Types of company culture examples


Types of company culture examples

September 24, 2019 6 min read Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. By now, you've probably heard of 23andMe, the biotech juggernaut that's revolutionized the DNA-testing industry. Though the company has its fair share of critics, one thing is for sure: 23andMe has experienced tremendous growth, claiming more than 10 million worldwide customers as of this writing. A lesser-known fact is how much its employees love working there. In fact, it was named among Glassdoor's Best Places to Work for 2019. As one employee review stated:"If you love the intersection between science and tech, you won't find anywhere else like 23andMe. People are great to work with, company culture is AMAZING, intelligent but humble, great sense of family and mission between teams, and care of both our customers and our employees."That kind of employee feedback is priceless. It's also not easy to achieve. There's no hack or quick fix for creating company culture. It's something that takes time, thoughtfulness and has to be done organically. And, as any founder can attest, there will be mistakes along the way, but that's part of the process, too.In growing my own company to more than 150 employees, here's what I've learned about fostering an amazing workplace culture.1. Hire for skills, knowledge and attitude.Hiring is a crucial aspect of any company, and as it turns out, not enough companies think carefully about it. And the first step is identifying what you're looking for in candidates. Skills and knowledge are two distinct factors to consider. Skills speak to a potential hire's hands-on capabilities, the kind of thing that you might want to test during the interview process. It's a given that each employee will acquire new skills during their jobs, but it's important to see what they can already do. You'll also get a sneak peek into their working process and problem-solving capabilities. And if they are truly interested in a subject, they will already be able to discuss it intelligently, beyond just the buzzwords.Of course, a potential hire could have amazing skills and an impressive body of knowledge, but without the right attitude, they won't make it to the second interview. In a profile of Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh, the footwear founder shared that his company offers interviewees a ride from the airport to their headquarters. Afterward, they'll follow up with the driver to see if the interviewee was nice, and if not, they won't be hired.It's crucial to have smart, curious, friendly and positive people. They are the substance of your company's culture. And once you establish that culture, you will continue to attract more good people.Related: Is Your Workplace Culture Where It Needs to Be?2. That said, streamline the hiring process as well.Nothing deflates a potential hire's enthusiasm like a long, drawn-out interview process. What's more, you risk losing a great employee if another company swoops in with an attractive offer. Author and HR expert Liz Ryan says companies should share feedback with candidates within three-to-four business days after an interview. Even if an interviewee isn't a good fit for one position, they might be perfect for a future role. Don't turn them off to your company before they even start.3. Make your people comfortable.Over the years, I've found that people appreciate having a comfortable workspace that allows them to truly enjoy coming to the office every day. While some startups go to great lengths -- Twitter, for example, offers three catered meals per day, on-site acupuncture and even improv comedy classes -- you don't have to go that far. In fact, a recent survey of 1,601 workers across North America found that employees care most about the basics: better air quality, access to natural light and the ability to personalize their workspace.Basic accommodations to make the office a more pleasant place can go a long way. Namely, a a clean, well-ventilated space, up-to-date equipment and technology and green plants (which add color, life and improve air quality). Oh, and good coffee never hurts.4. Don't underestimate the power of word-of-mouth.There's a reason why Yelp and Glassdoor are so popular. People value unbiased reviews from their peers. Potential employees and customers alike are willing to do the research to help them make informed choices about where they want to work (or have dinner). Satisfied employees will no doubt refer their friends and colleagues to your company. Some of my company's best candidates have been generated from these references, so we also pay close attention to them.An internship program is another great way to create some buzz. To introduce students to your brand and streamline the application process, you can invite them to apply directly at the college job fairs. And then there are mid-career interns, i.e. professionals who are entering or re-entering the workforce and looking to gain valuable new skills. Once you choose interns, be sure to give them meaningful tasks. This way, they get to see your product in action and learn more about the inner workings of the company.Related: Top 150 Company Cultures in America5. And remember, culture is dynamic."I especially appreciate this award because it's reflective of our 12 years of effort to make 23andMe a place where people genuinely want to be and feel they can thrive," said Anne Wojcicki, 23andMe's CEO, on receiving Glassdoor's Best Places to Work award.To me, the salient point here is that "12 years of effort part." Culture isn't something that you establish the day you launch an enterprise. It's something that you never stop working on. Occasionally, you'll feel you've hit your equilibrium. Other times, things need to be nudged in the right direction. But as long as you're continually putting in the effort to create the culture you want by soliciting feedback and listening to employees, you're on the right track. And it's more important now than ever, because your culture determines the kind of candidates who will be attracted to your company. The most competitive and innovative companies already