Fundraising Plan - Dental Clinic Manual

Annual Fundraising Plan

"Pearly Whites" Community Dental Clinic

| | | | | |

|Source of Funds |Fundraising Goals |Activities |Who's responsible |Resources required |

| | | | | |

|Contributions from |Increase # donors from 4|*Identify current donors giving at least $200; |Development Director, |Development Director: 5|

|individuals: |to 8; increase total |request that they increase donation to $500 |Executive Director, with |hours; Admin Asst; 8 |

|Major donors (donations of |donations from $4000 to |level |assistance from the board |hours |

|$500 or more) |$8000 |*Ask at least 30 community philanthropists to | | |

| | |become donors at $500+ level | | |

|Contributions from |Increase # donors from |*In solicitation letter to current donors, |Development Director |Development Director: |

|individuals Other donors |150 to 200; increase |request that they up-grade to next higher | |20; Admin Asst; 25 |

|(donations less than$500) |total donations from |donation level | |hours |

| |$5000 to $7500 |*increase names in donor database by obtaining | | |

| | |at least 5 additional names from each board | | |

| | |member | | |

|Contributions from |Increase # donors from |*In solicitation letter to current donors, |Development Director, |Development Director; |

|businesses |15 to 25; increase total|request that they up-grade to next higher |clinic staff and board |10 hours; Admin Asst; |

| |donations from $3000 to |donation level | |15 hours |

| |$6000 |*increase names in donor database by obtaining | | |

| | |at names of business contacts from board | | |

| | |members and staff | | |

|Contributions from board |Increase total donations|Chairperson of the Board will personally ask |Board Chairperson |none |

|members |by 25% |each board member to increase donation level | | |

|Contributions from the |Increase # donors from |*Have board members and staff who are dental |Board members, dental staff|Development Director; 3|

|dental community, |25 to 35; increase total|professionals make calls or write to dentists |and Development Director |hours; Admin Asst; 6 |

|including: |donations from $4000 to |who have not yet donated; | |hours |

|dental society and |$7000 |*In solicitation letter to current donors, | | |

|individual dentists | |request that they up-grade to next higher | | |

| | |donation level | | |

|Contributions from |Gain donations from 3 |Send solicitation letter to all religious |Development Director |Development Director; 2|

|religious organizations |religious orgs |organizations in the community | |hours; Admin Asst; 6 |

| | | | |hours |

|Public funding sources: |Maintain same funding |*Submit annual applications for funding from |Development Director |Development Director; |

|grants and contracts |level despite poor |these sources | |60 hours; Admin Asst; |

|(City, county, federal) |economic conditions |*Submit applications for new funding, if | |20 hours |

| | |opportunity exists | | |

|Foundation grants |Raise $100,000 to |Submit 1 grant application for continuation |Development Director |Development Director; |

|(Corporate and |maintain school-based |funding and 3 grant applications for new | |100 hours; Admin Asst;|

|Public) |program |funding from 3 different foundations | |20 hours |

|Service fees |Raise $15,000 through |Raise fees for self-pay patients by 10% |Development Director in |none |

| |increase in dental fees | |conjunction with Executive | |

| | | |Director and Board | |

|Fundraising event: Golf |Increase profit from |Increase registration fee to $500; attract 15 |Development Director with |Development Director; |

|tournament |$15,000 to $25,000 |additional golfers by encouraging current |assistance from golf event |40 hours; Admin Asst; |

| | |players to recruit a friend |consultant |150 hours |

|Fundraising event: Human |Increase donations from |Recruit 5 additional runners to participate on |Development Director |Development Director; 5|

|Race |$2000 to $3000 |our behalf; increase the amount of pledges from| |hours; Admin Asst; 15 |

| | |to a total of $3000 | |hours |

|Fundraising event: Quiz |Increase profit from |Recruit 3 additional tables @ $500 per table |Development Director |Development Director; |

|Night |$1500 to $3000 | | |10 hours; Admin Asst; |

| | | | |40 hours |


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