expenditures would be too great

B locomotion of the organisms would be too slow

C diffusion of nutrients into the cell’s interior would be too slow

D respiratory rate would be too high

16. Which of these statements best summarizes the cell theory?

A Cells contain a nucleus and other parts.

B Cells come in different shapes and sizes.

C Cells can be seen through a microscope.

D Cells are the building blocks of living things.

17. Which of these functions most like the “brain” of a cell?

A The nucleus

B The Golgi apparatus

C The mitochondrion

D The smooth endoplasmic reticulum


18. What is the total magnification used to view these onion cells through this microscope setup?

A 10x

B 40x

C 50x

D 400x

19. The energy in the food produced by autotrophs or taken into the bodies of heterotrophs must be changed into a form that cells can use. The energy-transferring molecule used by cells is —





20. A bacterium will construct different proteins to metabolize the sugars lactose or glucose, depending on which one it detects in the outside environment. What part of the bacterium allows it to recognize different substances in the outside environment?

A Endoplasmic reticulum

B Cell membrane

C Nucleus

D Lysosomes

Topic 4: Cell Division

Terms/Questions: Definitions/Answers:

|Mitosis | |

|Meiosis | |

|Cell Cycle | |

|Interphase | |

|List the 4 phases of mitosis, in | |

|order: | |

|Why do cells need to undergo mitosis? | |

Compare mitosis and meiosis:

| |Mitosis |Meiosis |

|Does it produce gametes (sex cells) or | | |

|somatic (body) cells? | | |

|How many cells result from one cell, 2 or | | |

|4? | | |

|Does the chromosome number get cut in half | | |

|or stay the same ? | | |

|If you start with a diploid cell (2n), will| | |

|the new cells be diploid (2n) or haploid | | |

|(n)? | | |

|Are the daughter cells identical or | | |

|genetically varied? | | |

|Does the cell divide twice or once? | | |

Cell Division Question Set:

1. Meiosis is the process by which gametes are produced. In which of the following human organs does meiosis occur?

A Testis

B Liver

C Skin

D Pancreas


2. Which phase of mitosis would be seen next?

A [pic] B [pic]

C [pic] D [pic]


3. What is the correct sequence for plant cell mitosis?

A A, B, D, C

B C, B, A, D

C B, A, D, C

D D, C, B, A

4. The reduction of the chromosome number during meiosis is most important for —

A preventing the nucleus from becoming larger with each cell division

B maintaining the chromosome number during sexual reproduction

C keeping the amount of DNA in the cell at a minimum level

D allowing the growth of the cell without increasing the DNA content

5. Which of these reduces the number of chromosomes in sex cells to one half?

A Chemosynthesis

B Cytokinesis

C Meiosis

D Metamorphism


6. A chart of human chromosome pairs is called a karyotype. What information is revealed in the karyotype above?

A The sex

B The age

C Trisomy

D Gene dominance


7. Which of the following phases is the first step in mitosis?

A Anaphase

B Metaphase

C Prophase

D Telophase

[pic]8. Why does sexual reproduction result in greater diversity among offspring than does asexual reproduction?

A Only mitosis must occur in sexual reproduction.

B New combinations of genes result from sexual reproduction.

C Sexual reproduction may occur at a faster rate.

D Mutations are more likely to occur in asexual reproduction.


9. During meiosis, homologous chromosomes can exchange DNA in a process known as —

F replication

G internal fertilization

H cytokinesis

J crossing over

10. The jimsonweed Datura stramonium, normally has 12 chromosomes in the body cells. How many chromosomes will an egg cell of the weed have?

A 6 chromosomes

B 12 chromosomes

C 18 chromosomes

D 24 chromosomes

Topic 5: Biochemistry, Water

Terms /Questions: Definitions/Answers:

|polar | |

|enzyme | |

|Active site | |

|protein | |

|carbohydrate | |

|lipid | |

|Nucleic acid | |

|Why does water stick together? | |

Biochemistry/Water Question Set:

1. What is the function of enzymes in biological systems?

A Enzymes act as substrates when the necessary proteins are unavailable.

B Enzymes act as products to create new chemical reactions.

C Enzymes act as catalysts to drive chemical reactions forward.

D Enzymes bond with substrates to create the new reaction products.

