Inquiring about a Job

Note to Teacher: Suggestions for Using Objective #33 Materials: Beginning HighIntroduce the materials in the order they appear in this guide and in the student booklets. Lessons have been set up to follow a natural progression to teach students the vocabulary, listening, speaking and writing skills that they will need to be successful in the assessment tasks. The materials take the learner step by step from the vocabulary words to simulated assessment tasks.Plan to implement the lesson materials at least 8-12 hours over several days immediately preceding the assessment day to prepare students for the assessment. Repeat lessons as needed or remind students to review lessons they may have missed to accommodate absences. Show the video demonstration of the level-appropriate oral assessment tasks to your students on at least 2-3 occasions to ensure that all students understand what is required of them in the assessment.Note: Oral assessment (inquiring about a job) and written assessment (fill out a job application) will be administered on the same day.For questions about implementation of these materials, please contact Jan Forstrom at or 619-388-4522.Expansion Activities1. The activities that follow are designed specifically to prepare students for the EL Civics assessment tasks for this objective. You are welcome to introduce any other related lessons as long as the instruction includes the lessons in the Teacher’s Guide and Student Booklets. 3. Visit our EL Civics website at . Activities are available for use in a lab setting. For suggestions and additions for this site, please contact Steve Gwynne at Contact Jan Forstrom at or 619-388-4522 if you are not able to access the EL Civics website. EL Civics Needs Assessment: #33What do you want to learn about jobs and job training? What English do you need to practice?Jobs:_____ get information about job openings_____ pick up job applications_____ fill out job applications_____ read job ads_____ learn about skills and education necessary for jobs_____ learn about job-training classes_____ other ______________________________What English skills do you need?_____ speak/listen on the phone_____ speak/listen in person_____ take notes_____ fill out a job application or other papers_____ other ______________________________ Notes to the Teacher: Vocabulary Words for Calling About a Job OpeningThe following are words the students may encounter in their oral assessment task to call about a job opening. It is not recommended to teach the words as a separate vocabulary lesson, but rather to give extra attention to the words as they appear in the lessons. Occupationscookfood servercustodianchild-care workeroffice assistantconstruction workerhousekeepercashierdish washerApplyapplication/ application formcome inpick up an applicationsend in your applicationapply in personBenefitshealth insurancesick leaveSalaryan hour/ hrDays/HoursMonday to/through Fridaypart-timefull-timeExperienceneeded/not neededone yearQuestionsWhat are the days and hours?Is the job part-time or full-time?What is the starting date?What is the salary?What is the address?How can I apply?Vocabulary for JobsWrite the words under the pictures.327660176530__________________________140970290830____________________________328295347345___________________________80010156845____________________________223520137795____________________________-30480137795_____________________________-67945294005____________________________44958015240____________________________-63500153670_____________________________food servercashierchild-care workercustodianhousekeepercookdishwasherconstruction workeroffice assistantPage 1 of 3Calling about a Cashier job: Reading PracticeHometown RestaurantCASHIER(619) 412 – 45671. Read the conversation. Practice with a partner.Ring! Ring!Manager:Hometown Restaurant. How may I help you?Caller:Hello. My name is Laura Mitchell. I’m calling about the cashier job.Manager:OK.Caller:Is the job full-time or part-time?Manager:It’s part-time.Caller:What are the days and hours?Manager:We need someone Friday to Sunday from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m.Caller:OK. What is the salary?Manager:It’s $9.25 an hour.Caller:How can I apply?Manager:You can come in and pick up an application.Caller:What is your address?Manager:It’s 1932 Wilson Avenue.Caller:Can you repeat that, please?Manager:Sure, it’s 1932 Wilson Avenue.Caller:All right. Thank you very much.Manager:You’re welcome. Good-bye.Caller:Good-bye.Page 2 of 3Calling about a Cashier Job: Reading Practice2. CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING Write “T” for true or “F” for false. _____ 1. Hometown Restaurant needs a cook. _____ 2. The job is part-time. _____ 3. The hours for this position are from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. _____ 4. The job pays $9.75 an hour. _____ 5. The Hometown Restaurant is on National Avenue. _____ 6. You can go to the restaurant to get an application form.3. VOCABULARY Write the letter of the meaning next to the vocabulary word._____ 1. job adA. 40 or more hours of work each week_____ 2. full-timeB. money a worker gets for work_____ 3. part-timeC. for each hour_____ 4. salaryD. go somewhere and get something_____ 5. applyE. advertisement in the newspaper with information about a job. _____6. pick upF. less than 40 hours of work each week_____ 7. an hour/per hourG. fill out a job application Page 3 of 3Calling about a Cashier Job: Writing Practice4. WRITING PRACTICE Read the phone conversation about the job opening at Hometown Restaurant again. Find the questions about the words below. Copy the questions.1. full-time/part-time: Is the job full-time or part-time? 2. days/hours:_________________________________________________________3. address:_________________________________________________________4. salary:_________________________________________________________5. apply:_________________________________________________________6. repeat:_________________________________________________________5. PARTNER DICTATION Practice the questions above. Partner A: Read questions 1, 2 and 3 to Partner B. Partner B: Read questions 4, 5 and 6 to Partner A.