recognize that. November 17, 2020 6 min read Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. One of the greatest changes to come out of this global health crisis is the need for companies all across Europe to give a hard look at the company culture. With teams working either in part or completely remote, founders and leaders are responsible for reimagining what company culture means and how to accomplish it.The same goes here at EQT Ventures. We've been doing a lot of thinking and introspection about company culture. Like many of our founders, we're feeling the pressure of growing a company in the midst of a pandemic, and one that's totally remote and spread across six cities and multiple time zones.Along the way, we got a lot of stuff wrong and learned many things. One of the things we did right was spending the first part of the Covid-19 lockdowns focusing on talking through, agreeing, and writing down our own very specific principles that govern how we work, communicate, make decisions, and our wider mission. We're investing not just to make money but to make a positive change in society. We also re-established the type of people we want to work with -- colleagues, founders and even LPs -- and put frameworks in place for our decision-making.One of the things we got wrong was underestimating just how difficult it can be for small teams to work together when they can't be together, and the importance of relationships and real-life contact on team dynamics. In the early days of lockdowns, everyone was incredibly productive, enjoying not having to commute and spending more time with family. As time wore on, the historical relationship "memory" and trust started to wear off and the lack of real-life, personal connections started to have a bigger impact, especially as we onboarded new team members who'd never met anyone face-to-face. This is even harder when you throw in an intense working environment and time zones that make synchronous overlap hard. And we definitely disconnected as a team because of it.Still, we've learned key lessons, made a series of moves that accelerate things we've wanted to do for a while but haven't had the courage to do until now, and will be all the better for it in the long run. We mirror our founders and their companies in so many ways in that we've accelerated perhaps six years of change in just six months. Our changes were a culture transformation, rather than a digital one.Culture as a Strategic Business Pillar A good company culture can often seem difficult to describe; it's an intangible asset, which every business desires, yet few can confidently pin down what it means. It's the behaviours and attitudes of companies and the employees that power them. It encompasses decision making, leadership and communication style as well as ethics and values, and should be woven into the very fabric of an organisation.In my early startup days as a founder, I wrongly thought culture meant how we had fun -- the table football, free beers, and a flat management structure. But it's not. Culture is everything about how we work together. As a result, founders need to consider culture as a strategic business pillar, which is why it's important to get it right from day one. Setting the correct tone isn't something that can be bolted on at a later date when the company is scaling beyond the original team. It should run seamlessly through the business, reflected in the way it operates. Every decision a business makes should have people at its core.What's totally clear is that company culture can make or break a team at the best of times, with modern workplaces in constant transition long before the clutches of coronavirus set in, divided by location and mobility. Add a global pandemic into the mix and the importance of getting it right should become non-negotiable for founders.Without a clearly defined ethos that can withstand the tests of working remotely alongside the challenges of this new business environment, a business won't succeed, even if the ideas are innovative and cash is readily available. Ultimately, a company is only as good as its values.Adapting to Covid-19As we have taken to remote working, the strength of a business's culture has been thrust into the limelight and tested by Covid-19. Questions have been asked: is it strong enough to withstand remote work? How does culture function without physically working closely together? To enhance team bonding whilst teams work remotely, startups and scaleups have been using video conferencing software to their advantage, hosting virtual quiz nights and after-work drinks. This has helped teams maintain a sense of community, despite their physical distance.But it's not all about perks. Trust has become an even more important aspect of culture in the workplace, as without the close connectivity of the office. Managers can't have eyes on what everyone is doing. It's critical for founders to trust that their teams are getting the work done and to avoid micromanaging. It's overbearing to constantly check in and creates a feeling of resentment and distrust, neither of which are conducive to fostering a positive company culture. Trust and cohesive decision-making -- driven by strong communication, transparency, data, and a common framework for decision-making -- is at the core of every successful culture.The best entrepreneurs think big and bring culture with them, no matter the market nor the working environment. Right now, the limits of any organisation's culture are being tested. It's clear that having a structure of shared values and practices in place is key to not only surviving but thriving in this crisis. Employees that fully understand and share a company's mission tend to perform better, bolstered by increased confidence and proactivity, while feeling more stable -- no matter where they work. And we've all learned hard lessons around this.As an entrepreneur-turned-VC, I can say with certainty that those who invest in company culture will be the ones who build truly great businesses that shine during this crisis and beyond. Now, more than ever, culture is everything.

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