2. Some insects can stand on the surface of water because water —

A has a high specific heat

B has a high boiling point

C is a good evaporative coolant

D is cohesive and adhesive

3. Which of the following macromolecules are a prominent part of animal tissues that function in insulation, helping animals conserve heat?

A Carbohydrates

B Lipids

C Proteins

D Nucleic acids


4. According to the graph, addition of the enzyme amylase causes the reaction to —

A slow down

B speed up

C give off heat

D take in heat

5. If lakes were to freeze solid during the winter, the organisms in the lake would die. Which of these characteristics of water helps prevent permanent freezing of lakes?

A Water freezes at 0C.

B Ice floats when it freezes.

C Water becomes a solid as it freezes.

D Ice loses heat when it melts.

6. Both lipids and carbohydrates are important in animal cells because both —

A store energy

B contain nitrogen

C form cell walls

D provide insulation

7. Ice floats on a lake. This characteristic of water is responsible for —

A suffocation of aquatic organisms

B mixing a lake’s thermal layers

C altering migration patterns of fish

D preventing a lake from freezing solid

8. Most cellular activities are processes regulated by the action of —

A carbohydrates

B enzymes

C lipids

D polysaccharides

9. Enzymes only work with specific substrates because each substrate-

A has a specific activation site for enzyme attachment

B can only use a specific ionic bond with the enzyme

C destroys its specific enzyme

D actively interferes with other substrates around it

10. The unique properties of water enable life to exist on Earth. Which of these is a property of pure water?

A Its solid form is more dense than its liquid.

B It has a low heat absorption capacity.

C It is slightly more acidic than air.

D It dissolves many substances.

11. Proteins are formed from monomers (subunits) called —

A amino acids

B fatty acids

C nucleic acids

D nucleotides

12. Unlike other animals, mammals can perspire. The main benefit of perspiring is that it —

A removes extra water from the cells

B cools the skin with evaporation

C removes dirt from the surface of the skin

D relaxes the muscles

13. Which of the following molecules is most abundant in the cells of the human body?

A Amino acids

B Nucleotides

C Lipids

D Water


14. This graph shows that —

A more enzymes are present at a higher pH

B pepsin is less sensitive to pH than trypsin

C pepsin is less effective at low pH than trypsin

D pH affects the activity rate of enzymes

15. Peroxidase is an enzyme that breaks down hydrogen peroxide in cells. It accomplishes this because of its structure. What part of the enzyme is involved in catalytic activity?

A Binding pocket

B Pleated sheet

C Active site

D Quaternary structure

Topic 6: DNA, Protein Synthesis, and Biotechnology

Terms /Questions Definitions/Answers

|Nucleotide | |

|What are the three parts of a nucleotide? | |

|Who were Watson, Crick, and Rosalind Franklin? | |

|List the four nitrogen bases, and circle the ones that match up. | |

|What is mutation, and what causes it? | |

|Replication | |

|Transcription | |

|mRNA | |

|Translation | |

|Recombinant DNA | |

|Transgenic Organism | |

|Restriction Enzymes | |

1. Amino acids link together by peptide bonds to form proteins. In which cellular organelle would this process occur?

A Mitochondrion

B Ribosome

C Lysosome

D Golgi body

2. Scientists can use genetic information to identify people because it is unique

to each person. Which specific characteristic is unique to an individual?

F The shape of the DNA molecules in cells

G The number of chromosomes in each cell

H The sequence of DNA nucleotides in cells

J The size of each chromosome in a cell


3. The base sequence of an RNA strand that complements this DNA base sequence is —





4. One strand of DNA could be as long as a football field if it were stretched out lengthwise. One of the factors allowing DNA to fit inside the nucleus of a cell is its ability to —

A break apart into separate genes

B extend to form very long, thin molecules

C coil tightly around associated proteins

D denature from the effect of an enzyme


5. In order to form recombinant DNA, scientists have found a way to cut a DNA segment using an enzyme named EcoRI. This enzyme cuts DNA wherever the sequence C-T-T-A-A-G occurs between the A and the G base. Which of these would result if EcoRI were used on the DNA in the diagram above?

