Junior League of Las Vegas 􀁹 www

The Junior League of Las Vegas is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and to improving the community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers.


Must be Postmarked by September 13, 2013

Cover Page – Required to be attached to grant proposal

|Project Name: | |

|Amount Requested: |(not to exceed $1,000) |

|Applicant Name: | |

|Mailing Address: | |

| |City: |State: |Zip: |

|Contact Phone: | |

|Contact Email: | |

PLEASE PRINT YOUR E-MAIL CLEARLY. A valid e-mail address from May 2013 through May 2014 is required. All communications to teachers will be done by e-mail. Thank You!

|School Name: | |

|Address: | |

| |City: |State: |Zip: |

|Principal Name: | |

Requirements and Signatures

If my grant is funded, I agree to:

1. Use all Junior League funds awarded to me only for the purpose specified in the grant submission by April 18, 2014.

2. Provide documentation (original receipts) of the money spent and agree to return any unused funds (by check) to the Junior League of Las Vegas by April 30, 2014.

3. Submit six digital/electronic photos of the completed grant project along with a short summary to the Junior League by April 30, 2014.

4. Work with a Junior League member to arrange a site visit in the spring of 2014 to confirm completion of the grant project.


Teacher’s Signature Date

I support this application for a Junior League Education Grant and understand the requirements above. Principals please be advised - Grant funds are awarded directly to the teacher. If the teacher leaves the school, the funded items may be brought to the teacher’s newly assigned school. If the teacher leaves Nevada, he or she is to leave the items at their current school site.


Principal’s Signature Date

Details For Submission:

Your grant submission must contain the following eleven sections:

1. Provide a brief description of your project. (1 paragraph)

2. Describe the goals and objectives of your project. (1 paragraph)

3. Provide relevant research to support your project. (1 paragraph)

4. Describe how your project will enrich learning and increase student achievement.

(1 paragraph)

5. Explain how your project will meet the particular needs of your students and

provide evidence for this need. (1 paragraph)

6. Explain why you believe this is a creative and innovative project. (1 paragraph)

7. Describe how many students, and at what grade level your project will impact.

(1 paragraph)

8. Explain how your project will affect students beyond this school year.

(1 paragraph)

9. Provide a methodology of how you will measure the results or evaluate your

project. (1 paragraph)

10. Provide a timeline for implementing your project.

11. Provide a budget for your project with approximate costs of all items and total

cost of project (itemized), including shipping charges.

PLEASE NOTE: There is a three (3) page maximum on the grant submission, (to include all eleven sections listed above.) This does NOT include the required cover page with signatures. If the submission is more than three (3) pages, (plus cover page), it will not be reviewed by the Junior League.

Application Checklist

Please ensure that your grant submission is mailed to the Junior League of Las Vegas and is postmarked no later than September 13, 2013. Your submission package must include the following to be considered:

1. TWO copies of your grant submission are required. The submission includes the original copy of the cover letter with signatures and grant proposal (3 page maximum). (One copy of this packet to be included with your mailing.)

2. The deadline is September 13, 2013. Grant submissions must be postmarked by that date. Please keep a copy for your records.

3. The grant proposal must be typed (8 ½ x 11 paper) with the exception of the contact information (cover page), which may be handwritten.

4. Please ensure that you HAVE READ and UNDERSTAND the Grant Submission Criteria outlined on the last page of this form.


Any application not meeting the criteria will be disqualified.

Any questions should be directed to jllvedgrants@

Grant Submission Criteria

1. The proposed project must be completed by April 30, 2014.

2. Funds must be used by April 18, 2014. Teachers will be required to submit original receipts to the Junior League confirming grant expenses. Any unused funds must be returned to the Junior League (by check) no later than April 30, 2014.

3. Applications for projects which show creativity and impact a large number of students are favored in the grant grading. The Junior League funded grant projects for 29 teachers for the 2012 – 2013 school year. (Please note: Our funding for grant projects varies each year.)

4. Grant funds are NOT available for the following: Purchase of food, field trips, to fund a larger project, to pay speakers, substitute teachers, conference fees, continuing education units, or to pay teachers an hourly fee for implementing their grant.

5. One grant submission per teacher is allowed. A teacher is not allowed to submit multiple grant proposals for different projects.

6. Teachers from the same school may not submit duplicate grant proposals for the same project.

7. If multiple applications are received for the same project from teachers of different schools, only the first grant received (by date of mailing) will be entered for consideration.

8. The grant submission must be typed. Handwritten applications will be disqualified. The cover page may be handwritten.

9. To ensure anonymous grading, do NOT reference your school, mascot, name, or whether you are a public or private school in the title or body of your grant proposal. Any mention will disqualify your application. However, we DO wish you to mention which grade level(s) you are targeting.

10. Please complete the application fully and make sure to have it signed by your principal before the submission deadline of September 13, 2013. Please keep a copy of your grant submission for your records.

11. If the application or proposal does not meet the requirements or is incomplete, the Junior League of Las Vegas reserves the right to eliminate it from consideration.

12. Faxed or e-mailed grant submissions will not be accepted.

13. Any questions? E-mail: jllvedgrants@

14. All grant submissions must be postmarked by September 13, 2013.

15. All grant applicants will be notified by e-mail by October 1, 2013 on the status of their grant proposal. Please include a valid e-mail address on page one (cover page).

16. Mail the completed grant submission (original and copy) to:

Junior League of Las Vegas

Attn: Education Grants

861 E. Bridger Avenue

Las Vegas, NV 89101-5539

Thank you for your Grant Application! The Junior League of Las Vegas

is proud to support our teachers’ creativity and innovation used in educating our students!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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