Adjunct Handbook - Oakland Community College

Adjunct Handbook

Revised November 2018


OCC is committed to empowering our students to succeed and advancing our community.

? ACCESSIBLE - We welcome people of diverse backgrounds and abilities. ? EXCELLENT - We offer high-quality and relevant educational experiences, and celebrate the

accomplishments of our people. ? ETHICAL - We act with respect, integrity, and kindness, and carefully steward the resources

entrusted to us.

EXCELLENCE IN ALL WE DO ... ? Become the college of choice. ? Become the partner of choice. ? Become the employer of choice.

Mission, Values & Vision

Acknowledgment Receipt

I am aware that the Oakland Community College Adjunct Handbook is available for view or printing on InfoMart:

It is my responsibility to be aware of the contents of the handbook regarding College Policies and Procedures. I further acknowledge my responsibility to attend Adjunct workshops as they occur.

This receipt will be forwarded to the Human Resources Department to be placed in the adjunct's personnel file.

This signed Acknowledgment form of the Collegewide Adjunct Handbook is a condition of employment for all OCC adjunct.

Printed Name:


Signature: ________________________________________________________________

Campus: ________________________________________________________________



Handbook Receipt

Board of Trustees

John P. McCulloch Chairperson

Pamala M. Davis Vice Chairperson Christine M. O'Sullivan

Secretary Susan E. Anderson

Treasurer Kathleen A. Bertolini

Trustee Shirley J. Bryant

Trustee Pamela S. Jackson

Trustee Peter Provenzano, Jr.


Board of Trustees



This handbook is designed to acquaint you, as an adjunct instructor or co-curricular adjunct with Oakland Community College and provide information about employment conditions and some of the policies affecting your employment status. You should read, understand, and comply with all provisions of this handbook; it describes many of your responsibilities as an adjunct. No handbook can anticipate every circumstance or question about policy. Oakland Community College reserves the right to revise, supplement, or rescind any policies or portion of this handbook, as it deems appropriate, at its sole and absolute discretion. In case of conflict between this document, board policy or master agreements, the board policy or master agreement shall have precedence.

Definition of Adjunct

Adjunct or part-time instructor shall include all instructional, co-curricular [librarians, counselors, and instructors in the Academic Support Center (ASC)] and faculty who are excluded from the definition of full-time faculty as provided in the Faculty Master Agreement.

Employment Status

The employment status of part-time instructor shall be on an at-will basis and as such an individual's employment and compensation may be terminated with or without cause, and with or without notice, at any time at the option of the College or of the individual. Any oral statements or promises to the contrary are not binding upon the College. No employee, officer of the College, or individual member of the Board of Trustees, has any authority to enter into any agreement for employment for any specified period, or to make any agreement contrary to the foregoing. NOTE: If you plan on separating or retiring from the College, please submit a letter of intent (email is acceptable) to your department chair and/or academic dean.


Required Employment Forms

As of a condition of employment, the following forms must be completed and returned to the appropriate dean's office or their designee: 1. Employment Application Packet (application, official transcripts, and resume). 2. Current Federal Tax form (W4); State Tax form (MI-W4), Pontiac Tax form (when applicable);

Detroit Tax form (when applicable).

3. Application for Vocational Approval (when applicable).

4. Direct Deposit Authorization

5. Employment Eligibility Verification form (I-9). The purpose of this form is to document that each new employee (both citizen and non-citizen) hired after November 6, 1986 is authorized to work in the United States. All employees working in the United States must complete a form.

6. Signed Acknowledgment of Receipt of the Collegewide Adjunct Handbook. The completed paperwork and accompanying Employee Action Form (EAF) must be submitted to the Human Resources Department and reviewed prior to the first paycheck being issued to the adjunct.

Returning Adjunct

Adjuncts who are returning after more than one year away from the College will need to be re-activated and submit new W-4 tax forms and other required forms. If a returning adjunct has previously received an Adjunct Handbook, he or she must also return a signed Acknowledgment Receipt of the Collegewide Adjunct Handbook to the department chair and/or academic dean. For clarification or additional information, contact the Human Resources Department.

Contractual Work Load

Adjunct instructors may teach up to a maximum of eight (8) credit hours in a semester (fall, winter and summer). No co-curricular adjunct shall be employed to work in Counseling, Libraries, and Academic Support Centers (ASC) for more than sixteen (16) hours per week.


Combining Credit Hours/Contact Hours

Adjunct instructors working in both an adjunct instructor and co-curricular adjunct shall have their maximum load prorated. Please see table below for combining teaching and non-teaching activities.

The following table applies the formula for combined credit hours and contact hours for adjuncts also employed to work in Counseling, Libraries and/or Academic Support Centers (ASC).

Credits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Contact Hours / Week 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

Adjunct clinical instructors in Nursing and Culinary Arts disciplines may be employed for up to 24 hours per week.

Class Assignments

Full-time faculty members have preference for all class assignments.

Class Meetings and Dates

Adjunct instructors may not alter class schedules or locations.

Final Examinations and Grade Reporting

Final examinations will be scheduled during the final week of instruction fall, winter, and summer. If no final examinations are required in a given course, adjuncts are required to meet their regular class schedule during the final week of instruction. Adjuncts are responsible for entering grades into Colleague no later than 48 hours after final exams.

Please see Student Handbook for Grading Policy.


Adjunct Responsibilities

Adjuncts are responsible to keep well informed with particular attention to the latest developments in their subject area and/or teaching technology. Each adjunct shall teach their assigned courses and develop course content and appropriate instructional materials for each class taught. Each adjunct shall prepare a course syllabus (see page 33). Each syllabus shall be submitted to the adjunct's department chair or appropriate academic supervisor no later than two weeks before the beginning of class. Adjuncts may submit amendments to the course syllabus subject to the approval of the department chair or academic supervisor.

Each adjunct in the technology area shall prepare and use performance objectives at or above minimum standards designated by the State of Michigan Department of Education.

1. Adjunct shall participate in their respective department/discipline meetings, campus and collegewide discipline meetings if required to do so by the department chairperson or their academic supervisor.

2. Adjuncts are encouraged to meet and confer with students outside of their normal hours of instruction to assist students on an as needed basis.

3. Each adjunct is responsible for communicating to his or her department chair or academic supervisor the instructional need(s) of the individual class to assure the proper quality of instruction.

4. Each adjunct shall be responsible for such activities that include, but are not limited to, submitting accurate grades/marks (on a timely basis), book orders, and equipment orders with the department chair or the academic supervisor.

5. Adjuncts must notify the department chair or academic supervisor in advance of an absence so that arrangements can be made to cover the class assignment. Under no circumstances may an adjunct designate his or her own substitute unless approved by the appropriate dean. Adjuncts will not be paid for classes missed (refer to pages 14 &15).

6. Adjuncts cannot commit the college for any expense without written authorization of a campus administrator.

7. All adjuncts are required to communicate with students and college staff with their assigned college email.

8. It is the responsibility of an adjunct instructor to provide course assessment data in accordance with discipline established assessment plans when requested by the Student Learning Coordinator.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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