Essentials of Organizational Behavior, 11e (Robbins/Judge)

Essentials of Organizational Behavior, 11e (Robbins/Judge)

Chapter 10 Communication

1) Before communication can take place it needs a ________.

A) purpose

B) channel

C) receiver

D) filter

E) decoder

Answer: A

Explanation: A) Before communication can take place it needs a purpose, a message to be conveyed between a sender and a receiver. The key parts of the communication process are (1) the sender, (2) encoding, (3) the message, (4) the channel, (5) decoding, (6) the receiver, (7) noise, and (8) feedback.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 135

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Communication

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 1

2) In a communication process, the ________ initiates a message by encoding a thought.

A) receiver

B) decoder

C) channel

D) sender

E) signal

Answer: D

Explanation: D) In a communication process, the sender initiates a message by encoding a thought.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 135

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Functions of Communication

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 1

3) In a communication process, the ________ is the actual physical product of the sender's encoding.

A) channel

B) message

C) feedback

D) transmitter

E) noise

Answer: B

Explanation: B) The message is the actual physical product of the sender's encoding.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 135

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Control

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 1

4) With reference to the communication process, when a sender speaks, the speech is the ________.

A) channel

B) filter

C) message

D) noise

E) transmitter

Answer: C

Explanation: C) When we speak, the speech is the message.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 135

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Communication

Quest. Category: Application

LO: 1

5) John writes a memo to his employees. Putting his thoughts onto paper is an example of ________.

A) encoding

B) decoding

C) transferring

D) channeling

E) editing

Answer: A

Explanation: A) The sender initiates a message by encoding a thought. The message is the actual physical product of the sender's encoding. John uses writing to encode his message.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 135

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Encoding

Quest. Category: Application

LO: 1

6) With reference to the communication process, the ________ is the medium through which the message travels.

A) feedback

B) noise

C) encoder

D) channel

E) decoder

Answer: D

Explanation: D) The channel is the medium through which the message travels.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 136

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Motivation

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 1

7) With reference to the communication process, the ________ is the one to whom the message is directed, who must first translate the symbols into understandable form.

A) editor

B) receiver

C) encoder

D) sender

E) channel

Answer: B

Explanation: B) The receiver is the person(s) to whom the message is directed, who must first translate the symbols into understandable form.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 136

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Information

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 1

8) In a communication process, ________ is the check on how successful we have been in transferring our messages as originally intended.

A) editing

B) decoding

C) feedback

D) encoding

E) noise

Answer: C

Explanation: C) Feedback is the check on how successful we have been in transferring our messages as originally intended. It determines whether understanding has been achieved.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 136

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Motivation

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 1

9) Which of the following statements is definitely true regarding an informal communication channel?

A) It traditionally follows the authority chain within the organization.

B) It generally transmits messages related to the professional activities of members.

C) It is established by the organization.

D) It is generally used for communicating personal or social messages.

E) Information regarding change in the policies of the organization is transmitted through it.

Answer: D

Explanation: D) Formal channels are established by the organization and transmit messages related to the professional activities of members. They traditionally follow the authority chain within the organization. Other forms of messages, such as personal or social, follow informal channels, which are spontaneous and emerge as a response to individual choices.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 136

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Information

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 1

10) Helena and Laura were talking on the phone. Laura's two year old son fell and started crying loudly. Laura could no longer hear what Helena said. This is an example of ________.

A) feedback

B) decoding

C) noise

D) encoding

E) filtering

Answer: C

Explanation: C) Noise represents communication barriers that distort the clarity of the message, such as perceptual problems, information overload, semantic difficulties, or cultural differences. The crying baby represents noise.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 136

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Noise in Communication

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 1

11) Group leaders and managers communicating with employees to assign goals and to provide job instructions is an example of a(n) ________ communication.

A) downward

B) lateral

C) upward

D) grapevine

E) horizontal

Answer: A

Explanation: A) Communication that flows from one level of a group or organization to a lower level is downward communication. It's used by group leaders and managers communicating with employees to assign goals, provide job instructions, explain policies and procedures, point out problems that need attention, and offer feedback about performance.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 136

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Channel

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 2

12) The receiver of a communication must first ________ the message.

A) encode

B) reproduce

C) transfer

D) translate

E) discard

Answer: D

Explanation: D) The receiver is the person(s) to whom the message is directed, who must first translate the symbols into understandable form. This step is the decoding of the message.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 136

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Receiver

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 1

13) A receiver who translates a sender's message is engaging in the process of ________.

A) encoding

B) decoding

C) transmission

D) feedback

E) recoding

Answer: B

Explanation: B) The receiver is the person(s) to whom the message is directed, who must first translate the symbols into understandable form. This step is the decoding of the message.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 136

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Decoding

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 1

14) The communication used by managers to offer feedback about performance is ________ communication.

A) downward

B) lateral

C) informal

D) directional

E) grapevine

Answer: A

Explanation: A) Communication that flows from one level of a group or organization to a lower level is downward communication. It's used by group leaders and managers communicating with employees to assign goals, provide job instructions, explain policies, and offer feedback about performance.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 136

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Downward Communication

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 2

15) Which of the following is an example of downward communication flow?

A) an employee provides feedback to higher-ups regarding her progress toward goals

B) an employee suggests a way of improving efficiency of a process to his team lead

C) an employee receives a mail from her team leader pointing out problems that need attention

D) an employee informs her colleague about changes in the company policy

E) an employee informs his friend from a different department about a new coffee shop that has just opened in the town

Answer: C

Explanation: C) Communication that flows from one level of a group or organization to a lower level is downward communication. It's used by group leaders and managers communicating with employees to assign goals, provide job instructions, explain policies, and offer feedback about performance.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 136

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Downward Communication

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 2

16) All of the following are examples of downward communication flows except ________.

A) managers assigning goals

B) managers informing employees of procedures

C) managers pointing out problems that need attention

D) employees completing attitude surveys

E) managers telling employees to work more quickly

Answer: D

Explanation: D) Downward communication is used by group leaders and managers communicating with employees to assign goals, provide job instructions, explain policies and procedures, point out problems that need attention, and offer feedback about performance. Employee surveys is an example of upward communication.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 136

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Downward Communication

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 2

17) ________ communication flows to a higher level in the group or organization.

A) Horizontal

B) Downward

C) Lateral

D) Upward

E) Grapevine

Answer: D

Explanation: D) Upward communication flows to a higher level in the group or organization.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 137

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Feedback

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 2

18) Communication that takes place among members of work groups at the same level is known as ________ communication.