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Page 1 of 3Calling about a Food Server Job: Reading PracticeBilton HotelFOOD SERVER(619) 344-06971. Read the conversation. Practice with a partner.Ring! Ring!Receptionist:Good morning, Bilton Hotel. How may I help you?Caller:Hello. My name is Dave Johnson. I’m calling about the ad for a food server.Receptionist:OK, how can I help you?Caller:Is the job full-time or part-time?Receptionist:It’s full-time.Caller:Do I need experience?Receptionist:No, you don’t. No experience is needed.Caller:OK, and what is the salary?Receptionist:It’s $10.00 an hour, plus tips.Caller:Are there any benefits?Receptionist:No, I’m sorry. There are no benefits.Caller:What is the starting date?Receptionist: We need someone to start next week.Caller:All right. How can I apply?Receptionist:You can apply here in person.Caller:What is your address, please?Receptionist:It’s 2809 University.Caller:Can you spell that please?Receptionist:Sure. It’s U-N-I-V-E-R-S-I-T-Y.Caller:OK, thank you very much for the information.Receptionist:You’re welcome. Good-bye.Caller:Good-bye.Page 2 of 3Calling about a Food Server Job: Reading Practice2. VOCABULARY Write the letter of the meaning next to the vocabulary word.__C__ 1. benefitsextra money people give to food servers for good service_____ 2. experiencework you did before_____ 3. tipsC. health insurance, vacation pay, or sick leave_____ 4. health insuranceD. money for the worker for one or two weeks; the worker can stay home or travel._____ 5. sick leaveE. money to pay the doctor or hospital_____ 6. vacation payF. money for the worker when the worker needs to stay home because he/she is sick3. CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING Answer the questions. 1. What is the name of the caller?_________________________________________________________2. What job is he calling about?_________________________________________________________3. Does he need experience for this job? _________________________________________________________4. What is the salary? _________________________________________________________ 5. Are there any benefits?_________________________________________________________Page 3 of 3Calling about a Food Server Job: Writing Practice4. WRITE Read the phone conversation about the job opening at the Bilton Hotel again. Find the questions about the words below in the conversation. Write the questions.1. experience Do I need experience? 2. part-time/full-time_________________________________________________________3. benefits_________________________________________________________4. starting date_________________________________________________________5. apply_________________________________________________________6. spell_________________________________________________________5. PARTNER DICTATION Practice the questions above. Partner A: Read questions 1, 2 and 3 to Partner B. Partner B: Read questions 4, 5 and 6 to Partner A.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Questions about Job Openings: Find the MistakesDirections: Find the mistakes. Then write the questions correctly.What starting date? ____________________________________________Are the job part-time or full-time? ____________________________________________What is the days and hours? ____________________________________________What salary? ____________________________________________How I apply? ____________________________________________What your address? ____________________________________________Do I experience? ____________________________________________Is there any benefits? ____________________________________________Calling about a Job Advertisement: Make a ConversationDirections: Work with a partner. Cut the sentences. Put the sentences in order. Make a telephone conversation.Practice the conversation with your partner.Caller:How can I apply?Caller:Are there any benefits?Caller:Hello. My name is _________. I’m calling about the ad for a food server. Do I need experience?Manager:Hello. Bob’s Family Restaurant. Caller:Is the job part-time or full-time?Manager:The job starts January 2.Manager:It’s 867 Orange Street. Manager:It’s full-time.Manager:No, there aren’t any benefits.Manager:No, you don’t need experience.Caller:Thank you for your time. Good-bye.Manager:The days are Monday to Friday, and the hours are from 9 to 5.Caller:What are the days and hours?Caller:What is your address?Caller:What is the starting date?Manager:You need to pick up an application form and return it to this office.Calling about a Job AdvertisementAnswer Key Note to teacher: The order of questions may vary.Manager:Hello. Bob’s Family Restaurant. Caller:Hello. My name is _________. I’m calling about the ad for a food server. Do I need experience?Manager:No, you don’t need experience.Caller:Is the job part-time or full-time?Manager:It’s full-time.Caller:Are there any benefits?Manager:No, there aren’t any benefits.Caller:What are the days and hours?Manager:The days are Monday to Friday, and the hours are from 9 to 5.Caller:What is the starting date?Manager:The job starts January 2.Caller:How can I apply?Manager:You need to pick up an application form and return it to this office.Caller:What is your address?Manager:It’s 867 Orange Street.Caller:Thank you for your time. Good-bye.Jumbled QuestionsPut the words in the correct order. Example: part-time / the/job / Is / /full-time?/ or Is the job part-time or full-time? the / salary? / What / is___________________________________________starting/ is / the / What /date?___________________________________________is / address? / What / The___________________________________________please? / spell / Could / you / that___________________________________________ Could/ please / repeat / you / that?