A [pic]

B [pic]

C [pic]

D [pic]


6. Which of these segments could be used to correctly complete the DNA molecule in the diagram above?

A [pic] B [pic] C [pic] D [pic]

7. Tissue samples taken from the heart and stomach of a grasshopper would be expected to have the same —

A cell shape

B cell size

C metabolic rates


8. Which of these is most responsible for carrying coded information from the nucleus?

A The cell membrane

B The ribosomes




9. According to this table, a codon AGC is the code for which amino acid?

A Cysteine (Cys)

B Leucine (Leu)

C Serine (Ser)

D Tyrosine (Tyr)

10. In 1869, DNA was discovered within the nuclei of cells. By the 1940s, scientists knew that chromosomes were made of both DNA and protein but did not know which was the genetic material of cells. In the 1950s, scientists demonstrated that DNA is the material responsible for heredity. In 1953, using information collected by other scientists, an American biologist and an English physicist built a three-dimensional model of DNA. These discoveries best illustrate the importance of —

A independent research

B replication of results

C collaborative efforts among scientists

D recent improvements in the scientific method


11. This chart compares the base sequences of homologous segments of DNA from three primates. Based on this information, how many differences in the resulting amino acid sequences would you expect to find between humans and chimpanzees?

A 2

B 3

C 4

D 6

12. The process of DNA replication is necessary before a cell —

A makes a protein

B codes for RNA molecules

C divides into two cells

D modifies lysosome enzymes


13. Which of these will complete the mRNA strand matched to DNA?





14. The parts of DNA that provide the code for proteins are the —

A sugars

B phosphates

C hydrogen bonds

D nitrogenous bases

15. DNA that is derived from the DNA of two or more different species is called —

A recombinant DNA

B mitochondrial DNA

C chloroplast DNA

D plasmid


16. The picture shows an x-ray diffraction of DNA. The x-ray diffraction of DNA led to the idea that DNA —

A is a double helix

B contains paired bases

C can copy itself

D is a very long molecule

17. The triplet code of bases for RNA may be represented by all of the following except —





18. Which of the following is an example of a genetically engineered organism?

A A plant that received external DNA to produce natural insecticides

B A new plant variety created by cross-pollination

C Seedless fruits resulting from grafting of one plant onto another

D A plant that naturally possesses medicinal properties


19. The DNA fingerprints were made from blood samples taken from a puppy and four possible sires of this puppy in an effort to determine the puppy’s pedigree. According to this information, which sire was probably the father of this puppy?


A [pic]

B [pic]

C [pic]

D [pic]


20. The picture shows a segment of DNA from a cat. Which of these is most likely the kitten of this cat?

A 1

B 2

C 3

D 4

Topic 7: Genetics

Terms Definitions

|Genotype | |

|Phenotype | |

|Heterozygous | |

|Homozygous | |

|Sex-linked disorders | |

|Chromosome | |

|Dominant | |

|recessive | |

|Karyotype | |

1. In a plant that has red flowers, red flower color, R, is completely dominant to white flower color, r. If the plant is heterozygous for flower color, which alleles will be carried by the gametes it produces?

F R and r

G R only

H r only

J Rr only

2. Timothy has attached earlobes like his maternal grandfather. His mother and father both have free earlobes, which are dominant. Which statement best explains how Timothy inherited attached earlobes?

F He received a recessive allele from each parent.

G He received a dominant allele from each parent.

H He received a recessive allele from his mother and a dominant allele from his father.

J He received a dominant allele from his mother and a recessive allele from his father.

3. After a culture of cells is allowed to multiply and is viewed through a microscope, the cells are x-rayed with high-energy radiation for less than1/100th of a second. After the radiation, many newly reproduced cells appear different. What has probably occurred?

A Contamination

B Mutation

C Bacterial infection

D Speciation

4. Two plants are crossed, and the traits of height and color are assessed in the offspring. The following cross was conducted: TTPP ttpp. Which of the following choices correctly describes the offspring?

T = dominant allele for height, tall plant

t = recessive allele for height, short plant

P = dominant allele for color, purple

p = recessive allele for color, white


A Three-quarters of the plants are tall and purple.

B Three-quarters of the plants are short and white.

C All are short and white.

D All are tall and purple.

5. In squash plants, yellow fruit (Y) is dominant to white fruit (y). If two plants heterozygous for yellow fruit are crossed, what are the possible genotypes of the offspring?

