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Running Head: BUSINESS ETHICSBusiness Ethics[Name of Writer][Name of the Institution]IntroductionBusiness Ethics is referred as the consideration of ethical values while developing business policies, regulations, and potentially, in which controversial matters are properly included like corporate governance, corporate social responsibilities, discriminations, and other relative issues (Ferrelland, 2015). With the occurrence of discrimination in the company, there also occur another crucial matter that raises various concerns of inequality among gender, i.e. Gender pay gap. However, this essay aims to discuss the gender pay gap in Primark UK Company to evaluate the business values of the company in the context of gender equality. Moreover, this essay will also provide the As per the study of Emmott (2016), gender pay gap reporting assists in modifying certain organisational policies to improve the situation of gender pay gap in the companies that lacks such societal and ethical values. Ethical issuesThe Gender pay gap 2019 report of Primark Company shows quite impressive outcome, as it does not have any sort of gap between the hourly wage of men and women. Nevertheless, the report have also shows certain gender discrimination by majorly providing job opportunities to women, due to which men in the company are lagging behind (Gender Pay Gap Service – UK, 2020). The report shows a large gap between the numbers of jobs between both the genders in different level of job roles, in which women have been given more opportunities as compares to men. There are approximate 75% of women hired in the Primark Company, while 25% appointed labour is men. However, the report shows disappointing outcome in the context of bonus provision, in which men are provided more bonuses as compared to women in the company.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1: Hourly wages gap (Gender Pay Gap Service – UK, 2020)Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 2: Bonus pay gap (Gender Pay Gap Service – UK, 2020)Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 3: gender proportion in each quarter (Gender Pay Gap Service – UK, 2020)Thus, as per the gender pay statistics of the Primark Company, following ethical issues are drawn from the report:Reward/BonusBoth gender receive different level of performance bonus, with men receiving more bonuses and rewards from the company. Losing Workforce ThreatAs the company have larger number of women workforce in the company, which tends to raise concern for men not getting enough opportunity in the Primark. Role of business in societyThe main role of the businesses to produce their goods and services, and present them to their targeted audience to satisfy their needs. As per the study of Wood& Logsdon, (2017), business practices including corporate social responsibility or anti-discrimination regulations in the policies of the company helps in participating in the initiative that benefits society. The goal of a business should not include the benefits and interest of their shareholders, but it should also include the benefits of employees, protection of environment, and considerations of ethical values. In addition to this, businesses play a great role in setting a mind-set among society, i.e. every action taken by them is directly reflected in the actions, behaviour, and attitude of people. Thus, business, and other organisations should develop their policies and regulations in such a manner that does not violate any ethical values while considering the rights and privileges of all age group, gender, race, and religion (Dierksmeier, 2015). As the report primarily focuses on the gender pay gap, it is also necessary to for the business to play their part by reducing such gender based pay gap among employees in the company to promote fairness and equality in workforce and customers. Primark Company has also adopted the strategy of integrating fairness and equality in their workplace by providing equal hourly based wages to both genders in the company. However, company still lacks in maintaining the gap in the hiring of employees, as it has been evaluated that the company provides more job opportunities to women while there are only 25% men hired in the Primark (Donaldson& Walsh, 2015). This unequal hiring in the company discourages men in gaining an appropriate position in the company due to lack of opportunities for them. However, while the company provides more opportunities for women, it also lacks in maintaining the equal reward provision in the workplace by providing more bonuses and incentive for men. This practice of the company conveys the message of inequality in the society including its customers and employees. For making a good position in the society, every individual company consider basic ethical and societal values that promote positivity and harmony among people (Wood& Logsdon, 2017). Stakeholders Stakeholder is the entity associated with the company, which gains or loses benefit from its business activities and practices (Jones et al., 2017). However, the stakeholder of the Primary Company that are mostly affected by its practices of gender pay gap are as follows:EmployeesUnequal distribution of wages among the workforce in the company can decrease the motivation and morale level of women employees in the company, due to which productivity of the company can be negatively affected. Similarly, less number of opportunities regarding job for men