As of January 4, 2010

Here is the inservice schedule for spring 2010. We are offering fewer inservices than we offered in the fall in order to give students increased access to faculty members for advisement and in order to give faculty members more time to work on program and division projects.

Send me a list of the sessions you will attend using the NUMBER that precedes each inservice description. Advance sign-up allows us to have enough handouts and to cancel small sessions. Contact if you have questions.

All full-time faculty members are required to attend one session of Your Part in the QEP, which is scheduled for five sessions. The number of participants in each session will be limited, so respond early in order to get a seat in your first-choice session.

Quality Matters Training will be offered by a QM consultant on Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning. These are duplicate sessions, so you only need to attend one session. These sessions are very useful in preparing your course for QM review or just for making your course the best it can be. THERE IS A LIMIT OF 20 FOR ATTENDANCE AT EACH SESSION, SO PLEASE SIGN UP AS SOON AS POSSIBLE by sending your name to me.

The Title III FACT Committee is offering two inservice sessions titled It’s a FACT! All faculty members are invited, and new full-time faculty for 2009-2010 should attend if they did not attend in the fall.


(2)9:00 – 10:00 Your Part in the QEP S-113

We’re halfway through our 5-year Quality Enhancement Plan: Building Better Thinkers Responsible for Life-Long Learning— the Critical Thinking Initiative, and this is the point at which we all become more directly involved. How will we demonstrate that our students are improving their thinking skills? What’s a CIF? What data are we collecting and why? And that most important question of all: What do we need from you and when do we need it? This helpful inservice will clarify your part in our QEP and show you where to find the materials and information you need to help your students become better thinkers. Will be repeated on 1/7, 1/8, 1/11, and 1/13. Led by Michelle Adkerson and Bridgette Weir.

10:00 - 12:00 Activities in the Divisions

Deans may schedule division activities for those faculty members who are on campus today. Information about division meetings will be distributed by the deans.

(3)12:00 – 4:00 Quality Matters Training A-30

An expert from Quality Matters (QM) will be on campus to train interested faculty in the use of the QM rubric. This session will be very helpful in making sure that your online course meets QM standards. Will be repeated Wednesday morning 1/6. You must sign up for this hands-on session as there is a limit of 20.


(4)8:00 – 12:00 Quality Matters Training A-30

An expert from Quality Matters (QM) will be on campus to train interested faculty in the use of the QM rubric. This session will be very helpful in making sure that your online course meets QM standards. This is a repeat of the Tuesday afternoon session. You must sign up for this hands-on session as there is a limit of 20.

(5)9:00 – 10:00 It’s a FACT! W-95

The FACT Committee, composed of faculty from each division and Faculty Senate, guides the use of our Title III funds in the effort to make our Faculty Advising more effective and our students more successful. At this inservice, members of the FACT committee will outline the work they have done so far and the tasks before them. The new Faculty Advising Resources available at will be highlighted. Will be repeated on 1/11. Presenting: Chris King, Lynn Lozier, Sheri Lozier-Bentley, Don Turner

10:00 - 12:00 Activities in the Divisions

Deans may schedule division activities for those faculty members who are on campus today. Information about division meetings will be distributed by the deans.

8:30 – 4:30 CAT Test Scoring by Faculty Members



(6)9:00 – 10:00 Your Part in the QEP S-113

We’re halfway through our 5-year Quality Enhancement Plan: Building Better Thinkers Responsible for Life-Long Learning— the Critical Thinking Initiative, and this is the point at which we all become more directly involved. How will we demonstrate that our students are improving their thinking skills? What’s a CIF? What data are we collecting and why? And that most important question of all: What do we need from you and when do we need it? This helpful inservice will clarify your part in our QEP and show you where to find the materials and information you need to help your students become better thinkers. Will be repeated on 1/8, 1/11, and 1/13. Led by Michelle Adkerson and Marla Perry.