___________________________________________you / time. / Thank / for / your___________________________________________can / apply? / I / How ___________________________________________need / Do / experience? / I___________________________________________there / benefits? / Are / any___________________________________________Getting Ready to Take Notes: AbbreviationsWhen you take notes from a telephone conversation, you don’t have time to spell all words completely. Practice writing these abbreviations to help you take notes quickly.WordAbbreviationWordAbbreviationMondayMonpart-timePTTuesdayTuesfull-timeFTWednesdayWedbenefitbenThursdayThursinsuranceinsFridayFriexperienceexpSaturdaySat$9 an hour/per hour$9/hrSundaySunApplication / applyappto or through-SalaryAvenueStreetSalAveStPractice writing abbreviations to take notes. Read the sentences on the left. Write notes with abbreviations on the right. You don’t need to write all of the words when you take notes. Complete SentenceNotesThe days are Monday through Friday.Mon - FriIt’s a part-time job.No experience is needed.There are no benefits.There is health insurance.The salary is $10.00 an hour.The days are Wednesday to e in and pick up an application.It’s a full-time job.NOTES TO TEACHER: Getting Ready to Take Notes: Abbreviations ANSWER KEYWhen you take notes from a telephone conversation, you don’t have time to spell all words completely. Practice writing these abbreviations to help you take notes quickly.WordAbbreviationWordAbbreviationMondayMonpart-timePTTuesdayTuesfull-timeFTWednesdayWedbenefitbenThursdayThursinsuranceinsFridayFriexperienceexpSaturdaySat$9 an hour/per hour$9/hrSundaySunApplication / applyappto or through-SalaryAvenueStreetSalAveStPractice writing abbreviations to take notes. Read the sentences on the left. Write notes with abbreviations on the right. You don’t need to write all of the words when you take notes. Complete SentenceNotesThe days are Monday through Friday.Mon - FriIt’s a part-time job.PTNo experience is needed.No expThere are no benefits.No benThere is health insThe salary is $10.00 an hour.$10hrThe days are Wednesday to Sunday.Wed- SunCome in and pick up an e in pick up appIt’s a full-time job.FTNotes to Teacher: Conducting Information Gap Activities in the Classroom1. Presenting information gap activities:Use a transparency of a Student A paper. Explain the task. Model the task. Point to each step on the transparency and demonstrate correct statements and questions, or elicit correct responses from the students. Repeat the statements and questions, having the students repeat statements and questions after you. Ask for a volunteer to be Student A. Make up answers for the questions about the job. Write the information on the transparency, using key words only. Model the task again with two or three more students, each time writing the key words on the transparency to demonstrate proper note-taking. . 2. Partner PracticeInstruct the students to find partners. Have students decide who is Student A and who is Student B. Have “Student A’s” raise their hands. Have “Student B’s” raise their hands. Direct students to find appropriate Student A/Student B pages in their student booklets. Tell the students to put their pencils on the table. Have two students model the task orally while the other students listen.Have the students practice the task in pairs: Student A is the caller. He/she asks questions and takes notes on the information provided by Student B. Student B listens to the questions posed by Student A, then reads the information in the ads to answer the questions. On subsequent days, repeat the presentation of task and facilitate partner practice using additional information gap activities found in this guide to insure that all students have had plentiful rmation GapPage 1 of 2Speaking, Listening and Note-taking PracticeStudent AAsk Student B questions about the missing information. Listen carefully to Student B’s answers. Take notes. Use abbreviations. Example Student A: What’s the salary? Student B: It’s $9.50 an hour.Office Assistant neededCall (619) 697-4321Child-care Worker neededCall (619) 856-90041.2.Full-time/Part-time:Experience:Starting Date:How Apply:Salary:Days/Hours:Address:Benefits:Listen to student B’s questions. Read the information in the ads. Answer the questions. Speak slowly.3. 4.CustodianCall (760) 332-9684$10.75/hrMon – Sat; 7 a.m. – 11 a.m.201 5th Avenue, Chula VistaNo benefitsConstruction WorkerCall (858) 243-3990Full-time; no experience needed;apply in person; starting date is December 1Information GapPage 2 of 2Speaking, Listening and Note-taking PracticeStudent BListen to Student A’s questions. Read the information in the ads. Answer the questions. Speak slowly. Example Student A: What’s the salary? Student B: It’s $9.50 an hour.1. 2. Office Assistant neededCall (619) 697-4321Part-time; no experience neededStarting date: October 1stApply in person at 231 Orange StreetChild-care Worker neededCall (619) 856-9004$9.50 an hourMon-Fri; 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. 4506 University Avenue, San DiegoBenefits: health insuranceStudent B: Ask student A questions about the missing information. Listen carefully to student A’s answers. Take notes. Use abbreviations.Construction WorkerCall (858) 243-3990CustodianCall (760) 332-9684Salary: Days/Hours: Address: Benefits: Full-time/Part-time: Experience: Starting date: How Apply: Asking Questions About a Job Opening Practice #1Student A Ask your partner questions about the job. Take notes. Use abbreviations.Martin HotelCOOK(619) 543-3452part-time/full-timedays/hoursstarting datesalaryaddresshow applyexperiencebenefitsAsking Questions about a Job Opening Practice #1Student BListen carefully to your partner’s questions. Read the information below. Answer the questions. Speak slowly and clearly. Martin HotelCOOK(619) 543-3452part-time/full-timeThis is a full-time job.days/hoursWe need someone Wednesday through Sunday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.starting dateThe job begins next Wednesday.salaryThe salary is $9.50 per hour.addressWe are at 7800 La Jolla Village applyApply in person, Monday to Friday.experienceExperience is not required.benefitsYes, there is sick leave and health insurance after working for 3 months.Asking Questions about a Job Opening Practice #2Student A Ask your partner questions about the job. Take notes. Use abbreviations.Lenny’s RestaurantFOOD SERVER(858) 383-4500(858) 536 - 5590part-time/full-timedays/hoursstarting datesalaryaddresshow applyexperiencebenefitsAsking Questions about a Job Opening Practice #2Student B Listen carefully to your partner’s questions. Read the information below. Answer the questions. Speak slowly and clearly. Lenny’s RestaurantFOOD SERVER(858) 383-4500part-time/full-timeIt’s part-time.days/hoursThe days are Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. The hours are 5 p.m. to 11 p.m.starting dateThe job begins November 7.salaryIt’s $11.25 an hour.addressThe address is 5675 University applyYou need to come in and pick up an application.experienceNo, there is no experience