Penalties and Sentences Act 1992 - Form 35 Community ...

FILE NO Form 35QUEENSLANDPENALTIES AND SENTENCES ACT 1992Sections 101, 108B and 109COMMUNITY SERVICE ORDERCourt:<input>Place:<input>Offender:<input>Date of birth:<input>Address:<input>On <date> the offender was convicted of the offence(s):File No.Charge No.SectionAct/LegislationOffenceDate of OffencePlace of OffenceTHE COURT ORDERED that the offender be required to perform <input> hours of unpaid community service within a period of <input>.THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS COMMUNITY SERVICE ORDER ARE:Section 103The offender -must not commit another offence during the period of the order; must report within <input> business days to an authorised corrective services officer at the Probation and Parole Office at <place>; must report to, and receive visits from, an authorised corrective services officer as directed by the officer;must perform in a satisfactory way community service directed by an authorised corrective services officer:- for the number of hours stated in this order; andat the times directed by the officer; must notify an authorised corrective services officer of every change of the offender’s place of residence or employment within 2 business days after the change happens; must not leave or stay out of Queensland without the permission of an authorised corrective services officer; must comply with every reasonable direction of an authorised corrective services officer.Conviction(s):*recorded / *not recordedProper Officer of the CourtPlace:<input>Date:<input>*delete where applicable ................

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