History Fair Project Parent Contract

History Fair Project Parent Contract

Dear Parents/Guardians,

All middle school students are participating in History Fair. Students are creating projects that are related to the theme of Turning Points in History: People, Events and Ideas. Your child should select a specific turning point focusing their project on how that event impacted history. Topics can be chosen from an approved list or students choose a topic of their own with approval from teacher.

Your Child _____________________________________________ has selected to research:

__________________________________________________________________ as her topic for the History Fair Project. Your child was given the choice to select for their history fair project to work alone or within a pair of two students. Students who chose to work within a partner each bear the responsibility to: meet regularly outside of class (once a week is recommended), to make decisions for the good of the group as a whole, and to complete the project on time.

All group members must have the same goals as to whether or not they are attempting to be considered for the school fair. Group members who chose to compete at any level of history fair from the school level through the national level understand they may need to make necessary improvements to their projects for competition. Any improvements made for competition are made as an extracurricular activity and not as part of an academic assignment.

Everyone will participate in all aspects of the project, if they are choosing to work with a partner. There should not be one person responsible for all the components of the projects. There should be an organized communication arranged between the partners. If problems arise, please speak to me about the issue and we will work together to find a solution.

Students will be informed of information regarding due dates of the project components and instructions on how to meet the project’s requirements in class. This information will be available on my class website as well. The final project deadlines arelisted on the back of this form.

In addition, to meeting regularly outside of school students create shared and Google Documents to organize, compose and provide feedback to each other throughout the project. Students can also visit .

Should students have any specific questions regarding the project they should contact me at ascott1@ .I encourage them to check my webpage for information and history fair links. I’m also available before school Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

_____ Your child elected to work on the history fair project alone

_____ Your child elected to work on the history fair project in a group. He/She understands that he/she will be meeting regularly to complete this project outside of school not during class. Your child has your approval to work with the following students and meet with them regularly. Please read the back for the list of students and assignments. I understand once the contracts are signed the groups and tasks are final and will not be changed.

______ Interested in competing in the School Fair? Write yes or no in the blank. All group members must mark the same answer. Any improvements made throughout the year for competition are made as an extracurricular activity and not as part of an academic assignment. Competing also means I will continue to compete at each level if my project wins at school, county or state.

Student Signature and Date_____________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature and Date______________________________________

**This for m is due September . **Final Topic Selection Due Oct 1/2 Annotated Bibliography Due Oct 15/16 Process Paper Due Oct 30/31 Final Project Due Nov 26/27, at the start of class. All Due dates based on the different project requirements and categories are located on the back, additional dates will be announced in class and posted on my webpage.

In the case that your daughter advances to the District/Regional/State/National competitions here are important dates to remember:

January 10, 2013 SAISD History Fair Judging/ Awards Ceremony- Trinity University

February 22-23 2013 San Antonio Regional History Day Competition- Brackenridge HS

March 2013 Winner’s Circle (Date and location TBD)

May 3-4, 2013 Texas History Day – Bob Bullock Museum, Austin

June 10-13 National History Day- University of Maryland

History Fair Project Components

Project Topic________________________________________Category selected _____________

Students need to complete all of these components plus any individual planning requirements listed in the directions specific to that category. Directions for each Category are listed in the History Fair Handbook located in classroom.

Title Page/Process Paper

A process paper is a description of no more than 500 words explaining how you conducted your research and created and developed your entry. You must conclude your description with an explanation of the relationship of your topic to the contest theme.

A title page is required as the first page of written material in every category. Your title page must include only the title of your entry, your name(s) and the contest division and category in which you are entered. Do not include your age, grade or school name.

The first section should explain how you chose your topic.

The second section should explain how you conducted your research.

The third section should explain how you selected your presentation category and created your project.

The fourth section should explain how your project relates to the NHD theme.

Annotated Bibliography

Each person is responsible for finding an equal number of their own set of sources and creating the correct Turabian citations and paragraph annotations. Communicate as a group to make sure group members are not citing the same sources. Use Turabian format, make sure you follow the directions and classify sources correctly as primary or secondary. Everyone turns in their own separate annotated bibliography Due Oct 15/16

For individuals :at least 5 secondary sources and *15 primary sources. * symbol means key item for competition and grading

For groups: at least 6 secondary sources and *20 Primary Sources. This means each person does 2-3 secondary sources and *5-10 primary sources. *symbol means key item for competition and grading.

An annotated bibliography is required for all categories. The annotations for each source must explain how the source was used and how it helped you understand your topic. You should also use the annotation to explain why you categorized a particular source as primary or secondary. Sources of visual materials and oral interviews, if used, must also be included.

List only those sources that you used to develop your entry. An annotation normally should be only 1-3 sentences long.

• Source (example):

Bates, Daisy. The Long Shadow of Little Rock. 1st ed. New York: David McKay Co. Inc., 1962.

• Annotation (example):

Daisy Bates was the president of the Arkansas NAACP and the one who met and listened to the students each day. This first-hand account was very important to my paper because it made me more aware of the feelings of the people involved.

History Fair Checklist/ Milestone Dates

The following actions need to be completed by the due date. Your teacher must initial once the material has been turned in.

|Due Date |Task |Teacher Initial |

|October 1 2012 (A Day) |Final Topic Selection | |

|October 2 2012 (B Day) | | |

|October 15 2012 (A Day) |Annotated Bibliography | |

|October 16 2012 (B Day) | | |

|October 30 2012 (A Day) |Process Paper | |

|October 31 1 2012 (B Day) | | |

|November 26 2012(A Day) |Final History Fair Project Due- Title page,| |

|November 27 2012(B Day) |process paper, annotated bibliography and | |

| |project | |

I agree to the above dates and I fully understand the amount of work that will be expected from me during the course of this project. If I fail to complete the project or meet the date milestones, I will receive an incomplete grade for that assignment. However, I am still responsible for the completion of the History Fair Project.

_______________________________ __________________



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