Office of Education

Part B: Executive Budget 2014-2016 Biennium



The Honorable Javaid Siddiqi, Secretary of Education

The Secretary of Education assists the Governor in the development and implementation of the state's education policy.

The education secretariat provides guidance to the 16 public universities, the Virginia Community College system, five higher education and research centers, the Department of Education, and state-supported museums.

Please note that the Opportunity Education Institution was newly established by the 2013 General Assembly to provide direct oversight over local public schools that have been denied accreditation for two consecutive years, with the goal of improving the educational opportunities of the children attending these schools and helping the schools to achieve accreditation.

Office of Education Includes:

Secretary of Education Department of Education, Central Office Operations Direct Aid to Public Education

Opportunity Educational Institution

Virginia School for the Deaf and the Blind State Council of Higher Education for Virginia Christopher Newport University The College of William and Mary in Virginia Richard Bland College Virginia Institute of Marine Science George Mason University James Madison University Longwood University Norfolk State University Old Dominion University Radford University University of Mary Washington University of Virginia University of Virginia Medical Center

University of Virginia's College at Wise

Virginia Commonwealth University

Virginia Community College System Virginia Military Institute Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Virginia Cooperative Extension and Agricultural Experiment Station Virginia State University Cooperative Extension and Agricultural Research Services Frontier Culture Museum of Virginia Gunston Hall Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation The Library Of Virginia The Science Museum of Virginia Virginia Commission for the Arts Virginia Museum of Fine Arts Eastern Virginia Medical School New College Institute Institute for Advanced Learning and Research Roanoke Higher Education Authority Southern Virginia Higher Education Center Southwest Virginia Higher Education Center Southeastern Universities Research Association Doing Business for Jefferson Science Associates, LLC

Commonwealth of Virginia 2014-2016 Biennial Budget

Part B: Executive Budget 2014-2016 Biennium Office of Education



Office of Education

Operating Budget History













Nongeneral Fund General Fund

Financing of the Office of Education*

Based on 2014-2016 Proposed Operating Budget

*Funds with totals less than 1% have not been included





Part B: Executive Budget 2014-2016 Biennium Office of Education

Commonwealth of Virginia 2014-2016 Biennial Budget

Part B: Executive Budget 2014-2016 Biennium


Secretary of Education

The Secretary of Education assists the Governor in the development and implementation of the state's education policy. The Education Secretariat provides guidance to the 16 public universities, the Virginia Community College System, five higher education and research centers, the Department of Education, the state-supported museums.

Operating Budget Summary

2011 Appropriation 2012 Appropriation 2013 Appropriation

Nongeneral Personnel

General Fund



$ 4,738,220 $

0 $ 533,255

$ 4,804,349 $

0 $ 533,255

$ 1,206,508 $

0 $ 525,790

2014 Appropriation $

2015 Base Budget $

2015 Addenda


2015 Total


2016 Base Budget $

2016 Addenda


2016 Total


1,207,073 $ 1,207,073 $

26,401 $ 1,233,474 $ 1,207,073 $ (572,777) $ 634,296 $

0 $ 525,798 0 $ 525,798 0 $ 24,834 0 $ 550,632 0 $ 525,798 0 $ 24,834 0 $ 550,632

Authorized Positions Summary

2011 Appropriation 2012 Appropriation 2013 Appropriation 2014 Appropriation 2015 Base Budget 2015 Addenda 2015 Total

General Fund 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 0.00 5.00

Nongeneral Fund 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

2016 Base Budget 2016 Addenda 2016 Total







Total Positions

5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 0.00 5.00 5.00 0.00 5.00

Recommended Operating Budget Addenda

Distribute Central Appropriation amounts to agency budgets

Adjusts the agency budget to reflect amounts moved to or from Central Appropriations to cover the continued cost of public employee salary increases, increases in state employee health insurance premiums, changes in state employee retirement and other benefit contribution rates, and other centrally funded items being continued from the 2012-14 bien- nium into the 2014-16 biennium.

FY 2015

FY 2016

Nongeneral Fund




General Fund


24,834 $


Adjust agency appropriation for the cost of Performance Budgeting system charges

Provides appropriation to pay for the agency's share of ongoing Performance Budgeting system operating and main- tenance costs. The general fund share of this cost was previously budgeted in Central Appropriations.

General Fund

FY 2015

FY 2016


119 $


Adjust funding for premium changes in the Automobile Insurance Liability program

Adjusts agency funding for the approved premium changes in the state's Automobile Insurance Liability program.