A) diagonal

B) grapevine

C) upward

D) lateral

E) downward

Answer: D

Explanation: D) When communication takes place among members of the same work group, members of work groups at the same level, managers at the same level, or any other horizontally equivalent workers, it is described as lateral communication.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 137

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Lateral Communication

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 2

19) Which of the following statements is true regarding oral communication?

A) It is often tangible and verifiable.

B) It can be stored for an indefinite period.

C) The sender can quickly obtain feedback from the receiver.

D) As compared to written communication, it is more likely to be well thought out, logical, and clear.

E) In the case of oral communication, when the message has to pass through a number of people, as the number of people increases the possibility of distortion of the message decreases.

Answer: C

Explanation: C) The advantages of oral communication are speed and feedback. We can convey a verbal message and receive a response in minimal time. If the receiver is unsure of the message, rapid feedback allows the sender to quickly detect and correct it. The major disadvantage of oral communication surfaces whenever a message has to pass through a number of people: the more people, the greater the potential distortion.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 137

AACSB: Communication; Use of IT

Objective: Information Security

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 3

20) When engaging in upward communication an employee should not ________.

A) meet his manager alone in a conference room

B) communicate in headlines

C) support ideas with action

D) engage in a meandering discussion

E) prepare an agenda

Answer: D

Explanation: D) To engage in effective upward communication, the employee should try to reduce distractions, communicate in headlines not paragraphs, support headlines with actionable items (what he or she believes should happen), and prepare an agenda to make sure that the boss's attention is used well.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 137

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Upward Communication

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 2

21) Which of the following types of communication is most likely to be used by employees to provide feedback to higher-ups, inform them of progress toward goals, and relay current problems?

A) lateral communication

B) upward communication

C) downward communication

D) horizontal communication

E) grapevine communication

Answer: B

Explanation: B) Upward communication flows to a higher level in the group or organization. It is used to provide feedback to higher-ups, inform them of progress toward goals, and relay current problems.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 137

AACSB: Communication; Analytic Skills

Objective: Written Communication

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 3

22) Which of the following is an example of upward communication?

A) A team leader sends an e-mail to one of her team members giving him feedback about his performance.

B) A team leader sends an e-mail to his team members pointing out problems that need attention.

C) A team member sends an e-mail to his team leader informing her about the problems faced by him on the current project.

D) A manager sends an e-mail to all members in the organization informing them about new policies and procedures.

E) A team member sends an e-mail to his colleague informing him about the latest changes in the specifications of the project.

Answer: C

Explanation: C) Upward communication flows to a higher level in the group or organization. A team member sending an e-mail to his team leader informing her about the problems faced by him on the current project is an example of upward communication.

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 137

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Interpretations

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 2

23) Communication messages that are passed through a great many people will most likely suffer from which of the following?

A) selective perception

B) distortion

C) lack of non-verbal cues

D) information overload

E) formal communication decay

Answer: B

Explanation: B) The major disadvantage of oral communication surfaces whenever a message has to pass through a number of people: the more people, the greater the potential distortion.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 138

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Oral Communication

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 3

24) Which of the following is not a drawback of written messages?

A) They're time consuming.

B) They are unlikely to be well thought-out.

C) They lack built-in feedback mechanisms.

D) It is difficult for senders to confirm whether they have been received.

E) They may be misinterpreted by their receivers.

Answer: B

Explanation: B) A benefit of all written communication comes from the process itself. People are usually forced to think more thoroughly about what they want to convey in a written message than in a spoken one. Thus, written communications are more likely to be well thought out, logical, and clear.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 138

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Disadvantages of Written Communication

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 2

25) Which of the following forms of communication most likely deals with body movements, the intonations or emphasis we give to words, facial expressions, and the physical distance between the sender and receiver?

A) written communication

B) downward communication

C) nonverbal communication

D) lateral communication

E) upward communication

Answer: C

Explanation: C) Nonverbal communication deals with body movements, the intonations or emphasis we give to words, facial expressions, and the physical distance between the sender and receiver. Downward, upward, and lateral communication may or may not be nonverbal.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 138

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Nonverbal Communication

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 3

26) All of the following are examples of nonverbal communication except ________.

A) intonations or emphasis

B) instant messaging

C) physical distance between the sender and the receiver

D) facial expressions

E) hand gestures

Answer: B

Explanation: B) It is important in communication to consider nonverbal communication, which includes body movements, the intonations or emphasis we give to words, facial expressions, and the physical distance between the sender and receiver. Such clues cannot be observed in instant messaging. Instant messaging is not an example of nonverbal communication.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 138

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Nonverbal Communication

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 3

27) Genepa Corporation manufactures home appliances and other electronic products. Genepa is planning to introduce a new refrigerator model. The marketing manager at Genepa has developed a marketing plan for this new product and wants to communicate this plan to all the employees in the marketing department. Which of the following is most likely to be the best form of communication for communicating this plan?

A) nonverbal communication

B) oral communication

C) written communication

D) grapevine communication

E) lateral communication

Answer: C

Explanation: C) Written communication is often tangible and verifiable. When it's printed, both the sender and receiver have a record of the communication; and the message can be stored for an indefinite period. The marketing plan is likely to contain a number of tasks spread out over several months. By putting it in writing, those who have to initiate the plan can readily refer to it over its lifespan.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 138

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Electronic Communication

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 3

28) When ________ communication is used for transferring a message, the message becomes tangible and verifiable and it can be stored for an indefinite period.

A) oral

B) grapevine

C) written

D) nonverbal

E) lateral

Answer: C

Explanation: C) Written communication is often tangible and verifiable. When it's printed, both the sender and receiver have a record of the communication; and the message can be stored for an indefinite period.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 138

AACSB: Communication

Objective: E-mail

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 3

29) Generally, which of the following methods of communication should be used for communicating a complex and lengthy message when the message has to pass through a number of people?

A) grapevine communication

B) written communication

C) oral communication

D) nonverbal communication

E) filtered communication

Answer: B

Explanation: B) Written communication is often tangible and verifiable. When it's printed, both the sender and receiver have a record of the communication; and the message can be stored for an indefinite period. If there are questions about its content, the message is physically available for later reference. This feature is particularly important for complex and lengthy communications.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 139

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Nonverbal Communication

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 3

30) Which of the following types of small-group communication networks is most effective for facilitating the emergence of a leader?

A) chain network

B) all-channel network

C) wheel network

D) mesh network

E) bus network

Answer: C

Explanation: C) The wheel relies on a central figure to act as the conduit for all the group's communication; it facilitates the emergence of a leader.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 140

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Wheel Network

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 4

31) Which of the following types of small-group communication networks should be used if high member satisfaction is desired?

