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Ethics Paper

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Ethics Paper

Organizations nationwide conduct daily business based upon principles and values that govern the decisions and actions of a company (L. Trevino and K. Nelson, K.

Wiley, 2007). Business ethics is the behavior that an organization conducts on a daily basis both towards organizational personnel and customers. Businesses worldwide struggle to adhere to these business ethics on a daily basis, but ethical issues still arise. Ethical issues such as layoffs, discrimination, and sexual harassment are just some of the issues companies are faced with everyday.

Downsizing or layoffs is one ethical issue that companies are faced with today in this struggling economy. The oilfield industry is now facing downsizing all along the Gulf Coast. Major companies such as Halliburton laid off 300 employees in a Louisiana location in March of 2009. Baker Hughes Drilling Fluids Division laid off a staggering 1500 employee in the North American Region in the month of February 2009 as well (Cole, 2009). Layoffs can occur for many reasons such as mergers, relocations or economic reasons as is such with the recent layoffs in the oilfield industry.

Discrimination may occur when something other than an individual’s qualifications affect how a person is treated (L. Trevino and K. Nelson, K. Wiley, 2007). Race, ethnicity, religion or sexual stereotypes are just some examples of discriminations that may be displayed in the workplace. An example of discrimination in the workplace was realized on August 25, 2008 when a judge awarded $411,339 to an AT&T employee after evidence showed that race was the main factor for the constant denial to promote the employee. The case goes on to indicate the hostile work environment that was created for the employee after the complaint was made. Discrimination like this is not uncommon and should not be taken lightly (Williams, 2009).

Sexual harassment in the workplace is another ethical issue that should not be tolerated. One type of sexual harassment is called quid pro quo “something for something.” For example, a supervisor promises an employee a promotion if that employee goes on a date with him or her. In this example, of sexual harassment sexual favors are the requirement for advancement in the workplace. Another type of harassment is hostile work environment. In this type of harassment an employee is made to feel uncomfortable in the work environment because of unwelcomed actions or comments relating to sexuality ((L. Trevino and K. Nelson, K.

Wiley, 2007).

An organization can maintain business ethics with a code of conduct. A business code of conduct and ethics is a written document with standards relating to an organization’s values. The code of conduct is used to promote honesty, fairness, compliance, and accountability. Establishing corporate values such as integrity, high standards, performance, and responsibility are just some factors businesses need to maintain a healthy business ethics environment. By a company living up to the image and reputation of the company can lead to positive thinking and positive results. Although some ethical issues such as layoffs may sometimes be unavoidable, others such as discrimination and harassment can be prevented (L. Trevino and K. Nelson, K.

Wiley, 2007).


Cole, H (2009). Layoffs in Acadiana. Retrieved March 16, 2009, from

L. Trevino and K. Nelson, K. Wiley, (2007). Managing Business Ethics: Straight Talk About How To Do It Right (4th ed.) Hoboken, NJ.

Williams, T (2009). AT&T loses Racial Discrimination Case. Retrieved March 16, 2009, from


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