A Yy only

B YY, yy only

C Yy, yy only

D YY, Yy, yy only


6. Albino individuals lack all pigmentation so that their hair and skin are white. This family tree shows that albinism —

A is carried only by females in this family

B is a recessive genetic trait

C is a sex-linked gene

D requires both parents to be albinos


7. In 1910, Thomas Morgan discovered traits linked to sex chromosomes in the fruit fly. The Punnett square above shows the cross between red-eyed females and white-eyed males. Fruit flies usually have red eyes. If a female and male offspring from the cross shown above are allowed to mate, what would the offspring probably look like?

A 2 red-eyed females; 2 white-eyed males

B 2 red-eyed females; 1 red-eyed male, 1 white-eyed male

C 1 red-eyed female and 1 white-eyed female; 2 red-eyed males

D 2 white-eyed females; 1 white-eyed male and 1 red-eyed male


8. In pea plants, tall plants are dominant to short plants. If two heterozygous tall plants are crossed, what percent of the offspring will probably be short?

A 75%

B 50%

C 25%

D 0%


9. In snapdragons, the combined expression of both alleles for flower color produces a new phenotype that is pink. This illustrates incomplete dominance. The Punnett square above shows that both the white and red snapdragons are homozygous. Which of the following would be the correct product from a cross between two heterozygous pink snapdragons?

A 2 red, 1 pink, 1 white

B 1 red, 2 pink, 1 white

C 1 red, 1 pink, 2 white

D 2 red, 2 white

10. The chances of developing cancer, diabetes, or sickle-cell anemia are higher if a family member also has the disorder because they are —

A highly infectious

B passed through blood contact

C genetically based

D related to diet

11. Inversions in chromosomes occur when part of a chromosome breaks out and is reinserted upside down. Which of the diagrams below represents an inversion?

A [pic] B [pic]

C [pic] D [pic]


12. What conclusion can be drawn from the genetic information above?

A The white parent carried a dominant allele.

B All the F1 rabbits carried a recessive allele.

C All the white rabbits are heterozygous.

D All the black rabbits in the F2 generation are homozygous.

13. A genetic pedigree showing that only males are affected by a certain disorder is evidence of what type of inheritance?

A Dominant

B Sex-linked

C Recessive

D Passive


14. In corn plants, green (G) is dominant to albino (g). According to the Punnett square, what is the chance of this heterozygous cross producing albino corn plants?

A One in four

B Two in four

C Three in four

D Four in four

15. The Human Genome Project was begun in 1988 by scientists from 13 nations as a worldwide effort to understand the sequencing of all of the DNA in the human body. What is one potential scientific benefit of this research?

A It will help to explain human cultural differences.

B It will create communication between research centers.

C It will help find the genes responsible for many diseases.

D It helps to classify man most accurately in the animal kingdom.

16. The discovery that chromosomes are involved in inheritance was made possible by the invention of the —

A microgram scale

B microscope

C computer

D mercury thermometer


17. In rabbits, short fur (F) is dominant to long fur (f). According to the Punnett square, what is the chance of two heterozygous short-haired rabbits having offspring with short fur?

A One in four

B Two in four

C Three in four

D Four in four

18. In cows, long hair is dominant to short hair. In a cow that is heterozygous for long hair, what percentage of the cells undergoing meiosis will carry the dominant allele?

A 25%

C 75%

B 50%

D 100%

19. People who have been exposed to excessive radiation often experience mutations. If these mutations only occur in somatic (body) cells, these people may —

A pass on these mutations to their offspring

B experience an increased risk of cancer

C develop entirely new DNA sequences in all cells

D experience difficulties replicating RNA

20. External sources, such as radiation or chemicals, can cause mutations in genes or entire chromosomes. For a mutation to pass on to offspring, it must occur in a —

A brain cell

B muscle cell

C sex cell

D bone cell

Topic 8: Evolution

Terms /Questions Definitions/Answers

|Natural Selection | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Who came up with the theory of natural selection? | |

|adaptation | |

|fossil | |

|Biogenesis | |

|Spontaneous generation | |

| |

Island Species Distribution

|Island |Number of species common to |Number of species unique to |

| |mainland and island |island |

|1 |82 |2 |

|2 |16 |84 |

|3 |4 |98 |

|4 |53 |11 |

1. Biologists surveyed four islands in a chain near a continent. They identified species found on the mainland and those species that were unique to each island. Based on these results, which island is probably farthest from the mainland?