General Fund

FY 2015

FY 2016




Adjust funding to agencies for information technology and telecommunication charges

Adjusts the agency budget for information technology and telecommunication charges based on the required cost of living adjustments contained in the Northrop Grumman contract and the elimination of the debt recovery surcharge originally approved by the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission on July 12, 2010.

General Fund

FY 2015

FY 2016


(19) $


Adjust funding to reflect changes in rent charges at the seat of government

Adjusts agency funding for changes in the cost of rent charges at the seat of government. Overall rent rate changes are the result of additional costs to maintain facilities.

General Fund

FY 2015

FY 2016


1,059 $


Fund agency costs for the new Cardinal accounting system

Provides appropriation to the agency's budget to pay for the agency's share of the costs for the new Cardinal accounting system. The Department of Accounts allocates the yearly cost of the system to agencies based upon the number of transactions the agency completed in the previous fiscal year.

General Fund

FY 2015

FY 2016


409 $


Commonwealth of Virginia 2014-2016 Biennial Budget

Part B: Executive Budget 2014-2016 Biennium Office of Education


Fund changes in state employee workers' compensation premiums

Adjusts the agency's budget for workers' compensation premiums based on the allocation of 2015 and 2016 program costs provided by the Department of Human Resource Management. The allocation is based on the historical experi- ence of the agency and reflects the current policy of providing agencies with 50 percent of any increased costs and allowing agencies to retain 50 percent of any reduced costs.

General Fund

FY 2015

FY 2016


(7) $


Recommended Savings Addenda

Reduce funding for College Partnership Laboratory Schools

Reduces the funding provided to College Partnership Labora- tory Schools by eliminating the funding provided in the second year of the biennium. An appropriation of $600,000 remains in 2015.

General Fund

FY 2015

FY 2016




Department of Education, Central Office Operations

The mission of the Department of Education is to lead and facilitate the development and implementation of a quality public education system that meets the needs of students and assists them in becoming educated, productive, and responsible citizens.

Operating Budget Summary

Nongeneral Personnel

General Fund



2011 Appropriation $ 49,883,183 $ 45,077,378 $ 19,879,856

2012 Appropriation $ 49,344,671 $ 45,077,378 $ 19,503,197

2013 Appropriation $ 51,178,037 $ 42,557,083 $ 18,751,416

2014 Appropriation $ 52,375,428 $ 42,557,083 $ 19,037,322

2015 Base Budget $ 52,375,428 $ 42,557,083 $ 19,037,322

2015 Addenda

$ 1,838,466 $

(6,215) $ 753,398

2015 Total

$ 54,213,894 $ 42,550,868 $ 19,790,720

2016 Base Budget $ 52,375,428 $ 42,557,083 $ 19,037,322

2016 Addenda

$ 1,955,389 $

(5,841) $ 753,398

2016 Total

$ 54,330,817 $ 42,551,242 $ 19,790,720

Authorized Positions Summary


General Fund


2011 Appropriation



2012 Appropriation



2013 Appropriation



2014 Appropriation



2015 Base Budget



2015 Addenda



2015 Total



2016 Base Budget



2016 Addenda



2016 Total



Total Positions

317.00 314.50 314.50 314.50 314.50

0.00 314.50 314.50

0.00 314.50

Recommended Operating Budget Addenda

Distribute Central Appropriation amounts to agency budgets

Adjusts the agency budget to reflect amounts moved to or from Central Appropriations to cover the continued cost of public employee salary increases, increases in state employee health insurance premiums, changes in state employee retirement and other benefit contribution rates, and other centrally funded items being continued from the 2012-14 bien- nium into the 2014-16 biennium.

General Fund

FY 2015

FY 2016


611,223 $


Adjust agency appropriation for the cost of Performance Budgeting system charges

Provides appropriation to pay for the agency's share of ongoing Performance Budgeting system operating and main- tenance costs. The general fund share of this cost was previously budgeted in Central Appropriations.

General Fund

FY 2015

FY 2016


533,674 $


Adjust funding for premium changes in the Automobile Insurance Liability program

Adjusts agency funding for the approved premium changes in the state's Automobile Insurance Liability program.

General Fund

FY 2015

FY 2016


(11) $


Adjust funding to agencies for information technology and telecommunication charges

Adjusts the agency budget for information technology and telecommunication charges based on the required cost of living adjustments contained in the Northrop Grumman contract and the elimination of the debt recovery surcharge originally approved by the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission on July 12, 2010.