10:00 - 12:00 Activities in the Divisions

Information about division meetings during the week will be distributed by the deans.



Cookeville, Humphreys County, and Southeast Center faculty members will be here today.

(7)9:00 – 10:00 Opportunities to Teach in a Study Abroad Program S-113

This inservice will provide an overview of opportunities for students and faculty to participate in study abroad through Tennessee Consortium for International Studies (TNCIS). The leaders will share information about the student experience so that faculty can advise students about these opportunities. There will be time to answer questions for faculty members interested in teaching through TNCIS.

Led by Emily Naff and Carol Martin-Osorio

(8)9:00 – 10:00 Freshman Success Course S-117

Nashville State is developing a new college-level course designed to help more of our students successfully reach their college goals and earn a degree. Annette McCreedy is developing this course with a campus-wide committee. This inservice provides information about the planned course and seeks your feedback. Will be repeated 1/13. Led by Annette McCreedy.

Brown, Buc, Cooper-Wilbank, Jessica Field, Frank, Frye, Glover, Houck, Kane, Kastner, Lenox, Lightner, Longwood, Lozier, Massengill, McWilliams, Nettles, Norman, Pauley, Rockstead, Roush, Marie Smith, Swanson, Williamson, Woodard

10:00 - 12:00 Activities in the Divisions

Information about division meetings during the week will be distributed by the deans. Activities especially useful for off-campus faculty members will receive emphasis.

11:00 – 1:00 Bean Bash Student Services Center Dining Area

This annual event, hosted by the Library staff, will go on in spite of renovations. It begins at 11:00 in the Student Services Center dining area. Start planning for your own contribution to this traditional event now.

(9)1:00 – 2:00 Your Part in the QEP S-113

We’re halfway through our 5-year Quality Enhancement Plan: Building Better Thinkers Responsible for Life-Long Learning— the Critical Thinking Initiative, and this is the point at which we all become more directly involved. How will we demonstrate that our students are improving their thinking skills? What’s a CIF? What data are we collecting and why? And that most important question of all: What do we need from you and when do we need it? This helpful inservice will clarify your part in our QEP and show you where to find the materials and information you need to help your students become better thinkers. Will be repeated on 1/11 and 1/13. Led by Michelle Adkerson, Robin Cooper-Wilbanks and Tim Dean.

(10)2:00 – 3:00 Developmental Studies Redesign S-113

A significant redesign of developmental programs on TBR campuses will be fully implemented no later than fall 2013. Math, Reading, and Writing DSP faculty members are now in the process of planning for these changes on the NSCC campus. The changes will also impact almost all college-level courses and programs. This inservice will give faculty and staff an overview of the major changes and the current ideas emerging on our campus. There will be time to answer your questions. Will be repeated 1/12. Led by Ellen Weed.


(11)8:00 – 9:00 Renovation and Recovery S-113

The campus is still a shambles, but we moving the shambles around to be sure no one is left out. What’s been completed, what’s left to do, and when will it all end? A repeat of 1/4. Presenting: Ellen Weed

(12)9:00 – 10:00 It’s a FACT! W-95

The FACT Committee, composed of faculty from each division and Faculty Senate, guides the use of our Title III funds in the effort to make our Faculty Advising more effective and our students more successful. At this inservice, members of the FACT committee will outline the work they have done so far and the tasks before them. The new Faculty Advising Resources available at will be highlighted. A repeat of 1/6. Presenting: Chris King, Lynn Lozier, Sheri Lozier-Bentley, Don Turner

10:00 - 12:00 Activities in the Divisions

Information about division activities during the week will be distributed by the Deans.

(13)1:00 – 2:00 Your Part in the QEP S-113

We’re halfway through our 5-year Quality Enhancement Plan: Building Better Thinkers Responsible for Life-Long Learning— the Critical Thinking Initiative, and this is the point at which we all become more directly involved. How will we demonstrate that our students are improving their thinking skills? What’s a CIF? What data are we collecting and why? And that most important question of all: What do we need from you and when do we need it? This helpful inservice will clarify your part in our QEP and show you where to find the materials and information you need to help your students become better thinkers. Will be repeated on 1/13. Led by Michelle Adkerson, Jeff Green and Marla Perry.

