. 3 - Austin Community College District

[Pages:28]Dual Credit Programs at Austin Community College

Table of Contents

High School Partnerships....................................................


Credit Programs for HS Students.........................................


House Bill 5....................................................................... 7

Degree Pathways............................................................ 8

Business and Industry.................................................


Public Service........................................................... 12



Arts, Humanities, Social/Behavioral Science................ 15

Multidisciplinary........................................................ 17

Chronological Framework................................................. 20

Dual Credit Faculty Approval Process.................................


Contact Information......................................................... 24

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High School Partnerships

Austin Community College is the Number 1 destination for area high school students and the Number 1 source of transfer students to the region's top universities. ACC's High School Partnerships provide opportunities for high school students to earn college credit before graduation and make a successful transition into college. ACC serves twenty six districts with more than 60 high schools, in addition to numerous charter schools and private schools. By combining support activities and educational preparation in the high schools, ACC helps students follow a clear path to their future. This document is designed to support legislative requirements, such as House Bill 5 (2013) and House Bill 505 (2015). New legislation has changed the High School-to-College landscape to provide more opportunities for partnerships and for students to earn college credit while still in High School.


Austin Community College's High School Partnerships are designed to reach widely across the ACC service area and to support all students in their college access and success. Partnership programs include:

Early College High Schools, Career Academies, and other Degree Seeking Pathways Dual Credit for Academic and Career and Technical Education Courses Articulated Credit (credit-in-escrow) for Certain Career and Technical Education Courses College Preparatory Courses (HB5) for High School Seniors

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Credit Programs for High School Students

Transferable College Credit Pathways

Dual Credit

ACC's Dual Credit program allows eligible high school students residing in the ACC service area to take enroll in college level courses while in high school. To qualify for the program, students must have successfully completed the eighth grade year in a public school, private school, charter school, or home school and passed the appropriate sections of the state approved college readiness assessment (TSI) test administered by ACC or submitted acceptable exemption scores on the ACT, PLAN, SAT, or PSAT test. Students can earn college credit by taking ACC classes at their high schools, at any ACC campus, or other ACC location. Distance Learning courses also are available. In addition to college credit, students may earn credit toward their high school graduation requirements by completing dual credit courses.

The Dual Credit program is administered by the ACC Dual Credit department. For more information, contact Mison Zu?iga at (512) 223-7060, mzuniga@austincc.edu.

Degree-Bearing Pathways

Early College High Schools

Early College High Schools are designated schools in the ACC service area that allow students to work towards earning their associate degree or up to 60 hours of college credit, beginning as early as the 9thgrade. Students must meet the same TSI, SAT, or ACT scores as any traditional ACC student to enroll in courses and complete the college application process as well as an application process designated by their high school. Students take almost all of their college courses on ACC campuses, generally in cohorts, but alongside some traditional students. They meet regularly with ACC staff who help

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guide and manage their degree paths to maximize dual high school credit and transferable college credit earnings. The Early College High School program is administered by the ACC Early College High School department. For more information, contact Dr. Melissa Biegert at (512) 223-7686, melissa.biegert@austincc.edu. Early College for Independent Learners High school students who are not enrolled in a designated Early College High School may work towards earning their associate degree or up to 60 hours of college credit prior to graduating from high school by applying for admission under ACC's Early College for Independent Learners program. Students must meet the same TSI, SAT, or ACT scores as any traditional ACC student to enroll in courses and complete a special college application process to ensure that they possess the maturity and have the parental support to succeed in college work prior to high school graduation. Students take all of their college courses on ACC campuses or through Distance Learning. They meet regularly with ACC staff who help guide and manage their degree path. It is the sole responsibility of the students to work out any issues pertaining to scheduling, application of dual credit, and reimbursement of costs for courses with their high school administration. Beginning fall 2016 the Early College for Independent Learners program will serve homeschooled students only. The Early College for Independent Learners program is administered by the ACC Early College High School department. For more information, contact Dr. Melissa Biegert at (512) 223-7686, melissa.biegert@austincc.edu.

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Dual Credit Pathways for Career and Technical Education (CTE)

ACC is interested in working with its high school partners to expand dual credit opportunities for students interested in career and technical education (CTE) programs. There are several options depending upon a student's readiness and commitment to pursue a particular program.