General Fund

FY 2015

FY 2016


8,405 $


Part B: Executive Budget 2014-2016 Biennium Office of Education

Commonwealth of Virginia 2014-2016 Biennial Budget

Part B: Executive Budget 2014-2016 Biennium


Adjust funding to reflect changes in rent charges at the seat of government

Adjusts agency funding for changes in the cost of rent charges at the seat of government. Overall rent rate changes are the result of additional costs to maintain facilities.

General Fund

FY 2015

FY 2016


123,270 $


Conform Neighborhood Assistance Act tax credit program budget language to Code of Virginia

Aligns budget language with statutory changes made during the 2013 General Assembly Session.

Consolidate grant programs

Combines grant programs to provide a single source for grants for extended learning time models as well as alterna- tive instructional delivery or school governance models. A companion action is included in the Direct Aid to Public Education budget.

General Fund

FY 2015

FY 2016


(200,812) $


Expand positive behavioral interventions and supports initiative

Provides additional funding for statewide training for public school teachers and administrators on the implementation of a positive behavioral interventions and supports program that reduces disruptive behavior in the classroom.

General Fund

FY 2015

FY 2016


125,000 $


Fund agency costs for the new Cardinal accounting system

Provides appropriation to the agency's budget to pay for the agency's share of the costs for the new Cardinal accounting system. The Department of Accounts allocates the yearly cost of the system to agencies based upon the number of transactions the agency completed in the previous fiscal year.

General Fund

FY 2015

FY 2016


59,971 $


Fund changes in state employee workers' compensation premiums

Adjusts the agency's budget for workers' compensation premiums based on the allocation of 2015 and 2016 program costs provided by the Department of Human Resource Management. The allocation is based on the historical experi- ence of the agency and reflects the current policy of providing agencies with 50 percent of any increased costs and allowing agencies to retain 50 percent of any reduced costs.

FY 2015

FY 2016

General Fund


(2,609) $


Nongeneral Fund


(6,215) $


Increase funding for academic reviews

Provides additional funding for the academic reviews the Department of Education is required to conduct on under- performing schools that are not fully accredited. With an increase in the number of schools that are accredited with warning or provisionally accredited, the cost for the reviews has increased.

General Fund

FY 2015

FY 2016


309,680 $


Increase Funding for Early Reading Intervention Diagnostic (PALS)

Provides funding to align the literacy assessment diagnostic tool with revisions to the English Standards of Learning. The requested funding will also provide support to teachers on how to coordinate assessment results with lesson plans.

General Fund

FY 2015

FY 2016


104,752 $


Support for full implementation of the Virginia Center for Excellence in Teaching

Provides the full annual cost of the center's residential summer professional development academies for exemplary teachers at George Mason University.

General Fund

FY 2015

FY 2016


315,923 $


Transfer the Opportunity Educational Institution to a new agency code

Moves funding previously appropriated to the Opportunity Educational Institution to a separate agency code established for the Institution.

General Fund

FY 2015

FY 2016


(150,000) $


Direct Aid to Public Education

This agency serves as a holding account for pass-through funds to local school divisions for public education. It is administered by the Department of Education. The mission of the Department of Education is to lead and facilitate the development and implementation of a quality public education system that meets the needs of students and assists them in becoming educated, productive, and responsible citizens.

Commonwealth of Virginia 2014-2016 Biennial Budget

Part B: Executive Budget 2014-2016 Biennium Office of Education


Operating Budget Summary

Nongeneral Personnel

General Fund



2011 Appropriation $ 4,713,346,558 $ 1,535,005,514 $


2012 Appropriation $ 4,891,155,762 $ 1,440,475,628 $


2013 Appropriation $ 5,172,176,944 $ 1,513,919,428 $


2014 Appropriation $ 5,342,473,570 $ 1,472,363,713 $


2015 Base Budget $ 5,342,473,570 $ 1,472,363,713 $


2015 Addenda

$ 227,353,361 $ 9,864,665 $


2015 Total

$ 5,569,826,931 $ 1,482,228,378 $


2016 Base Budget $ 5,342,473,570 $ 1,472,363,713 $


2016 Addenda

$ 272,957,123 $ 13,251,112 $


2016 Total

$ 5,615,430,693 $ 1,485,614,825 $


Authorized Positions Summary

2011 Appropriation 2012 Appropriation 2013 Appropriation 2014 Appropriation 2015 Base Budget

General Fund 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Nongeneral Fund 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

2015 Addenda 2015 Total 2016 Base Budget 2016 Addenda 2016 Total











Total Positions

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Recommended Operating Budget Addenda

Adjust funding for group life and retiree health care credit rate changes

Adjusts funding to support employer rate changes related to the Retiree Health Care Credit from 1.11 percent to 1.18 percent and the Group Life employer rate 0.48 percent to 0.53 percent.

