AGENDA AND NOTICE OF MEETING Pioneer Consortium Council Meeting Wednesday, March 25, 2020 1:30 PM Central Daylight Time/12:30 PL Mountain Daylight TimeThis is a GoToWebinar meeting – PIONEER MEMBER LIBRARIES SHOULD HAVE A REPRESENTATIVE AT THIS MEETING. *REMEMBER*If the Library Director is unable to attend, a staff member or Board Member can be designated as the LIBRARY REPRESENTATIVE.Call to order Open Meetings Law Notice ()Roll Call of Pioneer Consortium Council: ALMA (Hoesch Library); ARAPAHOE Public Library, ATKINSON Public Library; AXTELL Public Library; BEATRICE Public Library; BENKELMAN (Dundy County Library); BENNINGTON Public Library; BLUE HILL Public Library; CENTRAL CITY Public Library; DAVID CITY (Hruska Memorial Public Library); FRANKLIN Public Library; GRAND ISLAND Public Library; McCOOK Public Library; SCOTTSBLUFF (Western Nebraska Community College, SOUTH SIOUX CITY Public Library; ST. PAUL Public Library; STROMSBURG Public Library; SUPERIOR Public Library; VALLEY Public Library; VALPARAISO Public LibraryApproval of the minutes of the December 5, 2019 meeting and the March 21, 2019 meeting*Treasurer’s Report (Business Manager)Committee Reports: a) Membership b) Technical Committee/Cataloging Subcommittee (including Bibliovation) 7. Old Business: Training Event Planned before NLA in Kearney – Oct. 6 or 7* 8. New Business: a) Approval of Revisions to Pioneer Council Bylaws* b) Approval of Consortium Budget Proposal for Fy2020-21 Year including annual membership assessments* c) Approval of Slate of Pioneer Consortium Officers for FY2020-2021 (1 yr. terms)* d) Approval of Allie Reisig (WNCC-Scottsbluff) as At-Large Member of Executive Committee for FY2020-21 (1 yr. term) e) Approval of Shaun Klee (Grand Island) as Chairperson of the Technical Committee for FY2020-21 (1 yr. term) f )Renewal of Joint Entity Agreement for 1 year effective 5/1/2020 (replaces Dec. vote* g) Approval to proceed with Bibliovation upgrade* 9. Public Participation/ Q & A: This is an opportunity for any member to mention topics we need to consider for future meetings or the Q & A session we will have open immediately following the formal adjournment of this meeting. Thank you for your ideas and input! 10. Adjournment*Denotes action item(An informal Q & A session will follow for anyone who can stay with us. If you do not have the time, please feel free to send your questions to the President, Vice President or any other Officer that you think may be able to help you!)THIS MEETING WILL BE OOPEN TO THE PUBLIC. AN AGENDA FOR THE MEETING, KEPT CONTINUOUSLY CURRENT, IS AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION AT EACH OF THE MEMBER LIBRARIES OF THE PIONEER CONSORTIUM.Posted: March 24, 2020INFO ABOUT JOINING THE MEETING: Detailed instructions about connecting to the audio via a COMPUTER: a phone (long distance call that you pay) for audio requires you to log into the online portion of the webinar before calling on the phone. Instructions for connecting to audio using the phone: Proposed Slate of Officers: President – Laureen Riedesel (Beatrice) Vice President – Sara Lee (Central City) Secretary – Cicely Douglas (South Sioux City ) Treasurer/Business Manager – Mike Burris (Holdrege) ................

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