MARCH 20, 1997

The meeting was held on Thursday, March 20, 1997, at 9:00 a.m., at the Eastern Campus in Riverhead, NewYork.


Paul T. D’Amaro Trustee/Chair

Sally Ann Slacke Trustee/Vice Chair

Charles L. Lauer Trustee/Secretary

John J. Foley Trustee

Michael V. Hollander Trustee

Susan LeBow Trustee

Michael Sacca Trustee

M. Vicki Wacksman Trustee

Richard Zummo Trustee

Alan Bowser Student Trustee

John F. Cooper President

Lawrence Poole V. P. for Academic Affairs

Eric Ricioppo V. P. for College & Community Relations

Steven Schrier V. P. for Management & Planning

Michael Weissberg V. P. for Academic Affairs

John Barham Provost, Corporate & Extended Learning

Joanne Braxton Provost, Eastern Campus

Salvatore LaLima Provost, Western Campus

N. Patricia Yarborough Provost, Ammerman Campus

Craig Harris Executive Dean for Financial Affairs


Richard Zummo Trustee

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It was duly moved, seconded, and carried unanimously to accept the Minutes of the February 27, 1997 meeting.

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RESOLUTION NO. 97.42 was duly moved, seconded, and carried unanimously.

WHEREAS, the following Civil Service employee has requested to be placed on retirement, be it therefore

RESOLVED, that the retirement of the following Civil Service employee is hereby approved, effective date, as noted, and that the Board of Trustees extends its appreciation for her service to the College:

Classification Effective Date


Mary Ann Davis Sr. Account Clerk 3/28/97

* * * * * * * * * *

RESOLUTION NO. 97.43 was duly moved, seconded, and carried unanimously.

WHEREAS, the following Civil Service employee has submitted a letter of resignation from his position, be it therefore

RESOLVED, that the resignation of the following Civil Service employee, as indicated, is hereby accepted:

Title Effective Date


Andrew K. Lutkowski Maintenance Mech. II 3/08/97

* * * * * * * * * *

RESOLUTION NO. 97.44 was duly moved, seconded, and carried unanimously.

WHEREAS, there are current vacancies in the Civil Service classification and the positions are provided in the College budget, be it therefore

RESOLVED, that the appointments of the following Civil Service employees are hereby approved, at the rates and titles designated:


Classification Annual Salary Effective Date


Brian Blakely Laborer $18,583 3/24/97

Maria C. Collazo Clerk Typist 19,396 3/31/97

Mark Fabio Custodial Worker I 20,254 3/22/97

Alan Hans Custodial Worker I 20,254 3/22/97


Brenda Tringone Clerk Typist 19,476 3/24/97

* * * * * * * * * *

RESOLUTION NO. 97.45 was duly moved, seconded, and carried unanimously.

WHEREAS, the following professional staff member has requested to be placed on retirement, be it therefore

RESOLVED, that the retirement of the following professional staff member is hereby approved, effective date as noted, and that the Board of Trustees extends its appreciation for his service to the College:

Title Area Effective Date


Alan F. Heins Professor Computer 7/01/97 Information Systems

* * * * * * * * * *

RESOLUTION NO. 97.46 was duly moved, seconded, and carried unanimously.

WHEREAS, the following members of the professional staff are presently serving on appointment for the 1996-97 academic year, and


WHEREAS, it is the recommendation of the President of the College that these individuals be granted one year term appointments, be it therefore

RESOLVED, that the following individuals are hereby appointed for the 1997-98 academic year, on a one-year term basis, effective September 1, 1997:

Rank Area


Richard Milano Instructor Automotive Technology

Lewis Freeman Instructor Communications


Catherine Serpico Instructor Occupational Therapy



Kristin Rossteuscher Professional Asst. 3 Continuing Education

* * * * * * * * * *

RESOLUTION NO. 97.47 was duly moved, seconded, and carried unanimously.

WHEREAS, there is a vacancy on the professional staff, and the position is provided in the College budget, and

WHEREAS, the Vice President, Provost and the President of the College recommend the appointment as stated below, be it therefore

RESOLVED, that the following individual be granted an appointment as follows:

Annual Period/ Effect.