needed.benefitsI’m sorry. There are no benefits.Notes to teacher: Suggestions for Final Role-Play Practices to Prepare Students for Oral Assessment #33The exercises that follow simulate the role-play assessment for this objective. It would be helpful to show the video demonstration of the oral assessment before proceeding. Showing the video every day for the last few days before assessment will build student confidence and increase understanding of what will take place during the oral assessment.Use a transparency of a Student A form to show students the required steps for the oral assessment and the note-taking form they’ll use. Point out that they will only ask three questions during the assessment. Using a transparency of the form, demonstrate how to check the three items they plan to ask about during the assessment role-play.Model the oral assessment with a student volunteer.Ask a student volunteer to come to the front of the room. Place the transparency of Student A form on the overhead projector. Direct the student to first check the 3 items he/she will ask about during the simulated phone call. Tell the student to take notes during the call on the transparency. Copy a job ad from a Student B page onto the board to demonstrate the place of business and the job opening to be discussed in the role-play. Follow the script that follows on the next page and use the information on selected Student B page to answer student volunteer’s questions about the job. Allow time for the student to take notes on the transparency.After completing the demonstration, ask the student volunteer two comprehension questions about information you provided during the role-play. Direct the student volunteer to refer to his/her notes to answer your questions. Repeat the demonstration several times using several different student volunteers. Direct students to practice the role-play using the Student A form and a Student B pages. Have partners change roles so that each person performs both the role of caller and role of person at company who has information about the job opening. Make additional copies of the Student A note-taking form as needed for additional practices on subsequent days to insure that all students get plenty of practice. Use any and all of the Student B papers for final practices. All vocabulary in the oral assessment is found in the final activities that follow. FINAL REVIEW - Show the video once again and repeat the demonstration of the role-play on the day of assessment prior to arrival of examiner. Then allow students to practice in pairs using additional Student A forms and selected Student B pages from the student booklets.Note: Both the oral assessment and written assessment (fill out a job application) will be implemented on the same day. Call about a Job Opening – Partner Practice #1Student ABob’s Family RestaurantCASHIER (619) 440-1029Work with a partner. Call about a job opening. Take notes in the chart below. Follow these steps:Step #1:Say a greeting and introduce yourself. Use your first and last name.Step #2:Explain the reason for your call.Step #3: Ask three questions about the job opening.Step #4:End the call. Say “Thank you.”Step #5:Answer two questions about the job information.NotesCheck () three questions you want to ask about the job opening. ____part-time/full-time____days/hours____starting date____salary____address____how apply____experience____benefits2. Your partner will ask two questions about the information you learned in the phone-call conversation. Answer the questions. Look at your notes for the answers.Call about a Job Opening –Partner Practice #1 Student BBob’s Family RestaurantCASHIER (619) 440-1029Work with a partner. You are the manager of Bob’s Family Restaurant. Start the conversation.Student B: (Ring! Ring) Hello. Bob’s Family Restaurant.Student A:Hello. My name is ___________. I’m calling about the ___________ job. Student B: Do you have some questions? (Listen to your partner’s questions. Look at the information below. Answer the questions.)Student A:Thank you for your time. Good-bye.Student B: Thank you for calling. part-time/full-timeIt’s full-time.days/hoursThe days are Wednesday to Sunday, and the hours are from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m.starting dateThe job begins December 6th.salaryIt’s $9.25 an hour.addressThe address is 739 Wilson applyCome in and pick up an application.experienceNo, there’s no experience needed.benefitsNo, there are no benefits.2.Look at Student A’s notes. Ask Student A two questions about the information that he or she asked you about. Check the answers. Example: Student B: What is the address? Student A: 739 Wilson AvenueCall about a Job Opening – Partner Practice #2 Student ABilton HotelOFFICE ASSISTANT(619) 268-3456Work with a partner. Call about a job opening. Take notes in the chart below. Follow these steps:Step #1:Say a greeting and introduce yourself. Use your first and last name.Step #2:Explain the reason for your call.Step #3: Ask three questions about the job opening.Step #4:End the call. Say “Thank you.”Step #5:Answer two questions about the job information.NotesCheck () three questions you want to ask about the job opening. ____part-time/full-time____days/hours____starting date____salary____address____how apply____experience____benefits2. Your partner will ask two questions about the information you learned in the phone-call conversation. Answer the questions. Look at your notes for the answers.Call about a Job Opening –Partner Practice #2Student BBilton HotelOFFICE ASSISTANT(619) 268-34561. Work with a partner. You are the office manager at the Bilton Hotel. Start the conversation.Student B: (Ring! Ring!) Good morning. Bilton Hotel.Student A:Hello. My name is ___________. I’m calling about the ___________ job. Student B: Do you have some questions? (Listen to your partner’s questions. Look at the information below. Answer the questions.)Student A:Thank you for your time. Good-bye.Student B: Thank you for calling. part-time/full-timeIt’s part-time.days/hoursWe need someone to work from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Tuesday to Saturday.starting dateThe job begins January 16th.salaryIt’s $12.00 an hour.addressThe address is 4321 Green applyWe will send you an application.experienceNo, there’s no experience needed.benefitsNo, there is no