Aerospace Engineering I



Course Expectations

Course Title Aerospace Engineering I Teacher’s Name Ms. Quintana_______

Course Scope/Outline

A. Course Description

1. This one-year course utilizes a problem-based learning approach to teach the design development process in engineering. Students will use solid modeling and computer design software to analyze, create, and construct engineering projects. The use of technology is an integral part of this course. This course will fulfill one of the elective credits required for high school graduation.

2. Performance Goals

1. To comprehend how the aerospace engineer functions in an organizational structure.

2. To be able to discuss the purpose and applications of aerospace engineering disciplines such as: aerodynamics, aerothermal, structures, electrical, mechanical, propulsion, aircraft systems, and electronics.

3. To understand engineering as a multidisciplinary process.

4. To demonstrate a basic knowledge of fluid dynamics; the forces of lift, thrust, weight, and drag, flight controls, and high lift techniques.

5. To be familiar with the applied mathematical concepts of linear equations, vectors, resonance, uncertainty, predictive methods, empirical methods, and basic probability.

6. To understand the fundamentals of technical writing.

7. To design, develop, execute, analyze and produce a formal report and presentation on a designated research activity.

8. To participate in a university level lecture series directed toward the application of the academic principles within aeronautical engineering.

9. To participate in university, federal agency, and industry seminars on the family of engineering careers and. their application to the development of secular advances.

B. Textbook(s) and/or Alternative Curriculum Materials

AutoDesk Inventor (A free student license can be obtained from their website.)

Google drive account

C. Pretest or Alternative Assessment Activity

PREREQUISITE: Acceptance to the aviation program.

D. Course Overview

Most assignments will consist of reading and research, studying class notes, and/or review sheets.

Note taking is required during lectures.

Expect to see multiple large projects throughout the year.

LATE WORK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED! If a student requires assistance, it is their responsibility to seek it!

Make-up work will be provided for excused absences only. Students will have three days to complete make-up work as per CCSD policy.

Extra credit will not be offered with the exception of bonus questions provided on the assignment.

Daily Required Materials:

1. Pen or pencil

2. 3-ring binder (for notes and handouts)

3. Loose leaf paper

4. 4GB minimum flash drive

5. A calculator is highly recommended (TI-82 or Higher)

E. Student Assistance

Ms. Quintana is available for extra help both before and after school. If needed, students may schedule further assistance.

F. Grading Policy

Grades are broken down as follows:

90 - 100 % = A Assessments 50%

80 - 89 % = B Class/Homework 40%

70 - 79 % = C Employability Skills 10%

60 - 69 % = D

0 - 59 % = F

Quarter grades will be derived from the student’s total number of points divided by the total number of possible points.

Semester grades will be calculated using a 4-point scale. Each quarter score will be worth 40% and the final exam will be worth 20%. Letter grades will have the following point values:

A = 4.0, B = 3.0, C = 2.0, D = 1.0 and F = 0

An example of a semester grade calculation is as follows:

Quarter 1 - C

Quarter 2 – B

Sem. Exam – D

Qtr. 1 Qtr. 2 Sem. Ex

(.40)(2.0) + (.40) (3.0) + (.20) (1.0) = 2.2 (C)

Grades and assignments will be posted weekly on Infinite Campus and in the classroom.

G. Classroom Behavioral Expectations

Tardy Policy: Same as Rancho High School

Tardiness is considered any late entry into the class after the final bell.

Classroom rules will be discussed during the first week of school and will be followed at all times. The most important rules include:

1. Preparedness for class

2. Mutual respect and cooperation

3. Using class time appropriately

4. Following instructions

5. No food, drink, or chewing of gum in the classroom at any time, except water.

6. No electronic devices including phones

Students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that does not interfere with learning and teaching. Students not conducting themselves appropriately will receive deductions in citizenship marks. Penalties for inappropriate behavior may include but are not limited to: verbal warning, written warning, parent contact, required parent conference, detention, and discipline referral. Students with excessive inappropriate behavior(s) will receive a “U” or unsatisfactory as a citizenship grade.

Students are expected to use the restroom before class during the five minute passing period. Students will only be allowed to use the restroom in an emergency situation.

Academic Integrity: The teacher assumes honesty on the part of all students. However, cheating, plagiarism and other acts of academic dishonesty are held as serious offenses and will be appropriately handled.

1st Offense: Parent contact and an F on the assignment

2nd Offense: Parent contact, counseling referral and an F on the assignment

3rd Offense: Parent contact, discipline referral, and an F on the assignment

Please see the academic honor code for further clarification.

NOTE: CCSD Regulation 5113. Attendance Enforcement.

Please refer to CCSD regulation 5113 and Parents Guide to Attendance – Publication 688 for information concerning excessive Unexcused Absence/No Credit.


a. Wearing aviation shirts is encouraged to promote a sense of pride in the Aviation program, aircrew safety, and to demonstrate to students the meaning of professional dress. These rules are essentially the same requirements found in aviation facilities around the world.

b. The uniform is a white/green Aviation shirt with Black pants.

▪ Students will pay for uniform shirts in early September.

▪ Students must pay before shirts are ordered

▪ Students will be measured before shirts are ordered.

c. Uniforms are worn every Tuesday. Student may make up missed uniform checks on an “off” day.

d. Uniforms will be mandatory on field trips. (No shirt - no trip)

e. Students will receive a weekly grade in their primary magnet class on uniform wear based on the following categories: (Some weeks may not be graded)

▪ Nothing will be worn underneath the shirts that will detract from their appearance. If a short sleeve T-shirt is worn underneath the Aviation shirt, the T-shirt sleeve must be shorter than the aviation shirt sleeve.

▪ Uniforms will be clean and spot-free.

▪ Student’s hair should not touch their shoulders or face.

▪ No facial jewelry is allowed. No dangling ear rings.

▪ One simple single stranded necklace may be worn. Only one ring per hand. No bracelets – a watch may be worn and is encouraged. Exception: during aircraft or maintenance related classes or field trips no jewelry except watches may be worn. One aviation year pin may be worn centered over logo.

▪ No excessive make-up or glitter. No excessive perfume or cologne.

▪ Nails must be clean with no jewelry attached.

▪ Closed-toed shoes. No platform or high heeled shoes. Brown shoes are preferred but not required.

▪ Questions: see Mr. Archambeault, Mr. Johnson, Ms. Kim, Mr. Pemberton or Ms. Quintana.

If you have any questions you may contact me via e-mail, sjquintana@ or phone (702) 799-7000 ext. 3603. E-mail is preferred.

Thank You,

Sara Quintana

Aerospace Engineering/Robotics Teacher

Program Expectations

Signature Page

Student Instructions:

1. Remove this page from the Student Objectives. Keep the Student Objectives in your 3-ring binder. Print and sign your name. Parent/guardian must also read and sign.

2. The following FEES are required for this MAGNET course:

a. Uniform - $35 (mandatory for all Freshmen, Seniors and for specialty classes,

if needed for 10-11th grade).

b. Lab Fees - $20 per semester for all Magnet students for each class.

c. ERAU Dual Enrollment Participants - ERAU fee will correspond to the Nevada resident fee for Community College - approximately $253.50 (2013) for each ERAU class enrolled in.

3. After you and your parent or guardian has signed please return this signature page to your Magnet Professor/Instructor.

I have read and understood the Program Expectations. I understand what is expected for successful completion of the program and the requirements should I participate in the ERAU Dual Enrollment program.

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