Rank Area Salary Appoint. Date


Jeanmarie Delanty P.A. 2 Academic $38,434 Temporary 3/24/97-

(12 mon.) Computing 8/29/97

* * * * * * * * * *

RESOLUTION NO. 97.48 was duly moved, seconded, and carried unanimously.

WHEREAS, the Department head of Communication and Arts is on medical leave and will be absent for the entire Spring 1997 semester, and

WHEREAS, it is necessary to have an Acting Department Head of Communication and Arts at the Western Campus for the Spring 1997 semester, be it therefore

RESOLVED, that Jian Zhang be appointed Acting Department head of Communication and Arts at the Western Campus, for the period January 27, 1997 through June 30, 1997.

* * * * * * * * * *

RESOLUTION NO. 97.49 was duly moved, seconded, and carried unanimously.

WHEREAS, the Board amended Resolution No. 97.30 to delete six names and directed that additional documentation of sabbatical purpose be provided, and

WHEREAS, such documentation is provided as Attachment I, be it therefore

RESOLVED, that the following professional staff members are hereby granted sabbatical leaves during the 1997-98 academic year, for the periods indicated:

Sabbatical Leave

Date of Appoint. Rank Area 1997-98


Jeanette Bravo 9/01/80 Professor/ Bus. Admin. Spring

Asst. Dean


Stanley Alexander 1/29/68 Professor Political Sci. Fall

Dennis Kochis 9/01/67 Professor Comp. Info. Spring


James Mattimore 9/01/70 Professor English Spring

William Powers 9/01/70 Professor Sociology Full Year

Robert Weinstein 9/01/76 Professor Accounting Full Year

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Trustee Hollander requested that more detailed information be provided to the Board for all future sabbatical requests. President Cooper stated that new procedures are being developed to provide for improved documentation, and the procedures will be ready in June 1997.

* * * * * * * * * *

RESOLUTION NO. 97.50 was duly moved, seconded, and carried unanimously.

WHEREAS, the existing process of administrative evaluation has not been reviewed and revised in many years, and

WHEREAS, the current system of evaluation is limited to years in which reappointment is to occur, or in which administrative rank promotion is sought, and

WHEREAS, assessment of performance should be an ongoing process, and

WHEREAS, the Guild of Administrative officers was offered the opportunity to participate in the development of administrative assessment guidelines, forms and criteria and

WHEREAS, the College President and his staff have developed guidelines, forms and criteria (Attachment II), are hereby adopted, and be it further

RESOLVED, that the Administrative Assessment Guidelines, Form A1 and Form B5 (Attachment II), are hereby adopted, and be it further

RESOLVED, that the system of administrative assessment be applied to all administrative personnel in the Guild and Exempt categories, and be it further

RESOLVED, that the timetable be adjusted for the first year to permit evaluations to occur during the Spring 1997 semester.

* * * * * * * * * *

RESOLUTION NO. 97.51 was duly moved, seconded, and carried unanimously.

WHEREAS, a process was initiated in the 1994-95 academic year involving the Title III Task Force and the Strategic Planning Council, and providing for community and faculty participation in the development of goals and priorities for the College, and

WHEREAS, the process continued during the 1995-96 academic year with the development of five-year objectives and action plans to accomplish the goals and priorities, and

WHEREAS, the five-year objectives were designed through the efforts of faculty and administrators through their departments and campuses, and integrated into a College Strategic Plan through the Strategic Planning Council, and

WHEREAS, the Strategic Plan 1996-2001 has been endorsed by the President’s Cabinet, and is recommended by the President, be it therefore

RESOLVED, that the Strategic Plan 1996-2001 (Attachment III) is hereby adopted.

* * * * * * * * * *

RESOLUTION NO. 97.52 was duly moved, seconded, and carried unanimously.