A) star network

B) wheel network

C) mesh network

D) all-channel network

E) chain network

Answer: D

Explanation: D) The all-channel network permits all group members to actively communicate with each other; it's most often characterized in practice by self-managed teams, in which all group members are free to contribute and no one person takes on a leadership role. The all channel network is best if you desire high member satisfaction.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 140

AACSB: Communication

Objective: All-Channel Network

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 4

32) Peter is working on a project. He feels that the parameters need to be changed to meet client specifications. First he must talk to his immediate supervisor, who then discusses the issue with her department director. Peter is most likely part of which of the following types of small-group communication network?

A) star network

B) mesh network

C) chain network

D) all-channel network

E) ring network

Answer: C

Explanation: C) The decision making described in the example follows the formal chain of command; this network approximates the communication channels you might find in a rigid three-level organization. Peter is most likely part of a chain group.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 140

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Chain Network

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 4

33) If a checkout clerk reports to a department manager, who in turn reports to a store manager, who reports to a regional manager, the communication network is said to be a(n) ________ network.

A) mesh

B) all-channel

C) star

D) chain

E) wheel

Answer: D

Explanation: D) The decision making described in the example follows the formal chain of command; this network approximates the communication channels you might find in a rigid three-level organization. Peter is most likely part of a chain group.

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 140

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Chain Network

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 4

34) When all communication is channeled through one central figure, a(n) ________ communication network exists.

A) all-channel

B) chain

C) mesh

D) wheel

E) ring

Answer: D

Explanation: D) The wheel relies on a central figure to act as the conduit for all the group's communication; it simulates the communication network you would find on a team with a strong leader.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 140

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Wheel Network

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 4

35) In a(n) ________ communication network, any group member can actively communicate with any other member.

A) wheel

B) all-channel

C) mesh

D) chain

E) star

Answer: B

Explanation: B) The all-channel network permits all group members to actively communicate with each other; it's most often characterized in practice by self-managed teams, in which all group members are free to contribute and no one person takes on a leadership role. It rates the highest in effectiveness of member satisfaction.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 140

AACSB: Communication

Objective: All-Channel Network

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 4

36) The ________ communication network is best illustrated by self-managed teams.

A) wheel

B) all-channel

C) mesh

D) chain

E) ring

Answer: B

Explanation: B) The all-channel network permits all group members to actively communicate with each other; it's most often characterized in practice by self-managed teams, in which all group members are free to contribute and no one person takes on a leadership role. It rates the highest in effectiveness of member satisfaction.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 140

AACSB: Communication

Objective: All-Channel Network

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 4

37) An informal communication network in an organization is typically called the ________.

A) wheel network

B) grapevine

C) chain network

D) contextual system

E) free acting system

Answer: B

Explanation: B) The informal communication network in a group or organization is called the grapevine. Although the grapevine may be informal, it's still an important source of information. A survey found it's where 75 percent of employees hear about matters first.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 140

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Grapevine

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 4

38) Ideally, a chain network should be used when ________.

A) high speed of information transfer is desired

B) accuracy of information is most important

C) the network is expected to facilitate emergence of a leader

D) high member satisfaction is desired

E) the teams using the chain network are self-managed teams

Answer: B

Explanation: B) Ideally, a chain network should be used when accuracy of information is most important.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 140

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Grapevine

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 4

39) Which of the following statements is true regarding the grapevine?

A) It is a formal channel of communication in an organization.

B) About 10 percent of information that flows along the grapevine is accurate.

C) It is controlled by management.

D) Most employees perceive it as more believable and reliable than formal communiqués issued by top management.

E) The grapevine is a popular form of written communication.

Answer: D

Explanation: D) The informal communication network in a group or organization is called the grapevine. It is not controlled by management. Most employees perceive it as more believable and reliable than formal communiqués issued by top management. About 75 percent of information that flows along the grapevine is accurate. The grapevine is a popular form of oral communication.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 140-141

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Grapevine

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 4

40) Studies have shown that about ________ percent of the information transmitted through the grapevine is accurate.

A) 10

B) 20

C) 45

D) 60

E) 75

Answer: E

Explanation: E) About 75 percent of the information that flows along the grapevine is accurate.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 141

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Grapevine

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 4

41) Rumors would most likely flourish in situations when ________.

A) there is no ambiguity

B) there is anxiety

C) the issue at hand is trivial

D) the management encourages transparency regarding all significant organizational issues

E) the organization uses self-managed teams

Answer: B

Explanation: B) Rumors emerge as a response to situations that are important to us, when there is ambiguity, and under conditions that arouse anxiety. The secrecy and competition that typically prevail in large organizations encourage and sustain rumors on the grapevine. Usage of self-managed teams do not affect emergence of rumors.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 141

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Grapevine

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 4

42) With regard to the grapevine and rumors, a manager should try to ________.

A) ignore it

B) destroy it

C) limit its range and impact

D) use it to her advantage

E) encourage its use

Answer: C

Explanation: C) Managers can not entirely eliminate rumors. What they should do is minimize the negative consequences of rumors by limiting their range and impact.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 141

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Grapevine

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 4

43) For a manager, it is worth understanding the grapevine in the organization because ________.

A) it is the least costly way of transmitting information

B) it improves employee motivation

C) it helps tap into employee anxieties

D) it increases job satisfaction for the employees

E) it improves team efficiency

Answer: C

Explanation: C) Grapevine is an important part of any group or organization communication network and is well worth understanding. It gives managers a feel for the morale of their organization, identifies issues employees consider important, and helps tap into employee anxieties.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 141

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Grapevine

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 4

44) Which of the following statements is true regarding e-mail?

A) Electronic mail started with the inception of the Internet.

B) As compared to verbal messages, the potential to misinterpret e-mails is even greater.

C) The cost of sending e-mails to employees is generally much higher than the cost of distributing printed letters to them.

D) E-mail is the best way to communicate negative information.

E) Organizations rarely use e-mail for official purposes.

Answer: B

Explanation: B) E-mail uses the Internet to transmit and receive computer-generated text and documents. The cost of sending formal e-mail messages to employees is a fraction of the cost of printing, duplicating, and distributing a comparable letter or brochure. As compared to verbal messages, the potential to misinterpret e-mails is even greater. E-mail may not be the best way to communicate negative information. Most organizations use e-mails for official purposes.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 142

AACSB: Communication; Use of IT

Objective: Benefits of E-mail

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 4

45) Which of the following is not a recommendation to effectively manage e-mail?

