2021 Community Resource Bank

Community Service Scholarship

Return to the Counseling Office by March 26

Community Resource Bank Community Service Scholarship is a $1,000 non-renewable scholarship awarded to a graduating senior as financial support for post-secondary education. The student chosen believes in, is committed to, and has demonstrated community service while maintaining academic excellence and involvement in other co-curricular activities. The student selected will be featured on the Bank’s Facebook page.

Complete the application and attach with it a page or less essay answering the following two questions.

1. Why is serving in your community important to you?

2. What would you say to other young people or even adults to encourage them to participate in community service?

I. Personal Information:

Student’s Name:      

Student’s Address:      

II. Post-Secondary Education Plans:

a.) Which post-secondary school do you plan to attend next year?      

b.) What area of study or academic major are you planning to pursue?      

c.) What is your educational goal and what do you plan to do after you complete your post-secondary education?


III. Academic Background Information, Extra Curricular & Community Activities:

a.) Have there been significant changes in your academic performance over your four years of High School which have affected your class rank or GPA that you would like to share? (Example: Some students begin slowly in their academic achievements as freshmen and then improve dramatically as they mature. It is often helpful to share this information and the reasons that it occurred.)      

b.) List the school and community co-curricular activities in which you have participated.      

c.) Indicate other community groups and service organizations with which you have been involved in.      

d.) List awards or recognitions that you have received.      

IV. Future Goals:

Please write a statement about the future goals and aspirations that you have for yourself after you complete your post-secondary education.      

V Financial Need:

Explain how you intend to finance your post-secondary education. Indicate what you expect a year of schooling to cost, the contribution that you expect from parents and relatives, the amount you expect to receive in grants and loans and what you expect to contribute yourself.      

VI. Other Supporting Information:

Please share additional information about yourself that would help to strengthen this application for a potential scholarship.      

If you need additional space for your answers, please attach a separate sheet of paper.


Student Signature (typed is acceptable) Date


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