COMPANIES ACT - Law Society Library


61 OF 1973


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|GN 217 of 11 February 2008 |

|Notice of intention to amend the Companies Administrative Regulations, 1973 |

|(Government Gazette: 30764) |

|GN 1293 of 24 October 2008 |

|Securities Regulation Panel: Notice in terms of section 440 (3) of proposed amendments to Government Notice No. R.29 |

|of 1991 |

|(Government Gazette No. 31519) |


|Appendix II |

|Companies Administrative Regulations 1973 |

|Appendix III |

|Regulations for the Winding-up and Judicial Management of Companies |

|Appendix IV |

|Standing Advisory Committee Regulations |

|Appendix V |

|Regulations for the Retention and Preservation of Company Records, 1983 |

|Appendix VI |

|Securities Regulation Code on takeovers and mergers and the rules under section 440C (4) (a), (b), (c) and ( f ) of |

|the Companies Act 1973 |

|Appendix VII |

|Specimen Annual Statements |

|Appendix VIII |

|Secretarial Practice |

|Appendix IX |

|Practice Notes by Registrar of Companies |

|Appendix X |

|Uncertificated Securities Regulations |

|GNR.1124 of 23 September 1999 |

|Uncertificated Securities Regulations |


|GN.1231 of 30 November 2001 |

|Regulation 36A – Prescribed Maximum Fees which may be levied by nominees for the furnishing of information |

|GNR.166 of 7 February 2003 |

|Notice in terms of section 1 and section 10 of the Companies Act, 1973 |

|GN 2082 of 1 August 2003 |

|Notice in terms of section 1 and section 10 of the Companies Act, 1973 |

|GN 2083 of 4 August 2003 |

|Notice in terms of section 1 of the Companies Act, 1973 |

|GN 2084 of 4 August 2003 |

|Notice in terms of section 1 of the Companies Act, 1973 |

|GN 409 of 11 March 2005 |

|Notice in terms of section 440C (4) (a) of the Companies Act, 1973, (“the Act”) and Rule 2.2 of the Rules under |

|section 440C (4) (a) of the Act of Amendments to the Securities Regulation Code on takeovers and mergers and the |

|Rules of the Securities Regulation Panel |

|GN 1061 of 1 July 2005 |

|Notice in terms of section 10 of the Companies Act, 1973, and regulation 8 of the Companies Administrative |

|Regulations, 1973 |

|GN 263 of 24 February 2006 |

|Notice in terms of section 440C (4) (a) of the Companies Act, 1973 (“the Act”) and Rule 2.2 of the Rules under |

|section 440C (4) (a) of the Act of Amendments to the Securities Regulation Code on takeovers and mergers and the |

|Rules of the Securities Regulation Panel |

|GN 209 of 23 February 2007 |

|Notice in terms of section 440C (4) (a) of the Companies Act, 1973 (“the Act”) and Rule 2.2 of the Rules under |

|section 440C (4) (a) of the Act of Amendments to the Securities Regulation Code on takeovers and mergers and the |

|Rules of the Securities Regulation Panel |

|GN 54 of 25 January 2008 |

|Companies and Intellectual Property Registration Office (CIPRO): Practise Note No. 1 of 2008: Directives of the |

|Registrar of Companies and of Close Corporations on applications for the reservation of names of companies, close |

|corporations and defensive names |

|(Government Gazette No. 30687) |

|GN 603 of 30 May 2008 |

|Incorporation of an external company as a company in the Republic of South Africa |

|(Government Gazette No. 31098) |

|GN 772 of 18 July 2008 |

|Incorporation of an external company as a company in the Republic of South Africa: Rosci Holdings (Pty) Ltd |

|(Government Gazette No. 31247) |

|GN 957 of 5 September 2008 |

|Incorporation of an external company as a company in the Republic of South Africa: HSI (PTY) LTD |

|(Government Gazette No. 31402) |

|GN 429 of 8 May 2009 |

|Practice Note No. 3 of 2009: Publication of company and close corporation notices in the Government Gazette and on |

|the CIPRO website: Corporate Laws Amendment Act, 2006 |

|(Government Gazette No. 32218) |


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