Introduction:Satire can be gentle or savage, incisive or vague, but it always highlights a serious concern. Satire is the use of humour irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people’s stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other tropical issues. Orwell’s animal farm convincingly reflects the serious concerns of the political context of Orwell’s time. He represents the animals as ‘people’ which symbolise political leaders during the Russian revolution. Moreover, the character of Old Major symbolises a mixture of Marx and Lenin. Similarly, “White America” a controversial song written by Marshall Bruce Mathers II better known as Eminem. Eminem begins heightening a conflict that had always been present in his albums: the white rapper in a black art form. He also addresses the problem regarding the government’s way of accusing Eminem for undermining the freedom speech and tries to destroy his label.First paragraph:In Animal Farm, the animals set out to create a utopia based on the ideals of equality and fairness. The underlying satirical message is that the human nature is easily corrupted by power. The pigs have become just as bad as the humans they sought to overthrow. “Today we begin the harvest”. The form of satire being used is irony. After Mr Jones is overthrown, the animals are supposed to be free from dictatorship but snowball takes his position on the farm. This quote is an indication of how nothing has changed regardless of Mr. Jones being overthrown. Through the declaration of the beginning of the hay harvest, a tone of modality is used to demonstrate the new social hierarchy on the farm. “All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others”. Reversal, this tells us that unfairness existed amongst the animals, through the narrator. The animals aren’t completely aware of this inequality. And apart from reversal, allegory is used to symbolise the overthrow of Tsar Nicholas II and the Communist Revolution in Russia before WW1. The actions of the animals are used to reveal the greed and corruption of the revolution. The quote demonstrates how Animal Farm has fallen into corruption, and how it merely establishes a bold dichotomy(conflict) that masks the pigs’ treachery. The motto had undergone such generalisation that it has become propaganda, a rallying cry that will keep the common animals focused on the pigs’ rhetoric, so that they will ignore their own unhappiness. Furthermore, the quote also alludes back to Joseph Stalins reign over Russia during the Russian revolution. This is then summarised by stating that Orwell represents the animals as ‘people’ and that there is clearly an array of traits and tendencies presented in the characters on the farm, that symbolise leaders during the Russian revolution.Second paragraphEminem begins heightening a conflict that had always been present in his albums: the white rapper in a black art form. Eminem has achieved fame in the white suburbs and so not only has he taken on the ire of urban audiences (and peers) who remain sceptical of a white rapper. Not only does this view fall badly to scrutiny, but raving about freedom is quite absurd when the country was simultaneously attempting to censor artists. “I’m lovin it”. Exaggeration and irony are used throughout the quote. Exaggeration has been used here to present how Eminem may be sarcastic, or genuinely happy about the attention, he’s getting from the government. This is ironic because Eminem is stating that his loving all the attention that he is receiving from the government, but at the same time he uses his song to express his frustration regarding this issue. “White America, I could be one of your kids”. Eminem uses parody and symbolism to satirise the serious concern. Rap music didn’t cause as much controversy to the upper class with America because they could never see their own kids doing that. But here Eminem is saying that suddenly white parents see the face of rap being white like their kids and they don’t like that. Because Eminem looks like a typical white American, he was able to connect better with the white suburban kids of America. Therefore, the fact that Eminem was white, brought him to the attention of the parents of these kids which then sparked the massive controversy of him. The massive controversy could also be fuelled by the fact that Eminem is white just like their kids bringing to the ‘scary’ realisation that Eminem could be the new face of the white American youth.Third paragraphBefore the ambitious pig Napoleon rules over the animals with an iron hoof, the non-human denizens of Animal Farm were led by Old Major, an aging boar. He symbolises a mixture of Marx and Lenin. Old Major teaches the animals about the inequalities between the humans and animals on the farm. The pigs try to create a human society as they place themselves at a position that is close to power, which is more easily to corrupt. “All men are enemies. All animals are comrades”. This statement is ironic because the concept of all are equal and ‘more equal’ is really contradictory and does not make sense. Orwell uses irony in the quote as it goes hand-in hand with satire. Major’s words resonant throughout the novel because the animals become a blueprint for the very behaviours of Napoleon once he’s established his dominance over his own. This quote also uses antithesis. The animals are contrasted to humans. It is first learned that all humans are enemies of animals. Second, it is learned that all animals are comrades. The commandments change as his hold over the animal’s changes and essentially erases the tenets of the revolution. “They explained that by their studies of the past three months the succeeded in reducing the principles of animalism to seven commandments”. The form satire used is Parody. The seven commandments is a mock of the seven commandments. Irony is present in this quote. This is because the animals are supposed to be ruled by the humans, not the other way around. It backs up the theme because the animals lost their innocence when they took over and made it so that they were ‘above’ the humans. The use of parody represents that the pigs are trying to create human society that is parodying the seven commandments which traces back to Judaism. The 7 commandments may be said to be the key to an understanding of Animal Farm. The animals play the role of humans. Because the animals decide that they want to run the farm by themselves. Therefore, at this point the other farm animals are in shock, but they have lived so long without questioning, criticising, or putting in their input.Fourth paragraphThe purpose of Eminem’s song ‘White America’ is to address the problem of the government’s way of accusing Eminem for undermining the freedom speech and tries to destroy his label. Lynne Cheney and former Vice President Al-Gore’s wife, both went against Eminem and raised allegations because his lyrics were so objectionable. “F** you Ms. Cheney, F**k you Tipper Gore F**k you with the free-est of speech”. The literary device that is being used here is irony. It is irony because he is targeting the government. Eminem’s view of America is that with all these Amendments and the government. Allegory connotes the quote as it divides the states embarrassment. Eminem raps about the freedom of speech in the U.S Constitution and how the United States government is trying to take that right away from people, and also chastises Vice President, Dick Cheyney. “To burn the flag and replace it with a Parental Advisory Sticker”. This quote utilises exaggeration; as the sticker covers the violent incident. This shows just enough that should be understood by what it reflects on the White America’s tendency. Eminem also uses parody as he mocks the symbol of the American flag, whilst emphasising the double standards that America presented when they targeted Eminem alone as the poster boy of vulgar lyrics. Eminem is saying that the governments are illegally removing the powerful right to free speech. And that the government can replace the government flag with the parental advisory label instead. Eminem is trying to push the government away from all the negative impact that he received. Flag burning was a hot and divisive political topic around the time, this song was released. Thus, Eminem has a made good impact to the youth by replacing the negativity to a more liberal way of living and the fact that he is revealing the truth of what went in his life, had the government more furious.Conclusion:Overall, the underlying satirical message of animal farm is that human nature is easily corrupted by power. Orwell’s animal farm convincingly reflects the serious concerns of the political context of Orwell’s time. In Animal Farm, the animals set out to create a utopia based on the ideals of equality and fairness. Eminem’s song ‘white America” relates to how the US culture, time period, Eminem’s background shapes his meaning, identity and language used. He creates many contractions to show inconsistencies in the American social structure. These contradictions are important because they reveal a critical flaw in the American society. A critical flaw in the American society that disillusions both immigrants and natives into thinking America is a levelled playing field for capitalistic ventures. ................

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