Community Service Hours Form - Microsoft

Community Service Hours Form

Each Activity must have signature to verify your participation in the activity. Activities you get paid for or a grade, chores at home, church activities such as choir, playing in the band or teaching a class during a church service, are not counted. Mission trips, VBS and community outreach projects from your church will count. Remember this is a volunteer service to the community, helping meet needs of those who cannot help themselves. Each activity must be properly documented below. Please add the total of all your hours at the

bottom of this page. Name: ___________________________

High School: ______________________

Grade Date of Service

Service/Project Completed

Recipient of Service/Project

(Group, Individual)



Recipients Signature


TOTAL # of completed hours:

* The Tennessee Virginia Scholars program requires that each member performs a total 80 hours of community service by their senior year. Please record your volunteer hours on this form and submit to the counseling office no later than March 1st of your senior year. A student will not be recognized as a Tennessee Virginia Scholar if he/she has not completed this requirement and submitted documentation by this deadline.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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