Business Communication

Business Communication

School of International Education

2012 Business and Management 1, 2 & 2012 Finance 2, 3

Instructor Contact Information

|Faculty |Phone |E-mail |

|Du Yifei |13526673077 |faithduyifei@ |

Nature of the Course: Required Courses

Course Description

This course introduces the basics of business and professional communication and personal skills that are critical to your success in business and professional contexts. You will develop a working knowledge of theory and improve your skills in interpersonal communication, teamwork, and public presentation, with an emphasis on approaches to work in groups, conduct effective meetings, write commercial correspondences, and develop and deliver presentations.


Adler, R. B., & Elmhorst, J. M. Communicating at work: Principles and practices for business and the professions, 8th edition. (NY: McGraw-Hill, Inc., 2010)

Course Objectives

Students will be able to:

• Define and explain basic communication terms and principles that underlie competent business and professional communication.

• Demonstrate knowledge of theory and competence in dyadic processes, listening, the roles of interviewer and interviewee, task and social roles in problem-solving groups, conducting meetings, preparing and presenting informative and persuasive messages for groups, and conducting question-and-answer sessions.

• Analyze various communication contexts with regard to the myriad choices communicators have in each setting, and demonstrate knowledge of various probable outcomes and impacts that would result from different communicative choices.

• Apply communication principles and theory in diverse circumstances, and demonstrate effective communication skills in such contexts.

Weekly hours and Number of Credits Awarded: 3 hours per week and 3 credits will be awarded upon completion of the course.

Course Schedule

|Week |Content |

|1 |Introduction & Communication at Work |

|2 |Communication at Work |

|3 |Nonverbal Communication |

|4 |Communication, Culture, and Work & Quiz |

|5 |National Holiday |

|6 |Listening |

|7 |Presentation (Types & Developing) |

|8 |Presentation (Ideas & Deliver) |

|9 |Mid-term Test |

|10 |Interpersonal Skills |

|11 |Working in Teams |

|12 |Effective Meetings |

|13 |Types of Interviews |

|14 |Principles of Interviewing & Quiz |

|15 |Project Presentation |

|16 |Writing |

|17 |Review for Final |

|18 |Final Test |

Breakdown of Grades

Attendance & Participation (assignments) ------- 30 points

Quiz---------------------------------------------------- 40 points (20 for each)

Mid-term Exam--------------------------------------- 50 points

Project-------------------------------------------------- 30 points

Final Exam---------------------------------------------100 points

Total Score: 250 (You will pass the course when you reach 175 points)

Course Delivery Method

Lecture, Group discussion/Team work (project), Case study, and Class activity

Attendance & Participation

Attendance and participation are important for successful completion of this course. Each student will have 2 exemption of absence in the semester. Then, you will lose 2 points for each absence, as well as each assignment loss. The students who will absent one third of the classes will lose the qualification to take the final test.


The course will be conducted in accordance with Sias academic policies. Any academic dishonesty may result in dismissal from the course. Academic dishonesty includes, but not limited to, cheating, plagiarizing, fabrication of information or citation, misrepresentation of attendance, and misrepresentative of work not your own.

Note: the syllabus should be completed within the first week; and quadruplicate the form for delivering them to the school, faculty, students and Teaching Affairs Office.

Faculty Head of teaching section Head of the Department


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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