Name_____________________________ Title_________________________________

Department_________________________ Period of Evaluation____________________

Annual Review ________ Probationary Review ________

Job description attached: Yes _____ No _____

Job description updated: Yes _____ No _____

The purpose of evaluation is to assist the employees in improvement of future job performance. Comments are required on any score other than #3 “Meets Expectations”. If the spaces provided for comments are inadequate, additional pages should be attached. When the evaluation form has been completed, it should be reviewed with the staff member with sufficient time to discuss all aspects of his/her performance.


1. Unsatisfactory: Inadequate Performance, frequently falls

short of expected results.

2. Needs Improvement: Marginal performance, borderline,

questionable, fair, must improve to satisfy

position requirements.

3. Meets Expectations: Results achieved meet the job requirements,

consistently achieves expected results; rarely

falls short of achieving what is expected.

4. Exceeds Expectations: Results achieved exceed the job consistently,

seeks out opportunities for better ways to

achieve better results; overall job

performance is superior.

5. Outstanding: Results achieved consistently exceed the

requirement of the job, contribution far

exceeds what is normally expected;

exceptional performance.

Performance Indicator Rating: 1. Unsatisfactory

2. Needs Improvement

3. Meets Requirements

4. Exceeds Requirements

5. Outstanding


The extent to which an employee effectively and enthusiastically accomplishes assignments with minimal supervision.

• Adapts to change

• Follows-through on work assignments

• Independently contributes ideas and suggestions

• Takes on new responsibilities

• Willing to assist co-workers

Comments: ____________________________________________________________________




The degree to which the employee shows understanding and sensitivity to needs and problems of others.

• Accepting advice and counseling from supervision

• Actions are intended to calm, diffuse, and be helpful

• Contribution to unit morale

• Working cooperatively and interacts positively with the public, peers, and subordinates

Comments: ____________________________________________________________________



INITIATIVE Rating: ______

The degree to which the employee independently performs and accomplishes assignments.

• Acts independently within established guidelines

• Assertive and a self-starter

• Can be relied on to complete assignment

• Promptly undertakes problems and devises solutions

• Requires minimal supervision

• Willingly accepts responsibility

Comments: ____________________________________________________________________



JOB KNOWLEDGE Rating: ______

The demonstration of technical, administrative, managerial, supervisory, or other specialized knowledge required to perform the job. Consider the degree of job knowledge relative to length of time in the current position.

• Has general knowledge and skill to perform the job

• Possesses a level of knowledge of internal policies and procedures

• Understands and correctly completes documents (forms, files)

Comments: ____________________________________________________________________




The extent, to which the employee plans, organizes and implements tasks or programs.

• Demonstrates effective use of time and facilities subject to their control

• Effectively manages tasks or program assignments including follow-through and delegation

• Maintains a clear grasp of daily tasks

• Meets deadlines

• Prioritizes duties in a manner consistent with organizational objectives

Comments: ____________________________________________________________________




Degree to which employee demonstrates ability to clearly isolate, define and seek solutions to problem areas.

• Effectively identifies and evaluates alternative solutions

• Flexible in modifying decisions

• Makes decisions consistent with skills and experience

• Recognizes decisions that have to be deferred until all pertinent facts are gathered and analyzed

Comments: ____________________________________________________________________



PRODUCTIVITY Rating: ______

Degree to which the employee produces the expected quality and quantity of assignments.

• Attains conclusive measurable results

• Completes assignments on time and to specifications

• Maintains control and work pace

Comments: ____________________________________________________________________



PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT *Personal Learning Plan Rating: ______

Degree to which employee is willing to enhance professional development.

• Willingness to update skills by attending seminars, workshops, and courses

• Willingness to project a professional image

Comments: ____________________________________________________________________



QUALITY OF WORK Rating: ______

The ability to set high standards for own personal performance; strive for quality of work; set forth extra effort to ensure quality of work.

• Consistently delivers what is required when required

• Demonstrates accuracy, thoroughness, and reliability

• Develops and implements new solutions, procedures and concepts

• Pays attention to detail

• Shows organization and completeness

Comments: ____________________________________________________________________



WORK HABITS Rating: ______

The manner in which an employee conducts his or herself in the working environment.

• Adheres to policies and procedures

• Demonstrates effective time management skills

• Demonstrates positive support of college

• Displays professionalism

• Maintains regular attendance and reports to work on time

• Exhibits positive attitude

Comments: ____________________________________________________________________



What are the individual’s primary strengths?








Identified areas for improvements?








Considering the individual’s strengths and area for improvement, what actions (by the individual, the supervisor or the organization) will help him/her improve job performance?








Rating Scores: 5=Outstanding

4=Exceeds expectations

3=Meets expectations

2=Needs Improvement


#Categories “Outstanding” = __________x 5= ___________

#Categories “Exceeds expectations” = __________x 4= ___________

#Categories “Meets expectations” = __________x 3= ___________

#Categories “Needs Improvement” = __________x 2= ___________

#Categories “Unsatisfactory” = __________x 1= ___________

Total = ________

Divide by 10 (number of questions)

Overall Performance Rating: ___________



Employee________________________________ Date__________________

Supervisor/Evaluator______________________ Date__________________

Reviewer_________________________________ Date__________________

President_________________________________ Date__________________

Employee’s response to or comments on his/her evaluation:







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