Lesson Plan

Open House/Tea PartyPre-Reading StrategyObjectives:The Student Will Be Able To:Discuss segments of a short reading selectionPredict what will happen next in the readingMake inferences and generalizations about the characters, setting, mood, plot, conflicts, and point of view by discussing each of the segmentsTalk about and share their own information with other studentsStandards:R8.A.1.3.1: Make inferences and/or draw conclusions based on information from text.R8.A.1.3.2: Cite evidence from text to support generalizations. 1.1.9.D: Demonstrate comprehension of grade level text using before reading, during reading, and after reading strategies such as comparing and contrasting within and among texts, and evaluating an author’s purpose and position.1.2.9.A: Evaluate text organization and content to determine the author’s purpose, point of view, and effectiveness according to the author’s theses, accuracy, thoroughness, and patterns of logic.1.6.9.A: Listen critically and respond to others in small and large group situations. Respond with grade level appropriate questions, ideas, information or opinions.Materials:Short reading selection broken into segments (One segment per student or pair of students) In this lesson, the class will read “The Sniper” by Liam O’Flaherty.Discover handoutPencilChart, board, or overhead transparency to display material to the entire classIntroduction:Ask the class what people do at a tea party or an open house. They mingle, talk, and share information.We will be holding our own tea party to make predictions, inferences, and generalizations about the characters, settling, mood, plot, conflicts, and point of view in the short reading selection.Procedure:The teacher will hand out segments of the short reading selection (“The Sniper”) to each class member or to a pair of class members if there is a large class in order to keep the segments from being too short.The students will take a few minutes to read over their segments.The teacher will distribute the “Discover Handout.” They will fill in the chart what they already know from their own segment. The teach will explain that the students will have 10 minutes to “meet and greet” as many other classmates in the room as they can. They will spend a minute or two discussing and sharing the information from each of their segments. They will record the information discovered on their handout.The teacher will share the grading rubric and set the expectations for the activity. He/she will answer any questions.The students will complete the activity.The teacher will walk around to monitor and facilitate necessary conversation and answer any questions.After the “tea party/open house,” the students will return to their seats and take a few minutes to record any more questions, predictions, inferences, and generalizations they might have from talking to others. The teacher will ask students to share their discoveries to the rest of the class. The teacher will record the responses on either a chart, on the board, or on an overhead transparency. The teacher will then hand out the entire reading selection (“The Sniper”). The students will read it.After reading, the students will write down the differences between their predictions and the actual information.Closure:The class will share the differences between their predictions and the actual information with the rest of the class. The teacher will ask facilitating questions to aid them along.Adaptations:Students with hearing disabilities can have their segment read to them either by the teacher or by an audio recording.Braille excerpts can be made available on a need basis.If there are students that need extra assistance, they may work in pairs or be assisted by the teacher.Assessment/Evaluation:The activity can be assessed by giving each student a score 0-4 based on the completion of their “Discover Handout” and overall observation by the teacher.EXCELLENT participation (Score 4): The student has met with at least four other class members and fills in all boxes on his/her handout.ABOVE AVERAGE participation (Score 3): The student has met with at least three other class members and fills in all but 1 or 2 boxes on his/her handout.ADEQUATE participation (Score 2): The student has met with two other class members and fills in 4 or 5 boxes on his/her handout.BELOW AVERAGE participation (Score 1): The student has met with one other class member and fills in 2 or 3 boxes on his/her handout.NO participation (Score 0): The student does not meet with any class members and fills in 0 or 1 box on his/her handout.4=A3=B2=C1=D0=FClassroom Management:To avoid off-topic conversation and general rowdiness, the students will be informed of the time limit, as well as the rubric, and understand that what they accomplish will directly affect their grade.The teacher will walk around and monitor the students’ discussions and individually pull misbehaving students aside.Next Lesson:The class could continue to sharpen their prediction/inference/generalization making skills by completing the activity again with another short story/chapter.The class could also write their predictions, inferences, and generalizations in paragraph form using the handout to help them. They could also include examples from the text to support their ideas.Tea Party/Open House Strategy:Pre-reading Strategy or could be used in the middle of a novelBloom’s Taxonomy Level:Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, and SynthesisGrade Levels:Would be most effective for grades 8-10Strategy helps:Make predictionsMake inferencesMake generalizationsComprehensionActivate prior knowledge before readingMaterials:Short reading selection broken into segmentsDiscover HandoutChart, board, or overhead transparencySetup:Cut reading selection into segmentsDecide if students will be working individually or in pairsMake any adaptations if necessary ahead of timeExamples of when to use:Before reading any short reading selectionTo teach students how to make predictions, inferences, and generalizationsTo help students recognize specific literary traits, such as point of view, setting, mood, plot, and conflictResource: predict…0I predict…05600700Conflict(s):0Conflict(s):04343400Plot/Action:0Plot/Action:0685800Characters:0Characters:03543300Mood/Tone:0Mood/Tone:02628900Setting:0Setting:01828800Point of View:0Point of View:Discover Handout ................

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