in the company will also increase the threat of job security for them. GovernmentGovernment is also one of the leading stakeholder of every company in the country, as every decision, action, and practice maintained by the company is reflected and monitored by the company. Thus, Primark’s practices of gender pay gap is also monitored by the government, and publish a report of statistics on the company’s regulation of gender pay gap. Job candidatesEqual pay and opportunities directly influence the number of applicants attracted to work in the company, as it has been reported by the study of Trevino& Nelson, (2016) that every applicant in the UK strategizes to check the ethical consideration report of the company before planning to join the workplace. Thus, amount of job seeking people for Primark Company is also affected by the gender pay gap report, as the company usually prefers women candidate in the workplace. InvestorsIt is understood that most of the investors refrain from investing in the company that lacks in practicing equal and fair practices among the workforce. Thus, investors are also influenced by the regulations of the company regarding gender pay gap. Therefore, investment of the Primark Company also has the potential risk to lose their investors if they will not be able to maintain equal opportunities and bonuses among both genders. CustomersCustomers are the most important asset for the company, which is the main source of profit for the business. As per the study of Krishna& Kim (2020), nowadays, customers tend to boycott those brands and companies, which do not provide equal rights and privileges to both gender. Therefore, profit of Primark can also be affected by the perception of customer towards its regulations. Good and bad ethics exampleAs per the report of Financial Times,(2019), only 1421 companies out of 9537 companies located in the premises of UK that pay women more than the men, whereas, there are 9537 UK-based companies paying men more. Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 4: Gender Pay Gap (Financial Times, 2019)Good Example: DFDS LogisticsAs per the report of BBC News, (2019), DFDS Logistics Company is among those companies that have improved their gender pay gap in 2019 by providing almost equal pay to both the gender. However, their pay is still not equal for both gender, but the situation is far better than various companies in UK. Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 5: DFDS Gender pay gap (Gender Pay Gap Services - UK, 2019)Bad Example: HSBS Bank PLCHSBS Bank is categorised among the worst bank in the UK with the discriminatory attitude in the workplace. As per Gender Pay Gap Services – UK, (2020), the mean hourly wages of women in the company is 55.1% lower than the mean of men, which is actually the large gender pay gap among companies. Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 6: HSBS Bank PLC (Gender Pay Gap Services - UK, 2019)RecommendationsOn the basis of issues and arguments discussed above in this report, there are certain recommendations for Primark Company to further reduce their gender pay gap in the workplace. Primark Company should strategized to hire and appoint equal number of gender in the company, as the company currently have only 25% of men labour in the workplace. In addition to this, the company should also improve their reward management system, in which employees should be given rewards, bonuses, and incentives based on their performance and productivity and irrespective of gender, race and religion. ConclusionIn a nutshell, there has been briefly discussed about the gender pay gap regulation in the Primark Company. This report concludes the requirement of maintaining effective recruitment and selection system and reward management system in the Primark to reduce the gender pay gap. ReferencesBBC News. (2019). Fewer Than Half Of Firms Narrow Pay Gap. [online] Available at: <; [Accessed 27 March 2020].Dierksmeier, C. (2015). Human dignity and the business of business. Human Systems Management, 34(1), 33-42.Donaldson, T., & Walsh, J. P. (2015). Toward a theory of business. Research in Organizational Behavior, 35, 181-207.Emmott, M. (2016). CIPD. In Encyclopedia of Human Resource Management. Edward Elgar Publishing LimitedFinancial Times. (2019). Gender Pay Reporting: Does It Make A Difference?. [Online] Available at: <; [Accessed 27 March 2020].Gender Pay Gap Service - UK. (2020). PRIMARK STORES LIMITED Gender Pay Gap Data For 2019-20 Reporting Year - GOV.UK. [online] Available at: <; [Accessed 27 March 2020].Gender Pay Gap Services - UK. (2019). DFDS LOGISTICS LIMITED Gender Pay Gap Data For 2018-19 Reporting Year - GOV.UK. [Online] Available at: <; [Accessed 27 March 2020].Gender Pay Gap Services - UK. (2020). HSBC Bank PLC Gender Pay Gap Data For 2019-20 Reporting Year - GOV.UK. [Online] Available at: <; [Accessed 27 March 2020].Jones, T. M., Wicks, A. C., & Freeman, R. E. (2017). Stakeholder theory: The state of the art. The Blackwell guide to business ethics, 17-37.Krishna, A., & Kim, S. (2020). Exploring customers’ situational and word-of-mouth motivations in corporate misconduct. Public Relations Review, 101892.Trevino, L. K., & Nelson, K. A. (2016). Managing business ethics: Straight talk about how to do it right. John Wiley & Sons.Wood, D. J., & Logsdon, J. M. (2017). Theorising business citizenship. In Perspectives on corporate citizenship (pp. 83-103). Routledge. ................

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