health insurance for part-time workers.Look at Student A’s notes. Ask Student A two questions about the information that he or she asked you about. Check the answers. Example: Student B: What is the starting date? Student A: January 16th.Call about a Job Opening – Partner Practice #3Student ASan Diego Family HospitalCOOK(619) 287- 35221. Work with a partner. Call about a job opening. Take notes in the chart below. Follow these steps:Step #1:Say a greeting and introduce yourself. Use your first and last name.Step #2:Explain the reason for your call.Step #3: Ask three questions about the job opening.Step #4:End the call. Say “Thank you.”Step #5:Answer two questions about the job information.NotesCheck () three questions you want to ask about the job opening. ____part-time/full-time____days/hours____starting date____salary____address____how apply____experience____benefits2. Your partner will ask two questions about the information you learned in the phone-call conversation. Answer the questions. Look at your notes for the answers.Call about a Job Opening – Partner Practice #3 Student BSan Diego Family HospitalCOOK(619) 287- 35221. Work with a partner. You are the kitchen manager at the San Diego Family Hospital. Start the conversation.Student B: (Ring! Ring!) Hello. San Diego Family Hospital.Student A:Hello. My name is ___________. I’m calling about the ___________ job. Student B: Do you have some questions? (Listen to your partner’s questions. Look at the information below. Answer the questions.)Student A:Thank you for your time. Good-bye.Student B: Thank you for calling. part-time/full-timeIt’s full-time.days/hoursThe days are Saturday to Wednesday, and the hours are 6 a.m. to 4 p.m.starting dateThe job begins next Saturday.salaryIt’s $10.25 an hour.addressThe address is 5217 applyYou need to come in and pick up an application.experienceYou need one year of experience.benefitsYes, there is sick leave and health insurance.2. Look at Student A’s notes. Ask Student A two questions about the information that he or she asked you about. Check the answers. Example: Student B: What is the starting date? Student A: Next Saturday.Call about a Job Opening – Partner Practice #4Student AMart RestaurantFOOD SERVER (619) 287- 3522Work with a partner. Call about a job opening. Take notes in the chart below. Follow these steps:Step #1:Say a greeting and introduce yourself. Use your first and last name.Step #2:Explain the reason for your call.Step #3: Ask three questions about the job opening.Step #4:End the call. Say “Thank you.”Step #5:Answer two questions about the job information.NotesCheck () three questions you want to ask about the job opening. ____part-time/full-time____days/hours____starting date____salary____address____how apply____experience____benefits2. Your partner will ask two questions about the information you learned in the phone-call conversation. Answer the questions. Look at your notes for the answers.Call about a Job Opening - Partner Practice #4 Student BMart RestaurantFOOD SERVER (619) 287- 35221. Work with a partner. You are the manager at Mart Restaurant. Start the conversation.Student B: (Ring! Ring!) Hello. Mart Restaurant.Student A:Hello. My name is ___________. I’m calling about the ___________ job. Student B: Do you have some questions? (Listen to your partner’s questions. Look at the information below. Answer the questions.)Student A:Thank you for your time. Good-bye.Student B: Thank you for calling. part-time/full-timeIt’s part-time.days/hoursThe days are Monday to Friday, and the hours are from 7 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.starting dateThe job begins next Monday.salaryIt’s $9.25 an hour, plus tips.addressThe address is 345 Orange applyYou need to come in and pick up an application.experienceYou need one year of experience.benefitsI’m sorry. There are no benefits. Look at Student A’s notes. Ask Student A two questions about the information that he or she asked you about. Check the answers. Example: Student B: What is the salary? Student A: $9.25 an hour, plus tips.Student Instructions for Oral Assessment #33Ask about a Job Opening - Beginning HighFinal Partner Practice – STUDENT ACall about a job opening. Take notes in the chart below. Your partner can use any Student B paper in your student booklet. Follow these steps:Step #1:Say a greeting and introduce yourself. Use your first and last name.Step #2:Explain the reason for your call.Step #3: Ask three questions about the job opening.Step #4:End the call. Say Thank you.Step #5:Answer two questions about the job information.NotesCheck () three questions you want to ask about the job opening. ____part-time/full-time____days/hours____starting date____salary____address____how apply____experience____benefitsYour partner will ask two questions about the job information. Answer the questions.Note to the Teacher:Preparing Students for Assessment Task 2: Fill out a job application – Beginning High Students will fill out a job application using information provided them on an information sheet. In order to standardize the assessment, students will NOT fill out job applications about themselves for the assessment task, but will complete the form using information about a fictitious person.The activities found in the student booklet simulate the assessment task.Use a variety of grouping strategies for maximum effectiveness. Have students work in pairs, alone, in groups, etc. to complete the practice application activities. Then make additional copies of the blank application and have students fill them out using their own personal information.Note: Answer keys for all practice applications are found in this guide. You may provide copies for students to check their own work (for students absent during practice) or for students to check their work with a partner or in a group. To personalize the instruction, you can have the students practice filling out the application forms using their own information even though the assessment task will involve information about a fictitious person.Note To Teacher: VOCABULARY FORJOB APPLICATIONSThe following are words your students will encounter in the job application lessons and may encounter in the assessment. It is not suggested to teach the vocabulary as a separate list. Vocabulary activities follow.PERSONAL INFORMATION:social security number middle