A) Don't check e-mail in the morning.

B) Check e-mail throughout the day.

C) Stop sending lots of e-mails.

D) Unsubscribe to e-mail newsletters you don't need.

E) Check e-mail in batches.

Answer: B

Explanation: B) Experts suggest these strategies for managing e-mail: 1) Don't check e-mail in the morning. Take care of important tasks before getting ensnared in e-mails. ; 2) Check e-mail in batches. Don't check e-mail continually throughout the day; 3) Unsubscribe to newsletters and other subscriptions you don't need; and 4) Stop sending lots of e-mails.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 142

AACSB: Communication; Use of IT

Objective: E-mail

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 4

46) Which of the following types of electronic communications occurs in "real" time?

A) open source software

B) networking software

C) e-mail

D) business mail

E) instant messaging

Answer: E

Explanation: E) Like e-mail, instant messaging (IM) uses electronic media. Unlike e-mail, though, IM occurs in real time.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 143

AACSB: Communication; Use of IT

Objective: Instant Messaging

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 4

47) Which of the following forms of electronic communications is most likely to use a portable communication device?

A) open source software

B) networking software

C) e-mail

D) text messaging

E) instant messaging

Answer: D

Explanation: D) Like e-mail, instant messaging (TM) uses electronic media. Unlike e-mail, though, TM uses portable communication devices.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 143

AACSB: Communication; Use of IT

Objective: Text Messaging

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 4

48) Which of following best represents "e-mail bankruptcy"?

A) deleting your e-mail ID

B) checking your e-mails only once a month

C) allowing somebody else to operate your e-mail account

D) creating a new mail ID every month and redirecting all your old e-mails to the new ID

E) wiping out your entire inbox and starting over

Answer: E

Explanation: E) E-mail bankruptcy involves wiping out your entire inbox and starting over.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 144

AACSB: Use of IT

Objective: Network Software

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 4

49) Which of the following types of electronic communications is preferable for one- or two-line messages?

A) blogs

B) video conferencing

C) instant messaging

D) tele conferencing

E) e-mails

Answer: C

Explanation: C) Instant messaging is preferable for one- or two-line messages that would just clutter up an e-mail inbox.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 144

AACSB: Communication; Use of IT

Objective: Web Logs

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 4

50) Filtering is a barrier to effective communication. Filtering takes place when ________.

A) the interpretation of the message gets affected by the receiver's emotion

B) the information we have to work with exceeds our processing capacity

C) a sender purposely manipulates information so the receiver will see it more favorably

D) the receivers in the communication process selectively see and hear based on their motivations, experience, and other personal characteristics

E) receivers also project their interests and expectations into communications as they decode them

Answer: C

Explanation: C) Filtering refers to how a sender purposely manipulates information so the receiver will see it more favorably.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 145

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Filtering

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 5

51) Jake tells his boss only what he believes the boss wants to hear. Jake is engaging in ________.

A) filtering information

B) selective perception of information

C) communication apprehension

D) emotional blockage

E) emotional contagion

Answer: A

Explanation: A) Filtering refers to a sender's purposely manipulating information so the receiver will see it more favorably. A manager who tells his boss what he feels the boss wants to hear is filtering information.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 145

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Filtering

Quest. Category: Application

LO: 5

52) Receivers in communication see and hear based on their needs, motivations, experience, background, and other personal characteristics. This is called ________.

A) communication apprehension

B) filtering

C) selective perception

D) emotional block

E) information overload

Answer: C

Explanation: C) The receivers in the communication process selectively see and hear based on their needs, motivations, experience, background, and other personal characteristics. This is called selective perception. Receivers also project their interests and expectations into communications as they decode them.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 145

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Selective Perception

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 5

53) An employment interviewer who expects a female job applicant to put her family ahead of her career is likely to see that in all female applicants, regardless of whether they actually feel that way. This is an example of ________.

A) information overload

B) selective perception

C) emotional labor

D) filtering

E) communication apprehension

Answer: B

Explanation: B) The receivers in the communication process selectively see and hear based on their needs, motivations, experience, background, and other personal characteristics. This is called selective perception. Receivers also project their interests and expectations into communications as they decode them.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 145

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Selective Perception

Quest. Category: Application

LO: 5

54) Which of the following is not a barrier to effective communication?

A) filtering

B) silence

C) selective perception

D) information overload

E) the grapevine

Answer: E

Explanation: E) Filtering, silence, selective perception, and information overload are all barriers to effective communication. The grapevine is a popular form of oral communication.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 145-146

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Barriers to Effective Communication

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 5

55) Information overload occurs when ________.

A) the interpretation of the message gets affected by the receiver's cultural background

B) the information we have to work with exceeds our processing capacity

C) a sender purposely manipulates information so the receiver will see it more favorably

D) the information transmitted to the receiver is distorted by the communication channel.

E) the information sent by the sender does not reach the receiver

Answer: B

Explanation: B) Individuals have a finite capacity for processing data. When the information we have to work with exceeds our processing capacity, the result is information overload.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 146

AACSB: Communication; Use of IT

Objective: Information Overload

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 5

56) Silence, as a communication barrier, is less likely where ________.

A) the organization is highly centralized

B) the information is filtered by the sender

C) the receiver engages in selective perception

D) high procedural justice prevails

E) people experience information overload

Answer: D

Explanation: D) Silence is less likely where minority opinions are treated with respect, workgroup identification is high, and high procedural justice prevails.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 146

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Silence

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 5

57) Even when we're communicating in the same language, words mean different things to different people and ________ and context are two of the biggest factors that influence such differences.

A) educational qualification

B) gender

C) age

D) religion

E) social class

Answer: C

Explanation: C) Even when we're communicating in the same language, words mean different things to different people and age and context are two of the biggest factors that influence such differences.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 146

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Language

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 5

58) The phrase 'bake your noodle" means ________.

A) rectify your mistakes

B) replace the existing tool with a new tool

C) provide a service

D) develop budget

E) develop marketing strategy

Answer: C

Explanation: C) The phrase 'bake your noodle" means provide a service.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 146

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Gender Differences

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 5

59) What can managers do to make sure that important information isn't withheld from them through silence?

A) engage in selective perception

B) listen to and support diverse opinions

C) deal with information overload

D) hire employees with high emotional intelligence

E) tell employees what they want to hear

Answer: B

Explanation: B) Silence is less likely where minority opinions are treated with respect, workgroup identification is high, and high procedural justice prevails. Practically, this means managers must make sure they behave in a supportive manner when employees voice divergent opinions

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 146-147

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Silence

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 5

60) If Albert is apprehensive regarding oral communication, which of the following behaviors is he least likely to display?