General Fund

FY 2015

FY 2016


3,523,209 $


Adjust sales tax revenues for public education

Adjusts funding for local school divisions based on the latest sales tax projections provided by the Department of Taxa- tion. The amounts represent the net change in state funding, as required by the Basic Aid formula.

General Fund

FY 2015

FY 2016


4,670,146 $


Amend Project Discovery language

Provides flexibility to distribute funding to community action agencies based on performance measures established by the Board of Directors of Project Discovery.

Consolidate grant programs

Combines grant programs to provide a single source for grants for extended learning time models as well as alterna- tive instructional delivery or school governance models. A companion action is included in the Central Office Operations budget.

General Fund

FY 2015

FY 2016


200,812 $


Expand Communities in Schools to Petersburg

Provides funding to establish a Communities in Schools affil- iate in the Petersburg school division.

General Fund

FY 2015

FY 2016


269,400 $


Expand PluggedInVA Program

Provides funding for 20 additional PluggedInVA grants to increase adult education opportunities.

General Fund

FY 2015

FY 2016


235,125 $


Expand positive behavioral interventions and supports initiative

Expands the number of schools participating in training for public school teachers and administrators on implementation of a positive behavioral interventions and supports program that reduces disruptive behavior in the classroom.

General Fund

FY 2015

FY 2016


256,960 $


Expand the GReat Aspirations Scholarship Program (GRASP)

Provides additional funding to the GReat Aspirations Scholar- ship Program (GRASP) to provide additional financial aid, scholarships and counseling to students and families in need.

General Fund

FY 2015

FY 2016


187,500 $


Provide grants for Teach for America teachers

Provides funding for grants to localities who have signed contracts with Teach for America, a nationwide nonprofit organization focused on placing teachers in low-income areas. The grant funding will offset the fees charged to school divisions by Teach for America for each new hire.

General Fund

FY 2015

FY 2016


500,000 $


Part B: Executive Budget 2014-2016 Biennium Office of Education

Commonwealth of Virginia 2014-2016 Biennial Budget

Part B: Executive Budget 2014-2016 Biennium


Provide instructional specialists at underperforming schools

Provides the state share of a reading or math specialist for schools that have been denied accreditation or have been accredited with warning for three consecutive years. The amount also includes funding for 20 schools accredited with warning for two consecutive years that have shown little or no improvement.

General Fund

FY 2015

FY 2016


1,834,538 $


Provide Literary Fund loans for school construction

Provides funding from the Literary Fund for direct loans for school construction by reducing the Literary Fund's contribu- tion to teacher retirement.

General Fund Nongeneral Fund

FY 2015

FY 2016

$ 10,000,000 $ 10,000,000

$ (10,000,000) $ (10,000,000)

Reduce teacher retirement contribution from the Literary Fund

Reduces the teacher retirement contribution from the Literary Fund to match available resources.

General Fund Nongeneral Fund

FY 2015

FY 2016


18,135,335 $ 14,748,888

$ (18,135,335) $ (14,748,888)

Update composite index of local ability-to-pay

Updates accounts in Direct Aid for Public Education based on a biennial recalculation of the composite index, a measure of local ability-to-pay used to distribute funding to local school divisions.

General Fund

FY 2015

FY 2016


18,283,509 $


Update costs for National Board Certification grants

Updates the funding needed for National Board Certification grants based on the actual number of eligible teachers.

General Fund

FY 2015

FY 2016


575,000 $


Update costs for supplemental education initiatives

Updates the cost of financial assistance for supplemental education.

General Fund

FY 2015

FY 2016


(217,000) $


Update costs of categorical programs

Adjusts funding for educational programs that exceed the foundation of the Standards of Quality. State or federal stat- utes or regulations mandate most categorical programs. These adjustments update the cost of continuing the current programs with the required data revisions.

General Fund

FY 2015


(1,385,110) $

FY 2016 (729,409)

Update costs of incentive programs

Adjusts funding for certain educational programs exceeding the foundation of the Standards of Quality. These programs are designed to address educational needs of specific targeted student populations. Funding for these programs is primarily formula-driven and subject to changes in fall membership, participation rates, and test scores.

