National Honor Society: Individual Community Service Log

Hendrickson High School

National Honor Society

Community Service Log

General Guidelines: In accordance with the mission of the National Honor Society, members are expected to participate in a variety of community service projects on campus and in the Pflugerville/Central Texas community.  Students are required to report eight hours of approved individual service hours and two hours of a group service project each semester.  A representative or coordinator of the volunteer activity must sign a statement verifying participation.  Members are responsible for ensuring their own hours are documented and submitted in a timely manner.  If you have any questions about volunteer opportunities, you can always speak to Mr. Martindale, Mrs. Lucas, or your service coordinator.

Personal Interests: Your community service work should reflect your personal interests or skills. Choose something that you believe is worthwhile.

Service Possibilities: If you are not currently committed to volunteering at a specific location, you have a number of possibilities. Some ideas are presented here. If you have any questions about volunteer opportunities, you can always speak to Mr. Martindale, Mrs. Lucas, or your service coordinator.

▪ Babysitting for the PTO meetings

▪ Alex’s Lemonade Stand

▪ The Pflugerville Heritage House

▪ Windermere Reading Program

▪ The Big Event

▪ Austin Human Society

▪ Pflugerville Animal Shelter

▪ Capital Area Food Bank

▪ Red Cross of Central Texas

▪ Dell Children’s Medical Center

▪ Seton Healthcare

▪ St. David’s Hospital

▪ Austin Habitat for Humanity

Deadline: Volunteer hours for the fall semester should be turned in before mid-terms, and all hours must be completed by May 5.

Directions: Please document your community service hours below. In order to fulfill the service expectations for the Hendrickson chapter of NHS, you must complete at least ten hours of unpaid, volunteer work each semester. Please have an adult supervisor sign off to verify your participation in each community service endeavor that you undertake.

|Date |Time |# of Hours |Location |Description |Volunteer Coordinator |

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By signing below, I am stating that I completed the volunteer hours as described above, and that this record of service hours is a true, accurate, and honest expression of the time I donated to help this organization / activity.

Printed Name ____________________________________________________ Grade Academic School Year _______

Student Signature _________________________________________________________________________ Date _____________

Hendrickson High School

NHS Community Service Log

|Date |Time |# of Hours |Location |Description |Volunteer Coordinator |

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By signing below, I am stating that I completed the volunteer hours as described above, and that this record of service hours is a true, accurate, and honest expression of the time I donated to help this organization / activity.

Student Signature _________________________________________________________________________ Date _____________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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