A 1

B 2

C 3

D 4

2. Some snake embryos have small buds resembling limbs. These buds

disappear at later stages of embryo development. These findings suggest that these snakes —

A had a parent with limbs

B have functional limbs as adults

C will have offspring with limbs

D evolved from an ancestor that had limbs


3. What did the work of these scientists contribute to the study of biology?

A It disproved the theory of spontaneous generation.

B It supported hypotheses about the origin of life.

C It provided an alternative to the cell theory of life.

D It explained the method by which natural selection occurs.

4. Animals that are the least specialized generally stand the best chance of survival when the environment suddenly and drastically changes because they are able to —

A adapt to different conditions

B mutate rapidly

C move from place to place

D reproduce abundantly


5. The results of Pasteur’s experiment helped Pasteur to —

A reject the theory of spontaneous generation

B isolate the virus responsible for smallpox

C produce a vaccine against rabies

D convince people to cover food

6. Scientists hypothesize that oxygen began to accumulate in Earth’s atmosphere after the appearance of living things with the ability to —

A form tissues

B reproduce sexually

C photosynthesize

D breathe air

7. The nonpoisonous eastern scarlet snake has colored bands that closely resemble the poisonous coral snake. This selective adaptation provides the eastern scarlet snake with —

A increased breeding opportunities

B a method of avoiding predation

C the ability to attract prey

D increased feeding opportunities


8. Charles Darwin proposed his theory of evolution based on observations of nature. Which observation that contributed to his theory is illustrated by this population of beetles?

A Environmental resources are limited.

B Populations remain stable over time.

C Individuals within a population may vary widely.

D Species produce more offspring than can survive.


9. Which statement is best supported by the phylogenetic tree shown?

A Species V is still alive today and is the oldest species.

B Species W is still developing from a prior species.

C Species X, Y, and Z became extinct 20 million years ago.

D Species W first came into existence 10 million years ag



11. These feet belong to different birds. Three of the birds spend most of their time on the ground, while one bird rarely walks on the ground. Which foot belongs to the bird that is best adapted for grasping branches?

A [pic] B[pic]C[pic] D[pic]

12. The 14 different species of finches in the Galapagos Islands originated from a single ancestral species. What is it about these islands that is responsible for the diversity of finch species?

A The islands are made of volcanic peaks.

B Each island has different food sources.

C Each island has a different climate.

D The islands are clustered near each other.

13. Over many generations, unrelated or distantly related species may come to resemble each other due to —

A similar environmental factors

B similar genetic mutations

C homologous structural adaptations

D competition with other each

14. Change in species is described as a process that usually occurs over long periods of time. Yet, even though antibiotics have only been widely used for fifty years, scientists recognize that overuse of antibiotics has led to antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria. The reason this can occur in a relatively short span of time is that —

A bacteria are very small

B bacteria reproduce rapidly

C there are many different types of bacteria

D travelers carry bacteria around the world

15. Increased surface area increases the number of molecules that can be collected from the air. According to this information, which beetle antenna is best adapted for chemically sensing the air?

A [pic]B[pic]C[pic] D [pic]

16. One theory of the extinction of dinosaur species is that a large meteorite impact on Earth caused a major atmospheric change marked by colder temperatures. If this theory is correct, what adaptation of mammals probably allowed them to survive even though dinosaurs became extinct?

A Superior low-light vision

B Consumption of an omnivorous diet

C Ability to bear live young

D Endothermic body metabolism

17. Lamarck was an early scientist who studied the development of characteristics in organisms over time. Which of the following choices best describes his views on how organisms change over time?

A Theory of acquired characteristics

B Law of independent assortment

C Theory of artificial selection

D Theory of relative fossil-dating

18. Which of the following statements describes the process of natural selection?

A Farmers select animals with desirable variations for breeding.

B Populations sharing the same gene pool interbreed and create new species.

C Individuals survive that have inherited traits adapted to their environment.

D New species are formed via genetic engineering.


19. The diagram shows undisturbed sedimentary rock strata containing fossils. Which statement best summarizes the history of this area?

A The area was once a forest and was replaced by a freshwater lake.

B The area was once a freshwater lake and was replaced by a saltwater sea.

C The area was once a saltwater sea and later was replaced by a coniferous forest.

D The area was once a saltwater sea and later was replaced by a forest.


20. One method of determining the classification of an animal is by comparing the amino acid sequence. Which of these animals most closely resembles the unknown animal?

