
157480000DIRETORIA DE ENSINO REGI?O DE RIBEIR?O PRETOEE JARDIM DAS ROSAS Rua Joaquim dos Santos, 890 – Bairro: Jd das RosasFone (16) 3987.1509 – Serrana, SP. CEP:14.150-000ANO LETIVO 2020 – 2? BIMESTRE Aluno(a):__________________________________________________________?466661511049000Turma 3? ano C – Língua Inglesa Olá, meus queridos alunos! Desejo que TODOS estejam bem!Daqui a “pouquinho”, tudo vai passar e nós vamos estar todos juntinhos novamente!Saudade da ALEGRIA de vocês!Até breve...Prof? Bárbara. Segue algumas informa??es que v?o ajuda-los, ok! -50863523749000ORIENTA??ES - (Como fazer...)Assistir as vídeo aulas no aplicativo do Centro de mídias. (As datas e horários das aulas de Língua Portuguesa postarei no grupo do whatsapp, ok! Fiquem atentos) Para quem ainda n?o fez o SLAM, por favor, estou esperando até o dia 05/07/2020. (lembrando que essa atividade servirá tanto para a disciplina de Inglês e também sociologia, ok!)4615815-40767000Fa?am os exercícios abaixo para refor?ar as técnicas de leitura aprendidas!Bons estudos!Abra?o “gigante”!Teacher Bárbara.OBSERVA??O: Fa?am tudo no caderno de Língua Inglesa e tire foto da tarefa ou se preferirem, também poderá fazer nesse próprio documento (em vers?o digital) ok! Vamos lá, você consegue! Confio em você! Entrega até o dia 05/07/2020Enviar a atividade para o meu e-mail: barbararocha@prof.educacao..brright1143000WHAT IS CYBERBULLYING? It is currently reported that up to 69% of young people experience cyberbullying before the age of 18... but what is it and who does it affect? Cyberbullying is defined as “the use of digital technologies with an intent to offend, humiliate, threaten or abuse somebody.”It can include anything offensive that is directed at you on an electronic form of communication. This includes via text, email, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp and online.Anybody can become a receiver of cyberbullying, no matter how old they are or the kind of job they occupy. In fact, it is well documented that a lot of celebrities also experience cyberbullying. The most important thing is knowing how to deal with it by considering how serious the cyberbullying is. Ifit is light name-calling (that is, receiving insults) from somebody that is unknown, it may be easier to just block that user.However, if the experience comes from somebody you go to school or college with, you should report it to a teacher, an adult or contact the police as soon as you can. It is also advisable to keep social media privacy settings high and not get together with anybody unknown offline.People may not always be who they say they are and you could be putting yourself and those that you care about most in real danger. Additionally, taking a screenshot of anything that could be considered cyberbullying and keeping a record on the computer might be helpful. However, you should never respond to anything that has been said or get revenge by doing the same thing back. Posting something humiliating in revenge may make matters worse or even get you into trouble.Fonte: no texto todas as palavras cognatas ( parecidas com o português)1) Leia o texto e responda em português: What is the main subject? (Qual é o assunto principal?)____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2) Cyberbullying is experienced by: (Assinale com um X a alternativa correta)(a) more than 69% of 18 year-old people.(b) less than 70% of young people after 18.(c) 69% of people under 18 years of age.(d) more than 69% of celebrities before they are 18.3) Saving and conserving evidence of offensive comments... (Assinale com um X a alternativa correta)(a) may help set a new world record in the fight against cyberbullying.(b) should be done outside your computer.(c) may put your family in danger.(d) could be useful.4) Marque T para True (Verdadeiro) ou F para False (falso)( ) Cyberbullying takes place when bullies hit other children in school playgrounds and classrooms.( ) When the bully is someone in your daily environment, it is advisable to wait for a while before reporting it.( ) Meeting with unknown people offline may put your family at serious risk.( ) The text advises against answering back any cyberbullying act in a confrontational way.5) Responda em Inglês, com partes do texto:a) Como é definido Cyberbullying de acordo com o texto?b) Em quais formas de comunica??o pode-se praticar o Cyberbullying ?c) Quem pode se tornar alvo de Cyberbullying ?d) O que você deve fazer se alguém do seu convívio escolar praticar cyberbullying ?e) Você deve responder ao cyberbullying ou postar algo em vingan?a ao que postaram sobre você? Por quê? I miss you!Teacher Bárbara ................

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