How to describe company culture examples


How to describe company culture examples

On November 17, 2020, 6 Minutes self-read the opinions expressed by entrepreneurial contributors. One of the biggest changes to come out of this global health crisis is the need for companies across Europe to take a hard look at the company's culture. With a team working partly or completely remotely, founders and leaders have a responsibility to re-imagine what company culture means and how to achieve it. The same is true for EQT Ventures. We've been thinking and thinking a lot about the company culture. Like many founders, we are under pressure to grow our company in an epidemic and to grow a company that is completely far away in six cities and different time zones. In the process, we did a lot wrong and learned a lot. One of the things we were right about was focusing the first part of the Covid-19 lockout on talking, agreeing, and recording through our own very specific principles of working, communicating, making decisions, and dominating our broader mission. We are investing not only to make money, but also to make a positive difference to society. We've also re-established the types of people you want to work with colleagues, founders, and even LPs, and put in place a framework for making decisions. One of the things we did wrong was underestimate how difficult it is to work together when small teams can't come together, and the importance of relationships and real contact with team dynamics. In the early days of lockdown, everyone was incredibly productive, enjoying spending more time with your family without commuting. Over time, historical relationship memories and trust began to wear off and the lack of real, personal connections began to have a greater impact, especially as we onboarded new team members who had never met a face-to-face person. It's more difficult to throw in a time zone that makes intense work environments and concurrency overlap difficult. And we were definitely disconnected as a team because of it. Nevertheless, we have learned important lessons and made a series of moves to accelerate what we have wanted to do for a while, but we have not had the courage to do so far, and in the long run we will be better off. We reflected our founders and company in many ways, accelerating our transformation over a six-year period in just six months. Our transformation was cultural change, not digital. Culture as a strategic business pillar A good corporate culture can often seem difficult to explain. It's the intangible assets every business wants, but few assets can be confident in what it means. The actions and attitudes of businesses and employees are empowering. It involves ethics and values, as well as decision-making, leadership and communication styles, and should be framed into the very structure of the organization. As a founder, in my early startup years, I wrongly thought about how culture was how we had fun: table football, free. And a flat management structure. But it is not. Culture is all about the way we work together. As a result, founders need to see culture as a strategic business pillar, so it's important to get it right from day one. Setting the right tone is not something you'll see as a bolt later when your company extends beyond its original team. It should run smoothly through the business, reflecting on the way it operates. Every decision a business makes must be key. What is entirely clear is that long before the corporate culture, long before the clutches of the coronavirus were divided into location and mobility, modern workplaces could make or break teams with constant transitions. The importance of adding a global epidemic to the mix and getting it right should be a non-negotiation for the founders. Without a clearly defined spirit to withstand the challenges of working remotely with the challenges of this new business environment, your business won't succeed, even if your ideas are innovative and cash is readily available. Ultimately, the company is as good as its value. The strengths of the business culture that adapted to covid-19 and turned it into remote work were in the limelight and tested by Covid-19. Is it strong enough to withstand remote operations? How does culture work without physically working closely together? To improve team bonding while the team is working remotely, startups and scale-ups are using video conferencing software to host virtual quiz nights and after-work drinks. This helped the team maintain a sense of community despite their physical distance. But it's not all about privilege. Trust has become a much more important aspect of culture at work, as without the close connection of office. Managers can't have an eye on what everyone is doing. The founders believe the team is completing the task and it is important to avoid micromano management. Constantly checking in and creating a feeling of anger and disbelief is overbearing, and none of it helps foster a positive corporate culture. Trust and cohesive decision-making, driven by a common framework for strong communication, transparency, data and decision-making, are at the heart of every successful culture. Top entrepreneurs have big thoughts and cultures with them, no matter the market or working environment. Currently, the cultural limitations of all organizations are being tested. It is clear that having a structure of shared value and practices is the key not only to surviving this crisis but to thriving. Employees who fully understand and share the company's mission tend to be more confident and responsive, regardless of where they work, while maintaining better performance. And we've all learned a hard lesson about it. With VC switching to entrepreneurship, I can definitely say that people who invest in companies It will be someone who builds truly great businesses that shine in this crisis and beyond. Now, more than ever, culture is everything. It is widely known that people quit their bosses, not jobs. Usually when your boss is annoyed, the culture sucks too. Part of the problem is the idea that corporate culture is determined at the top and following its path: 59% of employees think CEOs and other top leaders are responsible for a changing culture. 41% feel differently, and I hope we can get that number to 100%. Employees can influence the culture, the company culture can be ambiguous to pin down and define, but in most cases it is the unique behavior, beliefs, attitudes and personalities of the company. It's also a way of communicating with atmosphere, mojo, mission, passion. It's simply about people and people are complicated. It would be nice if companies thought as much about establishing a culture as they would design business strategies and product planning, but the truth is that it doesn't usually happen that way. So what if your boss is a nightmare, the culture is toxic and you're going to start singing, take this thing and push it? Or maybe it's not that bad, but it's getting there. Do you just give up and quit? Well, if you love what you are in, the industry you are in, if you have people you work with or any other reason to have hope, it is likely worth trying to make things better. There are seven things you can try to make a meaningful impact and turn things around:1. owning his role. First, take a good look in the mirror and tell yourself I am part of the problem? In most cases, be honest, be honest, because there are a few things you can change personally. Make a list - maybe longer than you thought! There are a few things to consider: individual attitudes, efforts to make a positive contribution to culture, and how to communicate with others.2. Use your influence to make things better. A true leader in a company doesn't always be your boss. Natural leaders have an example that people want to follow, so if you are, be a good leader! If you understand your vision, use your influence to help others better support your vision. It's amazing what a group can achieve as a co-doctor. It's contagious. Affect your field - and hopefully it will flow from you to your team, department and ultimately the entire company.3. Be open, transparent and fair. I have little patience for petty, counter-world politics and social positions, but it is inevitable that there will be people in the company who act like they are in high school. I'll help them change. Let's be open, transparent and fair, and even if it takes time, people will reciprocate. It's very refreshing when you can say or do what's best for your company, even if it means making mistakes rather than feeling like you need it all the time for CYA.4. Educate and train your boss. Dogs sometimes find their training easy . . . Maybe we can train our bosses. I'm not saying we're dogs, but I know what I mean. To change the culture, you can find a million supporting articles online. Check out HubSpot and Netflix's slideshare or valve employee handbook. It should spark some ideas. Share what you have learned and what you are reading. Maybe help the boss think it's his idea.5. Take measurements. I love measuring things, but measuring culture can be difficult! You may feel it when you enter the office or when you know your colleagues are happy. Less whining or grumbling. Your team can be much more focused and productive. And honestly, everyone will work harder. Yes, we are happiest when we are focused and working hard. If your boss sees this influence, if you have leadership skills, you should jump into the cultural wagon as soon as possible.6. Talk about HR. If anyone needs to know the company's mission and vision, it's HR. Ask questions, learn how HR thinks about culture, and how it's delivered to employees. Sometimes HR is forgotten, and you can be a helpful reminder.7. You have to be patient. Everyone likes easy answers, but a great culture requires great effort and time to get it right. Honestly, it's never perfect, but we should always try to make gradual improvements. There's a reason patience is a virtue. Intentional and intentional behavior working in culture is one of the best things you and your company can do. So don't quit yet. Find out what you can do today, don't bite more than you can see and sit back and watch things get better. Better.

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