WHEREAS, Suffolk County Community College has received a subcontract from the State University of New York at Stony Brook (under a National Institutes of Health grant), in the amount of $29,396.53, for the renewal of the College-wide BioPREP project, and

WHEREAS, the project provides academic support services to encourage African-American, Hispanic-American and Native-American students from Suffolk County Community College to transfer to biomedical curricula at SUNY, Stony Brook, and

WHEREAS, no matching funds are required, as the project is supported by 100% Federal funding, be it therefore


RESOLVED, that the subcontract, in the amount of $29,396.53, be accepted for the period of September 30, 1996 through September 29, 1997.

Project Director: Dorothy Patrick, Director of EOP

Note: No full-time personnel - No in-kind contribution required

* * * * * * * * * * *

RESOLUTION NO. 97.53 was duly moved, seconded, and carried unanimously.

WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 96.202, Suffolk County Community College accepted a grant, in the amount of $10,000, through Hudson Valley Community College, for a

training project entitled, “NYNEX Next Step Telecommunications Technology A.A.S. Degree,” project, at the Ammerman Campus, and

WHEREAS, the award has been increased in the amount of $6,584, bringing the total award to $16,584, and

WHEREAS, no matching funds are required, be it therefore

RESOLVED, that the addendum to the grant, in the amount of $6,584, during the 1996/97 academic year, is hereby accepted.

Project Director: Vito W. Easparro, Assistant Dean of Instruction

Rainer Weschke, Department Head - Engineering and Technology

Note: No full-time personnel

No in-kind required

* * * * * * * * * *

RESOLUTION NO. 97.54 was duly moved, seconded, and carried unanimously.

WHEREAS, it is with deep sorrow that the College records the death of Sue Hood, Director of Student Activities, Ammerman Campus, on March 14, 1997, be it therefore

RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees hereby acknowledges, with sincere appreciation, Sue Hood’s more than 20 years of service to Suffolk County Community College and hereby extends its heartfelt sympathy to her family.

* * * * * * * * * *

Chairman D’Amaro discussed the correspondence he received from Ellen Schuler Mauk, President of the Faculty Association, regarding the Board’s decision last month to postpone approval of sabbatical awards for five faculty members. Vice President Lawrence Pool is working along with Ellen on this concern of the Board, and will provide a written report to the Trustees. In the future, all sabbatical requests will be required to have a full and detailed explanation for justifying the purpose of the sabbatical.

Judge D’Amaro reported that a budget hearing will take place on May 6, at 10:00 a.m., in Hauppauge. Trustees Slacke and Hollander will attend the hearing.

* * * * * * * * * *

President’s Report

Dr. Cooper announced that Provost Joanne Braxton has invited the Board members to take a tour of the new Child Care Center after the meeting.

Executive Director of the Foundation, Charles Kelly, reminded the Board of the “Salute to Excellence,” scheduled for Friday evening, March 21, at the Oheka Castle in Huntington, and encouraged all Trustees to attend. This year’s honorees are Connie Partridge, President of Partridge Promotions (“Community Service Award of Excellence”), Edward Wankel, Deputy Commissioner for Operations, New York State Office of Parks (“Public Service Award for Excellence”), and Charles Mancini, Executive Vice President of Park Ridge Organization (“Humanitarian Award of Excellence”). Mr.


Kelly indicated that over 400 tickets had been sold and it appears that the event promises to be a unique and exciting evening. In addition, Mr. Kelly invited the Trustees to attend the first installation of the “Tree of Knowledge,” scheduled at the Western Campus, on Tuesday, March 25 from 5:00 - 6:30 p.m.

Dr. Cooper announced that Suffolk County Community College has received one of five awards presented in the Radio Advertising/Series category for colleges with enrollment of 10,000 or more students. The President congratulated Vice President for College and Communty Relations Eric Ricioppo for his work in producing the winning entry, Come to Suffolk, which was written for the Spring recruiting season.

The President reported that SUNY Day, held on March 4, was very productive, and that the mood in Albany is much more positive this year. It is anticipated that there will be some restoration of State Aid, due to the surplus of $1 - 2 billion.

