Submission Deadline: Friday, October 26, 2018 at 5:00pm

Community College Research Grant Program Goals

The Office of Research is committed to supporting research excellence at CUNY community colleges. Since 2006, the Community College Research Grant Program has funded collaborative, interdisciplinary, and undergraduate research projects resulting in faculty and student development. For the 2019 competition, the program will accept proposals from faculty across all disciplines for awards of up to $10,000. Proposals may be submitted by individual faculty or collaborative teams. We encourage applications that involve undergraduate students.

The submission deadline is Friday, October 26, 2018. The Office of Research will announce the winners by the end of December 2018.

Awards: Awards of up to $10,000 will be disbursed as a mix of Research Foundation funds ($5,000) and tax levy funds ($5,000; which must be used by June 30, 2019). The Research Foundation (RF) funds will be set up in an account for awardees to use for course release, research supplies and/or student stipends. The $5,000 in tax levy funds are to be used exclusively for one month of summer salary in June 2019. The Office of Research expects to distribute five to ten CCRG awards in 2019.


Only tenured or tenure-track faculty employed by CUNY community colleges are eligible to serve as principal investigators (PI). Research faculty, lecturers, adjunct faculty, and full-time Higher Education Officers are not eligible. Only one proposal per faculty member is allowed.

Faculty who were awarded a Community College Research grant in the past two years—2017 (Round 14) or 2018 (Round 15)—are not eligible to apply. This restriction includes Round 14 winners of the Mentored Undergraduate Research Grant and the Summer Collaborative Research Opportunity Grant.

• All proposals must describe original research that will be conducted by the applicant(s). Web or media development, workshops, book completion, or similar types of initiatives are ineligible.

• The Institutional Review Board (IRB) must approve research involving human subjects prior to the release of any funds. Without IRB approval CCRG funding will not be allocated for any research involving human subjects. For more information about IRB and human subjects research, visit

All awardees must submit a one-page summary report at the end of the funding period. Future eligibility for participation in this and other internal funding programs is contingent on the submission of this post-award report.

Proposal Development and Structure

The proposal consists of a narrative section and a signature page. The template may be downloaded here:

Narrative Section

The proposal should include a title page with an abstract (300-word maximum) and a five-page narrative (excluding references). The proposal narrative should be single-spaced, with one-inch margins, and in 12-point font.

The narrative should include the following headings:

1. Research Question

Briefly describe your research question or hypothesis. Contextualize your project idea within the relevant literature.

2. Research Methods

Describe your implementation strategy. How will you answer your research question or test your hypothesis? What methods will you employ and what data will you collect? Provide references to the relevant literature when using established methods (note: citations may be included as an appendix and are not part of 5-page proposal limit). Provide preliminary data if applicable, although this is not necessary. If more than one PI is involved, briefly describe how each investigator contributes to the project.

3. Next Steps

Describe in a paragraph how you plan to leverage your anticipated research success (e.g. conference presentation, publication, grant proposal submission).

Supplementary documentation (not included in five-page narrative)

1. Undergraduate Mentoring Plan

If funds are requested for an undergraduate student, a one-page mentoring plan must be included in the application.

2. Biosketch

The PI (and Co-PI if applicable) must submit a 2-page Curriculum Vitae (in NIH or NSF biosketch format, or see proposal template).

3. Current and Pending Funding

The PI (and Co-PI if applicable) must submit a list of current and pending funding.

4. Budget & Budget Justification

Provide a detailed budget and budget justification (example provided in template). Grants of up to $10,000 will be awarded. Funds will only be awarded to community college faculty or students. Applicants can request $5,000 towards one month of summer salary (for June 2019) and this will be disbursed as tax levy funds. Acceptable budget items for the RF funds include: research supplies, training grant for undergraduate students (typically in the range of $2,500 - $5,000), course release (upon institutional approval) and/or travel/field expenses.

Submission Guidelines

Complete proposals must be submitted via the online proposal submission form, which can be accessed through the following link:

Proposal Package

The proposal must be approved and signed on the signature page by an appropriate administrative official at each participating campus, and should follow your college’s proposal approval process.

The signature page, title page, proposal narrative, references, budget, budget justification, 2-page CV and current/pending grant information must be converted into a single PDF for submission via the online system (link provided above).

Name the file as follows:


Proposal Evaluation

Proposals will be evaluated on the basis of their technical merit, feasibility, and potential for external funding. We encourage applications that involve undergraduate students. Reviewers will assess scholarly achievement including the faculty members’ publication record and history of external funding. Junior faculty will be judged based on the promise of their research programs.

The reviewers will rank the proposals according to the following numerical values:

1 – excellent

2 – very good

3 – good

4 – fair

5 – poor

Award decisions will be based on the numerical rankings and reviewer comments.

Submission Timetable

Complete submissions must be uploaded no later than 5:00 PM on Friday, October 26, 2018. Award announcements are expected by the end of December, 2018.

Please direct any inquiries to:

Effie MacLachlan, PhD

Director of Grants and Research Programs

CUNY Office of Research



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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