A Horse: Met-Gly-Ser-Ser-Tyr-Arg-Arg-Asp-His-Glu-Lys-Asp

B Dog: Met-Gly-Ser-Tyr-Tyr-Arg-His-Asp-Glu-Lys-Asp

C Cat: Met-Gly-Ser-Tyr-Tyr-Arg-His-His-Arg-Cys-Thre-Asp

D Mouse: Met-Gly-Ser-Tyr-Tyr-Arg-His-Glu-Val-Val-Leu

Topic 9: Classification

Terms /Questions Definitions/Answers

|List the classification scheme from largest group to smallest |Domain, kingdom… |

|Who was Carolus Linnaeus? | |

|Binomial nomenclature | |

|What is a scientific name composed of? | |

|What makes two organisms members of the same species? | |

| | |

1. A researcher discovers two populations of birds that are similar. The two populations live in habitats that are different. What evidence might suggest to the researcher that the birds belong to different species rather than the same species?

F Some birds appear to be hybrids of the birds in the two populations.

G The birds in the two populations have different mating behaviors.

H Birds in the two populations sometimes feed in different locations.

J The two populations of birds feed at different times of the day.

2. Which of these animals has the same type of symmetry as a vertebrate?

A [pic] B[pic] C[pic] D[pic]



4. Which of these species is most closely related to Felis rufus?

A Acer rubrum

B Selasphorus rufus

C Felis concolor

D Canis rufus


5. Which frog species would be most likely to interbreed?

A Peeper and leopard

B Wood and pickerel

C Bullfrog and green

D Tree and pickerel


6. According to this chart, the insects that are most closely related are the —

A springtails and bristletails

B dragonflies and proturans

C pringtails and proturans

D bristletails and mayflies


7. A biology student collected pine needles from four different species of trees. She then made diagrams showing the number and actual length of needles in a bundle and the common and scientific name of each species. Use her diagram above to help you answer the following question. These four different pine trees are not classified in the same —

A order

B species

C genus

D phylum

8. Escherichia coli is the scientific name of a bacterium. What category of classification is Escherichia?

A Order

B Genus

C Phylum

D Species

9. Early classification systems consisted of two kingdoms; Plantae and Animalia. What scientific development allowed taxonomists to establish the Archaebacteria, Eubacteria, and Protista kingdoms?

A Discovery of DNA

B Creation of electrophoresis

C Invention of the electron microscope

D Development of Koch’s postulates


10. Which type of Drosophila probably changed the least over time?

A Drosophila melanogaster

B Drosophila willistoni

C Drosophila equinoxialis equinoxialis

D Drosophila equinoxialis caribbensis

11. According to the biological definition of a species, which organisms listed below would belong to the same species?

A Plants that have flowers with the same structures that attract the same pollinators

B Protists that are the same shape and have the same structures for movement

C Animals that can breed and produce fertile offspring

D Mushrooms that are the same color and can grow on trees


12. Which of these is most closely related to the oak weevil?

A [pic] B[pic]C[pic] D[pic]

13. Which of the following would most likely change the current classification of two closely related flower species to a single species?

A The discovery of a new, related species

B An analysis of the DNA sequence of each species

C An analysis of photosynthesis for each species

D The collection of seeds from each species


14. All the organisms shown above belong to the Phylum Chordata. The structural similarity in the organisms suggests that —

A the humerus is attached to the skeleton by immovable joints

B only animals that walk on 4 legs need the humerus

C the humerus is the same size in all chordates

D chordates have common ancestors


15. This key can be used to distinguish four species of frogs found in ponds in eastern Virginia. To which species does the frog shown belong?

A Rana sphenocephala

B Rana clamitans

C Rana catesbeiana

D Rana virgatipes


16. This key can be used to identify the species of some wildflowers found in Virginia. All of the plants have blue or purple flowers with five petals that are fused together. According to this key, to what species does the plant shown belong?

A Viper’s bugloss (Echium vulgare)

B Virginia bluebell (Mertensia virginica)

C Gray beardtongue (Penstemon canescens)

D Lyre-leaved sage (Salvia lyrata)


17. The above chart shows vertebrate embryo development. Which of these would be least related to the others?

A 1

B 2

C 3

D 4


18. According to this key, to what family does the insect belong?

A Dytiscidae

B Haliplidae

C Gyrnidae

D Noteridae

Topic 10: The organisms in the 6 Kingdoms

|Kingdom |cell type |examples? |Way they get food?|Special characteristics |

|Archaebacteria | | | | |

|Eubacteria | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Protists | | | | |

|Fungi | | | | |

|Plants | | | | |

|animals | | | | |

1. The German physician Robert Koch provided evidence to support the germ theory of infectious disease. Koch isolated bacteria from a cow with anthrax, then injected the bacteria into a healthy mouse. To support germ theory, what must have happened to the healthy mouse?