initial email addresssignature N/ATIMEweekendsrecentavailablefull-time/part-timecurrent/presentEDUCATIONcurrently enrolledelementary schooldiplomasubject/classmiddle schoolgraduateuniversity/collegehigh schoolEMPLOYMENTwork history/experiencecurrent/present jobprevious jobposition desired/job wanteddriver’s licenselegal right to workPOSITIONS desired Child-care WorkerHousekeeperConstruction WorkerCookMechanicCashierDishwasherCustodianVOCABULARY FOR JOB APPLICATIONSMatch the words on the left with the words on the right. Write the letters next to the numbers. L Email address N/A S. position desired course of study/class work experience current job currently enrolled available signature university___ company___ weekend__ Social Security Numberjob you have nowcollegebusinessJanice Stewartthe job you wantSaturday, Sundayattending school nowno information; not importantdays/hours you can workinitialwork historyrmartin@456-43-8484ESL Level 3Note To Teacher: VOCABULARY FORJOB APPLICATIONSAnswer KeyMatch the words on the left with the words on the right. Write the letters next to the numbers. L Email address H N/A J S. E position desired N course of study/class K work experience A current job G currently enrolled I available D signature B university C company F weekend M Social Security Numberjob you have nowcollegebusinessJanice Stewartthe job you wantSaturday, Sundayattending school nowno information; not importantdays/hours you can workinitialwork historyrmartin@456-43-8484ESL Level 3JOB APPLICATION – VOCABULARY PRACTICE Fill in the blanks. Use these words:driver’s licensecurrently enrolledavailablework historypreviousN/ASocial Security Numberemail1. To show you have a legal right to work, you must give your ______________ ________________ _____________ to your employer.2. A: Are you _________________ ____________ in school? B: Yes, I go to Mid-City Center. I am studying ESL Level 3. 3. The job you had before the job you have now is your _____________________ job.4. You need a _____________ ________________ to drive a truck for your job.5. Write your job experience in the __________ __________ part of the job application.6. My ________________ address is bsmith@. 7. A: Can you work Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays? B: Yes. I am __________________ on weekends.8. You should write ___________________ if you have no information to put on a part of your application form.Note to teacher: JOB APPLICATION VOCABULARY PRACTICEAnswer KeyFill in the blanks. Use these words:driver’s licensecurrently enrolledavailablework historypreviousN/ASocial Security Numberemail1. To show you have a legal right to work, you must give your social security number to your employer.2. A: Are you currently enrolled in school? B: Yes, I go to Mid-City Center. I am studying ESL Level 3. 3. The job you had before the job you have now is your previous job.4. You need a driver’s license to drive a truck for your job.5. Write your job experience in the work history part of the job application.6. My email address is bsmith@. 7. A: Can you work Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays? B: Yes. I am available on weekends.8. You should write N/A if you have no information to put on a part of your application form.EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION FOR MARCO S. CRUZ: Reading PracticeUse the information in the job application to answer the questions on the next page.Application for EmploymentName Cruz Marco S. Last First Middle InitialAddress4185 Florida AvenueCityEl CajonStateCAZip Code92090Phone ( 619 ) 441-6899Email Addressmcruz22@ Are you 18 or older? X Yes _____No Social Security Number711-43-2193Sex X Male _____FemaleDo you have a driver’s license? X Yes ___NoIf yes, what state? CAEMPLOYMENTPosition desired:CookCheck one: X Full-time____Part-timeWhen can you work? X Day X Night X WeekendsEDUCATIONYears in school: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15(Elementary and high school)Are you currentlyenrolled in school? X Yes ___NoName of School:North City Center, Miramar CampusAddress:10440 Black Mountain Rd.San Diego, CA 92126WORK HISTORYFromToCompany/AddressPositionJune 2005Present French Market RestaurantDel Mar, CACook’s assistantDecember 2000May 2005Tony’s Pizza ShopLong Beach, CADishwasherSignature Marco S. Cruz Date 7/25/10EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION FOR MARCO S. CRUZ: Reading Practice1. Read the sentences about the information in Marco’s job application. Write T for true and F for false. 1. ___ He doesn’t have an email address.2. ___ His current job is at Tony’s Pizza Shop. 3. ___ He went to school for 10 years in his country.4. ___ He can work only in the daytime.5. ___ He lives in El Cajon.6. ___ He was a dishwasher at his previous job.2. Answer the questions. What is his middle initial?Does he live in Escondido? Can he drive in California?What job does he want?How many years did he study in Mexico?What is the name of his school?Is he working now?Does he want the same kind of job that he has now? __________S. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Note to Teacher: EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION FOR MARCO CRUZReading Practice Answer Key1. Read the sentences about the information in Marco’s job application. Write T for true and F for false. 1. F He doesn’t have an email address.2. F His current job is at Tony’s Pizza Shop. 3. T He went to school for 10 years in his country.4. F He can work only in the daytime.5. T He lives in El Cajon.6. T He was a dishwasher at his previous job.2. Answer the questions. What is his middle initial?Does he live in Escondido? Can he drive in California?What job does he want?How many years did he study in Mexico?What is the name of his school?Is he working now?Does he want the same kind of job that he has now? __________S. No Yes He wants to be a cook. 10 years North City Center Yes Yes .Page 1 of 2EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION: WHERE DO YOU WRITE IT?Look at the job application. Answer the questions on the next page.Application for EmploymentName A__________________ ___________________ _____________ Last First Middle InitialAddressCityStateZip CodePhone B( ) Email Address CAre you 18 or older? D_____Yes _____No Social Security NumberSex_____Male _____FemaleDo you have a driver’s license? ___Yes ___NoIf yes, what state?EMPLOYMENTPosition desired: ECheck one:____Full-time____Part-timeWhen can you work? F___Day ___Night ___WeekendsEDUCATION Years of school: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 G (Elementary and high school)Are you currentlyenrolled in school?