Florida Department of Management Services - DMS

Conference Call Meeting

Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Members in Attendance

• Jay Narang (GDKN Corporation)

• Michelle Andrewin (Palm Beach County School District)

• Sherod Halliburton (Manatee Community Federal Credit Union)

• Janet Harris-Lange (Agenda Dynamics, Inc.)

• Johnny Helms (Lumbee Resource Management)

• Mariana Lugaro (United Data Technologies)

• Deborah Thompson (Deborah K. Thompson Consultants)

Staff in Attendance

• Donna Williams, Marketing Manager, Office of Supplier Diversity (OSD), Department of Management Services (DMS)

• Bre Stephens, Marketing Assistant, OSD, DMS

Public in Attendance

• None

Call to Order

• Chair Narang called the meeting to order at 2:04 p.m., a quorum was not met.

Public Comments

• None

Parliamentary Procedure/Robert’s Rules Training

• Deborah Thompson provided the Council with an overview of Robert’s Rules of Order, the guide for conducting meetings and making decisions as a group. The overview included the purpose and key elements of the parliamentary procedures established under Robert’s Rules.

• The Council learned about the four basic types of motions: main, subsidiary, privileged, and incidental.

• Deborah Thompson also informed the Council on how Robert’s Rules are more relaxed during committee meetings compared to Council meetings.

Council Chair/Vice Chair/Member Update

• Chair Narang attended a few events in South Florida. He met with Minneapolis, Minnesota based company Medtronic. He learned how Medtronic is considering alternative locations to rebuild, as its life science project facilities in Puerto Rico was damaged during hurricane season.

• The Red Cross was also in attendance at the same event. Chair Narang shared that the Red Cross isn’t looking to expand, but was in search for diverse suppliers to provide nationwide support.

• Chair Narang also had a chance to meet with the Chief Purchasing Officer (CPO) of Memorial Health Care System. The CPO presented procurement procedures for the different areas, and made a commitment to be more participative with the local small and minority community.

News Articles and Links

• None

Committee Reports

• Legislative Committee

o Chair Deborah Thompson reported that the Committee will recommend that the State establish a unified certification for all cities and counties.

o The Committee will begin researching different certifications programs in their respective regions.

• Strategic and State Comprehensive Planning Committee

o In the absence of Chair Julius Davis, Council Chair Narang reported that the Committee did not meet in January, and is preparing for its next meeting.

• Review of Existing Committees

o Deborah Thompson and Michelle Andrewin will work to build the agenda and scope of work for the Research and Emerging Trends Committee.

New Business

• Small Business Week Award Nominations

o Deborah Thompson suggested the Council members as individuals or as a Council nominate local small businesses in their area for the 2018 Small Business Week Award.

o Chair Narang requested OSD discuss this with the Department’s General Counsel and provide a stance on the Council nominating small businesses for awards.


• Deborah Thompson announced the NAACP Economic Development Committee will host a Statewide campaign on economic development and financial literacy through a series of workshops for youth and adults.

o The Stock Market Game workshop will be held in Jacksonville, FL on March 3, 2018.

o The Red Cross will host an emergency preparedness training in Jacksonville, FL during March.

• Deborah Thompson also reminded the Council to recommend a local small business to invite and highlight during the next Council meeting.

• Chair Narang announced he will invite the Governor, Speaker of House, and Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Commissioner to speak at a future Council meeting to provide their perspective on the Council’s agenda and role of administration.

Next Scheduled Council Meeting: April 4, 2018.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:47 pm.


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