Adventurer Order Form

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|Catalog |Description |Price |Qty | | | | | |

|Patches | | | | |

| |Adventurer Uniform Patch |$2.25 | | | | | | |

| |Adventurer World |$2.25 | | | | | | |

| |NEC Patch – Adult |$3.00 | | | | | | |

| |NEC Patch – Child |$2.50 | | | |

| |Atlantic Union Patch |$2.00 | | | | | | |

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|Catalog |Description |Price |Qty | | | | | |

|Staff Position Strips | | | | | |

| |Director |$1.25 | | | | | | |

| |Deputy Director (Custom Order) |$3.00 | | | | | | |

| |Associate Director |$1.25 | | | | | | |

| |Counselor |$1.25 | | | | | | |

| |Instructor |$1.25 | | | | | | |

| |Area Coordinator (Custom Order) |$3.00 | | | | | | |

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|Catalog |Description |Price |Qty | |Catalog |Description |Price |Qty |

|Master Guide (Adventurer) | | |Adventurer Patches* | |

|001000 |Crest |$7.00 | | |002915 |Adventurer Evangelism Patch |$1.50 | |

|002131 |Six-Star Pin |$1.50 | | |002916 |Adventurer Excellence in Reading Patch |$1.50 | |

|002266 |Combination Chevron |$3.60 | | | | | | |

|002265 |Star Patch Only |$1.25 | | |Credentials |

|002960 |Name Strip |$1.25 | | |001093 |Adventurer Staff Training Achievement Certificate |$0.75 | |

|002200 |Slide (Cloth) |$2.25 | | |001094 |Adventurer Staff Credentials |$0.35 | |

|003757 |Neckerchief (No Stripes) |$6.95 | | | | | | |

| |Adventurer Pin |2.75 | | |Award Sash |

| | | | | | |Child – Small (21 ½”) |$4.50 | |

| | | | | | |Child – Medium (35”) |$4.75 | |

|Adventurer Class Pins | | |Adult – Large (28”) |$5.25 | |

|002110 |Busy Bee |$1.35 | | | |Adult – Xlarge (35”) |$4.75 | |

|002111 |Sunbeam |$1.35 | | | | | | |

|002112 |Builder |$1.35 | | | | | | |

|002113 |Helping Hand |$1.35 | | | |Neckerchief & Slide | | |

|002114 |Helping Hand Advanced |$3.00 | | | |Child – Neckerchief |$5.25 | |

| | | | | | |Child - Eager Beaver Neckerchief |$5.25 | |

|Anchoring in Christ Parent Pins* | | |Child - Little Lamb Neckerchief |$5.25 | |

|002105 |Busy Bee |$2.10 | | | |Adult – Neckerchief |$6.25 | |

|002106 |Sunbeam |$2.10 | | | |Adult - Eager Beaver Neckerchief |$6.25 | |

|002107 |Builder |$2.10 | | | |Adult - Little Lamb Neckerchief |$6.25 | |

|002108 |Helping Hand |$2.10 | | | |Slide |$2.25 | |

| | | | | | |Eager Beaver Slide |$2.25 | |

| | | | | | |Little Lamb Slide |$2.25 | |

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|Catalog |Descrip|Qty| |Catalog|Desc|Qty | |

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|004505 |Acts of Kindness | | |004650 |Friend of Jesus | |

|Eager Beaver Chips* | | |Little Lamb Stars* | |

|004450 |Alphabet Fun | | |009205 |Bible Friends | |

|004370 |Animal Homes | | |009215 |Community Helper | |

|004405 |Animals | | |009217 |Finger Play | |

|004415 |Beginning Biking | | |009219 |Healthy Food | |

|004420 |Beginning Swimming | | |009220 |Healthy Me | |

|004375 |Bible Friends | | |009222 |Insects | |

|004470 |Birds | | |009223 |Music | |

|004460 |Crayons and Markers | | |009225 |Special Helper | |

|004380 |Fire Safety | | |009226 |Stars | |

|004400 |Gadgets and Sand | | |009227 |Trains and Trucks | |

|004385 |God’s World | | |009229 |Weather | |

|004465 |Helping at Home (Helping Mommy) | | |009230 |Wooly Lamb | |

|004387 |Jesus’ Star | | |009240 |Zoo Animals | |

|004440 |Jigsaw Puzzle | | | | | |

|004425 |Know Your Body | | | | | |

|004390 |Left and Right | | |Catalog |Description |Price |Qty |

|004455 |Manners Fun | | |Little Lamb Accessories | |

|004395 |My Community Friends | | |001600 |Program |$29.95 | |

|004410 |Pets | | |001606 |Activity Book |$2.95 | |

|004475 |Scavenger Hunt | | |001604 |Record Chart |$1.00 | |

|004430 |Shapes and Sizes | | |001603 |Star Poster |$1.00 | |

|004445 |Sponge Art | | |000150 |Pin |$1.95 | |

|004435 |Toys | | |009100 |Uniform Patch |$1.95 | |

| | | | |009155 |Child Neckerchief Only |$4.95 | |

|Catalog |Description |Price |Qty | |009156 |Adult Neckerchief Only |$6.50 | |

|Eager Beaver Accessories | | |009105 |Slide (Cloth) |$1.95 | |

|001380 |Program |$29.95 | | |009125 |Puzzle Patch |$2.95* | |

|001390 |Activity Book |$2.95 | | |009250 |Star Set of 13 |$10.95 | |

|001370 |Record Chart |$1.00 | | | | | |

|001503 |Chip Poster |$1.00 | | | | | |

|002905 |Pin |$2.95 | | | | | |

|004200 |Uniform Patch |$1.95 | | | | | |

|003762 |Child Neckerchief Only |$4.95 | | | | | |

|003764 |Adult Neckerchief Only |$6.50 | | | | | |

|004205 |Slide (Cloth) |$1.95 | | | | | |

|004490 |Chip Set of 23 |$18.95 | | | | | |


Northeastern Youth Ministries


Adventurer Order Form

All Orders Must be in the 10th of the Month to be received by the End of the Month

Total: ______________

Please note there is a shipping charge. Please confirm shipping fee from the Youth Department Secretary before apply total cost

Payment Made By:

□Church Check □Money Order □Cash □Credit Card □Personal Check


Credit Card: θ Discover θ Visa θ Master Card θ American Express

With a 3% additional charge if credit card is used

Credit Card No.______________________________________________________________

Exp. Date: _____________________ CID:________________ Zip:____________________


Name on Card:_______________________________________________________________

Card Holder Signature: ______________________________________________________


Northeastern Conference Youth Ministries

Cheryll Wilson

115-50 Merrick Blvd.

Jamaica, NY 11434


718-291-8006 ext. 2244



Phone #:______________________________




Area Coordinator Approval Signature: _____________________________________

For Shipping Only

Please Print Clearly

Shipping Address:______________________________________________

City__________________________ State:__________ Zip Code:_________


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