1 - Texas A&M University



1. SEC website is (note the gov suffix)

2. Under “Filings and Forms (EDGAR)”, choose “Search for Company Filings”

3. Choose “Companies & Other Filers”

4. You can either enter company name or ticker symbol.

a. I would use ticker symbol, since company names have very strict rules regarding hyphenation and other characteristics.

b. One way to find ticker symbols is through finance.. Near the top of the screen (immediately under “Home”), type the name of the company in the white box. You will see a drop-down with two columns: one is a three or four-letter abbreviation and the other is the name of the company. The abbreviation is the ticker symbol.

5. Once ticker is entered, look at the page to ensure that the name of the company is correct.

6. Choose forms by entering the name of the form in the “Form Type” box (usually shown in the upper right corner). We will generally limit our work to Form 10-K or Form 10-Q.

7. Edgar returns the forms in chronological order. For 10-Ks and 10-Qs, if the form is shown as 10-K/A or 10-Q/A, it means the form is amended.

8. The next screen will vary greatly based on company. Normally, you should choose the file for the “annual report” (which will normally be the largest size).

9. Once you have the annual report or financial statements/footnotes, you can use various search mechanisms to find the information of interest.


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