Assessment planning template — BSBCMM201A sample

Unit of competency planning tool

BSBCMM201A Communicate in the workplace

| |Practical skills assessment* |Knowledge assessment* |

|BSBCMM201A | | |

|Communicate in the workplace | | |

| |Obser/ |

| |Demo/oral/ |

| |role play |

|1.1 |Collect information to achieve work responsibilities from appropriate sources |

|2.1 |Present written information and ideas in clear and concise language to ensure |

| |the intended meaning of correspondence is understood by recipient |

|3.1 |Value all individuals and treat them with respect, courtesy and sensitivity |

|1, 2 |communication skills – request advice, to receive feedback and to work with a team |

|3 |culturally appropriate communication skills – diverse backgrounds/abilities |

|1,2 |literacy skills – identify work requirements, understand and process basic workplace documentation |

|1,2 |organisational skills – plan work priorities and arrangements |

|1 |technology skills to select and use technology appropriate to communication tasks |

Is the required knowledge included in your assessment?

|EOC |Knowledge |

|3 |relevant legislation that may affect aspects of business operations eg |

| |anti-discrimination |

| |ethical principles |

| |codes of practice |

| |privacy laws |

| |OHS |

|1,2,3 |organisational policies, plans and procedures, especially style guides |

|2 |spelling, grammar, punctuation |

Will the assessment cover the critical aspects of assessment?

| |using communication methods appropriate to the audience |

| |producing clear, concise and correct written communication |

| |providing prompt responses to requests for information |

| |knowledge of relevant legislation |

|Will the training and assessment cover the Range Statement? |

|Communication equipment may |facsimile machines | |

|include: | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |information technology components including hardware, software and communication packages | |

| |keyboard equipment including mouse, touchpad, keyboard | |

| |network systems | |

| |pens, pencils | |

| |telephones | |

| |other | |

|Verbal communication |answering enquiries from clients | |

|may include: | | |

| | | |

| |answering telephone calls | |

| |informal discussions | |

| |requests from colleagues | |

| |use of voice mail | |

| |other | |

|Organisational |access and equity principles and practice | |

|requirements may include: | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |business and performance plans | |

| |defined resource parameters | |

| |ethical standards | |

| |goals, objectives, plans, systems and processes | |

| |legal and organisational policies, guidelines and | |

| |requirements | |

| |OHS policies, procedures and programs | |

| |quality and continuous improvement processes and standards | |

| |quality assurance and/or procedures manual | |

| |other | |

|Written information may include: |briefing notes | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |electronic mail | |

| |facsimiles | |

| |general correspondence | |

| |handwritten and printed materials | |

| |internal memos | |

| |telephone messages | |

| |other | |

|Correspondence may include: |emails | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |memorandums | |

| |messages | |

| |proformas | |

| |standard/form letters | |

| |other | |

|Standards may include: |Australian Standards | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |legislation | |

| |organisational policies and procedures | |

| |specified work standards | |

| |standards set by workgroup | |

| |other | |

Assessment tools

|Tool |Details of assessment – standalone |Details of assessment – BCT |

|Observation/ |Telephone activity |Telephone activity |

|demonstration/role |Students observed answering telephone calls |same as standalone |

|play/oral |call that needs to be put on hold & transferred to the | |

|(all relates to EOC 1 |supervisor | |

|plus) |call from a client with an enquiry (this call will involve| |

|[pic] |a situation which will some of the aspects of EOC3 eg an | |

| |person with hearing difficulties, person from another | |

| |country). Need to take message. | |

| |Role plays | |

| |Students will work in teams of 2 or 3 to respond to a role| |

| |play involving: | |

| |effective listening and speaking skills |Role plays (one or both of the following) |

| |responding to non-verbal communication |same as standalone |

| |people who are difficult or with cultural differences or |class activities involving practice role plays or orals |

| |language barriers |BCT assessment oral or practice oral |

| | | |

| | |(one or more of the above) |

| | | |

|Folio of work |Drafts and final copies of correspondence/workplace forms |Drafts and final copies |

|(all relates to EOC 2 |and documentation |folio of work (same as s/alone) |

|plus) |email (response to request for information from |classroom practice items |

| |supervisor) |activities in BCT textbook |

| |letter (response to letter of complaint) |BCT exam questions in regard to composition of correspondence|

| |telephone message (linked to observation/demonstration) |(style, format and accuracy to be assessed) |

| |memorandum to staff from verbal instructions/information | |

| |from supervisor. The instructions/information will be |(one or more of the above) |

| |unclear. Students will need to clarify request. | |

| |Equipment Fault Form | |

| |(style, format and accuracy to be assessed) | |

|Written |Worksheet |Worksheet or BCT test or revision questions |

|(all relates to EOC 3) |Multiple choice & yes/no |Multiple choice & yes/no |

| |simple statements |simple statements |

| |Short answer |Short answer |

| |simple scenarios/cartoons on situations involving |simple scenarios on situations involving anti-discrimination,|

| |anti-discrimination, ethical principles, codes of practice|ethical principles, codes of practice and privacy laws |

| |and privacy laws | |


incorporated in folio





1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5

All linked to 1.2 – methods/

equipment used


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