Articulated Credit Articulated Credit, ACC's longest running CTE option for high school students, allows 9th through 12 grade high school students residing in the ACC Service Area to take technical courses for college credit towards a stackable workforce certificate. Articulated Credit is available for students who are still in an exploratory phase and have not made a strong commitment to a particular career field/program of study. There are no TSI requirements for the students to meet up front. The high school courses are "articulated" with ACC courses, but credit may not be claimed and obtained by the student until after the student has enrolled in and completed a credit course at ACC ("credit-in-escrow"). The advantage Articulated Credit provides is that if a student does not meet the necessary passing option, there is no harm or penalty for future college/financial aid plans. The disadvantage is that the student does not earn any immediate college credit and such credit may ultimately lay unclaimed by the student who fails to follow through with enrollment into a college credit course. Articulated Credit is administered by the ACC Instructional Department. For more information, contact Mike Midgley at (512) 223-7579, midgley@austincc.edu, or Rebecca Francis at (512) 223-7013, rfrancis@austincc.edu.

Dual Credit for CTE Motivated students may be able to earn an ACC Workforce Certificate or Degree by taking dual credit courses while still in high school. These courses are intended for students who understand they are making a commitment to pursue college-level work in a particular career field/program of study. There are no TSI requirements for the courses contained in ACC Level One Certificates.

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The advantage of this option is that the resulting college transcript and credit are immediately available to the student and transportable to another college/university or employer, even if the student does not decide to attend ACC as a traditional student. The disadvantage is that the student may not change their mind once the course is underway and opt out later for the lesser "articulated credit" option. Once the commitment is made, the student might have to accept the consequences of a "W" or "F" grade on their transcript and any possible implications for future financial aid disbursements. Dual Credit CTE is administered by the ACC Instructional Department. For more information, contact Mike Midgley at (512) 223-7579, midgley@austincc.edu.

Career Academies ACC is committed to providing a set of CTE courses within a pathway of study to enable high school students to gain industry certifications, an ACC Certificate or Degree, and a route to paid summer internships. ACC has launched an IT Career Academy to allow students to earn entry-level certificates in computer information technology in either programming or networking tracks. These dual credit courses not only fulfill the requirements for the Computer Science endorsement of the Foundation High School program outlined in Texas House Bill 5, but also earn college credit that can be applied to a variety of degrees. To gain entry into the IT Career Academy, students must be TSI ready in reading and writing and test at least at the developmental education exit-level in math. For more information, contact Dr. Sam Greer at (512) 223-7008, samuel.greer@austincc.edu.

Dual Credit Application and Forms

All students in ACC dual credit programs must submit an application for admission and visit with a college academic advisor prior to enrollment. An ACC co-enrollment form must be submitted to the college advisor and will require the signatures of a parent or guardian, high school administrator, and high school counselor. The co-enrollment form ensure students are enrolling in the correct college course for high school graduation.

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Support Services for Dual Credit Pathways

Austin Community College's Student Services department provides activities that support the transition to college. Activities offered at the high schools include:

Application assistance Advising information to prepare students for ACC registration Assessment preparation materials, including an open-access TSI Preparation Website Financial Aid information sessions and FAFSA workshops Parent nights Advisor "Office Hours" at high school campuses Campus tours

House Bill 5 College Preparatory Course Partnerships

With the introduction of House Bill 5, Austin Community College partners with school districts to assist in the development of and delivery of College Preparatory Courses for 12 thyear high school students. The College Preparatory Courses are designed to assist high school students with attaining College Readiness Status so they may enroll directly into college-credit courses when they transition to college. ACC's support includes professional development for faculty, course outcomes, an open access TSI-Assessment website for students, and acceptance of successful completion of the College Preparatory Courses as a College Readiness measurement.

The House Bill 5 College Preparatory Course Partnerships are facilitated by Student Services. For more information, contact Dr. Melissa Curtis at (512) 223-5158, melissa.curtis@austincc.edu.

Advisor "Office Hours" at High School Campuses

ACC recruiter/advisors are committed to spending time at area high schools during the school day. These office hours are intended to promote student success and provide individualized assistance to all students (and their parents) on the enrollment steps, admissions process, advising, and general college questions. The Recruiter/Advisors attend office hours one to two times monthly, depending on needs, which translates to

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