F It became sick.

G It spread smallpox.

H It produced antibiotics.

J It became immune to viral infections.

2. Organisms from which kingdom are most likely to chemically digest their food outside their bodies?

A Fungus

B Animal

C Protist

D Plant

3. Which characteristic do viruses possess in common with living cells?

A They contain a nucleus and organelles.

B They make their own food.

C They contain nucleic acids such as DNA or RNA.

D They are inactive outside the body of living cells.

4. Gymnosperms (a group of plants including conifers) and angiosperms (flowering plants) share many traits but are classified in separate groups. Which is a difference between gymnosperms and angiosperms?

F Only angiosperms form wood.

G Only gymnosperms reproduce with spores.

H Only angiosperms produce seeds within fruits.

J Only gymnosperms have vascular tissue.

5. During a trip to a rain forest, a scientist discovered a new organism living near some rotting logs. The scientist observed that the organism had moist skin, no hair, and an internal skeleton and that it laid its eggs under the logs. This organism was probably a new species of —

A invertebrate

B amphibian

C mammal

D reptile

6. Which of these processes is carried out in the same way in both plants and animals?

A Cellular respiration

B Asexual reproduction

C Circulation of body fluids

D Excretion of metabolic waste


7. The eukaryotic organism described above should be classified as —

A an animal

B a bacterium

C a fungus

D a plant


8. Which animal develops in a cycle most similar to the one shown?

A A bird

B A moth

C A hydra

D A grasshopper

9. Which of these types of reproduction provides the most protection to developing offspring of land-dwelling animals?

A An egg in a mass of jelly

B An egg with a leathery shell

C An egg in an eggshell

D An egg carried internally

10. Which of these could be successfully treated with antibiotics?

A Common cold

B Influenza


D Strep throat

11. All of these are common shapes of bacteria EXCEPT —

A rod

B spiral

C square

D spherical


12. The picture shows an organism that lives in the lakes of two caves in Augusta County, Virginia. Its primary food source appears to be fine bits of organic matter that drift into the cave lakes. This cave dwelling species belongs to the kingdom —

A Archaebacteria

B Protista

C Fungi

D Animalia

13. Which skull belongs to a herbivore?

A [pic] B[pic]

C [pic] D[pic]


14. The cucumber belongs to the Cucurbitacae family and is recognized by its long, trailing vines with fuzzy, three-to five-pointed leaves and long, spiny fruit. Using the characteristics in the chart above, which plant is most closely related to the cucumber?

A Eggplant

B Pumpkin

C Pepper

D Okra

15. In order to maintain homeostasis, it is most important for an animal to be able to —

A respond to its environment

B hide from its predators

C change its habitat

D increase its prey population

16. Unlike plants, fungi cannot make their own food because they do not have —

A roots

B hyphae

C spores

D chlorophyll

17. Bones do all of the following EXCEPT —

A make nerve cells

B make blood cells

C protect organs

D store calcium


18. According to the table, as vertebrate embryos develop —

A amphibians and humans develop the same structures

B only mammals develop both limbs and external ears

C reptiles and amphibians grow external ears

D limbs and external ears grow on mammals and birds

19. What characteristic do all living things share?

A They contain DNA.

B They are made up of many parts.

C They reproduce by mitosis.

D They need oxygen to survive.

20. Which of these could not be a virus?

A[pic] B[pic] C[pic]D[pic]

21. In conditions of stress or fear, the human adrenal gland may produce adrenaline. Which of the following is an effect adrenaline can have on the body?

A Increased blood pressure

B Decreased rate of breathing

C Increased production of red blood cells

D Decreased heart rate


22. Which type of animal is most closely related to a mammal, based on heart structure?

A Fish

B Bird

C Turtle

D Frog

23. Bivalves, such as clams, are found in salt water. The clam captures food particles from water that flows over its gills. Which of these is the best classification of the clam?

A A filter feeder

B A grazer

C A chunk feeder

D A decomposer


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