Financial reporting for companies listed on the Oslo Stock ...

Financial reporting for companies listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange

Listed companies have extensive periodic reporting requirements.

2 PwC


1 Introduction


2 Annual report


3 Half-yearly financial report


4 Quarterly financial report


5 More on "home member state" and third country issuers


6 European Union minimum requirements for periodic financial reporting

? the Transparency Directive


7 Submitting periodic reporting to the Oslo Stock Exchange and

the Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway


8 Proposal from EU


9 Examples of responsibility statements


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1 Introduction

Being listed on Oslo B?rs or Oslo Axess (together the "Oslo Stock Exchange") comes with requirements to report financial information on a regular basis. A company applying for listing on the Oslo Stock Exchange needs to determine whether Norway ? or any other country in the EU or European Economic Area (EEA) ? is its "home member state". Reporting requirements differ among the EU/EEA member states. All companies listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange must have a home state of either Norway or any of the other member states in the EU-/EEA. In section 5 you will find more information on "home member state". This publication also addresses briefly the minimum requirements of the EU Transparency Directive which is relevant for companies listed in the EU.

This publication provides an overview of the most important periodic financial reporting requirements for listed companies that have Norway as their home member state.

For companies with Norway as their home member state, the following periodic reporting is required to be released to the markets: ? Annual report ? Half-yearly financial report ? Quarterly financial reports (1st, 3rd and 4th quarters) The following section focuses on the periodic financial reporting requirements for companies with listed shares, and not companies with only listed bonds.

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An issuer must submit an annual report 4 months after the year end and a quarterly report 2 months after the end of the quarter.

Summary of periodic financial reporting requirements

The company shall ensure that these reports remain publicly available for at least five years. The audit requirements, requirement for responsibility statements and deadlines for the various financial reports are as follows:

Annual report


4 months after year end

Audit requirement


Responsibility Statement


Half-yearly report

2 months after quarter end



Quarterly reports

2 months after quarter end



(Q1, Q3 and Q4)

The Financial Supervisory Authority in Norway (Finanstilsynet) supervises that the home state issuers file these reports within the relevant deadlines and may sanction late reporting.

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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