Community Unit Grade 3 Created by: Julie Hamm - Manchester University

Community Unit Grade 3

Created by: Julie Hamm


Julie Hamm EDUC 327

Heather Schilling Goals/Ojectives/Rationale


3rd Grade Social Studies Unit: COMMUNITY

Goals: - Students will understand the importance of local government services within their community, know where they are located, and learn more about each service.

- Students will understand characteristics of good citizens.

Indiana State Standards (Social Studies): - 3.2.1 Discuss the reasons governments are needed and identify specific goods and services that governments provide.

- 3.2.5 Explain the importance of being a good citizen of the state and the nation. Identify people in the state who exhibit the characteristics of good citizenship.

Objectives: - Students will be able to identify specific services governments provide.

- Students will understand the importance of having a government.

- Students will explain the importance of being a good citizen of both the state and the nation.

- Students will identify characteristics of good citizens.

- Students will be able to define and recognize different communities.

- Students will be able to nominate each other to the principal for being good citizens.

Rationale for Teaching This Unit: Students need to understand this information because they are currently students in a variety of

communities and need to understand what is or will be expected of them. Also, students need to know the location of services within their community in case they are in danger and need help. The services need to be defined for the students so that they know and understand who can help them if situations arise. It is also never too early for students to be exposed to trades they can perform when they are older.


Community Pre/Post Assessment Name ____________________________________

1. True or False Good citizens help their neighbors.

2. True or False A citizen is only a member of the baseball team.

3. True or False Good citizens vote.

4. True or False I am a part of many different communities.

5. List 3 characteristics of a good citizen.


Community Pre/Post Assessment

Answer Key

1. True 2. False 3. True 4. True 5. Answers should include traits such as:

- Honest - Caring - Helpful - Respectful - If the answer makes sense and is something we have

talked about



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