(14)2:00 – 5:00 Managing Your D2L Online Course W-95

This hands-on session is designed for those who are new to D2L or those who want a refresher. It includes managing news, assignments, discussions, groups, and quizzes as well as releasing grades to students. This session does not address how to develop materials for an online course. Space is limited to 15. Will be repeated 1/12. Led by Linda Lyle.



(15)9:00 – 10:00 Developmental Studies Redesign S-113

A significant redesign of developmental programs on TBR campuses will be fully implemented no later than fall 2013. Math, Reading, and Writing DSP faculty members are now in the process of planning for these changes on the NSCC campus. The changes will also impact almost all college-level courses and programs. This inservice will give faculty and staff an overview of the major changes and the current ideas emerging on our campus. There will be time to answer your questions. A repeat of 1/8. Led by Ellen Weed.

10:00 - 12:00 Activities in the Divisions

Information about these divisional meetings during the week will be distributed by the deans.

(16)1:00 – 2:00 Quality Matters Reviews S-113

Ensuring the quality of our online courses is a major activity of our Title III grant, with a goal of reviewing all campus online courses within 5 years. We are using Quality Matters as the rubric for evaluation and have hired Joe Martin to provide coordination and leadership for this review. In the inservice, Joe Martin will acquaint faculty and staff with the QM criteria and how to access and use the QM website. He will also discuss best practices in instructional design.

(17)5:00 – 8:00 Managing Your D2L Online Course W-95

This hands-on session is designed for those who are new to D2L or those who want a refresher. It includes managing news, assignments, discussions, groups, and quizzes as well as releasing grades to students. This session does not address how to develop materials for an online course. Space is limited to 15. A repeat of 1/11. Led by Linda Lyle.



(18)9:00 – 10:00 Your Part in the QEP S-113

We’re halfway through our 5-year Quality Enhancement Plan: Building Better Thinkers Responsible for Life-Long Learning— the Critical Thinking Initiative, and this is the point at which we all become more directly involved. How will we demonstrate that our students are improving their thinking skills? What’s a CIF? What data are we collecting and why? And that most important question of all: What do we need from you and when do we need it? This helpful inservice will clarify your part in our QEP and show you where to find the materials and information you need to help your students become better thinkers. Led by Michelle Adkerson, Jeff Green and Innocent Usoh.

(19)9:00 – 10:00 IDEA Results S-117

This inservice will summarize and allow discussion about NSCC student and faculty perceptions as measured on the IDEA instrument. The summary will compare and contrast results from the fall 2009 summary reports for the entire college, the separate instructional divisions, the off-campus sites, and online vs. onground courses. In addition, NSCC is participating in an IDEA “Benchmarking for Learning” pilot project that compares our results over time and with all IDEA community colleges, a small group of 7 peer institutions, and the entire IDEA database. Hear the results of this pilot study hot off the press. Led by Ellen Weed.

10:00 - 12:00 Activities in the Divisions

Information about division meetings during the week will be distributed by the deans.

(20)1:00 – 2:00 Freshman Success Course S-113

Nashville State is developing a new college-level course designed to help more of our students successfully reach their college goals and earn a degree. Annette McCreedy is developing this course with a campus-wide committee. This inservice provides information about the planned course and seeks your feedback. A repeat of 1/8. Led by Annette McCreedy.

(21)2:00 – 3:00 Navigating NSCC’s new Website and New MyNSCC S-113

NSCC’s new, much improved website was launched in November and continues to improve. This launch was followed closely by the arrival of our new Luminis portal, MyNSCC. Improvements on both continue. This inservice will help you navigate these new tools and use them most effectively. Led by Trey Gresimer and Ellen Zink.



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