A) He prefers to talk on the phone.

B) He distorts the communication demands of his job.

C) He limits his oral communication and then tends to rationalize his behavior.

D) He relies on memos or letters.

E) He avoids face-to-face communication.

Answer: A

Explanation: A) People suffering communication apprehension experience undue tension and anxiety in oral communication. They may find it extremely difficult to talk with others face to face or may become extremely anxious when they have to use the telephone, relying instead on memos or faxes when a phone call would be faster and more appropriate.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 147

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Communication Apprehension

Quest. Category: Application

LO: 5

61) In ________, people rely heavily on nonverbal and subtle situational cues in communicating with others, and a person's official status, place in society, and reputation carry considerable weight.

A) individualistic cultures

B) low power distance cultures

C) cultures that score low on uncertainty avoidance

D) high-context cultures

E) cultures that have long time orientation

Answer: D

Explanation: D) In high-context cultures, people rely heavily on nonverbal and subtle situational cues in communicating with others, and a person's official status, place in society, and reputation carry considerable weight.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 148

AACSB: Communication; Multicultural and Diversity

Objective: Cultural Context

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 6

62) Which of the following is not something a manager should do to communicate better across cultures?

A) assume similarity until difference is proven

B) emphasize description rather than interpretation

C) practice empathy

D) interpret the situation from the differing perspectives of all concerned

E) treat interpretations as a working hypothesis

Answer: A

Explanation: A) When communicating with people from a different culture you should assume differences until similarity is proven, evaluating what someone has said from the differing perspectives of all concerned, practice empathy, treat your interpretations as a working hypothesis.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 148

AACSB: Communication; Multicultural and Diversity

Objective: Cultural Context

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 6

63) James and Neung are negotiating a purchase from Neung's Tai corporation. James notices that Neung is very quiet. Rather than assume that Neung is upset at how the negotiations are going, James continues to discuss the details of how the purchase will ensue. Finally James closes the deal and later learns that Neung's quiet moments were respectful moments to allow James to reveal his deal. Which strategy did James use to succeed?

A) assume certain universal similarities

B) emphasize description rather than interpretation

C) practice empathy

D) assume differences until similarity is proven

E) treat interpretations as a working hypothesis

Answer: B

Explanation: B) James continued to emphasize the description of the deal, rather than interpret Neung's behavior. Interpreting or evaluating what someone has said or done draws more on your own culture and background than on the observed situation. So delay judgment until you've had sufficient time to observe and interpret the situation from the differing perspectives of all concerned.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 148

AACSB: Communication; Multicultural and Diversity

Objective: Cultural Context

Quest. Category: Application

LO: 6

64) Which of the following values is most likely to be important to low-context cultures?

A) status

B) directness

C) titles

D) trust

E) space

Answer: B

Explanation: B) People from Europe and North America reflect their low-context cultures. They rely essentially on spoken and written words to convey meaning and value directness.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 148

AACSB: Communication; Multicultural and Diversity

Objective: Cultural Context

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 6

65) A manager should practice ________, which means in dealing with cross-cultural communication, a manager should put herself in the place of the employee to understand the employees values, experiences and frames of reference.

A) evaluation

B) empathy

C) complicity

D) commiseration

E) apathy

Answer: B

Explanation: B) A manager should practice empathy, which means seeing things from another's perspective and being sympathetic to that perspective. Examine other's values, experiences, and frames of reference. Determine what can provide added insight. Try to see the other person as he or she really is.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 148

AACSB: Communication; Multicultural and Diversity

Objective: Empathy

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 6

Mary telephones her employee, Joe, to let him know that today's meeting has been moved to one o'clock.

66) In the communication process, Mary is ________.

A) the sender

B) the receiver

C) the decoder

D) the channel

E) the encoder

Answer: A

Explanation: A) The sender initiates a message by encoding a thought. The message is the actual physical product of the sender's encoding.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 135

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Sender

Quest. Category: Application

LO: 1

67) The telephone is the ________.

A) sender

B) receiver

C) medium

D) message

E) decoder

Answer: C

Explanation: C) The channel is the medium through which the message travels. The sender selects it, determining whether to use a formal or informal channel.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 135

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Channel

Quest. Category: Application

LO: 1

68) Joe misses the one o'clock meeting because he misunderstood which meeting Mary was referring to. Joe forgot to ask Mary to clarify which meeting she meant. Joe's misunderstanding therefore occurred due to ________.

A) improper encoding

B) improper decoding

C) noise

D) a lack of feedback

E) improper channel selection

Answer: D

Explanation: D) Feedback is the check on how successful we have been in transferring our messages as originally intended. It determines whether understanding has been achieved.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 136

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Feedback

Quest. Category: Application

LO: 1

Harriet has been assigned the task of setting up work teams for a complex software development project. Each team has different work requirements. Harriet must choose the best structure for each team, based on its specific requirements.

69) Team A must operate very quickly to meet stringent deadlines. The quality of the final project depends highly on Team A's output, so Team A must also work very accurately. Which of the following network structures should Harriet choose for this team?

A) chain

B) wheel

C) mesh

D) star

E) all-channel

Answer: B

Explanation: B) The wheel rates highest of effectiveness in speed, emergence of leaders, and accuracy. However, it rates low on membership satisfaction. It is the best choice for Harriet as she needs accuracy and speed to meet her deadline.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 140

AACSB: Communication; Analytic Skills

Objective: Wheel Network

Quest. Category: Application

LO: 4

70) Harriet has been charged with the task of evaluating two employees for possible promotions. She is interested in learning which employee has the most effective leadership skills. One of the employees is assigned to Team B, and the other is assigned to Team C. Which network structure should Harriet choose for these teams if she wishes to place the two employees in clear leadership positions on the teams?

A) wheel

B) chain

C) concentric

D) all-channel

E) mesh

Answer: A

Explanation: A) The wheel relies on a central figure to act as the conduit for all the group's communication; it simulates the communication network you would find on a team with a strong leader.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 140

AACSB: Communication; Analytic Skills

Objective: Wheel Network

Quest. Category: Application

LO: 4

71) After establishing Team D in a wheel network structure, Harriet receives negative feedback from members of the team. Many team members express frustration about working in the group, and most dislike the interpersonal style of the team leader. Which of the following strategies would most likely help to improve the team members' morale?

A) Leaving the team as a wheel network and encouraging team members to share the leadership responsibility.

