Cyngor Cymuned Llanegwad Community Council

Cyngor Cymuned Llanegwad Community Council.

Minutes of the meeting of Llanegwad Community Council held via Zoom on Monday 12TH October 2020, with Chairman Iwan Griffiths presiding.

Present. Iwan Griffiths, Hugh Harries, Clive Pugh, Diane Evans, Elizabeth Tremlett, Elfryn Daniels, Keith Thomas, Gary Thomas and Mansel Charles. Gaynor Davies (Clerk)

01/20 Apologies: John James, Dai James , Alun Thomas.

Chairman’s Welcome

The Chairman welcomed all present to the October 2020 meeting of Llanegwad Community Council.

02/20 Declaration of Interest:

None were made at this point

03/20 Previous Minutes. The minutes of the meeting held on the 28th of September 2020 having been previously distributed were proposed and seconded as being a true reflection of the meeting and will be signed by the Chairman.

04/20 To discuss matters arising from the minutes.

114/19/2 – Planning application PL/00164 Following a discussion Councillors asked the clerk to write to CCC planning expressing our concerns over this application.

It could impact on the visibility of the highway for drivers and pedestrians as the building could be very close to the highway.

I would be better placed if a bungalow was built ,as this would have less impact on neighbouring properties, but the area of land is small.

115/19 – Riverbed at Pontargothi - Councillors were please to see that AM Adam Price has contacted NRW and SWTRA to encourage continued discussion to move forward with this issue, as it appears that they have been at a loggerhead.

117/19/02 – Dog fouling in Pontargothi - there are still instances of dog fouling along Heol y Deri taking place, a recent instance was where bags were left hanging at the entrance of the Holy Trinity Church.

115/19/1 - Heol y Deri, Pontargothi – Overgrown vegetation has been cut back.

05/20 Correspondence

No items were read

06/20 Planning

1) Pre – Consultation – Land off Station Road, Nantgaredig. Councillors asked that the clerk writes to express our concerns with this pre consultation . It was noted that this is within the CCC LDP, however Councillors feel that tis number of properties would have a negative impact on the area.

2) Pl/00464 – Prior Notification – Building forestry – Wooden clad barn for the purpose of the use and storage of timber extraction and processing equipment . Forestry at Allt yr Ystrad , Brechfa.

Councillors agreed to support the following application.

3) PL/00078 – New Dwelling – Full Planning – Land adjacent to Ty Howell, Llanegwad. SA32 7NJ.

Datblygiad Arfaethedig / Proposed Development

Tref a Chymuned / Town and Comm

Planning applications decided during the last month :


07/20 Highways


1) We have received notification of the commencement of the consultation period prior to the introduction of the new 40mph near to Penllwynau, Nantgaredig.

08/20 Finance

1) It was agreed to make donations totaling £1400 , to the following groups. Further donations will be made later in the year.

£200 donation to each of the following 5 groups

Cylch Meithrin, Cwrt Henri , Cylch Meithrin Nantgaredig a’r Fro Y Ganolfan Felingwm, Yr Ystafell Ddarllen , Cwrt Henri. Llofwr

£100 donation to each of the following 4 groups.

Air Ambulance Wales Children’s appeal, Tenovus Cancer Care, Cancer Information Support Services . CFFI / YFC County Level

09/20 other matters of relevance to Councillors.

1) There are depressions in the road near to Eisteddfa, following work by a utility company.

2) Request for the pavement to be cleaned from Pontargothi to Nantgaredig.

3) Blocked culvert at Preswylfa, Llanfynydd ( near Rhandir )

10/20 with no further matters to discuss the meeting closed at 8:20 pm. The next meeting will be held via Zoom , on Monday 9 th of November 2020 to commence at 7:30 pm

Signed ……………………………….

Date ………………………………...


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