General Fund

FY 2015

FY 2016

$ (78,586,613) $ (70,422,230)

Update costs of the Standards of Quality (SOQ)

Provides for the biennial update of the Standards of Quality (SOQ). The SOQ programs are updated biennially to reflect changes in enrollment, funded instructional salaries, school instructional and support expenditures, and other technical factors. These adjustments address the cost of continuing current programs with the required data revisions and do not reflect changes in policy.

General Fund

FY 2015

FY 2016

$ 277,335,931 $ 297,937,474

Update Lottery proceeds for public education

Adjusts funding to reflect an increase in the estimate of Lottery proceeds.

General Fund Nongeneral Fund

FY 2015

FY 2016

$ (38,000,000) $ (37,999,990)

$ 38,000,000 $ 38,000,000

Update retirement contribution rates for Standards of Quality related positions

Adjusts the funds needed to support the employer rate change from 11.66 percent to 14.50 percent for the state share of contributions paid on behalf of public school teachers for retirement. This adjustment also includes a reduction from the employer rate change from 10.23 percent to 9.40 percent for the state share of contributions paid on behalf of non-professional support positions for retirement.

General Fund

FY 2015

FY 2016

$ 80,645,463 $ 80,964,613

Update sales tax distribution for school-age population estimate for the new biennium

Updates the sales tax distribution for the school-age popula- tion estimate for the new biennium.

General Fund

FY 2015

FY 2016


1,405,944 $


Commonwealth of Virginia 2014-2016 Biennial Budget

Part B: Executive Budget 2014-2016 Biennium Office of Education


Recommended Savings Addenda

Capture savings from nonparticipation in the Virginia Preschool Initiative

Reduces funding appropriated to the Virginia Preschool Initiative to recover unclaimed funds from nonparticipating school divisions. This adjustment maintains the existing non- participation rate assumption of 25.43 percent.

General Fund

FY 2015

FY 2016

$ (24,198,595) $ (24,301,740)

Eliminate Cost of Competing Adjustment (COCA) for support positions

Eliminates funding that supports the cost of competing adjustment of 24.61 percent for support salaries in Virginia school divisions located within the common labor market of the Washington-Baltimore-Northern Virginia, DC-MD-VA-WV Combined Statistical Area.

General Fund

FY 2015

FY 2016

$ (10,232,631) $ (10,453,621)

Elminate nonpersonal services inflation factor in Standards of Quality rebenchmarking

Eliminates the use of nonpersonal inflation factors used to calculate costs during the rebenchmarking of the Standards of Quality program each biennium.

General Fund

FY 2015

FY 2016

$ (38,085,562) $ (38,340,071)

Opportunity Educational Institution

Authorized Positions Summary


General Fund


2011 Appropriation



2012 Appropriation



2013 Appropriation



2014 Appropriation



2015 Base Budget



2015 Addenda



2015 Total



2016 Base Budget



2016 Addenda



2016 Total



Total Positions

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.00 7.00 0.00 7.00 7.00

Recommended Operating Budget Addenda

Adjust agency appropriation for the cost of Performance Budgeting system charges

Provides appropriation to pay for the agency's share of ongoing Performance Budgeting system operating and main- tenance costs. The general fund share of this cost was previously budgeted in Central Appropriations.

General Fund

FY 2015

FY 2016


59 $


Annualize the Opportunity Educational Institution

Annualizes the funding for the Opportunity Educational Insti- tution and establishes the Institution as a separate agency in the budget.

General Fund


Authorized Positions

FY 2015 600,000 $


FY 2016 600,000


Operating Budget Summary

Nongeneral Personnel

General Fund



2011 Appropriation $




2012 Appropriation $




2013 Appropriation $




2014 Appropriation $




2015 Base Budget $




2015 Addenda


600,059 $



2015 Total


600,059 $



2016 Base Budget $




2016 Addenda


600,059 $



2016 Total


600,059 $



Virginia School for the Deaf and the Blind

Our mission at the Virginia School for the Deaf and the Blind is to provide educational programs and services to students ages 0 through 21 who are deaf, blind and multi-disabled. Educational and residential services shall promote: V - Value for each person and their unique abilities, S - Success in meeting each student's academic goals, D - Diversity in instruction to meet the needs of all students, B - Building opportunities that foster expertise in technology and its integration, communication, and achievement for all staff and students and their families.

Part B: Executive Budget 2014-2016 Biennium Office of Education

Commonwealth of Virginia 2014-2016 Biennial Budget


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