___Yes ___NoName of School:HAddress:WORK HISTORYFromToCompany/AddressPosition I JSignature________________________________ Date____________________Page 2 of 2EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION: WHERE DO YOU WRITE IT?Look at the “Where Do You Write It?” job application. Read the questions below. Write the letter (A, B, C…) to show where to write the information on the application. A Where do you write your name? Where do you write the job that you want? Where do you write your availability? To contact you by phone, where do employers find your phone number? You finished 6 years of elementary school in your country. Where do you write that? Where do you write the name of your present job? Where do you write the job you had before the job you have now? Where do you write that you are 18 or older? You go to school at Mid City Center. Where do you write the name of your school? You don’t have an email address. Where do you write N/A to show you do not have information for this part of the application?Note to Teacher:EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION: WHERE DO YOU WRITE IT?ANSWER KEYWrite the letter (A, B, C, etc. that shows the correct place to put the information. A Where do you write your name? E Where do you write the job that you want? F Where do you write your availability? B To contact you by phone, where do employers find your phone number? G You finished 6 years of elementary school in your country. Where do you write that? I Where do you write the name of your present job? J Where do you write the job you had before the job you have now? D Where do you write that you are 18 or older? H You go to school at Mid City Center. Where do you write the name of your school? C You don’t have an email address. Where do you write N/A to show you do not have information for this part of the application?Page 1 of 2Job Application Practice #1Fill out this application for Victor J. Romero. Use the information on the next page.Application for EmploymentName ______________________ _______________________ _________________ Last First Middle InitialAddressCityStateZip CodePhone ( ) Email Address Are you 18 or older? _____Yes _____No Social Security NumberSex_____Male _____FemaleDo you have a driver’s license? ___Yes ___NoIf yes, what state?EMPLOYMENTPosition desired: Check one:____Full-time____Part-timeWhen can you work? ___Day ___Night ___WeekendsEDUCATION Years of school: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 (Elementary and high school)Are you currentlyenrolled in school?___Yes ___NoName of School:Address: WORK HISTORYFromToCompany/AddressPosition Signature________________________________ Date____________________Page 2 of 2APPLICATION INFORMATION FOR VICTOR J. ROMEROUse this information to fill out the application for Victor.445770081280PERSONAL INFORMATIONMr. Victor J. Romero2845 Market StreetSan Diego, CA 92101Home Telephone: (619) 832-5529Email address: vromero@Social Security Number: 599-11-0145Birth date: 7/29/85 EDUCATION2009-PresentCentre City 1400 Park Blvd.San Diego, CA 921011990-2000Diego Rivera Elementary and High SchoolDurango, MexicoWORK EXPERIENCESeptember 2005 – August 2009CookMission Valley Family Restaurant3213 Camino Del RioSan Diego, CA 92108January 2003 – July 2005DishwasherLenny’s Restaurant435 Central StreetNational City, CA 91950OTHER INFORMATIONAvailable for full-time workJob wanted: cook Driver’s license from CaliforniaAvailable days and weekendsNote to teacher: APPLICATION FOR VICTOR J. ROMEROAnswer KeyApplication for EmploymentName Romero Victor J.__ Last First Middle InitialAddress2845 Market St. CitySan DiegoStateCAZip Code92101Phone (619) 832-5529Email Addressvromero@Are you 18 or older? X Yes _____No Social Security Number599-11-0145Sex X Male _____FemaleDo you have a driver’s license? _ X Yes ___NoIf yes, what state?CaliforniaEMPLOYMENTPosition desired:CookCheck one: X Full-time Part-timeWhen can you work? X Day Night X WeekendsEDUCATIONYears of school: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15(Elementary and high school)Are you currentlyenrolled in school? X Yes NoName of School:Centre City Address:1400 Park Blvd.San Diego, CA 92101WORK HISTORYFromToCompany/AddressPositionSeptember 2005August 2009 Mission Valley Family Restaurant3213 Camino Del RioSan Diego, CA 92108CookJanuary 2003July 2005Lenny’s Restaurant435 Central StreetNational City, CA 91950DishwasherSignature______Victor Romero_____ Date_____6/22/10_________Page 1 of 2Fill out a Job Application – Practice #2Fill out the application for Narek Samson. Use the information about Narek on the next page.Application for EmploymentName ______________________ _______________________ _________________ Last First Middle InitialAddressCityStateZip CodePhone ( ) Email Address Are you 18 or older? _____Yes _____No Social Security NumberSex_____Male _____FemaleDo you have a driver’s license? ___Yes ___NoIf yes, what state?EMPLOYMENTPosition desired: Check one:____Full-time____Part-timeWhen can you work? ___Day ___Night ___WeekendsEDUCATION Years of school: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 (Elementary and high school)Are you currentlyenrolled in school?