Office of the Commandant - The Citadel | The Military ...

Office of the Commandant

The Citadel, Charleston, SC

XX XXX 2014

Operations Order XXX-X

Commandant’s Operations Order: Leadership Training Program Evolution

1. SITUATION: On Tuesday, _____________ from 1100-1150, all SCCC cadets will conduct Leadership Training Program events that directly support Citadel Training Manual and four-year leader development learning outcomes. Training will be conducted with squad-level integrity.

2. MISSION: On _______________, the Corps will execute drill and ceremonies training and assessment as squads. Squad leaders will improve the drill and ceremonies skills outlined in paragraph 3 of this order for all assigned members of the squad. Squad leaders will advance their proficiency as trainers and begin to develop the ability to lead the squad during drill and ceremonies. Squad leaders will demonstrate the level of squad proficiency to company leaders at the conclusion of the training evolution. All leaders, trainers, and trainees will complete their duties in a manner which fully complies with prescribed rules and regulations, demonstrates Citadel Core Values, and remains consistent with CTM principles.


a. Concept of the Operation

1) At 1100, Personnel will assemble in the barracks using standard company formation procedures.

2) At 1100, Cadet Command Team disseminates amplifying or modifying guidance as required.

3) NLT 1105, two companies (three companies in 2 Battalion) move from barracks to Summerall Field to conduct training. Two companies remain in place in barracks for training.

4) After arriving at designated training location, command teams will direct squad leaders to take charge of respective squads for training.

5) In order to prepare for end-of-training assessment, squad leaders will train and practice to specific drill and ceremonies skills in the following areas: forming the unit; facing movements; marching as a squad.

6) All training, to include the end-of-training assessment, will be conducted with squad integrity. All cadets will participate in squad-level training. Amplifying guidance in paragraph 3d.

7) NLT 1140, squad leaders will reform to designated area in the training location for assessment.

8) For the assessment, squad leaders will execute the sequence at Annex A.

9) All 8-12 squad assessments will be conducted simultaneously. Assessments will be conducted by command team-designated graders. Amplifying guidance in paragraph 3d.

10) NLT 1150, Cadet Company Commanders reform the unit, return to barracks as necessary, and dismiss cadets to prepare for noon meal formation NLT 1155.

11) Cadet Company Commander conducts brief after-action with key leaders to gather feedback and provides top-level recommendations to Company TAC.

b. Training Objectives. In addition to overarching training objective, as detailed in the paragraph 2 above, cadets are to achieve their respective training objectives below.

1) First class cadets:

a. Cadet Company Commander will set command climate that embraces training.

b. XO and PLs will oversee proper execution of training IAW this order, rules and regulations, core values, and CTM.

c. All will practice drill and ceremonies as part of a squad IAW this order, rules and regulations, core values, and CTM.

2) Second class cadets:

a. 1SGs and PSGs will support – and assist where necessary – squad leader conduct of drill and ceremony training.

b. Squad leaders will conduct prescribed training IAW this order, rules and regulations, core values, and CTM.

c. All will practice drill and ceremonies as part of a squad IAW this order, rules and regulations, core values, and CTM.

3) Third class cadets:

a. Team leaders – under supervision – support squad leader conduct of drill and ceremony training.

b. All will practice drill and ceremonies as part of a squad IAW this order, rules and regulations, core values, and CTM.

4) Fourth class cadets will practice drill and ceremonies as part of a squad IAW this order, rules and regulations, core values, and CTM.

c. Training Documentation.

1) 1SGs will take accountability for training and provide documentation to Cadet Company Commander and Company TAC.

2) Company TACs will document training via LTP Attendance System.

d. Cadet Command Team.

1) Battalion Commanders will ensure company training locations are assigned and deconflicted.

2) Cadet Company Command Team will ensure the following actions are completed NLT the day prior to training.

a. Graders for final assessment are identified (e.g., CDR, XO, PLs, PSGs, Drill Master).

b. All non-aligned personnel are integrated into squads for training. Graders and staff platoon personnel will participate in drill practice at the squad level.

c. Cadet chain of command from CDR to the Squad Sergeant is provided the drill and ceremonies “sequence card” at Annex A, which will be used for the end-of-training assessment.

d. Coordination with Company TAC.

e. Battalion and Company TACs.

1) Battalion TACs ensure all Company TACs have prepared respective units for execution of this order.

2) Company TACs ensure Cadet Company Commanders have prepared units for execution of this order.

3) Company TACs oversee execution of this order by cadet command team.

4) Battalion and Company TACs provide any recommended adjustments to training evolution to the Assistant Commandant for Leadership Programs.

f. Assistant Commandant for Leadership Programs.

1) Provide clarifying guidance with respect to this order.

2) Monitor training evolution.

3) Collect and analyze after-action items provided by Company TACs.

4) Recommend to Commandant necessary adjustments to training process, as necessary.


a. Facilities/Location. Barracks and/or Summerall Field, as designated by Battalion Commanders.

b. Inclement Weather. Conduct training on barracks galleries, as necessary.


a. Command: Cadet chain of command will prepare for their respective units for training and command the operation during execution.

b. Signal: N/A.



Colonel, USAF (Ret)

Assistant Commandant for Leadership Programs


President’s Office

Corps of Cadets

Commandant’s Department

Krause Center for Leadership and Ethics



Form the Unit

• Fall In

• Dress right dress (or at the close interval, dress right dress)

• Ready front

Facing Movements

• Left Face

• About Face


• Forward Arch

• Half Step

• Forward Arch

• Column left

• Forward March

• Column right

• Forward March

• To the Rear March

• Column Left

• Forward March

• Column Right

• Forward March

• Change Step

• Halt

• Right Face


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