B) Restructuring the group as a chain network and replacing the leader with another group member.

C) Leaving the team leader in place and restructuring the group as a chain network.

D) Transferring the team leader to another group and restructuring the group as an all-channel network.

E) Leaving the team as a wheel network and replacing the team leader with another group member.

Answer: D

Explanation: D) The all-channel network permits all group members to actively communicate with each other. It rates highest for member satisfaction. If Harriet is worried about member satisfaction, she should change the group to all-channel, in which all group members are free to contribute and no one person takes on a leadership role.

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 140

AACSB: Communication; Analytic Skills

Objective: All-Channel Network

Quest. Category: Application

LO: 4

Zeus Industries sells satellite television systems. Recently, the company invested heavily in one of the many new technologies available. Employees tell senior management that this investment was the right choice, but sales keep decreasing. Some sales employees have also given incorrect information to suppliers, even though the company has held numerous intensive training sessions to keep sales personnel apprised of changes in the industry. The company has also received low customer service ratings from recent consumer surveys. These surveys indicate that customers are frustrated with the specialized technical knowledge necessary to operate their satellite systems.

72) Which of the following best characterizes the communication problem occurring between employees and senior management?

A) filtering

B) sabotage

C) communication apprehension

D) information overload

E) selective perception

Answer: A

Explanation: A) Filtering refers to a sender's purposely manipulating information so the receiver will see it more favorably. A manager who tells his boss what he feels the boss wants to hear is filtering information. In this example the company is filtering the information that reaches management.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 145

AACSB: Communication; Analytic Skills

Objective: Filtering

Quest. Category: Application

LO: 5

73) The mistakes committed by the sales staff suggest that sales personnel are probably experiencing which of the following as a result of their intensive training?

A) filtering

B) emotional labor

C) information overload

D) communication apprehension

E) selective perception

Answer: C

Explanation: C) When the information we have to work with exceeds our processing capacity, the result is information overload. In this example the sales team is choosing to select, ignore, pass over, or forget information which is most likely to be the result of information overload.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 146

AACSB: Communication; Analytic Skills

Objective: Information Overload

Quest. Category: Application

LO: 6

Brenda is a new employee orientation trainer for a global corporation with subsidiaries all over the world. She needs to convey information to new employees that will help them in communicating across cultures.

74) Brenda explains to new employees that ________ cultures rely heavily on nonverbal cues and subtle situational cues in communicating with others, and a person's official status, place in society, and reputation carry considerable weight.

A) low power distance

B) high power distance

C) uncertainty avoiding

D) low-context

E) high-context

Answer: E

Explanation: E) In high-context cultures such as China, Korea, Japan, and Vietnam, people rely heavily on nonverbal and subtle situational cues in communicating with others, and a person's official status, place in society, and reputation carry considerable weight. What is not said may be more significant than what is said.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 148

AACSB: Communication; Multicultural and Diversity; Analytic Skills

Objective: Cultural Context

Quest. Category: Application

LO: 6

75) Brenda should advise new employees to do which of the following when dealing with others from different cultures?

A) remember that individuals are similar in many ways

B) avoid interpreting another's actions until you know the full story

C) act decisively and quickly to demonstrate your power

D) minimize opportunities for feedback

E) do your best to avoid conflict

Answer: B

Explanation: B) Interpreting or evaluating what someone has said or done draws more on your own culture and background than on the observed situation. So delay judgment until you've had sufficient time to observe and interpret the situation from the differing perspectives of all concerned.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 148

AACSB: Communication; Multicultural and Diversity; Analytic Skills

Objective: Interpretations

Quest. Category: Application

LO: 6

76) In the communication process, decoding precedes encoding.

Answer: FALSE

Explanation: The sender initiates a message by encoding a thought. The message is the actual physical product of the sender's encoding. The receiver is the person(s) to whom the message is directed, who must first translate the symbols into understandable form. This step is the decoding of the message. Decoding comes after the sender's encoding.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 135-136

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Communication Process

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 1

77) Communication that flows from one level of a group or organization to a lower level is lateral communication.

Answer: FALSE

Explanation: Communication that flows from one level of a group or organization to a lower level is downward communication.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 136

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Functions of Communication

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 2

78) Lateral communications are often created to short-circuit the vertical hierarchy within an organization.

Answer: TRUE

Explanation: When communication takes place among members of the same work group, members of work groups at the same level, managers at the same level, or any other horizontally equivalent workers, we describe it as lateral communication. Lateral communication is informally created to short-circuit the vertical hierarchy and expedite action. Horizontal communication saves time and facilitates coordination.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 137

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Lateral Communication

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 2

79) The advantages of written communication are speed and feedback.

Answer: FALSE

Explanation: The advantages of oral communication are speed and feedback. Written communication is more time consuming than oral communication.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 137-138

AACSB: Communication; Use of IT

Objective: Benefits of E-mail

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 4

80) The advantages of oral communication are precision and tangibility.

Answer: FALSE

Explanation: The advantages of oral communication are speed and feedback. Written messages are often tangible and verifiable and they can be stored for indefinite period.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 138

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Advantages of Oral Communication

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 3

81) In the case of oral communication, when the message has to pass through a number of people, as the number of people increases the possibility of distortion of the message decreases.

Answer: FALSE

Explanation: The major disadvantage of oral communication surfaces whenever a message has to pass through a number of people: the more people, the greater the potential distortion.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 138

AACSB: Communication

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 3

82) Ideally, oral communication should be used for conveying a complex and lengthy message to a large number of people.

Answer: FALSE

Explanation: Written communication is particularly suitable for conveying a complex and lengthy message to a large number of people. A written message can be stored for an indefinite period. If there are questions about its content, the message is physically available for later reference. This feature is particularly important for complex and lengthy communications.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 138

AACSB: Communication

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 3

83) People are usually forced to think more thoroughly about what they want to convey in a spoken message than in a written one.

Answer: FALSE

Explanation: People are usually forced to think more thoroughly about what they want to convey in a written message than in a spoken one.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 138

AACSB: Communication

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 3

84) A major disadvantage of written communication is that it is more time consuming than oral communication.

Answer: TRUE

Explanation: Written communication is more time consuming than oral communication.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 138

AACSB: Communication

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 3

85) Generally, a body position or movement by itself has a precise and universal meaning.

Answer: FALSE

Explanation: A body position or movement does not by itself have a precise or universal meaning, but when it is linked with spoken language, it gives fuller meaning to a sender's message.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 139

AACSB: Communication

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 3

86) The grapevine is perceived by most employees as being more believable and reliable than formal communiqués issued by management.