___Yes ___NoName of School:Address: WORK HISTORYFromToCompany/AddressPosition Signature________________________________ Date____________________Page 2 of 2APPLICATION INFORMATION FOR NAREK R. SAMSONUse this information to fill out the application.4229100119380PERSONAL INFORMATIONMr. Narek R. Samson7667 Crater DriveSan Diego, CA 92126Home Telephone: (858) 578-9821Email address: NoneSocial Security Number: 388-05-0352Birth date: 3/17/80EDUCATION2009-PresentNorth City Center/Miramar Campus10440 Black Mountain RoadSan Diego, CA 921261986-1998Red Square SchoolMoscow, RussiaWORK EXPERIENCEJune 2002 – October 2008CustodianDallas City Hospital4312 Walton StreetDallas, TX 75247November 2000 – May 2002Construction WorkerStrong Construction Company3231 University Ave.San Diego, CA 92105OTHER INFORMATIONAvailable for full-time workJob wanted: construction workerDriver’s license from TexasAvailable any time - days, nights, and weekends12 years of school in native countryNote to teacher: APPLICATION FOR NAREK R. SAMSONAnswer KeyApplication for EmploymentName Samson Narek R. __ Last First Middle InitialAddress7667 Crater DriveCitySan DiegoStateCAZip Code92126Phone(858) 578-9821Email AddressN/AAre you 18 or older? X Yes _____No Social Security Number388-05-0352Sex X Male _____FemaleDo you have a driver’s license? _ X Yes ___NoIf yes, what state? TexasEMPLOYMENTPosition desired:construction workerCheck one: X Full-time Part-timeWhen can you work? X Day X Night X WeekendsEDUCATIONYears of school: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15(Elementary and high school)Are you currentlyenrolled in school? X Yes NoName of School:North City Center/ Miramar CampusAddress:10440 Black Mountain RoadSan Diego, CA 92126WORK HISTORYFromToCompany/AddressPositionJune 2002October 2008Dallas City Hospital4312 Walton StreetDallas, TX 75247CustodianNovember 2000May 2002Strong Construction Company3231 University Ave.San Diego, CA 92105Construction WorkerSignature ______Narek Samson_______ Date_____5/16/10________Page 1 of 2Fill out a Job Application – Practice # 3Fill out the application for Tuyet A. Tran. Use the information about Tuyet on the next page. Application for EmploymentName ______________________ _______________________ _________________ Last First Middle InitialAddressCityStateZip CodePhone ( ) Email Address Are you 18 or older? _____Yes _____No Social Security NumberSex_____Male _____FemaleDo you have a driver’s license? ___Yes ___NoIf yes, what state?EMPLOYMENTPosition desired: Check one:____Full-time____Part-timeWhen can you work? ___Day ___Night ___WeekendsEDUCATION Years of school: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 (Elementary and high school)Are you currentlyenrolled in school?___Yes ___NoName of School:Address: WORK HISTORYFromToCompany/AddressPosition Signature________________________________ Date____________________Page 2 of 2APPLICATION INFORMATION FOR TUYET A. TRANUse this information to fill out the application.right8890PERSONAL INFORMATIONMs. Tuyet A. Tran2004 S. Evans St.San Diego, CA 92113Home Telephone: (619) 239-1168Email address: tutran2020@Social Security Number: 530-41-0405Birth date: 9/6/65EDUCATIONFebruary 2007-December 2008Cesar Chavez Center1960 National AvenueSan Diego, CA 92113 1970-1976Hue Elementary SchoolHue, VietnamWORK EXPERIENCEMarch 1999 – August 2010Child-care WorkerPt. Loma Head Start Preschool2335 Voltaire StreetSan Diego, CA 92106October 1988 – July 1998Office AssistantHue City Women’s ClinicHue City, VietnamOTHER INFORMATIONAvailable daytime onlyJob wanted: Child-care WorkerNo driver’s licenseAvailable part-timeNote to teacher: APPLICATION FOR TUYET A. TRAN Answer KeyApplication for EmploymentName Tran Tuyet A. __ Last First Middle InitialAddress2004 S. Evans St.CitySan DiegoStateCAZip Code92113Phone ( 619) 239-1168Email Addresstutran2020@Are you 18 or older? X Yes ____ No Social Security Number530-41-0405Sex_____Male X FemaleDo you have a driver’s license? ___Yes X NoIf yes, what state? N/AEMPLOYMENTPosition desired:Child-care WorkerCheck one:____Full-time X Part-timeWhen can you work? X Day Night WeekendsEDUCATIONYears of school: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15(Elementary and high school)Are you currentlyenrolled in school? Yes X NoName of School: N/AAddress: N/AWORK HISTORYFromToCompany/AddressPositionMarch 1999August 2010Pt. Loma Head Start Preschool2335 Voltaire StreetSan Diego, CA 92106Child-care WorkerOctober 1988July 1998Hue City Women’s ClinicHue City, VietnamOffice AssistantSignature___ __Tuyet Tran Date 9/6/10 EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION: FIND THE MISTAKES, Part IRead the information for Margarita I. Hernandez (Part II). Find the mistakes on her application below and circle them. Can you find all 15 mistakes?PERSONAL INFORMATIONName Margarita I. Hernandez Last First Middle InitialAddress 1329 45th St., #24 CitySan DiegoStateCalZip CodePhone ( ) 298-1980Email Address N/AAre you 18 or older? _____Yes _____No Social Security Number685-284-367Sex_____ Male X FemaleDo you have a driver’s license? . X Yes ___NoIf yes, what state?EMPLOYMENTPosition desired:CasherCheck one:____Full-time X Part-timeWhen can you work? X Day ___Night ___WeekendsEDUCATIONYears in school: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15(Elementary and high school)Are you currentlyenrolled in school?___Yes ___NoName of School:ECCAddress:4343 Ocean View Blvd.San Diego, CA 92113WORK HISTORYFromToCompany/AddressPositionJanuary 1991October 2002Best Hotel HousekeeperMarch 2004PresentBruno’s Market321 East Lake Chula Vista, CA 91911CashierSignature Margarita Hernandez Date 15/5/2010 EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION: FIND THE MISTAKES – Part IIPERSONAL INFORMATIONMargarita I. Hernandez1329 45th Ave., #24San Diego, CA 92113Home Telephone: (619) 298-1980Social Security Number: 685-28-4367Birth date: November 17, 1969EDUCATION2006-PresentECC 4343 Ocean View Blvd. San Diego, CA 921131974-1979Hidalgo Elementary SchoolGuadalajara, MexicoWORK EXPERIENCEMarch 2004 – Present Cashier Bruno’s Market 321 East Lake Chula Vista, CA91911January 1991 – October 2002 Housekeeper Best Hotel 2104 Green Street El Cajon, CA 92020OTHER INFORMATIONAvailable days, nights, and weekendsJob wanted: cashierHas a driver’s license for CaliforniaPart-time desired – days, nights, or weekends5 years of education in MexicoNOTE TO THE TEACHER: FIND THE MISTAKES Answer Key1. Name is out of order – should be last name first, etc.2. Address is 45th Ave., not St.3. Correct abbreviation for California is CA, not Cal. in address.4. Need to write in zip code in personal information area.5. Need to write in area code with phone number.6. 18 or older not completed.7. Social Security Number – right numbers, divided differently8. Need to write in state (CA) for driver’s license.9. Cashier is misspelled.10. Availability is not just days, but also nights and weekends.11. Years of education should be marked: 512. Currently enrolled in school – not checked.13. Work history should be most recent first.14. Need to write in address information for Best Hotel (2104 Green Street El Cajon, CA 92020)15. Date should be in mm/dd/yyyy order. ................

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