The Trustees received copies of an audit report prepared by the firm of KPMG Peat Marwick. (Copy on file)

Dr. Cooper distributed a draft of a letter to Governor George Pataki, expressing the College’s concern about the TAP changes proposed in the Executive State Budget, and the effect that these changes will have on thousands of Suffolk’s students. The Trustees approved and signed the letter.

Vice President Poole reported that he had made a trip to Philadelphia, along with Vice President Schrier and Western Campus Provost LaLima, to present an appeal to an Occupational Therapy Assistants accreditation panel. The OTA report cited nine deficiences in the College’s program. Without accreditation, the students would be unable to sit for the national licensure exam. Dr. Poole advised the Trustees that seven of the nine deficiences have been removed by the Appeal panel, and that there is a process for correcting the remaining two. The OTA Board will be meeting within the next two weeks to make a final decision. Dr. Cooper congratulated Dr. Poole, Provost LaLima and Vice President Schrier for their successful efforts in reversing the decision of the OTA accrediting committee.


Provost Joanne Braxton updated the Board on the progress of the greenhouse on the Eastern Campus and indicated that the architect needs to sign off on the plans. The work is moving forward and is still within budget.

A motion was made to adjourn to executive session at 10:52 a.m.

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The Board returned to open session at 11:26 a.m.

The Chair recognized George J. Hiltner III, Counselor at the Eastern Campus, who asked when the Board is going to comment on the ECS recommendations. In response, Judge D’Amaro indicated that he has received numerous correspondence from individuals at the College, and that a Task Force, consisting of Trustees Foley, Sacca and Lauer, will be setting up an agenda as to what information they will need. The Task Force will be meeting shortly and will decide how much further they want to go.

A motion was made to accept the Capital Program Requests (by County Fiscal Year). A discussion ensued regarding priority of the projects. Trustee Foley inquired as to where the quarter-mile track for the Ammerman Campus fits into this listing. Dr. Harris indicated that the track is #20 (Renovation/Rehabilitation to Athletic Facilities), at a cost of $170,000, to be included in the 1998 request; however, constuction would not begin until 1999. Mr. Foley indicated that the track is one of the two remaining needs to complete the original plan for the Selden Campus.

A lengthy discussion was held regarding Site Improvements (#14), and the renovation of the Sagtikos Theatre at the Western Campus (Priority #10), particularly with regard to safety concerns and cost. Dr. Cooper advised the Board that the balcony in the Theatre have been closed to prevent injuries and/or litigation. A motion was made to move Priority #14 between Priorities #6 (Site Improvements - Part II) and #7 (Improvement to Mechanical Systems - Part II), renumbering all subordinate items accordingly. Motion passed unanimously.

A motion was made to amend the Capital Program Requests by moving the renovation of the Sagtikos Theatre to priority number 1. The motion to amend failed by a vote of 6 opposed and 3 in favor.


A motion was made to take a roll call vote to adopt the 1998-2000 Capital Program Requests. Motion carried by a majority of 6 votes, with Trustees LeBow and Wacksman abstaining and Trustee Hollander dissenting. (See attached roll call listing.)

Dr. Cooper offered to provide a status report explanation for the Multi-Purpose Health Technology Building; however, the Board indicated that it was not necessary.

The Trustees agreed to hold a special meeting to discuss the budget, either on April 3, at 7:30 p.m., or on April 14, at 7:00 p.m., in the Alumni Room in the Brookhaven Gym, at the Ammerman Campus. The exact date will be determined within the next week, and

members of the Board will be notified. Dr. Cooper advised the Trustees that, if the meeting is held on April 14, he will be unable to attend, since he will be at the AACC Annual Convention in California from April 12 to April 15.

The next regular meeting will be held on Thursday, May 8, 1997, at 9:00 a.m., in the Conference Room of the Sagtikos Building, at the Western Campus in Brentwood, New York.

Trustee Foley requested that the meeting close with a moment of silence in memory of Sue Hood.

The meeting adjourned at 12:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Charles L. Lauer


Board of Trustees

Attachment I: Sabbatical Statements of Purpose

Attachment II: Administrative Assessment Guidelines

Attachment III: Strategic Plan for 1996-2001


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