Answer: TRUE

Explanation: The informal communication network in a group or organization is called the grapevine. A survey found it's where 75 percent of employees hear about matters first. Most employees perceive it as more believable and reliable than formal communiqués issued by top management.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 141

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Grapevine

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 4

87) One way of effectively managing e-mails is to check it in batches rather than checking it continually throughout the day.

Answer: TRUE

Explanation: One way of effectively managing e-mails is to check it in batches rather than checking it continually throughout the day.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 142

AACSB: Communication; Use of IT

Objective: Electronic Communication

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 4

88) E-mails involve real time communication.

Answer: FALSE

Explanation: E-mails do not involve real time communication. Recipients of the e-mails can read them at their own convenience. Instant messaging and text messaging occur in real time.

Diff: 1 Page Ref: 142-143

AACSB: Communication; Use of IT

Objective: Channel Richness

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 4

89) Selective perception refers to how a sender purposely manipulates information so the receiver will see it more favorably.

Answer: FALSE

Explanation: Filtering refers to how a sender purposely manipulates information so the receiver will see it more favorably. Selective perception occurs when receivers in the communication process selectively see and hear based on their needs, motivations, experience, background, and other personal characteristics.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 145

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Barriers to Effective Communication

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 5

90) Filtering is most likely to occur in organizations in which there are many vertical levels.

Answer: TRUE

Explanation: Filtering refers to a sender's purposely manipulating information so the receiver will see it more favorably. A manager who tells his boss what he feels the boss wants to hear is filtering information. The more vertical levels in the organization's hierarchy, the more opportunities there are for filtering. But some filtering will occur wherever there are status differences.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 145

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Filtering

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 5

91) High-context cultures rely essentially on spoken and written words to convey meaning; body language and formal titles are secondary.

Answer: FALSE

Explanation: In high-context cultures people rely heavily on nonverbal and subtle situational cues in communicating with others. What is not said may be more significant than what is said.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 148

AACSB: Communication; Multicultural and Diversity

Objective: Cultural Context

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 6

92) Individuals from individualistic cultures tend to acknowledge conflict only implicitly and avoid emotionally charged disputes.

Answer: FALSE

Explanation: Collectivists are more likely to acknowledge conflict only implicitly and avoid emotionally charged disputes.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 148

AACSB: Communication

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 6

93) What are the eight key parts of the communication process?

Answer: The eight key parts of the communication process are (1) the sender, (2) encoding, (3) the message, (4) the channel, (5) decoding, (6) the receiver, (7) noise, and (8) feedback. The sender initiates a message by encoding a thought. The message is the actual physical product of the sender's encoding. The channel is the medium through which the message travels. The receiver is the person(s) to whom the message is directed, who must first translate the symbols into understandable form. This step is the decoding of the message. Noise represents communication barriers that distort the clarity of the message. The final link in the communication process is a feedback loop. Feedback is the check on how successful we have been in transferring our messages as originally intended.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 136

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Functions of Communication

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 1

94) Explain and provide a workplace example for each of the following communication situations: oral communication in downward flowing direction; written communication in upward flowing direction; and non-verbal communication in lateral flowing direction.

Answer: Communication that flows from one level of a group or organization to a lower level is downward communication. When a sales manager holds a sales meeting to explain new products or to motivate the team he is using downward flowing oral communication.

Upward communication flows to a higher level in the group or organization. It's used to provide feedback to higher-ups, inform them of progress toward goals, and relay current problems. A monthly status report from a project manager sent to his department director is an example of upward flowing written communication.

When communication takes place among members of the same work group, members of work groups at the same level, managers at the same level or any other horizontally equivalent workers, we describe it as lateral communication. Nonverbal communication includes body movements, the intonations or emphasis we give to words, facial expressions, and the physical distance between the sender and receiver. When two programmers confer on the best way to crack a code for a common project, they are engaging in oral lateral communication. If one of them shows a puzzled face, or raises an eyebrow at the other's suggestion that is an example of non-verbal lateral communication.

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 136-137

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Direction of Communication

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 2

95) What is lateral communication?

Answer: When communication takes place among members of the same work group, members of work groups at the same level, managers at the same level, or any other horizontally equivalent workers, we describe it as lateral communication. Lateral communication saves time and facilitates coordination. Some lateral relationships are formally sanctioned. More often, they are informally created to short-circuit the vertical hierarchy and expedite action. So from management's viewpoint, lateral communications can be good or bad. Because strictly adhering to the formal vertical structure for all communications can be inefficient, lateral communication occurring with management's knowledge and support can be beneficial. But it can create dysfunctional conflicts when the formal vertical channels are breached, when members go above or around their superiors to get things done, or when bosses find actions have been taken or decisions made without their knowledge.

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 137

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Interpersonal Communication

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 2

96) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of oral communication.

Answer: The chief means of conveying messages is oral communication. The advantages of oral communication are speed and feedback. We can convey a verbal message and receive a response in minimal time. If the receiver is unsure of the message, rapid feedback allows the sender to quickly detect and correct it. The major disadvantage of oral communication surfaces whenever a message has to pass through a number of people: the more people, the greater the potential distortion. In an organization, where decisions and other communiqués are verbally passed up and down the authority hierarchy, considerable opportunities arise for messages to become distorted.

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 138

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Communication Process

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 3

97) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of written communication.

Answer: Written communications include memos, letters, fax transmissions, e-mail, instant messaging, organizational periodicals, notices placed on bulletin boards (including electronic ones), and any other device that transmits via written words or symbols. It's often tangible and verifiable. When it's printed, both the sender and receiver have a record of the communication; and the message can be stored for an indefinite period. If there are questions about its content, the message is physically available for later reference. This feature is particularly important for complex and lengthy communications. A final benefit of all written communication comes from the process itself. People are usually forced to think more thoroughly about what they want to convey in a written message than in a spoken one.

A drawback of written communication is that it is time consuming. The other major disadvantage is lack of a built-in feedback mechanism. Oral communication allows the receiver to respond rapidly to what he thinks he hears. But mailing a memo provides no assurance it has been received or that the recipient will interpret it as the sender intended.

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 138

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Channel Richness

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 3

98) Describe the various forms of nonverbal communication.

Answer: Nonverbal communication includes body movements, the intonations or emphasis we give to words, facial expressions, and the physical distance between the sender and receiver.

The two most important messages body language conveys are (1) the extent to which we like another and are interested in his or her views and (2) the perceived status between a sender and receiver. A body position or movement does not by itself have a precise or universal meaning, but when it is linked with spoken language, it gives fuller meaning to a sender's message. Intonations can change the meaning of a message. Facial expressions also convey meaning. Physical distance also has meaning. What is considered proper spacing between people largely depends on cultural norms.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 138-139

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Silence

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 3

99) Discuss the three common small group networks. Evaluate each on their effectiveness. Is there any one best network?

Answer: a) The chain rigidly follows the formal chain of command. This network approximates the communication channels you might find in a rigid three-level organization. The chain is best if accuracy is most important.

b) The wheel relies on a central figure to act as the conduit for all of the group's communication. It stimulates the communication network you would find on a team with a strong leader. The structure of the wheel facilitates the emergence of a leader.

c) The all-channel network is most often characterized in practice by self-managed teams, in which all group members are free to contribute and no one person takes on a leadership role. The all-channel network is best if you are concerned with having high member satisfaction. No single network is best for all occasions.

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 140

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Small Group Communication Networks

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 4

100) Explain how the grapevine functions and why it exists in organizational communication.

Answer: The informal communication system is the grapevine. While it is informal it is still an important source of information. A survey found that 75 percent of employees hear about matters first through rumors on the grapevine. The grapevine has three main characteristics. First, it is not controlled by management. Second, most employees perceive it as more believable and reliable than formal communiqués issued by top management. Finally, it is largely used to serve the interests of the people within it.

Rumors emerge as a response to situations that are important to us, when there is ambiguity, and under conditions that arouse anxiety. The fact that work situations frequently contain these three elements explains why rumors flourish in organizations. The secrecy and competition that typically prevail in large organizations, encourage and sustain rumors on the grapevine. A rumor will persist either until the wants and expectations creating the uncertainty are fulfilled or the anxiety has been reduced.

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 141

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Grapevine

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 4

101) What are the various ways in which a manager can effectively handle rumors?

Answer: The informal communication network in a group or organization is called the grapevine. Although the grapevine may be informal, it's still an important source of information. Managers cannot eliminate rumors. What they should do, however, is minimize the negative consequences of rumors by limiting their range and impact. Some of the ways in which managers can effectively handle rumors are:

1. Provide information—in the long run, the best defense against rumors is a good offense (in other words, rumors tend to thrive in the absence of formal communication).

2. Explain actions and decisions that may appear inconsistent, unfair, or secretive.

3. Refrain from shooting the messenger—rumors are a natural fact of organizational life, so respond to them calmly, rationally, and respectfully.

4. Maintain open communication channels—constantly encourage employees to come to you with concerns, suggestions, and ideas.

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 141

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Gender Differences

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 4

102) What are the benefits and drawbacks of e-mail?

Answer: E-mail messages can be quickly written, edited, and stored. They can be distributed to one person or thousands with a click of a mouse. They can be read, in their entirety, at the convenience of the recipient. And the cost of sending formal e-mail messages to employees is a fraction of what it would cost to print, duplicate, and distribute a comparable letter or brochure.

Information overload is a drawback. It's not unusual for employees to get a hundred or more e-mails a day. Reading, absorbing, and responding to such an inflow can literally consume an employee's entire day. In essence, e-mail's ease of use has become its disadvantage. Employees are finding it increasingly difficult to distinguish important e-mails from junk mail and irrelevant messages. Another drawback of e-mails is that they lack emotional content. Nonverbal cues don't come across in e-mail. They can be cold and impersonal. As such, it's not the ideal means to convey information like layoffs, plant closings, or other messages that might evoke emotional responses and require empathy or social support.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 142

AACSB: Communication

Objective: E-mail

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 4

103) List and explain four of the barriers to effective communication.

Answer: Some of the barriers to effective communication are:

a) Filtering refers to a sender's purposely manipulating information so it will be seen more favorably by the receiver.

b) Selective perception occurs when receivers process communication selectively to see and hear based on their needs, motivations, experience, background, and other personal characteristics.

c) When the information we have to work with exceeds our processing capacity, the result is information overload.

d) How the receiver feels at the time of receipt of a communication message will influence how he or she interprets it.

e) Words mean different things to different people. Age, education, and cultural background are three of the most obvious variables that influence the language a person uses and the definitions he or she gives to words.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 145-146

AACSB: Communication

Objective: Barriers to Effective Communication

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 5

104) Describe and discuss specific problems related to cross-cultural communication. Include cultural barriers and cultural context.

Answer: There are four specific problems related to language difficulties in cross-cultural communications. They include: barriers caused by semantics; barriers caused by word connotations; barriers caused by tone differences; and barriers caused by differences among perceptions.

Cultures tend to differ in the importance to which context influences the meaning that individuals take from what is actually said or written versus who the other person is. High-context cultures rely heavily on nonverbal and subtle situational cues when communicating with others. What is not said may be more significant than what is said. A person's official status, place in society, and reputation carry considerable weight in communications. People in low-context cultures rely essentially on words to convey meaning. Body language or formal titles are secondary to spoken and written words.

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 147

AACSB: Communication; Multicultural and Diversity

Objective: Cultural Barriers and Cultural Context

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 6

105) Discuss four ways to reduce misinterpretations when communicating with people from a different culture.

Answer: The following four rules can be helpful when communicating with people from different cultures.

a) Assume differences until similarity is proven. You are less likely to make an error if you assume others are different from you rather than assuming similarity until differences are proven.

b) Emphasize description rather than interpretation or evaluation. Delay judgment until you've had sufficient time to observe and interpret the situations from the differing perspectives of all the cultures involved.

c) Practice empathy. Before sending a message, put yourself in the recipient's shoes.

d) Treat your interpretations as a working hypothesis. Recognize that you need further testing of your hypothesis. Carefully assess the feedback provided by recipients to see if it confirms your hypothesis.

Diff: 3 Page Ref: 148

AACSB: Communication; Multicultural and Diversity

Objective: Cultural Guide

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 6

106) Distinguish between high-context and low-context cultures.

Answer: Cultures tend to differ in the degree to which context influences the meaning individuals take from communication.

In high-context cultures such as China, Korea, Japan, and Vietnam, people rely heavily on nonverbal and subtle situational cues in communicating with others, and a person's official status, place in society, and reputation carry considerable weight. What is not said may be more significant than what is said. In contrast, people from Europe and North America reflect their low-context cultures. They rely essentially on spoken and written words to convey meaning; body language and formal titles are secondary.

Diff: 2 Page Ref: 148

AACSB: Communication; Multicultural and Diversity

Objective: Communication Process

Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional

LO: 6


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